6 research outputs found

    Methods for Matching of Linked Open Social Science Data

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    In recent years, the concept of Linked Open Data (LOD), has gained popularity and acceptance across various communities and domains. Science politics and organizations claim that the potential of semantic technologies and data exposed in this manner may support and enhance research processes and infrastructures providing research information and services. In this thesis, we investigate whether these expectations can be met in the domain of the social sciences. In particular, we analyse and develop methods for matching social scientific data that is published as Linked Data, which we introduce as Linked Open Social Science Data. Based on expert interviews and a prototype application, we investigate the current consumption of LOD in the social sciences and its requirements. Following these insights, we first focus on the complete publication of Linked Open Social Science Data by extending and developing domain-specific ontologies for representing research communities, research data and thesauri. In the second part, methods for matching Linked Open Social Science Data are developed that address particular patterns and characteristics of the data typically used in social research. The results of this work contribute towards enabling a meaningful application of Linked Data in a scientific domain

    Policing internet fraud in Saudi Arabia : the mediation of risk in a theocratic society

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    This thesis aims to contribute to current debates on the policing of Internet fraud by introducing the Saudi Arabian experience. Drawing on the findings of field research focusing on the capital city of Riyadh, this study assesses the extent to which the Saudi state response to Internet fraud fits in with contemporary debates on cybercrime control within a late-modern penal framework as theorised in Western literature. At the same time, the study provides a detailed micro-sociological account of how the policing of Internet fraud is carried out in different police units within the city in which the case study was conducted. This involves an in-depth investigation into both the organisational and operational dimensions of the Saudi police response to such criminal activity. In this respect, the thesis explores and analyses how this new aspect of policing activity fits in with not only the existing organisational practices, but also the occupational and individual concerns of frontline officers (McCahill, 2002). Moreover, the study considers the implications of the Arab, Islamic and specifically Saudi culture, social norms, values and political environment for police responses to Internet fraud.An interpretive approach was adopted, employing a single case study strategy, which utilised two methods, i.e. participant observation and semi- structured interviews, to collect the required data. The observational data was generated from seven police departments that are directly involved in the policing of Internet fraud in Riyadh. Interviews were conducted with 41 participants, including representatives of both the managerial and operational levels at the units targeted in the observational work, officers from supporting departments and officers with key roles in planning, controlling and supervising the implementation of police policies and strategies in relation to Internet fraud, at both national and local levels.The findings revealed that the only way in which Saudi control strategies in response to cybercrime can be aligned with those followed by Western authorities is in relation to the state’s ‘expressive gestures’ (Garland, 1996, 2001). In this regard, evidence demonstrated that the legal and organisational innovations introduced by the Saudi state, ostensibly to address informational crimes, had serious limitations in achieving their declared purposes and were perceived by police participants as intended only to create and sustain a favourable global image. In contrast, the study failed to find a clear and wide application of plural policing of Internet fraud, which is characterised by networks of calculation through deploying instrumental ordering practices and risk management technologies. In addition to the limited relevance in an autocratic society such as Saudi Arabia of the ideological, socio-economic and political conditions that facilitated the emergence of the notion of plural policing in Western societies, the Saudi police organisation also appeared unready to engage in networked policing of Internet fraud.Moreover, it was shown how the policing response to Internet fraud was shaped by specific moral principles and cultural values. The findings of this thesis emphasise not only the persistent influence of ‘old’ cultural traditions and moral principles on officers’ perception of risk in Internet fraud and, consequently, their decision to respond to incidents brought to their attention, but also how police commitment to these cultural and religious values can place limits on the ability of technological systems to facilitate preventive policing of online fraudulent activities. Based on these findings, it is argued that policing of Internet fraud in Saudi Arabia, and the extent to which it aligns with the principles of crime control in late modernity, can only be understood by examining and analysing how new policing modes and cultural traditions merge and integrate to shape police response to such a novel criminal phenomenon as Internet fraud

    Archiving social survey data in Africa : an overview of African microdata curation and the role of survey data archives in data management in Africa

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 124-157).This study examines current practice in the curation of social survey data in African countries and makes suggestions for future improvements in this regard. Curation of data refers to its preservation and management for reuse. Utilising survey data for the study of social phenomena other than those for which the original survey was initiated is a relatively new research approach in Africa. Thus best practice for this type of research is still being put in place by African organisations. This involves the development of optimal means of processing and storing the data for re-use. Of concern to this study is what constitutes the most effective way of managing and sharing the information garnered from these surveys as a resource for economic and social development in Africa. Social survey data refers to both the statistical information which is the final product of censuses or sample surveys, and the documentation provided with the data to facilitate its reuse. Documentation includes technical notes and questionnaires used in the survey process, as well as meta data (detailed information about the data) and reports produced concerning the final survey findings. The research looks at the history of the management of social survey data worldwide and in African countries, and the policies and processes involved in curating survey information in these countries. The comparative component of the study examines developments in this field internationally and compares these to practices on the African continent. International best practice in the field has been used to evaluate current methods of survey data archiving in African countries. The study presents strategies to ensure the optimal preservation and effective sharing of survey data among countries of the region. Strategies for the establishment of a Pan African network of data sharing organisations are suggested to support future repurposing of African census and survey data

    Provenance of "after the fact" harmonised community-based demographic and HIV surveillance data from ALPHA cohorts

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    Background: Data about data, metadata, for describing Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) data have often received insufficient attention. This thesis studied how to develop provenance metadata within the context of HDSS data harmonisation - the network for Analysing Longitudinal Population-based HIV/ AIDS data on Africa (ALPHA). Technologies from the data documentation community were customised, among them: A process model - Generic Longitudinal Business Process Model (GLBPM), two metadata standards - Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) and Standard for Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX) and a data transformations description language - Structured Data Transform Language (SDTL). Methods: A framework with three complementary facets was used: Creating a recipe for annotating primary HDSS data using the GLBPM and DDI; Approaches for documenting data transformations. At a business level, prospective and retrospective documentation using GLBPM and DDI and retrospectively recovering the more granular details using SDMX and SDTL; Requirements analysis for a user-friendly provenance metadata browser. Results: A recipe for the annotation of HDSS data was created outlining considerations to guide HDSS on metadata entry, staff training and software costs. Regarding data transformations, at a business level, a specialised process model for the HDSS domain was created. It has algorithm steps for each data transformation sub-process and data inputs and outputs. At a lower level, the SDMX and SDTL captured about 80% (17/21) of the variable level transformations. The requirements elicitation study yielded requirements for a provenance metadata browser to guide developers. Conclusions: This is a first attempt ever at creating detailed metadata for this resource or any other similar resources in this field. HDSS can implement these recipes to document their data. This will increase transparency and facilitate reuse thus potentially bringing down costs of data management. It will arguably promote the longevity and wide and accurate use of these data


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    Der rapide technologische Fortschritt hat in verschiedenen Forschungsdisziplinen zu vielfältigen Weiterentwicklungen in Datenakquise und -verarbeitung geführt. Hi- eraus wiederum resultiert ein immenses Wachstum an Daten und Metadaten, gener- iert durch wissenschaftliche Experimente. Unabhängig vom konkreten Forschungs- gebiet ist die wissenschaftliche Praxis immer stärker durch Daten und Metadaten gekennzeichnet. In der Folge intensivieren Universitäten, Forschungsgemeinschaften und Förderagenturen ihre Bemühungen, wissenschaftliche Daten effizient zu sichten, zu speichern und auszuwerten. Die wesentlichen Ziele wissenschaftlicher Daten- Repositorien sind die Etablierung von Langzeitspeicher, der Zugriff auf Daten, die Bereitstellung von Daten für die Wiederverwendung und deren Referenzierung, die Erfassung der Datenquelle zur Reproduzierbarkeit sowie die Bereitstellung von Meta- daten, Anmerkungen oder Verweisen zur Vermittlung domänenspezifischen Wis- sens, das zur Interpretation der Daten notwendig ist. Wissenschaftliche Datenspe- icher sind hochkomplexe Systeme, bestehend aus Elementen aus unterschiedlichen Forschungsfeldern, wie z. B. Algorithmen für Datenkompression und Langzeit- datenarchivierung, Frameworks für das Metadaten- und Annotations-management, Workflow-Provenance und Provenance-Interoperabilität zwischen heterogenen Work- flowsystemen, Autorisierungs und Authentifizierungsinfrastrukturen sowie Visual- isierungswerkzeuge für die Dateninterpretation. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt eine modulare Architektur für ein wis- senschaftliches Datenarchiv, die Forschungsgemeinschaften darin unterstützt, ihre Daten und Metadaten gezielt über den jeweiligen Lebenszyklus hinweg zu orchestri- eren. Diese Architektur besteht aus Komponenten, die vier Forschungsfelder repräsen- tieren. Die erste Komponente ist ein Client zur Datenübertragung (“data transfer client”). Er bietet eine generische Schnittstelle für die Erfassung von Daten und den Zugriff auf Daten aus wissenschaftlichen Datenakquisesystemen. Die zweite Komponente ist das MetaStore-Framework, ein adaptives Metadaten- Management-Framework, das die Handhabung sowohl statischer als auch dynamis- cher Metadatenmodelle ermöglicht. Um beliebige Metadatenschemata behandeln zu können, basiert die Entwicklung des MetaStore-Frameworks auf dem komponen- tenbasierten dynamischen Kompositions-Entwurfsmuster (component-based dynamic composition design pattern). Der MetaStore ist außerdem mit einem Annotations- framework für die Handhabung von dynamischen Metadaten ausgestattet. Die dritte Komponente ist eine Erweiterung des MetaStore-Frameworks zur au- tomatisierten Behandlung von Provenance-Metadaten für BPEL-basierte Workflow- Management-Systeme. Der von uns entworfene und implementierte Prov2ONE Al- gorithmus übersetzt dafür die Struktur und Ausführungstraces von BPEL-Workflow- Definitionen automatisch in das Provenance-Modell ProvONE. Hierbei ermöglicht die Verfügbarkeit der vollständigen BPEL-Provenance-Daten in ProvONE nicht nur eine aggregierte Analyse der Workflow-Definition mit ihrem Ausführungstrace, sondern gewährleistet auch die Kompatibilität von Provenance-Daten aus unterschiedlichen Spezifikationssprachen. Die vierte Komponente unseres wissenschaftlichen Datenarchives ist das Provenance-Interoperabilitätsframework ProvONE - Provenance Interoperability Framework (P-PIF). Dieses gewährleistet die Interoperabilität von Provenance-Daten heterogener Provenance-Modelle aus unterschiedlichen Workflowmanagementsyste- men. P-PIF besteht aus zwei Komponenten: dem Prov2ONE-Algorithmus für SCUFL und MoML Workflow-Spezifikationen und Workflow-Management-System- spezifischen Adaptern zur Extraktion, Übersetzung und Modellierung retrospektiver Provenance-Daten in das ProvONE-Provenance-Modell. P-PIF kann sowohl Kon- trollfluss als auch Datenfluss nach ProvONE übersetzen. Die Verfügbarkeit hetero- gener Provenance-Traces in ProvONE ermöglicht das Vergleichen, Analysieren und Anfragen von Provenance-Daten aus unterschiedlichen Workflowsystemen. Wir haben die Komponenten des in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten wissenschaftlichen Datenarchives wie folgt evaluiert: für den Client zum Datentrasfer haben wir die Daten-übertragungsleistung mit dem Standard-Protokoll für Nanoskopie-Datensätze untersucht. Das MetaStore-Framework haben wir hinsichtlich der folgenden bei- den Aspekte evaluiert. Zum einen haben wir die Metadatenaufnahme und Voll- textsuchleistung unter verschiedenen Datenbankkonfigurationen getestet. Zum an- deren zeigen wir die umfassende Abdeckung der Funktionalitäten von MetaStore durch einen funktionsbasierten Vergleich von MetaStore mit bestehenden Metadaten- Management-Systemen. Für die Evaluation von P-PIF haben wir zunächst die Korrek- theit und Vollständigkeit unseres Prov2ONE-Algorithmus bewiesen und darüber hin- aus die vom Prov2ONE BPEL-Algorithmus generierten Prognose-Graphpattern aus ProvONE gegen bestehende BPEL-Kontrollflussmuster ausgewertet. Um zu zeigen, dass P-PIF ein nachhaltiges Framework ist, das sich an Standards hält, vergle- ichen wir außerdem die Funktionen von P-PIF mit denen bestehender Provenance- Interoperabilitätsframeworks. Diese Auswertungen zeigen die Überlegenheit und die Vorteile der einzelnen in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Komponenten gegenüber ex- istierenden Systemen

    Metadata for semantic and social applications

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