4,481 research outputs found

    Deterministic and stochastic optimal inventory control with logistic stock-dependent demand rate

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    It has been suggested by many supply chain practitioners that in certain cases inventory can have a stimulating effect on the demand. In mathematical terms this amounts to the demand being a function of the inventory level alone. In this work we propose a logistic growth model for the inventory dependent demand rate and solve first the continuous time deterministic optimal control problem of maximising the present value of the total net profit over an infinite horizon. It is shown that under a strict condition there is a unique optimal stock level which the inventory planner should maintain in order to satisfy demand. The stochastic version of the optimal control problem is considered next. A bang-bang type of optimal control problem is formulated and the associated Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation is solved. The inventory level that signifies a switch in the ordering strategy is worked out in the stochastic case. Copyright © 2014 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd

    The Effect of Material Price and Product Demand Correlations on Combined Sourcing and Inventory Management

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    Both material sourcing and inventory management are important competitiveness factors, and it is a significant challenge to integrate the two areas. In sourcing, combined strategies using long-term contracts and the spot market received increasing attention recently, typically concentrating on the financial effects. However, there is limited research on the consequence of combined sourcing considering both purchasing and inventory effects from an operations point of view. In this paper, we analyze the effect of uncertainty on the combined sourcing decision under stochastic demand and random spot-market-price fluctuations and exploit the benefits of forward buying in periods with low spot-price realizations, but also of intended backordering in case of a high spot price. Since the decision on capacity reservation has to take into account the short-term utilization of each source which in turn depends on the available long-term contract capacity, decision making faces highly complex interactions between long-term and short-term decisions.From finance research, we find scarce evidence that the spot prices of commodities evolve independently over time. Rather, price correlation across time periods is found, and a popular way to describe these price dynamics is to model it as a mean reverting process. Thus, in this contribution we will respectively extend common i.i.d. price models from operations management studies and will additionally consider the effect of correlation between demand and price. In this paper, we provide a managerial analysis showing the effects of demand and spot market price correlations on the optimal procurement policy and provide managerial insights. We model the combined sourcing problem as a stochastic dynamic optimization problem and analyze the optimal procurement strategy by means of stochastic dynamic programming. The behavior of the optimal policy confirmed several previous assumptions, though some interesting and important managerial consequences arise due to demand and price correlations. Based on the policy analysis, a numerical study will reveal to which extent inobservance or misspecification of an existing level of correlation might result in performance losses in operational decision making. These observations play an important role under the trend of increasing volatility and dynamic changes on the spot market but also in the customer’s behavior

    On the Economic Value and Price-Responsiveness of Ramp-Constrained Storage

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    The primary concerns of this paper are twofold: to understand the economic value of storage in the presence of ramp constraints and exogenous electricity prices, and to understand the implications of the associated optimal storage management policy on qualitative and quantitative characteristics of storage response to real-time prices. We present an analytic characterization of the optimal policy, along with the associated finite-horizon time-averaged value of storage. We also derive an analytical upperbound on the infinite-horizon time-averaged value of storage. This bound is valid for any achievable realization of prices when the support of the distribution is fixed, and highlights the dependence of the value of storage on ramp constraints and storage capacity. While the value of storage is a non-decreasing function of price volatility, due to the finite ramp rate, the value of storage saturates quickly as the capacity increases, regardless of volatility. To study the implications of the optimal policy, we first present computational experiments that suggest that optimal utilization of storage can, in expectation, induce a considerable amount of price elasticity near the average price, but little or no elasticity far from it. We then present a computational framework for understanding the behavior of storage as a function of price and the amount of stored energy, and for characterization of the buy/sell phase transition region in the price-state plane. Finally, we study the impact of market-based operation of storage on the required reserves, and show that the reserves may need to be expanded to accommodate market-based storage

    Evaluation of sales and operations planning in a process industry

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    Cette thĂšse porte sur la planification des ventes et des opĂ©rations (S±&OP) dans une chaĂźne d'approvisionnements axĂ©e sur la demande. L'objectif de la S±&OP, dans un tel contexte, est de tirer profit de l'alignement de la demande des clients avec la capacitĂ© de la chaĂźne d'approvisionnement par la coordination de la planification des ventes, de la production, de la distribution et de l'approvisionnement. Un tel processus de planification exige une collaboration multifonctionnelle profonde ainsi que l'intĂ©gration de la planification. Le but Ă©tant d'anticiper l'impact des dĂ©cisions de vente sur les performances de la chaĂźne logistique , alors que l'influence de la dynamique des marchĂ©s est prise en compte pour les dĂ©cisions concernant la production, la distribution et l'approvisionnement. La recherche a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e dans un environnement logistique manufacturier multi-site et multi-produit, avec un approvisionnement et des ventes rĂ©gis par des contrats ou le marchĂ©. Cette thĂšse examine deux approches de S±&OP et fournit un support Ă  la dĂ©cision pour l'implantation de ces mĂ©thodes dans une chaĂźne logistique multi-site de fabrication sur commande. Dans cette thĂšse, une planification traditionnelle des ventes et de la production basĂ©e sur la S±feOP et une planification S±fcOP plus avancĂ©e de la chaĂźne logistique sont tout d'abord caractĂ©risĂ©es. Dans le systĂšme de chaĂźne logistique manufacturiĂšre multi-site, nous dĂ©finissons la S±&OP traditionnelle comme un systĂšme dans lequel la planification des ventes et de la production est effectuĂ©e conjointement et centralement, tandis que la planification de la distribution et de l'approvisionnement est effectuĂ©e sĂ©parĂ©ment et localement Ă  chaque emplacement. D'autre part, la S±fcOP avancĂ©e de la chaĂźne logistique consiste en la planification des ventes, de la production, de la distribution et de l'approvisionnement d'une chaĂźne d'approvisionnement effectuĂ©e conjointement et centralement. BasĂ©s sur cette classification, des modĂšles de programmation en nombres entiers et des modĂšles de simulation sur un horizon roulant sont dĂ©veloppĂ©s, reprĂ©sentant, respectivement, les approches de S±&OP traditionnelle et avancĂ©e, et Ă©galement, une planification dĂ©couplĂ©e traditionnelle, dans laquelle la planification des ventes est effectuĂ©e centralement et la planification de la production, la distribution et l'approvisionnement est effectuĂ©e sĂ©parĂ©ment et localement par les unitĂ©s d'affaires. La validation des modĂšles et l'Ă©valuation prĂ©-implantation sont effectuĂ©es Ă  l'aide d'un cas industriel rĂ©el utilisant les donnĂ©es d'une compagnie de panneaux de lamelles orientĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus dĂ©montrent que les deux mĂ©thodes de S±feOP (traditionnelle et avancĂ©e) offrent une performance significativement supĂ©rieure Ă  celle de la planification dĂ©couplĂ©e, avec des bĂ©nĂ©fices prĂ©vus supĂ©rieurs de 3,5% et 4,5%, respectivement. Les rĂ©sultats sont trĂšs sensibles aux conditions de marchĂ©. Lorsque les prix du marchĂ© descendent ou que la demande augmente, de plus grands bĂ©nĂ©fices peuvent ĂȘtre rĂ©alisĂ©s. Dans le cadre de cette recherche, les dĂ©cisions de vente impliquent des ventes rĂ©gies par des contrats et le marchĂ©. Les dĂ©cisions de contrat non optimales affectent non seulement les revenus, mais Ă©galement la performance manufacturiĂšre et logistique et les dĂ©cisions de contrats d'approvisionnement en matiĂšre premiĂšre. Le grand dĂ©fi est de concevoir et d'offrir les bonnes politiques de contrat aux bons clients de sorte que la satisfaction des clients soit garantie et que l'attribution de la capacitĂ© de la compagnie soit optimisĂ©e. Également, il faut choisir les bons contrats des bons fournisseurs, de sorte que les approvisionnements en matiĂšre premiĂšre soient garantis et que les objectifs financiers de la compagnie soient atteints. Dans cette thĂšse, un modĂšle coordonnĂ© d'aide Ă  la dĂ©cision pour les contrats e dĂ©veloppĂ© afin de fournir une aide Ă  l'intĂ©gration de la conception de contrats, de l'attribution de capacitĂ© et des dĂ©cisions de contrats d'approvisionnement pour une chaĂźne logistique multi-site Ă  trois niveaux. En utilisant la programmation stochastique Ă  deux Ă©tapes avec recours, les incertitudes liĂ©es Ă  l'environnement et au systĂšme sont anticipĂ©es et des dĂ©cisions robustes peuvent ĂȘtre obtenues. Les rĂ©sultats informatiques montrent que l'approche de modĂ©lisation proposĂ©e fournit des solutions de contrats plus rĂ©alistes et plus robustes, avec une performance prĂ©vue supĂ©rieure d'environ 12% aux solutions fournies par un modĂšle dĂ©terministe


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    Several tests have been conducted to determine which valuation model best fits stock price data. Given very little success, those studies suggest the need for a clear understanding of the market process of stock price determination. This paper advances the concepts of product costing and product pricing, which pertain to financial accounting valuation and the stock market price determination, respectively. This research effort presents a workable hypothesis of stock price determination.stock valuation models; fundamental value; committed finance; financial product costing; financial product pricing; 'investment base'; risk/return preferences; sequential expectations adjustment model; heterogeneous expectations; economic space.

    Foreign exchange: macro puzzles, micro tools

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    This paper reviews recent progress in applying information-theoretic tools to long-standing exchange rate puzzles. I begin by distinguishing the traditional public information approach (e.g., monetary models, including new open-economy models) from the newer dispersed information approach. (The latter focuses on how information is aggregated in the trading process.) I then review empirical results from the dispersed information approach and relate them to two key puzzles, the determination puzzle and the excess volatility puzzle. The dispersed information approach has made progress on both.Foreign exchange rates

    Evidence and Ideology in Macroeconomics: The Case of Investment Cycles

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    The paper reports the principal findings of a long term research project on the description and explanation of business cycles. The research strongly confirmed the older view that business cycles have large systematic components that take the form of investment cycles. These quasi-periodic movements can be represented as low order, stochastic, dynamic processes with complex eigenvalues. Specifically, there is a fixed investment cycle of about 8 years and an inventory cycle of about 4 years. Maximum entropy spectral analysis was employed for the description of the cycles and continuous time econometrics for the explanatory models. The central explanatory mechanism is the second order accelerator, which incorporates adjustment costs both in relation to the capital stock and the rate of investment. By means of parametric resonance it was possible to show, both theoretically and empirically how cycles aggregate from the micro to the macro level. The same mathematical tool was also used to explain the international convergence of cycles. I argue that the theory of investment cycles was abandoned for ideological, not for evidential reasons. Methodological issues are also discussed

    Order release strategies to control outsourced operations in a supply chain

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    In this paper, we propose and compare three different order release strategies to plan and control outsourced operations in a supply chian where the contract manfacturer is producing different variants of a certain product

    Hedging Cash Flows from Commodity Processing

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    Agribusinesses make long-term plant-investment decisions based on discounted cash flow. It is therefore incongruous for an agribusiness firm to use cash flow as a plant-investment criterion and then to completely discard cash flow in favor of batch profits as an operating objective. This paper assumes that cash flow and its stability is important to commodity processors and examines methods for hedging cash flows under continuous processing. Its objectives are (a) to determine how standard hedging models should be modified to hedge cash flows, (b) to outline the differences between cash flow hedging and profit hedging, and (c) to determine the effectiveness of hedging in reducing cash flow variability. A cash flow hedging methodology is developed. This methodology is similar to that used for batch profit hedging. This methodology balances the daily cash flow destabilizing effect of futures positions against the periodic cash flow destabilizing effect of cash price changes. The resulting cash flow hedges are simulated for soybean processors. These hedges are less effective than batch profit hedging. The reduction in cash flow variance achieved through hedging, though small, is nonetheless statistically significant.Agribusiness, Marketing,
