206 research outputs found

    Computer Science and Technology Series : XV Argentine Congress of Computer Science. Selected papers

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    CACIC'09 was the fifteenth Congress in the CACIC series. It was organized by the School of Engineering of the National University of Jujuy. The Congress included 9 Workshops with 130 accepted papers, 1 main Conference, 4 invited tutorials, different meetings related with Computer Science Education (Professors, PhD students, Curricula) and an International School with 5 courses. CACIC 2009 was organized following the traditional Congress format, with 9 Workshops covering a diversity of dimensions of Computer Science Research. Each topic was supervised by a committee of three chairs of different Universities. The call for papers attracted a total of 267 submissions. An average of 2.7 review reports were collected for each paper, for a grand total of 720 review reports that involved about 300 different reviewers. A total of 130 full papers were accepted and 20 of them were selected for this book.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Scalable exploration of 3D massive models

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Tecnoloxías da Información e as Comunicacións. 5032V01[Resumo] Esta tese presenta unha serie técnicas escalables que avanzan o estado da arte da creación e exploración de grandes modelos tridimensionaies. No ámbito da xeración destes modelos, preséntanse métodos para mellorar a adquisición e procesado de escenas reais, grazas a unha implementación eficiente dun sistema out- of- core de xestión de nubes de puntos, e unha nova metodoloxía escalable de fusión de datos de xeometría e cor para adquisicións con oclusións. No ámbito da visualización de grandes conxuntos de datos, que é o núcleo principal desta tese, preséntanse dous novos métodos. O primeiro é unha técnica adaptabile out-of-core que aproveita o hardware de rasterización da GPU e as occlusion queries para crear lotes coherentes de traballo, que serán procesados por kernels de trazado de raios codificados en shaders, permitindo out-of-core ray-tracing con sombreado e iluminación global. O segundo é un método de compresión agresivo que aproveita a redundancia xeométrica que se adoita atopar en grandes modelos 3D para comprimir os datos de forma que caiban, nun formato totalmente renderizable, na memoria da GPU. O método está deseñado para representacións voxelizadas de escenas 3D, que son amplamente utilizadas para diversos cálculos como para acelerar as consultas de visibilidade na GPU. A compresión lógrase fusionando subárbores idénticas a través dunha transformación de similitude, e aproveitando a distribución non homoxénea de referencias a nodos compartidos para almacenar punteiros aos nodos fillo, e utilizando unha codificación de bits variable. A capacidade e o rendemento de todos os métodos avalíanse utilizando diversos casos de uso do mundo real de diversos ámbitos e sectores, incluídos o patrimonio cultural, a enxeñería e os videoxogos.[Resumen] En esta tesis se presentan una serie técnicas escalables que avanzan el estado del arte de la creación y exploración de grandes modelos tridimensionales. En el ámbito de la generación de estos modelos, se presentan métodos para mejorar la adquisición y procesado de escenas reales, gracias a una implementación eficiente de un sistema out-of-core de gestión de nubes de puntos, y una nueva metodología escalable de fusión de datos de geometría y color para adquisiciones con oclusiones. Para la visualización de grandes conjuntos de datos, que constituye el núcleo principal de esta tesis, se presentan dos nuevos métodos. El primero de ellos es una técnica adaptable out-of-core que aprovecha el hardware de rasterización de la GPU y las occlusion queries, para crear lotes coherentes de trabajo, que serán procesados por kernels de trazado de rayos codificados en shaders, permitiendo renders out-of-core avanzados con sombreado e iluminación global. El segundo es un método de compresión agresivo, que aprovecha la redundancia geométrica que se suele encontrar en grandes modelos 3D para comprimir los datos de forma que quepan, en un formato totalmente renderizable, en la memoria de la GPU. El método está diseñado para representaciones voxelizadas de escenas 3D, que son ampliamente utilizadas para diversos cálculos como la aceleración las consultas de visibilidad en la GPU o el trazado de sombras. La compresión se logra fusionando subárboles idénticos a través de una transformación de similitud, y aprovechando la distribución no homogénea de referencias a nodos compartidos para almacenar punteros a los nodos hijo, utilizando una codificación de bits variable. La capacidad y el rendimiento de todos los métodos se evalúan utilizando diversos casos de uso del mundo real de diversos ámbitos y sectores, incluidos el patrimonio cultural, la ingeniería y los videojuegos.[Abstract] This thesis introduces scalable techniques that advance the state-of-the-art in massive model creation and exploration. Concerning model creation, we present methods for improving reality-based scene acquisition and processing, introducing an efficient implementation of scalable out-of-core point clouds and a data-fusion approach for creating detailed colored models from cluttered scene acquisitions. The core of this thesis concerns enabling technology for the exploration of general large datasets. Two novel solutions are introduced. The first is an adaptive out-of-core technique exploiting the GPU rasterization pipeline and hardware occlusion queries in order to create coherent batches of work for localized shader-based ray tracing kernels, opening the door to out-of-core ray tracing with shadowing and global illumination. The second is an aggressive compression method that exploits redundancy in large models to compress data so that it fits, in fully renderable format, in GPU memory. The method is targeted to voxelized representations of 3D scenes, which are widely used to accelerate visibility queries on the GPU. Compression is achieved by merging subtrees that are identical through a similarity transform and by exploiting the skewed distribution of references to shared nodes to store child pointers using a variable bitrate encoding The capability and performance of all methods are evaluated on many very massive real-world scenes from several domains, including cultural heritage, engineering, and gaming

    Computer Science and Technology Series : XV Argentine Congress of Computer Science. Selected papers

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    CACIC'09 was the fifteenth Congress in the CACIC series. It was organized by the School of Engineering of the National University of Jujuy. The Congress included 9 Workshops with 130 accepted papers, 1 main Conference, 4 invited tutorials, different meetings related with Computer Science Education (Professors, PhD students, Curricula) and an International School with 5 courses. CACIC 2009 was organized following the traditional Congress format, with 9 Workshops covering a diversity of dimensions of Computer Science Research. Each topic was supervised by a committee of three chairs of different Universities. The call for papers attracted a total of 267 submissions. An average of 2.7 review reports were collected for each paper, for a grand total of 720 review reports that involved about 300 different reviewers. A total of 130 full papers were accepted and 20 of them were selected for this book.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Positive health: The passport approach to improving continuity of care for low income South African chronic disease sufferers

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    Research Problem: The South African health system faces numerous challenges associated with its status as a middle-income developing nation. Wasteful expenditure and poor clinical outcomes arise from inefficient inter-organizational communication of patient information and the lack of a centralized health database. Research question: How does the experience of chronic disease patients with their health information inform the development of future health records in low income population groups? Proposition: Exploration of patient and health care workers experiences of medical records can inform their future development to enhance continuity of care. Objectives, methodology, procedures and outcome: Identification of an appropriate format, technological basis and functional design of a prototype medical record system by means of a phenomenological study conducted through in-depth interviews of patients and doctors in order to improve clinical care. Left and right hermeneutics were used to analyse the data and develop themes. Findings: Health records play a critical role in the clinics workflow processes, document the patients' management and clinical progress. They are an important intermediary in the relationship between the patient and the facility. Inefficiencies in the paper-based system lead to ineffective consultations, loss of continuity of care and discord between practitioners and patients. Improvement of the records format is required to provide ubiquitous access to health and improve patient health literacy

    The role of perfectionism in living with a chronic health condition

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    Living with a chronic health condition may threaten existing goals or future plans, as symptoms such as pain or fatigue have the potential to affect goal attainment. People living with chronic conditions are often required to adopt goal-based self-management strategies to manage symptoms. Perfectionism is a trait associated with the pursuit and attainment of goals. This thesis portfolio aims to investigate the role of perfectionism in living with a chronic health condition; more broadly through a systematic review, and in relation to one condition – type 1 diabetes. The systematic review aimed to investigate the role of perfectionism in functioning, symptoms, self-management, adjustment or distress in adults living with chronic health conditions. The evidence suggests that on the whole, perfectionism is associated with worse physical functioning, increased symptoms, maladaptive coping, higher levels of stress and dissatisfaction with social support across a range of conditions. The empirical study aimed to investigate the relationship between perfectionism, self-efficacy and diabetes-related avoidance on diabetes-related distress in adults with type 1 diabetes. The study included a cross-sectional design based on 282 participants (77% female) who participated through an online survey. Perfectionism, lower levels of self-efficacy and higher levels of diabetes-related avoidance were predictors of diabetes-related distress. Adults with higher levels of diabetes-related distress had higher levels of perfectionism and diabetes-related-avoidance, and lower levels of self-efficacy compared to those with lower levels of distress. Perfectionism was a significant predictor of avoidance in diabetes self-management, but not the frequency of blood glucose checking. An additional results chapter addressed whether perfectionism is associated with subscales of the type 1 diabetes-related distress scale (not addressed in the empirical study). Perfectionism demonstrated statistically significant positive correlations with all subscales of the type 1 diabetes-related distress scale. Theoretical and clinical implications based on results of the thesis portfolio are discussed

    11th European Headache Federation Congress jointly with 31st Congress of the Italian Society for the Study of Headaches : Rome, Italy. 01-03 December 2017

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    . Aims of the study were explore the relationship between peripheral chromatic and central visual dysfunction evaluating also the presence of functional receptor impairment in patients with migraine, with and without aura examined interictally

    2016 Abstracts Student Research Conference

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    Thirty-second Annual Symposium of Trinity College Undergraduate Research

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    2019 annual volume of abstracts for science research projects conducted by students at Trinity College
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