433 research outputs found

    An in vivo MRI Template Set for Morphometry, Tissue Segmentation, and fMRI Localization in Rats

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    Over the last decade, several papers have focused on the construction of highly detailed mouse high field magnetic resonance image (MRI) templates via non-linear registration to unbiased reference spaces, allowing for a variety of neuroimaging applications such as robust morphometric analyses. However, work in rats has only provided medium field MRI averages based on linear registration to biased spaces with the sole purpose of approximate functional MRI (fMRI) localization. This precludes any morphometric analysis in spite of the need of exploring in detail the neuroanatomical substrates of diseases in a recent advent of rat models. In this paper we present a new in vivo rat T2 MRI template set, comprising average images of both intensity and shape, obtained via non-linear registration. Also, unlike previous rat template sets, we include white and gray matter probabilistic segmentations, expanding its use to those applications demanding prior-based tissue segmentation, e.g., statistical parametric mapping (SPM) voxel-based morphometry. We also provide a preliminary digitalization of latest Paxinos and Watson atlas for anatomical and functional interpretations within the cerebral cortex. We confirmed that, like with previous templates, forepaw and hindpaw fMRI activations can be correctly localized in the expected atlas structure. To exemplify the use of our new MRI template set, were reported the volumes of brain tissues and cortical structures and probed their relationships with ontogenetic development. Other in vivo applications in the near future can be tensor-, deformation-, or voxel-based morphometry, morphological connectivity, and diffusion tensor-based anatomical connectivity. Our template set, freely available through the SPM extension website, could be an important tool for future longitudinal and/or functional extensive preclinical studies

    Towards an efficient segmentation of small rodents brain: a short critical review

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    One of the most common tasks in small rodents MRI pipelines is the voxel-wise segmentation of the volume in multiple classes. While many segmentation schemes have been developed for the human brain, fewer are available for rodent MRI, often by adaptation from human neuroimaging. Common methods include atlas-based and clustering schemes. The former labels the target volume by registering one or more pre-labeled atlases using a deformable registration method, in which case the result depends on the quality of the reference volumes, the registration algorithm and the label fusion approach, if more than one atlas is employed. The latter is based on an expectation maximization procedure to maximize the variance between voxel categories, and is often combined with Markov Random Fields and the atlas based approach to include spatial information, priors, and improve the classification accuracy. Our primary goal is to critically review the state of the art of rat and mouse segmentation of neuro MRI volumes and compare the available literature on popular, readily and freely available MRI toolsets, including SPM, FSL and ANTs, when applied to this task in the context of common pre-processing steps. Furthermore, we will briefly address the emerging Deep Learning methods for the segmentation of medical imaging, and the perspectives for applications to small rodents

    The SIGMA rat brain templates and atlases for multimodal MRI data analysis and visualization

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    Preclinical imaging studies offer a unique access to the rat brain, allowing investigations that go beyond what is possible in human studies. Unfortunately, these techniques still suffer from a lack of dedicated and standardized neuroimaging tools, namely brain templates and descriptive atlases. Here, we present two rat brain MRI templates and their associated gray matter, white matter and cerebrospinal fluid probability maps, generated from ex vivo [Formula: see text]-weighted images (90 µm isotropic resolution) and in vivo T2-weighted images (150 µm isotropic resolution). In association with these templates, we also provide both anatomical and functional 3D brain atlases, respectively derived from the merging of the Waxholm and Tohoku atlases, and analysis of resting-state functional MRI data. Finally, we propose a complete set of preclinical MRI reference resources, compatible with common neuroimaging software, for the investigation of rat brain structures and functions.This work is part of the SIGMA project with the reference FCT-ANR/NEU-OSD/0258/2012, co-financed by the French public funding agency ANR (Agence Nationale pour laRecherche, APP Blanc International II 2012), the Portuguese FCT (Fundação para aCiência e Tecnologia) and the Portuguese North Regional Operational Program (ON.2—O Novo Norte) under the National Strategic Reference Framework (QREN), through theEuropean Regional Development Fund (FEDER) as well as the Projecto Estratégico co-funded by FCT (PEst-C/SAU/LA0026-/2013) and the European Regional DevelopmentFund COMPETE (FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-037298). D.A.B. and A.N. were funded bygrants from FCT-ANR/NEU-OSD/0258/2012. R.M. was supported by the FCT fellow-ship grant with the reference PDE/BDE/113604/2015 from the PhDiHES program. A.C.was supported by a grant from the foundation NRJ. P.M. was funded by FundaçãoCalouste Gulbenkian (Portugal;‘Better mental health during ageing based on temporalprediction of individual brain ageing trajectories TEMPO’) with Grant Number P-139977. France Life Imaging is acknowledged for its support in funding the NeuroSpinplatform of preclinical MRI scanners. The authors also acknowledge and thank EdwardGanz, MD, for proof reading our work


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    Tohoku University川島隆太課

    A novel image processing pipeline for assessing volumetric changes to grey matter in ex-vivo brain tissue

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    Recently, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has found great traction in monitoring the effects of Caloric Restriction (CR) on the brain, specifically gray matter. However, there are no streamlined, simple pipelines in existence to analyze data generated from these kinds of MRI studies. Therefore, my hypothesis is two-fold: the first part being the development of a dynamic and straightforward image processing pipeline, which I have tailored to fit the unique needs of the CR data involved in this study. This data brings me to the second part of my hypothesis, which is to use that pipeline to highlight the decreased attenuation in grey matter induced by long-term CR. In order to test the second portion of my hypothesis, T1/MPRAGE scans were collected from 17 male Rhesus Macaques, half of which were maintained on a 30% reduced calorie diet for an average of 22 years, starting around age 3. Using this basis, the inherent properties of the MR images were exploited by the novel pipeline, and used to analyze whether or not CR reduces the attenuation of grey matter atrophy, with regards to agin

    Functional and structural substrates of increased dosage of Grik4 gene elucidated using multi-modal MRI

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    Grik4 is the gene responsible for encoding the high-affinity GluK4 subunit of the kainate receptors. Increased dosage of this subunit in the forebrain was linked to an increased level of anxiety, lack of social communication, and depression. On the synaptic level, abnormal synaptic transmission was also reported. The manifestations of this abnormal expression have not been investigated at the circuit level, nor the correlations between those circuits and the abnormal patterns of the behavior previously reported. In this line of work, we aspired to use different non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) modalities to elucidate any disturbance that might stem from the increased dosage of Grik4 and how those changes might explain the abnormal behaviors. MRI offers a noninvasive way to look into the intact brain in vivo. Resting-state functional MRI casts light on how the brain function at rest on the network level and has the capability to detect any anomalies that might occur within or between those networks. On the microstructural level, the diffusion MRI is concerned with the underlying features of the tissues, using the diffusion of water molecules as a proxy for that end. Moving more macroscopically, using structural scans, voxel-based morphometry can detect subtle differences in the morphology of the different brain structures. We recorded videos of our animals performing two tasks that have long been linked to anxiety, the open field and the plus-maze tests before acquiring structural and functional scans. Lastly, we recorded blood-oxygenationlevel dependent (BOLD) signals in a different set of animals during electrical stimulation of specific white matter tracts in order to investigate how neuronal activity propagates. Our analysis showed a vast spectrum of changes in the transgenic group relative to the animals in the control group. On the resting-state networks level, we observed an increase in the within-network strength spanning different structures such as the hippocampus, some regions of the cortex, and the hypothalamus. The increased internal coherence or strength in the networks contrasted with a significant reduction in between-networks connectivity for some regions such as parts of the cortex and the hypothalamus, suggesting long-range network decorrelation. Supporting this idea, major white matter (WM) tracts, such as the corpus callosum and the hippocampal commissure, suffered from substantial changes compatible with an important reduction in myelination and/or a decrease in the mean axonal diameter. Macrostructurally speaking, the overexpression of GluK4 subunit had a bimodal effect, with expansion in some cortical areas in the transgenic animals accompanied by a shrinkage in the subcortical regions. Upon stimulating the brain with an electrical current, we noticed a difference in activity propagation between the two hemispheres. In transgenic animals, the evoked activity remained more confined to the stimulated hemisphere, again consistent with an impaired long-range connectivity. The structural changes both, at the micro and macro level, were in tight correlation with different aspects of the behavior including markers of anxiety such as the time spent in the open arms vs the closed arms in the plus-maze test and the time spent in the center vs the corners in the open field test. Our findings reveal how the disruption of kainate receptors, or more globally the glutamate receptors, and the abnormal synaptic transmission can translate into brain-wide changes in connectivity and alter the functional equilibrium between macro-and mesoscopic networks. The postsynaptic enhancement previously reported in the transgenic animals was here reflected in the BOLD signal and measured as an increase in the within-network strength. Importantly, the correlations between the structural changes and the behavior help to put the developmental changes and their behavioral ramifications into context. RESUMEN Grik4 es el gen responsable de codificar la subunidad GluK4 de alta afinidad de los receptores de kainato. El aumento de la dosis de esta subunidad en el prosencéfalo se relacionó con un mayor nivel de ansiedad, falta de comunicación social y depresión. A nivel sináptico, también se informó una transmisión sináptica anormal. Las manifestaciones de esta expresión anormal no se han investigado a nivel de circuito, ni las correlaciones entre esos circuitos y los patrones anormales de la conducta previamente informada. En esta línea de trabajo, aspiramos a utilizar diferentes modalidades de imágenes por resonancia magnética (MRI) no invasivas para dilucidar cualquier alteración que pudiera derivarse del aumento de la dosis de Grik4 y cómo esos cambios podrían explicar los comportamientos anormales. La resonancia magnética ofrece una forma no invasiva de observar el cerebro intacto in vivo. La resonancia magnética funcional en estado de reposo arroja luz sobre cómo funciona el cerebro en reposo en el nivel de la red y tiene la capacidad de detectar cualquier anomalía que pueda ocurrir dentro o entre esas redes. En el nivel microestructural, la resonancia magnética de difusión se ocupa de las características subyacentes de los tejidos utilizando la difusión de moléculas de agua como un proxy para ese fin. Moviéndose más macroscópicamente, utilizando escaneos estructurales, la morfometría basada en vóxeles puede detectar diferencias sutiles en la morfología de las diferentes estructuras cerebrales. Grabamos videos de nuestros animales realizando dos tareas que durante mucho tiempo se han relacionado con la ansiedad, el campo abierto y las pruebas de laberinto positivo antes de adquirir escaneos estructurales y funcionales. Por último, registramos señales dependientes del nivel de oxigenación de la sangre (BOLD) en un grupo diferente de animales durante la estimulación eléctrica de tractos específicos de materia blanca para investigar cómo se propaga la actividad neuronal. Nuestro análisis mostró un amplio espectro de cambios en el grupo transgénico en relación con los animales en el grupo de control. En el nivel de las redes de estado de reposo, observamos un aumento en la fuerza dentro de la red que abarca diferentes estructuras como el hipocampo, algunas regiones de la corteza y el hipotálamo. La mayor coherencia interna o fuerza en las redes contrastó con una reducción significativa en la conectividad entre redes para algunas regiones como partes de la corteza y el hipotálamo, lo que sugiere una descorrelación de redes de largo alcance. Apoyando esta idea, los grandes tractos de materia blanca (WM), como el cuerpo calloso y la comisura del hipocampo, sufrieron cambios sustanciales compatibles con una importante reducción de la mielinización y / o una disminución del diámetro axonal medio. Macroestructuralmente hablando, la sobreexpresión de la subunidad GluK4 tuvo un efecto bimodal, con expansión en algunas áreas corticales en los animales transgénicos acompañada de una contracción en las regiones subcorticales. Al estimular el cerebro con una corriente eléctrica, notamos una diferencia en la propagación de la actividad entre las dos hemiesferas. En los animales transgénicos, la actividad evocada permaneció más confinada al hemisferio estimulado, de nuevo consistente con una conectividad de largo alcance deteriorada. Los cambios estructurales, tanto a nivel micro como macro, estaban en estrecha correlación con diferentes aspectos de la conducta, incluidos marcadores de ansiedad como el tiempo pasado con los brazos abiertos frente a los brazos cerrados en la prueba del laberinto positivo y el tiempo pasado en el centro vs las esquinas en la prueba de campo abierto. Nuestros hallazgos revelan cómo la interrupción de los receptores de kainato, o más globalmente los receptores de glutamato, y la transmisión sináptica anormal pueden traducirse en cambios de conectividad en todo el cerebro y alterar el equilibrio funcional entre las redes macro y mesoscópicas. La mejora postsináptica informada anteriormente en los animales transgénicos se reflejó aquí en la señal BOLD y se midió como un aumento en la fuerza dentro de la red. Es importante destacar que las correlaciones entre los cambios estructurales y elcomportamiento ayudan a contextualizar los cambios en el desarrollo y sus ramificaciones conductuales