18,056 research outputs found

    Short proofs of some extremal results

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    We prove several results from different areas of extremal combinatorics, giving complete or partial solutions to a number of open problems. These results, coming from areas such as extremal graph theory, Ramsey theory and additive combinatorics, have been collected together because in each case the relevant proofs are quite short.Comment: 19 page

    Semi-algebraic colorings of complete graphs

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    We consider mm-colorings of the edges of a complete graph, where each color class is defined semi-algebraically with bounded complexity. The case m=2m = 2 was first studied by Alon et al., who applied this framework to obtain surprisingly strong Ramsey-type results for intersection graphs of geometric objects and for other graphs arising in computational geometry. Considering larger values of mm is relevant, e.g., to problems concerning the number of distinct distances determined by a point set. For pβ‰₯3p\ge 3 and mβ‰₯2m\ge 2, the classical Ramsey number R(p;m)R(p;m) is the smallest positive integer nn such that any mm-coloring of the edges of KnK_n, the complete graph on nn vertices, contains a monochromatic KpK_p. It is a longstanding open problem that goes back to Schur (1916) to decide whether R(p;m)=2O(m)R(p;m)=2^{O(m)}, for a fixed pp. We prove that this is true if each color class is defined semi-algebraically with bounded complexity. The order of magnitude of this bound is tight. Our proof is based on the Cutting Lemma of Chazelle {\em et al.}, and on a Szemer\'edi-type regularity lemma for multicolored semi-algebraic graphs, which is of independent interest. The same technique is used to address the semi-algebraic variant of a more general Ramsey-type problem of Erd\H{o}s and Shelah

    Monochromatic loose paths in multicolored kk-uniform cliques

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    For integers kβ‰₯2k\ge 2 and β„“β‰₯0\ell\ge 0, a kk-uniform hypergraph is called a loose path of length β„“\ell, and denoted by Pβ„“(k)P_\ell^{(k)}, if it consists of β„“\ell edges e1,…,eβ„“e_1,\dots,e_\ell such that ∣ei∩ej∣=1|e_i\cap e_j|=1 if ∣iβˆ’j∣=1|i-j|=1 and ei∩ej=βˆ…e_i\cap e_j=\emptyset if ∣iβˆ’j∣β‰₯2|i-j|\ge2. In other words, each pair of consecutive edges intersects on a single vertex, while all other pairs are disjoint. Let R(Pβ„“(k);r)R(P_\ell^{(k)};r) be the minimum integer nn such that every rr-edge-coloring of the complete kk-uniform hypergraph Kn(k)K_n^{(k)} yields a monochromatic copy of Pβ„“(k)P_\ell^{(k)}. In this paper we are mostly interested in constructive upper bounds on R(Pβ„“(k);r)R(P_\ell^{(k)};r), meaning that on the cost of possibly enlarging the order of the complete hypergraph, we would like to efficiently find a monochromatic copy of Pβ„“(k)P_\ell^{(k)} in every coloring. In particular, we show that there is a constant c>0c>0 such that for all kβ‰₯2k\ge 2, β„“β‰₯3\ell\ge3, 2≀r≀kβˆ’12\le r\le k-1, and nβ‰₯k(β„“+1)r(1+ln⁑(r))n\ge k(\ell+1)r(1+\ln(r)), there is an algorithm such that for every rr-edge-coloring of the edges of Kn(k)K_n^{(k)}, it finds a monochromatic copy of Pβ„“(k)P_\ell^{(k)} in time at most cnkcn^k. We also prove a non-constructive upper bound R(Pβ„“(k);r)≀(kβˆ’1)β„“rR(P_\ell^{(k)};r)\le(k-1)\ell r
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