35 research outputs found

    High-Order Multivariate Spectral Algorithms for High-Dimensional Nonlinear Weakly Singular Integral Equations with Delay

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    One of the open problems in the numerical analysis of solutions to high-dimensional nonlinear integral equations with memory kernel and proportional delay is how to preserve the high-order accuracy for nonsmooth solutions. It is well-known that the solutions to these equations display a typical weak singularity at the initial time, which causes challenges in developing high-order and efficient numerical algorithms. The key idea of the proposed approach is to adopt a smoothing transformation for the multivariate spectral collocation method to circumvent the curse of singularity at the beginning of time. Therefore, the singularity of the approximate solution can be tailored to that of the exact one, resulting in high-order spectral collocation algorithms. Moreover, we provide a framework for studying the rate of convergence of the proposed algorithm. Finally, we give a numerical test example to show that the approach can preserve the nonsmooth solution to the underlying problems. © 2022 by the authors.King Saud University, KSUM. A. Zaky and A. Aldraiweesh extend their appreciation to Distinguished Scientist Fellowship Program (DSFP) at King Saud University (Saudi Arabia)

    Constructive Estimates of the Pull-In Range for Synchronization Circuit Described by Integro-Differential Equations

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    The pull-in range, known also as the acquisition or capture range, is an important characteristics of synchronization circuits such as e.g. phase-, frequency- and delay-locked loops (PLL/FLL/DLL). For PLLs, the pull-in range characterizes the maximal frequency detuning under which the system provides phase locking (mathematically, every solution of the system converges to one of the equilibria). The presence of periodic nonlinearities (characteristics of phase detectors) and infinite sequences of equilibria makes rigorous analysis of PLLs very difficult in spite of their seeming simplicity. The models of PLLs can be featured by multi-stability, hidden attractors and even chaotic trajectories. For this reason, the pull-in range is typically estimated numerically by e.g. using harmonic balance or Galerkin approximations. Analytic results presented in the literature are not numerous and primarily deal with ordinary differential equations. In this paper, we propose an analytic method for pull-in range estimation, applicable to synchronization systems with infinite-dimensional linear part, in particular, for PLLs with delays. The results are illustrated by analysis of a PLL described by second-order delay equations

    Matematiske aspekter ved lokalisert aktivitet i nevrofeltmodeller

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    Neural field models assume the form of integral and integro-differential equations, and describe non-linear interactions between neuron populations. Such models reduce the dimensionality and complexity of the microscopic neural-network dynamics and allow for mathematical treatment, efficient simulation and intuitive understanding. Since the seminal studies byWilson and Cowan (1973) and Amari (1977) neural field models have been used to describe phenomena like persistent neuronal activity, waves and pattern formation in the cortex. In the present thesis we focus on mathematical aspects of localized activity which is described by stationary solutions of a neural field model, so called bumps. While neural field models represent a considerable simplification of the neural dynamics in a large network, they are often studied under further simplifying assumptions, e.g., approximating the firing-rate function with a unit step function. In some cases these assumptions may not change essential features of the model, but in other cases they may cause some properties of the model to vary significantly or even break down. The work presented in the thesis aims at studying properties of bump solutions in one- and two-population models relaxing on the common simplifications. Numerical approaches used in mathematical neuroscience sometimes lack mathematical justification. This may lead to numerical instabilities, ill-conditioning or even divergence. Moreover, there are some methods which have not been used in neuroscience community but might be beneficial. We have initiated a work in this direction by studying advantages and disadvantages of a wavelet-Galerkin algorithm applied to a simplified framework of a one-population neural field model. We also focus on rigorous justification of iteration methods for constructing bumps. We use the theory of monotone operators in ordered Banach spaces, the theory of Sobolev spaces in unbounded domains, degree theory, and other functional analytical methods, which are still not very well developed in neuroscience, for analysis of the models.Nevrofeltmodeller formuleres som integral og integro-differensiallikninger. De beskriver ikke-lineære vekselvirkninger mellom populasjoner av nevroner. Slike modeller reduserer dimensjonalitet og kompleksitet til den mikroskopiske nevrale nettverksdynamikken og tillater matematisk behandling, effektiv simulering og intuitiv forståelse. Siden pionerarbeidene til Wilson og Cowan (1973) og Amari (1977), har nevrofeltmodeller blitt brukt til å beskrive fenomener som vedvarende nevroaktivitet, bølger og mønsterdannelse i hjernebarken. I denne avhandlingen vil vi fokusere på matematiske aspekter ved lokalisert aktivitet som beskrives ved stasjonære løsninger til nevrofeltmodeller, såkalte bumps. Mens nevrofeltmodeller innebærer en betydelig forenkling av den nevrale dynamikken i et større nettverk, så blir de ofte studert ved å gjøre forenklende tilleggsantakelser, som for eksempel å approksimere fyringratefunksjonen med en Heaviside-funksjon. I noen tilfeller vil disse forenklingene ikke endre vesentlige trekk ved modellen, mens i andre tilfeller kan de forårsake at modellegenskapene endres betydelig eller at de bryter sammen. Arbeidene presentert i denne avhandlingen har som mål å studere egenskapene til bump-løsninger i en- og to-populasjonsmodeller når en lemper på de vanlige antakelsene. Numeriske teknikker som brukes i matematisk nevrovitenskap mangler i noen tilfeller matematisk begrunnelse. Dette kan lede til numeriske instabiliteter, dårlig kondisjonering, og til og med divergens. I tillegg finnes det metoder som ikke er blitt brukt i nevrovitenskap, men som kunne være fordelaktige å bruke. Vi har startet et arbeid i denne retningen ved å studere fordeler og ulemper ved en wavelet-Galerkin algoritme anvendt på et forenklet rammeverk for en en-populasjons nevrofelt modell. Vi fokuserer også på rigorøs begrunnelse for iterasjonsmetoder for konstruksjon av bumps. Vi bruker teorien for monotone operatorer i ordnede Banachrom, teorien for Sobolevrom for ubegrensede domener, gradteori, og andre funksjonalanalytiske metoder, som for tiden ikke er vel utviklet i nevrovitenskap, for analyse av modellene

    Differential/Difference Equations

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    The study of oscillatory phenomena is an important part of the theory of differential equations. Oscillations naturally occur in virtually every area of applied science including, e.g., mechanics, electrical, radio engineering, and vibrotechnics. This Special Issue includes 19 high-quality papers with original research results in theoretical research, and recent progress in the study of applied problems in science and technology. This Special Issue brought together mathematicians with physicists, engineers, as well as other scientists. Topics covered in this issue: Oscillation theory; Differential/difference equations; Partial differential equations; Dynamical systems; Fractional calculus; Delays; Mathematical modeling and oscillations

    New Trends in Differential and Difference Equations and Applications

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    This is a reprint of articles from the Special Issue published online in the open-access journal Axioms (ISSN 2075-1680) from 2018 to 2019 (available at https://www.mdpi.com/journal/axioms/special issues/differential difference equations)

    MS FT-2-2 7 Orthogonal polynomials and quadrature: Theory, computation, and applications

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    Quadrature rules find many applications in science and engineering. Their analysis is a classical area of applied mathematics and continues to attract considerable attention. This seminar brings together speakers with expertise in a large variety of quadrature rules. It is the aim of the seminar to provide an overview of recent developments in the analysis of quadrature rules. The computation of error estimates and novel applications also are described

    Generalized averaged Gaussian quadrature and applications

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    A simple numerical method for constructing the optimal generalized averaged Gaussian quadrature formulas will be presented. These formulas exist in many cases in which real positive GaussKronrod formulas do not exist, and can be used as an adequate alternative in order to estimate the error of a Gaussian rule. We also investigate the conditions under which the optimal averaged Gaussian quadrature formulas and their truncated variants are internal

    Applied Mathematics and Fractional Calculus

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    In the last three decades, fractional calculus has broken into the field of mathematical analysis, both at the theoretical level and at the level of its applications. In essence, the fractional calculus theory is a mathematical analysis tool applied to the study of integrals and derivatives of arbitrary order, which unifies and generalizes the classical notions of differentiation and integration. These fractional and derivative integrals, which until not many years ago had been used in purely mathematical contexts, have been revealed as instruments with great potential to model problems in various scientific fields, such as: fluid mechanics, viscoelasticity, physics, biology, chemistry, dynamical systems, signal processing or entropy theory. Since the differential and integral operators of fractional order are nonlinear operators, fractional calculus theory provides a tool for modeling physical processes, which in many cases is more useful than classical formulations. This is why the application of fractional calculus theory has become a focus of international academic research. This Special Issue "Applied Mathematics and Fractional Calculus" has published excellent research studies in the field of applied mathematics and fractional calculus, authored by many well-known mathematicians and scientists from diverse countries worldwide such as China, USA, Canada, Germany, Mexico, Spain, Poland, Portugal, Iran, Tunisia, South Africa, Albania, Thailand, Iraq, Egypt, Italy, India, Russia, Pakistan, Taiwan, Korea, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia