2,104 research outputs found

    Fish behavior and its use in the capture and culture of fishes

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    Fishery management, Behaviour, Food fish, Fish culture, Conferences

    The Impact of Electoral Engineering on Nationalist Party Behavior in Post-War States

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    To what extent can electoral engineering mitigate deadly intra-state conflict? This paper investigates the impact of electoral engineering on nationalist party behavior in highly-fragmented states. As nationalist parties have been instrumental in escalating inter-group tensions to large-scale hostilities, frameworks for conflict resolution frequently incorporate institutional mechanisms as a means of altering the incentives for conflict exploitation or for inter-group cooperation. Specifically, the paper investigates proportional representation (PR) and preferential systems. To test the impact of these systems, the study observes party engagement in cooperative or conflictual behavior during legislative campaigns in the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Republika Srpska, and Croatia over several election cycles. Data from the Bosnian cases largely support expectations that PR presents incentives for nationalist parties to “play the ethnic card” and exacerbate communal conflict. In contrast, the Croatian case provides a degree of support for the prediction that preferential voting structures encourage cooperation and thus conflict dampening

    An evidence synthesis of covert online strategies regarding intimate partner violence

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    This systematic review synthesises evidence of how people use the internet to deploy covert strategies around escaping from, or perpetrating, Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). Online tools and services can facilitate individuals leaving abusive relationships, yet they can also act as a barrier to departure. They may also enable abusive behaviours. A comprehensive literature search of published and unpublished studies in electronic databases was conducted. Two researchers independently screened abstracts and full-texts for study eligibility and evaluated the quality of included studies. The systematic review includes 22 studies (9 qualitative and 11 cross-sectional studies, a Randomized control trial and a Non-randomized study), published between 2004 and 2017. Four covert behaviours linked to covert online strategies around IPV were identified: presence online, granular control, use of digital support tools and services, stalking and surveillance. The same technology that provides individuals with easy access to information and supportive services related to IPV, such as digital devices, tools and services, also enables perpetrators to monitor or harass their partners. This review takes a rigorous interdisciplinary approach to synthesising knowledge on the covert strategies adopted by people in relation to IPV. It has particular relevance to practitioners who support survivors in increasing awareness of the role of digital technologies in IPV, to law enforcement agencies in identifying new forms of evidence of abuse, and in enabling designers of online/social media applications to take the needs and vulnerabilities of IPV survivors into account

    Adapting omnichannel strategies to answer post-pandemic consumers' evolved in-store shopping expectations

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    Technology-infused omnichannel strategies have solidified their role in the turbulent environment of retailing. The advantages of such retailing approaches have been recognised during the interminable rise of e-commerce in the past decades, but the physical resurgence of consumers after the global pandemic evolved omnichannel expectations to new standards. Now, consumers desire a blend of online convenience in physical stores, driving retailers to adapt their technological capabilities to ensure seamless in-store shopping experiences. Because omnichanneling has become a necessity, retailers need to possess the understanding of providing valuable customer journeys. To offer insights and perspectives around the novel shift in physical retailing, this thesis was conducted as a two-case study, examining two retail giants that have emerged from opposite sides, the physical-first Target and online-dominant Amazon. To gain recent knowledge from the two companies, mainly qualitative secondary data was collected from diverse online sources, which were scrutinised employing content analysis and thematic synthesis. The longitudinal time horizon allowed for a progressive viewpoint to be constructed regarding the evolving dynamics between online and offline channels, and the role of technological implementations. The results of this thesis firstly sum up the expectations of consumers that have evolved pre- and post-pandemic, mainly the pursuit of convenience, continuity, and hedonistic aspects. Furthermore, this thesis explores various innovative technological features and how they can be integrated into physical stores to support seamless omnichannel expectations. In line with the results, the thesis suggests that most widely adapted technologies within case companies are scattered between the many phases of the shopping journey, either designed to complement the shopping experience by enhancing the favoured attributes, make the in-store interactions and steps more autonomous, or automate back-end operations. These technologies can be joined as a part of cohesive omnichannel experiences to contribute to borderless channel integration, all-inclusive offerings, and personalisation. The findings demonstrate that both case companies have explicit connections with theoretical frameworks. Along with the findings and synthesis, this thesis reinforces the discourse of post- pandemic omnichannel experiences and supplies real-life examples of diverse strategic uses of in-store technologies.Teknologiapohjaiset omnikanavastrategiat ovat vakiinnuttaneet asemansa vähittäiskaupan epävakaassa ympäristössä. Tällaisten vähittäismyyntitapojen edut ovat tiedostettu viime vuosikymmeninä verkkokaupankäynnin jatkuvan nousun aikana, mutta kuluttajien fyysinen palaaminen maailmanlaajuisen pandemian jälkeen nosti omnikanavaodotukset uusiin standardeihin. Nykyään kuluttajat mielivät yhdistelmiä verkkokaupan etuja fyysisissä myymälöissä, mikä ajaa vähittäismyyjiä mukauttamaan teknologisia valmiuksiaan varmistaakseen saumattoman ostoskokemuksen myymälässä. Koska omnikanavointi on muodostunut välttämättömyydeksi, vähittäismyyjien on ymmärrettävä, miten tarjota arvokkaita asiakasmatkoja. Tarjotakseen näkemyksiä ja perspektiivejä fyysisen vähittäiskaupan tuoreesta muutoksesta, tämä pro gradu -tutkielma toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena tarkastellen kahta vastakkaiset lähtökohdat omaavaa vähittäiskaupan jättiläistä, kivijalkalähtöistä Targetia ja verkkovaltaista Amazonia. Molemmista yrityksistä hankittiin ajantasaista tietoa, pääasiassa laadullista sekundääridataa monipuolisista verkkolähteistä, jotka tarkasteltiin sisällönanalyysin ja teemasynteesin avulla. Pitkittäistutkimuksen aikajänne mahdollisti progressiivisen näkökulman muodostamisen verkkokanavien ja fyysisten kanavien välillä muuttuvista dynamiikoista ja toteutettujen teknologioiden roolista. Tämän tutkielman tulokset tiivistävät kuluttajien odotukset, jotka ovat kehittyneet ennen ja jälkeen pandemian, pääasiassa mukavuuden, jatkuvuuden ja hedonististen näkökohtien osalta. Lisäksi tutkielma tutustuu erilaisiin innovatiivisiin teknologiaominaisuuksiin ja siihen, miten niitä voidaan integroida fyysisiin myymälöihin edesauttamaan saumattomia omnikanavaodotuksia. Tulosten mukaisesti tutkielma ehdottaa, että tapaustutkimusyritysten laajimmin omaksutut teknologiat ovat hajallaan monissa ostosmatkan vaiheissa, joko suunniteltu täydentämään ostoskokemusta korostamalla haluttuja piirteitä, itsenäistämään myymälässä tapahtuvat vuorovaikutukset ja ostovaiheet tai automatisoimaan taustaprosesseja. Nämä teknologiat voidaan yhdistää osaksi yhtenäisiä omnikanavakokemuksia edistämään saumattomia kanavaintegraatioita, kaiken kattavaa tarjontaa ja personointia. Tutkimuksen löydökset osoittavat, että molemmilla tapaustutkimusyrityksillä on selviä yhteyksiä teoreettisiin viitekehyksiin. Löydösten ja synteesin ohella tämä tutkielma vahvistaa pandemian jälkeistä omnikanavakokemuksia koskevaa keskustelua ja tarjoaa todellisia esimerkkejä erilaisten myymäläteknologioiden strategisista käyttötavoista

    Fostering person-organization fit with high performance work systems and diversity climate: praxis talks louder than affirmation

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    Purpose: High Performance Work System (HPWS) is a relatively newer conception of strategic HRM that has been developed and consolidated in an organizational setting that is featured by stronger internationalization interdependencies, not only at business level but also as regards work teams. This setting has also witnessed the growing concerns with diversity management and inclusive approaches to individual differences to foster higher personorganization fit (P-O fit). However, albeit concomitant, these two constructs are not explicitly addressed in research as HPWS does not include any specific practice targeting diversity management and Diversity Management literature does not focus on HPWS. One can deduce there is a missing link, and this is the research gap that motivated this study: to understand in which extend HPWS is related to P-O fit via heightened diversity climate. Methodology: For such purpose, departing from a sample of 168 working individuals, a mediation model is tested with Hayes (2018) macro PROCESS. Findings: As hypothesized, HPWS and P-O fit linkage is strong, showing both a direct effect as well as an indirect effect but only via diversity climate praxis. The results suggest asserting diversity is not effective in leveraging the effect of HPWS in P-O fit while rewarding diversity is. Results are discussed aiming to integrate HPWS and diversity management literatures. Originality/value: This research study explores how diversity climate can help bridging HPWS and P-O fit.Os Sistemas de Trabalho de Elevado Desempenho (HPWS) são uma conceção relativamente nova na gestão estratégia de recursos humanos que tem sido desenvolvida e consolidada em contextos organizacionais caracterizados por forte internacionalização, não apenas ao nível dos negócios, mas também em relação a equipas de trabalho. Estes contextos também têm vindo a testemunhar as preocupações crescentes com a gestão da diversidade e as abordagens inclusivas às diferenças individuais para aumentar o ajustamento pessoa-organização (P-O fit). Contudo, apesar de coocorrerem, estes construtos não são explicitamente referidos na investigação dado que a HPWS não inclui qualquer prática específica que vise a gestão da diversidade e a literatura centrada nesta não foca a HPWS. Infere-se assim uma lacuna na literatura que constitui o motivador deste estudo: compreender em que medida a HPWS está relacionada com a P-O fit via através de um maior clima de diversidade

    From Simple to Sophisticated: The Organization of Terrorist Groups

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    This dissertation draws on gang organization research and organizational theory to assess the underlying dimensions of organization in terrorist groups. Using the Leadership for the Extreme and Dangerous for Innovative Results (LEADIR) dataset, findings suggest that organization is a multidimensional construct in terrorist groups, including the structuring of activities dimension and the concentration of authority dimension. In relation to violence, terrorist groups high on the structuring of activities dimension were significantly more lethal in general and more lethal when attacking hard targets, whereas terrorist groups high on the concentration of authority dimension attacked hard targets at a significantly higher rate. These findings demonstrate that both dimensions of organization were related to an increased capacity for violence yet in different ways. In light of these findings, a theoretical model is outlined, and practical implications are discussed with a focus on how both organizational dimensions highlight the role of criminal capital and bureaucratic control mechanisms in terrorist groups

    The role of authority and context in shaping leadership processesand distribution in business school departments: an exploratory study

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    Since the turn of the century interest has grown in alternative models of leadership to reflect increased complexity and ambiguity, the need to respond faster to complex market conditions, and new patterns of accountability, inter- dependency and co-ordination within organisations of all types. This has led to the emergence of alternative models of leadership including shared and distributed leadership. In many organisations, such as those with matrix structures, many leaders need to accomplish organisational goals without formal line management authority over employees. This is also the case in many professional services (e.g. law and consultancy) that operate partnership models whereby individuals have little direct authority over their peers. In University settings the governance structure also impedes traditional hierarchical leadership. The tenure system, operated by many universities and colleges in the United States and Canada, provides intellectual autonomy, protects academics from external pressure and offers job security. Despite a growing literature on shared and distributed leadership, few studies have empirically examined the nature of leadership distribution, the contextual factors that impact leadership, and how those in senior positions (e.g. university department chairs) achieve organisational goals when employees (e.g. faculty members) possess significant authority and autonomy. This study addresses this gap. In so doing the study aims to contribute to the literature on shared and distributed leadership and provide important insight to assist positional leaders who possess limited direct authority in more effectively accomplishing their leadership goals. ...[cont.