2,354 research outputs found

    Towards Semantic Clone Detection, Benchmarking, and Evaluation

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    Developers copy and paste their code to speed up the development process. Sometimes, they copy code from other systems or look up code online to solve a complex problem. Developers reuse copied code with or without modifications. The resulting similar or identical code fragments are called code clones. Sometimes clones are unintentionally written when a developer implements the same or similar functionality. Even when the resulting code fragments are not textually similar but implement the same functionality they are still considered to be clones and are classified as semantic clones. Semantic clones are defined as code fragments that perform the exact same computation and are implemented using different syntax. Software cloning research indicates that code clones exist in all software systems; on average, 5% to 20% of software code is cloned. Due to the potential impact of clones, whether positive or negative, it is essential to locate, track, and manage clones in the source code. Considerable research has been conducted on all types of code clones, including clone detection, analysis, management, and evaluation. Despite the great interest in code clones, there has been considerably less work conducted on semantic clones. As described in this thesis, I advance the state-of-the-art in semantic clone research in several ways. First, I conducted an empirical study to investigate the status of code cloning in and across open-source game systems and the effectiveness of different normalization, filtering, and transformation techniques for detecting semantic clones. Second, I developed an approach to detect clones across .NET programming languages using an intermediate language. Third, I developed a technique using an intermediate language and an ontology to detect semantic clones. Fourth, I mined Stack Overflow answers to build a semantic code clone benchmark that represents real semantic code clones in four programming languages, C, C#, Java, and Python. Fifth, I defined a comprehensive taxonomy that identifies semantic clone types. Finally, I implemented an injection framework that uses the benchmark to compare and evaluate semantic code clone detectors by automatically measuring recall

    Code clone detection in obfuscated Android apps

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    The Android operating system has long become one of the main global smartphone operating systems. Both developers and malware authors often reuse code to expedite the process of creating new apps and malware samples. Code cloning is the most common way of reusing code in the process of developing Android apps. Finding code clones through the analysis of Android binary code is a challenging task that becomes more sophisticated when instances of code reuse are non-contiguous, reordered, or intertwined with other code. We introduce an approach for detecting cloned methods as well as small and non-contiguous code clones in obfuscated Android applications by simulating the execution of Android apps and then analyzing the subsequent execution traces. We first validate our approach’s ability on finding different types of code clones on 20 injected clones. Next we validate the resistance of our approach against obfuscation by comparing its results on a set of 1085 apps before and after code obfuscation. We obtain 78-87% similarity between the finding from non-obfuscated applications and four sets of obfuscated applications. We also investigated the presence of code clones among 1603 Android applications. We were able to find 44,776 code clones where 34% of code clones were seen from different applications and the rest are among different versions of an application. We also performed a comparative analysis between the clones found by our approach and the clones detected by Nicad on the source code of applications. Finally, we show a practical application of our approach for detecting variants of Android banking malware. Among 60,057 code clone clusters that are found among a dataset of banking malware, 92.9% of them were unique to one malware family or benign applications

    Detecting Semantic Method Clones In Java Code Using Method Ioe-behavior

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    The determination of semantic equivalence is an undecidable problem; however, this dissertation shows that a reasonable approximation can be obtained using a combination of static and dynamic analysis. This study investigates the detection of functional duplicates, referred to as semantic method clones (SMCs), in Java code. My algorithm extends the input-output notion of observable behavior, used in related work [1, 2], to include the effects of the method. The latter property refers to the persistent changes to the heap, brought about by the execution of the method. To differentiate this from the typical input-output behavior used by other researchers, I have coined the term method IOE-Behavior; which means its input-output and effects behavior [3]. Two methods are defined as semantic method clones, if they have identical IOE-Behavior; that is, for the same inputs (actual parameters and initial heap state), they produce the same output (that is result- for non-void methods, an final heap state). The detection process consists of two static pre-filters used to identify candidate clone sets. This is followed by dynamic tests that actually run the candidate methods, to determine semantic equivalence. The first filter groups the methods by type. The second filter refines the output of the first, grouping methods by their effects. This algorithm is implemented in my tool JSCTracker, used to automate the SMC detection process. The algorithm and tool are validated using a case study comprising of 12 open source Java projects, from different application domains and ranging in size from 2 KLOC (thousand lines of code) to 300 KLOC. The objectives of the case study are posed as 4 research questions: 1. Can method IOE-Behavior be used in SMC detection? 2. What is the impact of the use of the pre-filters on the efficiency of the algorithm? 3. How does the performance of method IOE-Behavior compare to using only inputoutput for identifying SMCs? 4. How reliable are the results obtained when method IOE-Behavior is used in SMC detection? Responses to these questions are obtained by checking each software sample with JSCTracker and analyzing the results. The number of SMCs detected range from 0-45 with an average execution time of 8.5 seconds. The use of the two pre-filters reduces the number of methods that reach the dynamic test phase, by an average of 34%. The IOE-Behavior approach takes an average of 0.010 seconds per method while the input-output approach takes an average of 0.015 seconds. The former also identifies an average of 32% false positives, while the SMCs identified using input-output, have an average of 92% false positives. In terms of reliability, the IOE-Behavior method produces results with precision values of an average of 68% and recall value of 76% on average. These reliability values represent an improvement of over 37% (for precision) and 30% (for recall) of the values in related work [4, 5]. Thus, it is my conclusion that IOE-Behavior can be used to detect SMCs in Java code with reasonable reliability

    Studying JavaScript Security Through Static Analysis

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    Mit dem stetigen Wachstum des Internets wächst auch das Interesse von Angreifern. Ursprünglich sollte das Internet Menschen verbinden; gleichzeitig benutzen aber Angreifer diese Vernetzung, um Schadprogramme wirksam zu verbreiten. Insbesondere JavaScript ist zu einem beliebten Angriffsvektor geworden, da es Angreifer ermöglicht Bugs und weitere Sicherheitslücken auszunutzen, und somit die Sicherheit und Privatsphäre der Internetnutzern zu gefährden. In dieser Dissertation fokussieren wir uns auf die Erkennung solcher Bedrohungen, indem wir JavaScript Code statisch und effizient analysieren. Zunächst beschreiben wir unsere zwei Detektoren, welche Methoden des maschinellen Lernens mit statischen Features aus Syntax, Kontroll- und Datenflüssen kombinieren zur Erkennung bösartiger JavaScript Dateien. Wir evaluieren daraufhin die Verlässlichkeit solcher statischen Systeme, indem wir bösartige JavaScript Dokumente umschreiben, damit sie die syntaktische Struktur von bestehenden gutartigen Skripten reproduzieren. Zuletzt studieren wir die Sicherheit von Browser Extensions. Zu diesem Zweck modellieren wir Extensions mit einem Graph, welcher Kontroll-, Daten-, und Nachrichtenflüsse mit Pointer Analysen kombiniert, wodurch wir externe Flüsse aus und zu kritischen Extension-Funktionen erkennen können. Insgesamt wiesen wir 184 verwundbare Chrome Extensions nach, welche die Angreifer ausnutzen könnten, um beispielsweise beliebigen Code im Browser eines Opfers auszuführen.As the Internet keeps on growing, so does the interest of malicious actors. While the Internet has become widespread and popular to interconnect billions of people, this interconnectivity also simplifies the spread of malicious software. Specifically, JavaScript has become a popular attack vector, as it enables to stealthily exploit bugs and further vulnerabilities to compromise the security and privacy of Internet users. In this thesis, we approach these issues by proposing several systems to statically analyze real-world JavaScript code at scale. First, we focus on the detection of malicious JavaScript samples. To this end, we propose two learning-based pipelines, which leverage syntactic, control and data-flow based features to distinguish benign from malicious inputs. Subsequently, we evaluate the robustness of such static malicious JavaScript detectors in an adversarial setting. For this purpose, we introduce a generic camouflage attack, which consists in rewriting malicious samples to reproduce existing benign syntactic structures. Finally, we consider vulnerable browser extensions. In particular, we abstract an extension source code at a semantic level, including control, data, and message flows, and pointer analysis, to detect suspicious data flows from and toward an extension privileged context. Overall, we report on 184 Chrome extensions that attackers could exploit to, e.g., execute arbitrary code in a victim's browser
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