2,851 research outputs found

    Multi-objective robust optimization to solve energy scheduling in buildings under uncertainty

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    With the high penetration of renewable generation in Smart Grids (SG), the uncertainty behavior associated with the forecast of weather conditions possesses a new degree of complexity in the Energy Resource Management (ERM) problem. In this paper, a Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) methodology is proposed to solve ERM problem in buildings with penetration of Distributed Generation (DG) and Electric Vehicles (EVs) and considering the uncertainty of photovoltaic (PV) generation. The proposed methodology aims to maximize profits while minimizing CO 2 emissions. The uncertainty of PV generation is modeled with the use of Monte Carlo simulation in the evaluation process of the MOPSO core. Also, a robust optimization approach is adopted to select the best solution for the worst-case scenario of PV generation. A case study is presented using a real building facility from Brazil, to verify the effectiveness of the implemented robust MOPSO.This work has received funding from the Project NetEffiCity (ANI|P2020 18015), and from FEDER Funds through COMPETE program and from National Funds through FCT under the project UID/EEA/00760/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Optimization of Aggregators Energy Resources considering Local Markets and Electric Vehicle Penetration

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    O sector elétrico tem vindo a evoluir ao longo do tempo. Esta situação deve-se ao facto de surgirem novas metodologias para lidarem com a elevada penetração dos recursos energéticos distribuídos (RED), principalmente veículos elétricos (VEs). Neste caso, a gestão dos recursos energéticos tornou-se mais proeminente devido aos avanços tecnológicos que estão a ocorrer, principalmente no contexto das redes inteligentes. Este facto torna-se importante, devido à incerteza decorrente deste tipo de recursos. Para resolver problemas que envolvem variabilidade, os métodos baseados na inteligência computacional estão a se tornar os mais adequados devido à sua fácil implementação e baixo esforço computacional, mais precisamente para o caso tratado na tese, algoritmos de computação evolucionária (CE). Este tipo de algoritmo tenta imitar o comportamento observado na natureza. Ao contrário dos métodos determinísticos, a CEé tolerante à incerteza; ou seja, é adequado para resolver problemas relacionados com os sistemas energéticos. Estes sistemas são geralmente de grandes dimensões, com um número crescente de variáveis e restrições. Aqui a IC permite obter uma solução quase ótima em tempo computacional aceitável com baixos requisitos de memória. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi propor um modelo para a programação dos recursos energéticos dos recursos dedicados para o contexto intradiário, para a hora seguinte, partindo inicialmente da programação feita para o dia seguinte, ou seja, 24 horas para o dia seguinte. Esta programação é feita por cada agregador (no total cinco) através de meta-heurísticas, com o objetivo de minimizar os custos ou maximizar os lucros. Estes agregadores estão inseridos numa cidade inteligente com uma rede de distribuição de 13 barramentos com elevada penetração de RED, principalmente energia renovável e VEs (2000 VEs são considerados nas simulações). Para modelar a incerteza associada ao RED e aos preços de mercado, vários cenários são gerados através da simulação de Monte Carlo usando as funções de distribuição de probabilidade de erros de previsão, neste caso a função de distribuição normal para o dia seguinte. No que toca à incerteza no modelo para a hora seguinte, múltiplos cenários são gerados a partir do cenário com maior probabilidade do dia seguinte. Neste trabalho, os mercados locais de eletricidade são também utilizados como estratégia para satisfazer a equação do balanço energético onde os agregadores vão para vender o excesso de energia ou comprar para satisfazer o consumo. Múltiplas metaheurísticas de última geração são usadas para fazer este escalonamento, nomeadamente Differential Evolution (DE), Hybrid-Adaptive DE with Decay function (HyDE-DF), DE with Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (DEEDA), Cellular Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm with Normal-Cauchy Distribution (CUMDANCauchy++), Hill Climbing to Ring Cellular Encode-Decode UMDA (HC2RCEDUMDA). Os resultados mostram que o modelo proposto é eficaz para os múltiplos agregadores com variações de custo na sua maioria abaixo dos 5% em relação ao dia seguinte, exceto para o agregador e de VEs. É também aplicado um teste Wilcoxon para comparar o desempenho do algoritmo CUMDANCauchy++ com as restantes meta-heurísticas. O CUMDANCauchy++ mostra resultados competitivos tendo melhor performance que todos os algoritmos para todos os agregadores exceto o DEEDA que apresenta resultados semelhantes. Uma estratégia de aversão ao risco é implementada para um agregador no contexto do dia seguinte para se obter uma solução mais segura e robusta. Os resultados mostram um aumento de quase 4% no investimento, mas uma redução de até 14% para o custo dos piores cenários.The electrical sector has been evolving. This situation is because new methodologies emerge to deal with the high penetration of distributed energy resources (DER), mainly electric vehicles (EVs). In this case, energy resource management has become increasingly prominent due to the technological advances that are taking place, mainly in the context of smart grids. This factor becomes essential due to the uncertainty of this type of resource. To solve problems involving variability, methods based on computational intelligence (CI) are becoming the most suitable because of their easy implementation and low computational effort, more precisely for the case treated in this thesis, evolutionary computation (EC) algorithms. This type of algorithm tries to mimic behavior observed in nature. Unlike deterministic methods, the EC is tolerant of uncertainty, and thus it is suitable for solving problems related to energy systems. These systems are usually of high dimensions, with an increased number of variables and restrictions. Here the CI allows obtaining a near-optimal solution in good computational time with low memory requirements. This work's main objective is to propose a model for the energy resource scheduling of the dedicated resources for the intraday context, for the our-ahead, starting initially from the scheduling done for the day ahead, that is, 24 hours for the next day. This scheduling is done by each aggregator (in total five) through metaheuristics to minimize the costs or maximize the profits. These aggregators are inserted in a smart city with a distribution network of 13 buses with a high penetration of DER, mainly renewable energy and EVs (2000 EVs are considered in the simulations). Several scenarios are generated through Monte Carlo Simulation using the forecast errors' probability distribution functions, the normal distribution function for the day-ahead to model the uncertainty associated with DER and market prices. Multiple scenarios are developed through the highest probability scenario from the day-ahead when it comes to intraday uncertainty. In this work, local electricity markets are used as a mechanism to satisfy the energy balance equation where each aggregator can sell the excess of energy or buy more to meet the demand. Several recent and modern metaheuristics are used to solve the proposed problems in the thesis, namely Differential Evolution (DE), Hybrid-Adaptive DE with Decay function (HyDE-DF), DE with Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (DEEDA), Cellular Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm with NormalCauchy Distribution (CUMDANCauchy++), Hill Climbing to Ring Cellular Encode-Decode UMDA (HC2RCEDUMDA). Results show that the proposed model is effective for the multiple aggregators. The metaheuristics present satisfactory results and mostly less than 5% variation in costs from the day-ahead except for the EV aggregator. A Wilcoxon test is also applied to compare the performance of the CUMDANCauchy++ algorithm with the remaining metaheuristics. CUMDANCauchy++ shows competitive results beating all algorithms in all aggregators except for DEEDA, which presents similar results. A risk aversion strategy is implemented for an aggregator in the day-ahead context to get a safer and more robust solution. Results show an increase of nearly 4% in day-ahead cost but a reduction of up to 14% of worst scenario cost

    A review of asset management literature on multi-asset systems

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    This article gives an overview of the literature on asset management for multi-unit systems with an emphasis on two multi-asset categories: fleet (a system of homogeneous assets) and portfolio (a system of heterogeneous assets). As asset systems become more complicated, researchers have employed different terms to refer to their specific problems. With an objective to facilitate readers in searching conducive studies to their interests, this paper establishes a novel classification scheme for multi-unit systems in accordance with essential features such as diversity of assets and intervention options. Moreover, discerning differences in characteristics between cross-component and cross-asset interactions, we select three types of potential multi-component dependencies (performance, stochastic, and resource) and extend their notions to be applicable to multi-asset systems. The investigation into these dependencies enables the identification of problems that could exist in real industrial settings but are yet to be determined in academia. Ultimately, we delve into modelling approaches adopted by previous researchers. This comprehensive information allows us to offer the insights into the current trends in multi-asset maintenance. We expect that the output of this review paper will not only stress research gaps on multi-asset systems, but more importantly help systematise future studies on this aspect