6,807 research outputs found

    An integrated approach to value chain analysis of end of life aircraft treatment

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    Dans cette thèse, on propose une approche holistique pour l’analyse, la modélisation et l’optimisation des performances de la chaîne de valeur pour le traitement des avions en fin de vie (FdV). Les recherches réalisées ont débouché sur onze importantes contributions. Dans la première contribution, on traite du contexte, de la complexité, de la diversité et des défis du recyclage d’avions en FdV. La seconde contribution traite du problème de la prédiction du nombre de retraits d’avions et propose une approche intégrée pour l’estimation de ce nombre de retraits. Le troisième et le quatrième articles visent à identifier les parties prenantes, les valeurs perçues par chaque partenaire et indiquent comment cette valeur peut affecter les décisions au stade de la conception. Les considérations relatives à la conception et à la fabrication ont donné lieu à quatre contributions importantes. La cinquième contribution traite des défis et opportunités pouvant résulter de l’application des concepts de la chaîne logistique verte, pour les manufacturiers d’avions. Dans la sixième contribution, un outil d’aide à la décision a été développé pour choisir la stratégie verte qui optimise les performances globales de de toute la chaîne de valeur en tenant compte des priorités et contraintes de chaque partenaire. Dans la septième contribution, un modèle mathématique est proposé pour analyser le choix stratégique des manufacturiers en réponse aux directives en matière de FdV de produits comme le résultat des interactions des compétiteurs dans le marché. La huitième contribution porte sur les travaux réalisés dans le cadre d’un stage chez le constructeur d’avions, Bombardier. Cette dernière traite de l’apport de « l’analyse du cycle de vie » au stade de la conception d’avions. La neuvième contribution introduit une méthodologie d’analyse de la chaîne de valeur dans un contexte de développement durable. Finalement, les dixième et onzième contributions proposent une approche holistique pour le traitement des avions en FdV en intégrant les concepts du « lean », du développement durable et des contraintes et opportunités inhérentes à la mondialisation des affaires. Un modèle d’optimisation intégrant les modèles d’affaires, les stratégies de désassemblage et les structures du réseau qui influencent l’efficacité, la stabilité et l’agilité du réseau de récupération est proposé. Les données requises pour exploiter le modèle sont indiquées dans l’article. Mots-clés: Fin de vie des avions, analyse de la chaîne de valeurs, développement durable, intervenants.The number of aircrafts at the end of life (EOL) is continuously increasing. Dealing with retired aircrafts considering the environmental, social and economic impacts is becoming an emerging problem in the aviation industry in near future. This thesis seeks to develop a holistic approach in order to analyze the value chain of EOL aircraft treatment in the context of sustainable development. The performed researches have led to eleven main contributions. In the first contribution, the complexity and diversity of the EOL aircraft recycling including the challenges and problem context are discussed. The second contribution addresses the challenges for estimation of retired aircrafts and proposes an integrated approach for prediction of EOL aircrafts. The third and fourth contributions aim to identify the players involved in EOL recycling context, values perceived by different shareholders and formulate that how such value can affect design decisions. Design stage consideration and manufacture’s issues are discussed and have led to four main contributions. The fifth contribution addresses the opportunities and challenges of applying green supply chain for aircraft manufacturers. In the sixth contribution, a decision tool is developed to aid manufactures in early stage of design for their green strategy choices. In the seventh contribution, a mathematical model is developed in order to analyze the strategic choice of manufacturers in response to EOL directives as the result of the interaction of competitors in the market. An internship project has been also performed in Bombardier and led to the eighth contribution, which addresses life cycle approach and incorporating the sustainability in early stage of design of aircraft. The ninth contribution introduces a methodology for analyzing the value chain in the context of sustainable development. Finally, the tenth and eleventh contributions propose a holistic approach to EOL aircraft treatment considering lean principals, sustainable development, and global business environment. An optimization model is developed to support decision making in both strategic and managerial level. The analytical approaches, decision tools and step by step guidelines proposed in this thesis will aid decision makers to identify appropriate strategies for the EOL aircraft treatment in the sustainable development context. Keywords: End of life aircraft, value chain analysis, sustainable development, stakeholders


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    As liberalization and globalization gather pace, some developing countries cope well but the majority do not. Diverging industrial competitiveness is one of the causes of the growing disparities in income: the potential that globalization offers for industrial growth is being tapped by a relatively small number of countries, while liberalization is driving the wedge between them and laggards deeper. This paper examines two approaches to this problem: neoliberal and structuralist. The neoliberal approach is that the best strategy for all countries and in all situations is to liberalize. Integration into the international economy, with resource allocation driven by free markets, will let them realise their .natural. comparative advantage, optimize dynamic advantage and yield the maximum attainable growth. No government intervention can improve upon this but will only reduce welfare. The structuralist approach puts less faith in free markets and more in the ability of governments to mount interventions effectively. It questions the theoretical and empirical basis for the argument that untrammelled market forces account for the industrial success of the East Asian Tigers (or the presently rich countries). Accepting the mistakes of past strategies and the need for greater openness, it argues that greater reliance on markets also needs a more proactive role for the government. The paper reviews the nature of current globalization and evidence on the growing divergence in competitive performance in the developing world. It goes on to consider the case for industrial policy, arguing that interventions are necessary to overcome market failures in building the capabilities required for industrial development. The approach adopted draws on evolutionary theories of technical change as applied to development in the technological capability approach. The paper then describes the strategies adopted by the Asian Tigers to build industrial competitiveness, pointing out the pervasiveness of selective interventions and significant strategic differences between them. The paper concludes with lessons for other developing countries: the kinds of industrial policy needed in the current international setting are clearly different from the traditional forms of inward-looking industrialisation strategies of the early post-war era, but globalization and technical change do not eliminate the need for intervention. On the contrary, given path dependence, cumulativeness and agglomeration economies, they increase the need. There is therefore a compelling need to reconsider the rules of the game constraining the exercise of industrial policy, and for international assistance in designing and implementing appropriate policies.

    Reinventing Industrial Strategy: The Role of Government Policy in Building Industrial Competitiveness

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    There is growing concern in Southeast and East Asia about the competitive threat posed by China’s burgeoning exports, exacerbated by its accession to the WTO. The threat is not confined to labour-intensive products but spans the whole technological and skill range. At the same time, China is rapidly raising its imports from the region, and it is not clear whether its burgeoning exports will damage its neighbours. We examine the dimensions of China’s competitive threat in the 1990s, benchmarking competitive performance by technology and market, and finds that market share losses are so far mainly in low technology products, with Japan being the most vulnerable market. We analyse market share changes and highlight product groups that are directly or indirectly exposed to a competitive threat. We examine intra-regional trade and find that China and its neighbours are raising high technology exports in tandem: the nature of the international production systems involved lead to complementarity rather than confrontation. China is thus acting as an engine of export growth for its neighbours in terms of direct trade. However, this will change as China moves up the value chain and takes on the activities that have driven East Asian export growth

    Biopsychosocial Assessment and Ergonomics Intervention for Sustainable Living: A Case Study on Flats

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    This study proposes an ergonomics-based approach for those who are living in small housings (known as flats) in Indonesia. With regard to human capability and limitation, this research shows how the basic needs of human beings are captured and analyzed, followed by proposed designs of facilities and standard living in small housings. Ninety samples were involved during the study through in- depth interview and face-to-face questionnaire. The results show that there were some proposed of modification of critical facilities (such as multifunction ironing work station, bed furniture, and clothesline) and validated through usability testing. Overall, it is hoped that the proposed designs will support biopsychosocial needs and sustainability

    Performance measurement of green supply chain management : a literature review and gaps for further research

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    Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) has been receiving increased attention because of the urgent need of organizations to address sustainability issues as a condition for their competitiveness, and the issue of how performance should be measured becomes crucial. This paper performs a literature review on an academic basis in order to identify the main subjects and sustainable dimensions of research studies involving the performance measurement of GSCM and the gaps for further research. Sixty three percent of the analyzed papers are associated with framework, mathematical modelling, empirical research and application, and the principal gaps to be explored are the metrics, measures and integration of the GSCM with existing quality methods. Almost all of these subjects are discussed in an economic and environmental dimension, remaining the social dimension a relevant gap to be explored. Based on this scenario, this paper intends to make a contribution to the academia and professionals of the area14

    Green Technologies for Production Processes

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    This book focuses on original research works about Green Technologies for Production Processes, including discrete production processes and process production processes, from various aspects that tackle product, process, and system issues in production. The aim is to report the state-of-the-art on relevant research topics and highlight the barriers, challenges, and opportunities we are facing. This book includes 22 research papers and involves energy-saving and waste reduction in production processes, design and manufacturing of green products, low carbon manufacturing and remanufacturing, management and policy for sustainable production, technologies of mitigating CO2 emissions, and other green technologies

    The design of green supply chains under carbon policies: A literature review of quantitative models

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    Carbon footprinting of products and services is getting increasing attention due to the growing emphasis on carbon related policies in many countries. As a result, many enterprises are focusing on the design of green supply chains (GSCs) with research on supply chains (SCs) focused not only on cost efficiency, but also on its environmental consequences. The review presented in this paper focuses on the implications of carbon policies on SCs. The concept of content analysis is used to retrieve and analyze the information regarding drivers (carbon policies), actors (for example, manufacturers and retailers), methodologies (mathematical modeling techniques), decision-making contexts (such as, facility location and order quantity), and emission reduction opportunities. The review shows a lack of emissions analysis of SCs that face carbon policies in different countries. The research also focuses on the design of carbon policies for emissions reduction in different operating situations. Some possible research directions are also discussed at the end of this review.A NPRP award NPRP No.5-1284-5-198 from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of The Qatar Foundation).Scopu

    Knowledge Integrated Business Process Management for Third Party Logistics Companies

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    The growing importance of logistics as well as the increasing dynamic complexity of markets, technologies, and customer needs has brought great challenges to logistics. In order to focus on their core competency in such a competitive environment, more and more companies have outsourced a part or the entirety of the logistics process to third party logistics (3PL) service providers. 3PL has played a crucial role in managing logistics processes within supply chain management. Logistics processes require and supply various types of knowledge for planning, developing, operating, controlling and improving business processes. Therefore, in the current knowledge era, knowledge integrated business process management (KIBPM) is of significant importance for 3PL. This work applies KIBPM in 3PL from both a theoretical and practical perspective. The methodology for this study is a combination of literature and primary source research. From the theoretical perspective, it reviews the related literature on knowledge, KM, KIBPM and 3PL. It next analyzes application potentials as well as basic theories of KIBPM in 3PL, and proposes a framework for application. Furthermore, it studies the issues, knowledge sources and content, as well as KM approaches from the strategic and operational perspectives. In particular, it discusses the dynamics, logistics networks, business process networks and tacit knowledge sharing in 3PL. From the practical perspective, a case study of a leading 3PL provider demonstrates the drivers, practices and approaches of KIBPM application. The case study is based on in-depth interviews and extensive access to the secondary data of the firm. It analyzes the core business processes, the process knowledge and key activities of KM in the formulation of business strategy and the operation of business processes in contract logistics. In addition, it applies the proposed framework in this case. Furthermore, it discusses the findings from the literature and case study that relate to the research questions, compares the differences and similarities of KM in 3PL between theory and practice, and puts forward some research and managerial implications. This study has come to the conclusion that it is more effective and efficient to integrate KM in business processes. Knowledge of market, customer requirements, partners, and competitors and collaborative KM in the logistics networks are essential when choosing competitive strategies, process designs and development strategies for business. 3PL needs dynamic capabilities to sustain competitive advantage through KM. In operation, knowledge related business procedures and domains, as well as the results in project management of warehousing, intermodal transport and cooperation between geographic networks, have considerable value for business process execution, evaluation and improvement. 3PL motivates tacit knowledge sharing and effective knowledge acquisition, production, warehousing, distribution and application with a trusting organizational culture, process oriented structure, appropriate technology, and incentive measures. However, while KM is a tool for improving the competency and performance for the organization, learning capability is more important to keeping sustainable competitive advantage in the long term for 3PL. The application of KIBPM in 3PL supports business process management at both the strategic and operational levels. It especially contributes to business development, collaborative projects, intermodal transport, and logistics service improvement

    Performance evaluation of reverse logistics enterprise – an agent-based simulation approach

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    Reverse logistics (RL) has been applied in many industries and sectors since its conception. Unlike forward logistics, retracing consumer goods from the point of consumption to the point of inception is not a well-studied process. It involves many uncertainties such as time, quality and quantity of returns. The returned products can be remanufactured, have parts harvested, or be disposed safely. It is important to implement these activities in a cost-effective manner. The aim of this research is to measure the performance of the RL enterprise with the help of an agent-based simulation model. The major entities in the RL network are considered as Agents that can act independently. There are several different agents: collector agent, sorting-cum-reuse agent, remanufacturing agent, recycler agent, supplier agent and distributor agent. The individual performances of the agents are measured and recommendations are given to improve their performance, leading to the enhancement of the total performance of the RL enterprise. The approach is applied to a case study involving cell phone remanufacturing

    Sustainable Industrial Engineering along Product-Service Life Cycle/Supply Chain

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    Sustainable industrial engineering addresses the sustainability issue from economic, environmental, and social points of view. Its application fields are the whole value chain and lifecycle of products/services, from the development to the end-of-life stages. This book aims to address many of the challenges faced by industrial organizations and supply chains to become more sustainable through reinventing their processes and practices, by continuously incorporating sustainability guidelines and practices in their decisions, such as circular economy, collaboration with suppliers and customers, using information technologies and systems, tracking their products’ life-cycle, using optimization methods to reduce resource use, and to apply new management paradigms to help mitigate many of the wastes that exist across organizations and supply chains. This book will be of interest to the fast-growing body of academics studying and researching sustainability, as well as to industry managers involved in sustainability management
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