7 research outputs found

    An event detection framework for the representation of the AGGIR variables

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    International audienceIn this paper, we propose a framework to study the AGGIR (Autonomy Gerontology Iso-Resources Groups) grid model, in order to evaluate the level of independency of elderly people, according to their capabilities of performing activities and interact with their environments over the time. To model the Activities of Daily Living (ADL), we also extend a previously proposed Domain Specific Language (DSL), in order to employ operators to deal with constraints related to time and location of activities, and event recognition. Our framework aims at providing an analysis tool regarding the performance of elder-ly/handicapped people within a home environment by means of data recovered from sensors using the iCASA simulator. To evaluate our approach, we pick three of the AGGIR variables (i.e., dressing, toileting, and transfers) and evaluate their testability in many scenarios, by means of records representing the occurrence of activities of the elderly. Results demonstrate the accuracy of our framework to manage the obtained records correctly and thus generate the appropriate event information

    L'épidémiologie de la dépendance du sujet ùgé. Histoire naturelle, tendances évolutives et déterminants

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    The contingent of baby‐boomers combined with an expansion of morbidity increasinglyobserved in some layers of older and aging populations are a major challenge for society.The aim of this thesis was to study the natural history and determinants of dependency inaging. In the first part, we showed that longevity was a multifactorial phenomenon withsimilarities and discrepancies by gender. In the second part, the study of secular trendsshowed a 10‐year gain in life expectancy and a postponement of dependency in over 75‐year‐old demonstrating a compression of morbidity for men and high levels of education,but an expansion of morbidity for the subjects of low educational level. IRT models haveallowed us to more accurately describe the process of dependency. Our work confirmed thatthe ability to perform daily activities was hierarchically affected and the front door of theprocess was limitation for shopping, while the last step was for transfer limitation. Thetrajectories of functional evolution before death are more favorable to men and high levelsof education. Furthermore, the sequences are hierarchical specific to dementia, especiallyfor IADL. Demented people experienced sharper functional declines and greater levels ofdependency. Further analyzes will have to focus on exploring more widely different patternsof change in elderly population and identify the determinants underlying these profiles.Keywords:Le contingent de personnes issues de la gĂ©nĂ©ration du baby‐boom conjuguĂ© Ă  une expansionde la morbiditĂ© de plus en plus observĂ©e dans certaines couches des populations ĂągĂ©es etvieillissantes constitue un dĂ©fi majeur pour la sociĂ©tĂ©. L’objectif de cette thĂšse Ă©taitd’étudier l’histoire naturelle et les dĂ©terminants de la dĂ©pendance dans le vieillissement.Dans une premiĂšre partie nous avons montrĂ© que la longĂ©vitĂ© Ă©tait un phĂ©nomĂšnemultifactoriel avec des similitudes et des spĂ©cificitĂ©s selon le sexe. Dans une deuxiĂšmepartie, l’étude des tendances sĂ©culaires a montrĂ© un gain d’espĂ©rance de vie en 10 ans avecun recul de l’ñge d’entrĂ©e en dĂ©pendance chez les plus de 75 ans attestant d’unecompression de la morbiditĂ© pour les hommes et les hauts niveaux d’études, mais d’uneexpansion de la morbiditĂ© pour les sujets de bas niveau d’études. Les modĂšles IRT nous ontpermis de dĂ©crire plus finement le processus de dĂ©pendance. Nos travaux ont confirmĂ© quela capacitĂ© Ă  effectuer les activitĂ©s quotidiennes Ă©tait hiĂ©rarchiquement affectĂ©e et que laporte d’entrĂ©e dans le processus Ă©tait la limitation pour les courses, alors que la derniĂšreĂ©tape Ă©tait la limitation au transfert. Les trajectoires d’évolution fonctionnelle avant le dĂ©cĂšssont plus favorables aux hommes et aux hauts niveaux d’études. Par ailleurs, les sĂ©quenceshiĂ©rarchiques sont spĂ©cifiques Ă  la dĂ©mence, notamment pour les IADL. Les dĂ©mentsconnaissent un dĂ©clin fonctionnel plus marquĂ© et des niveaux de dĂ©pendance supĂ©rieurs.Des analyses ultĂ©rieures devront s’attacher Ă  explorer plus largement les diffĂ©rents profilsd’évolution en population ĂągĂ©e et identifier les dĂ©terminants sous‐jacents Ă  ces profils

    The social and interpersonal dimensions of measuring loss of autonomy : expectations among family caregivers and home care social workers in Québec

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    ProblĂ©matique: Le nombre croissant de personnes ĂągĂ©es, confrontĂ©es Ă  des changements de santĂ© physiques et cognitifs entraĂźnant une perte d'autonomie, nĂ©cessite de la part des professionnels de la santĂ©, un processus d'Ă©valuation inclusif et efficace afin de s'assurer que ces personnes en perte d’autonomie reçoivent un soutien et des services appropriĂ©s. Pendant l’évaluation, la prĂ©sence du proche aidant est un Ă©lĂ©ment important qui pourrait influencer ses rĂ©sultats. On sait peu de choses sur la maniĂšre dont les attentes, dans les services de santĂ© publics du QuĂ©bec, peuvent influencer le processus d'Ă©valuation et les rĂ©sultats. L'objectif de cette Ă©tude est donc d'explorer le concept des attentes tant du point des proches aidants, des travailleurs sociaux Ă  domicile que de l’établissement de santĂ©. Sous ce triple perspectif et dans le contexte de l’évaluation de la perte d’autonomie, l’exploration des attentes de chacun des acteurs est rĂ©alisĂ©e par l’entremise de services de soins Ă  domicile (OEMC) du QuĂ©bec. MĂ©thodologie: Afin d’étudier et d’explorer le phĂ©nomĂšne de la perte d’autonomie des personnes ĂągĂ©es dans une perspective Ă  la fois micro et macro, une mĂ©thodologie ethnographique ciblĂ©e a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e afin de collecter les donnĂ©es. Ensuite, la notion d’autonomie a fait l’objet d’une analyse approfondie en vue d’une comprĂ©hension interdisciplinaire affinĂ©e. Pour ce faire, des entretiens individuels ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©s avec des travailleurs sociaux d’un CIUSSS de MontrĂ©al, des aidants familiaux ainsi qu'un collectif de discussion composĂ© de plusieurs soignants. En dernier lieu, afin de reflĂ©ter les attentes des diffĂ©rents acteurs en prĂ©sence, dans le contexte du systĂšme de santĂ© actuel, articles et publications sur les rĂ©organisations systĂ©miques (selon les protocoles New Public Management et LEAN) ainsi que sur l’impact de l’environnement de travail des travailleurs sociaux professionnels, ont Ă©tĂ© consultĂ©s. RĂ©sultats: Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que les attentes des aidants familiaux, en matiĂšre de services et de soutien pour les bĂ©nĂ©ficiaires de soins, sont influencĂ©es par le processus d’évaluation proprement dit. De mĂȘme, les rĂ©sultats montrent qu’il existe des frontiĂšres floues entre leurs attentes concernant le service et les besoins des membres ĂągĂ©s de leur famille. En outre, les travailleurs sociaux se trouvent parfois piĂ©gĂ©s entre les pressions et les attentes qu’exigent le rendement et la productivitĂ© de l’organisation tout autant que leurs propres attentes Ă  l’égard des membres aidants de la famille, qui deviendront eux-mĂȘmes de futurs clients. Conclusion: Les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude dĂ©montrent que l'interaction des diffĂ©rentes attentes, mises en Ă©vidence Ă  travers les perspectives susmentionnĂ©es, crĂ©e un environnement de frustration et d'espĂ©rances déçues de la part des travailleurs sociaux et des aidants familiaux. Le climat de travail actuel dans le systĂšme de soins de santĂ© public du QuĂ©bec, qui se traduit par des contraintes budgĂ©taires par un manque de cohĂ©rence dans la fourniture de services et de soutiens Ă  la clientĂšle ĂągĂ©e, influence considĂ©rablement cette perception d’attentes non rencontrĂ©es. De ce fait, les impĂ©ratifs administratifs influent de plus en plus sur la relation de service, contribuant Ă  une certaine « clientĂ©lisation » des aidants familiaux.Problematic: The ever-increasing numbers of older people experiencing physical and cognitive health changes leading to loss of autonomy requires an inclusive and efficient assessment process from healthcare professionals to ensure they are receiving proper support and services. The presence of the family caregiver during the assessment is an important element that could influence its results. In public healthcare services, little is known about how expectations can influence the assessment process and outcome. The objective of this study is to explore the concept of expectations in the context of loss of autonomy assessment (OEMC) through QuĂ©bec homecare services from the triadic perspective of the family caregivers, homecare social workers and the institution. Methodology: To study this phenomenon, a variety of data-gathering techniques were employed using a reflexive, focused ethnographic methodology that explored this notion from a macro and a micro perspective. An extensive literature review examined the notion of autonomy to gain an in-depth understanding of its interdisciplinary meaning, individual interviews were conducted with social workers working at a Montreal CIUSSS and family caregivers as well as a discussion group with a group of caregivers. Also, to provide the context of the current healthcare system, articles and publications on the systemic reorganizations according to New Public Management and LEAN protocols and the corresponding effect on the working environment of professional social workers are included as the third part of the triad of expectations. Results: The results demonstrated that family caregiver’s expectations for services and support for their care recipients are influenced by the assessment process itself and there are blurred boundaries between their expectations for service and the needs of their elderly family members. As well, social workers sometimes find themselves caught between the pressures and expectations of performance and productivity of the organization and their own expectations of family members to provide care, until, the caregivers themselves become clients in their own right. Conclusion: The results of this study demonstrates that the interaction of expectations from the three above-mentioned perspectives creates an environment of frustration and unmet expectations on the part of social workers and family caregivers. This is also influenced by the current working environment in the public health care system that is reflected in budget constraints and the inconsistency in the provision of services and supports to consumers. This phenomenon can contribute to the ‘clientization’ of family caregivers wherein administrative imperatives increasingly influence the service relationship

    The course of disability in the very old :drivers and trajectories

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    PhD ThesisIn recent decades the rapid growth in the numbers of the very old, those aged 85 years and above, has made them the fastest growing age group of most populations worldwide. Nevertheless we know little about their health and disability, the latter being a particularly important aspect of quality of life for individuals but also more widely as a major determinant for residential care. This thesis uses a unique study, the Newcastle 85+ Study, a longitudinal, population based cohort study of people born in 1921 and aged 85 years at first interview in 2006, to explore the disablement process in very late life through three substantive sub-studies. In the first sub-study I explore how disability unfolds through the order of loss in basic and instrumental activities of daily living [(I)ADLs, these being the building blocks of disability. (I)ADLs were lost in a specific order, activities requiring long distance mobility and balance (for example shopping) being lost first and those requiring upper body strength (e.g. dressing, feeding) last and with little difference between men and women. The second sub-study examines the impact of specific diseases on disability onset and finds that arthritis, diabetes and cognitive impairment were similarly disabling for men and women, cardiac disease was more disabling in women, and cardiovascular disease and respiratory disease disabling for women only. The final sub-study uses novel statistical techniques to uncover patterns of disability from age 85 to 90. Four distinct trajectories of disability were found for both sexes, with a disability-free trajectory being identified in men but not women, and all other trajectories showing increasing levels of disability. These sub-studies are discussed in the light of other literature, the extent to which they explain the greater disability yet survival of women (the disability-survival paradox), and the implications for the future

    13th International Conference on Modeling, Optimization and Simulation - MOSIM 2020

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    ComitĂ© d’organisation: UniversitĂ© Internationale d’Agadir – Agadir (Maroc) Laboratoire Conception Fabrication Commande – Metz (France)Session RS-1 “Simulation et Optimisation” / “Simulation and Optimization” Session RS-2 “Planification des Besoins MatiĂšres PilotĂ©e par la Demande” / ”Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning” Session RS-3 “IngĂ©nierie de SystĂšmes BasĂ©es sur les ModĂšles” / “Model-Based System Engineering” Session RS-4 “Recherche OpĂ©rationnelle en Gestion de Production” / "Operations Research in Production Management" Session RS-5 "Planification des MatiĂšres et des Ressources / Planification de la Production” / “Material and Resource Planning / Production Planning" Session RS-6 “Maintenance Industrielle” / “Industrial Maintenance” Session RS-7 "Etudes de Cas Industriels” / “Industrial Case Studies" Session RS-8 "DonnĂ©es de Masse / Analyse de DonnĂ©es” / “Big Data / Data Analytics" Session RS-9 "Gestion des SystĂšmes de Transport” / “Transportation System Management" Session RS-10 "Economie Circulaire / DĂ©veloppement Durable" / "Circular Economie / Sustainable Development" Session RS-11 "Conception et Gestion des ChaĂźnes Logistiques” / “Supply Chain Design and Management" Session SP-1 “Intelligence Artificielle & Analyse de DonnĂ©es pour la Production 4.0” / “Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics in Manufacturing 4.0” Session SP-2 “Gestion des Risques en Logistique” / “Risk Management in Logistics” Session SP-3 “Gestion des Risques et Evaluation de Performance” / “Risk Management and Performance Assessment” Session SP-4 "Indicateurs ClĂ©s de Performance 4.0 et Dynamique de Prise de DĂ©cision” / ”4.0 Key Performance Indicators and Decision-Making Dynamics" Session SP-5 "Logistique Maritime” / “Marine Logistics" Session SP-6 “Territoire et Logistique : Un SystĂšme Complexe” / “Territory and Logistics: A Complex System” Session SP-7 "Nouvelles AvancĂ©es et Applications de la Logique Floue en Production Durable et en Logistique” / “Recent Advances and Fuzzy-Logic Applications in Sustainable Manufacturing and Logistics" Session SP-8 “Gestion des Soins de SantĂ©â€ / ”Health Care Management” Session SP-9 “IngĂ©nierie Organisationnelle et Gestion de la ContinuitĂ© de Service des SystĂšmes de SantĂ© dans l’Ere de la Transformation NumĂ©rique de la SociĂ©tĂ©â€ / “Organizational Engineering and Management of Business Continuity of Healthcare Systems in the Era of Numerical Society Transformation” Session SP-10 “Planification et Commande de la Production pour l’Industrie 4.0” / “Production Planning and Control for Industry 4.0” Session SP-11 “Optimisation des SystĂšmes de Production dans le Contexte 4.0 Utilisant l’AmĂ©lioration Continue” / “Production System Optimization in 4.0 Context Using Continuous Improvement” Session SP-12 “DĂ©fis pour la Conception des SystĂšmes de Production Cyber-Physiques” / “Challenges for the Design of Cyber Physical Production Systems” Session SP-13 “Production AvisĂ©e et DĂ©veloppement Durable” / “Smart Manufacturing and Sustainable Development” Session SP-14 “L’Humain dans l’Usine du Futur” / “Human in the Factory of the Future” Session SP-15 “Ordonnancement et PrĂ©vision de ChaĂźnes Logistiques RĂ©silientes” / “Scheduling and Forecasting for Resilient Supply Chains