2,534 research outputs found

    Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Analyze the Pedestrian and Bicycle Crashes at the Macroscopic Level

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    This thesis presents different data mining/machine learning techniques to analyze the vulnerable road users\u27 (i.e., pedestrian and bicycle) crashes by developing crash prediction models at macro-level. In this study, we developed data mining approach (i.e., decision tree regression (DTR) models) for both pedestrian and bicycle crash counts. To author knowledge, this is the first application of DTR models in the growing traffic safety literature at macro-level. The empirical analysis is based on the Statewide Traffic Analysis Zones (STAZ) level crash count data for both pedestrian and bicycle from the state of Florida for the year of 2010 to 2012. The model results highlight the most significant predictor variables for pedestrian and bicycle crash count in terms of three broad categories: traffic, roadway, and socio demographic characteristics. Furthermore, spatial predictor variables of neighboring STAZ were utilized along with the targeted STAZ variables in order to improve the prediction accuracy of both DTR models. The DTR model considering spatial predictor variables (spatial DTR model) were compared without considering spatial predictor variables (aspatial DTR model) and the models comparison results clearly found that spatial DTR model is superior model compared to aspatial DTR model in terms of prediction accuracy. Finally, this study contributed to the safety literature by applying three ensemble techniques (Bagging, Random Forest, and Boosting) in order to improve the prediction accuracy of weak learner (DTR models) for macro-level crash count. The model\u27s estimation result revealed that all the ensemble technique performed better than the DTR model and the gradient boosting technique outperformed other competing ensemble technique in macro-level crash prediction model

    Heterogeneous Ensemble Learning for Enhanced Crash Forecasts -- A Frequentest and Machine Learning based Stacking Framework

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    A variety of statistical and machine learning methods are used to model crash frequency on specific roadways with machine learning methods generally having a higher prediction accuracy. Recently, heterogeneous ensemble methods (HEM), including stacking, have emerged as more accurate and robust intelligent techniques and are often used to solve pattern recognition problems by providing more reliable and accurate predictions. In this study, we apply one of the key HEM methods, Stacking, to model crash frequency on five lane undivided segments (5T) of urban and suburban arterials. The prediction performance of Stacking is compared with parametric statistical models (Poisson and negative binomial) and three state of the art machine learning techniques (Decision tree, random forest, and gradient boosting), each of which is termed as the base learner. By employing an optimal weight scheme to combine individual base learners through stacking, the problem of biased predictions in individual base-learners due to differences in specifications and prediction accuracies is avoided. Data including crash, traffic, and roadway inventory were collected and integrated from 2013 to 2017. The data are split into training, validation, and testing datasets. Estimation results of statistical models reveal that besides other factors, crashes increase with density (number per mile) of different types of driveways. Comparison of out-of-sample predictions of various models confirms the superiority of Stacking over the alternative methods considered. From a practical standpoint, stacking can enhance prediction accuracy (compared to using only one base learner with a particular specification). When applied systemically, stacking can help identify more appropriate countermeasures.Comment: This paper was presented at the 101st Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (TRBAM) by National Academy of Sciences in January 2022 in Washington D.C. The paper is currently under review for potential publication in an Impact Factor Journa


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    Road accidents are concerningly increasing in Andhra Pradesh. In 2021, Andhra Pradesh experienced a 20 percent upsurge in road accidents. The state's unfortunate position of being ranked eighth in terms of fatalities, with 8,946 lives lost in 22,311 traffic accidents, underscores the urgent nature of the problem. The significant financial impact on the victims and their families stresses the necessity for effective actions to reduce road accidents. This study proposes a framework that collects accident data from regions, namely Patamata, Penamaluru, Mylavaram, Krishnalanka, Ibrahimpatnam, and Gandhinagar in Vijayawada (India) from 2019 to 2021. The dataset comprises over 12,000 records of accident data. Deep learning techniques are applied to classify the severity of road accidents into Fatal, Grievous, and Severe Injuries. The classification procedure leverages advanced neural network models, including the Multilayer Perceptron, Long-Short Term Memory, Recurrent Neural Network, and Gated Recurrent Unit. These models are trained on the collected data to accurately predict the severity of road accidents. The project study to make important contributions for suggesting proactive measures and policies to reduce the severity and frequency of road accidents in Andhra Pradesh.Liczba wypadków drogowych w Andhra Pradesh niepokojąco rośnie. W 2021 r. stan Andhra Pradesh odnotował 20% wzrost liczby wypadków drogowych. Niefortunna pozycja stanu, który zajmuje ósme miejsce pod względem liczby ofiar śmiertelnych, z 8 946 ofiarami śmiertelnymi w 22 311 wypadkach drogowych, podkreśla pilny charakter problemu. Znaczący wymiar finansowy dla ofiar i ich rodziny podkreśla konieczność podjęcia skutecznych działań w celu ograniczenia liczby wypadków drogowych. W niniejszym badaniu zaproponowano system gromadzenia danych o wypadkach z regionów Patamata, Penamaluru, Mylavaram, Krishnalanka, Ibrahimpatnam i Gandhinagar w Vijayawada (India) w latach 2019–2021. Zbiór danych obejmuje ponad 12 000 rekordów danych o wypadkach. Techniki głębokiego uczenia są stosowane do klasyfikowania wagi wypadków drogowych na śmiertelne, poważne i ciężkie obrażenia. Procedura klasyfikacji wykorzystuje zaawansowane modele sieci neuronowych, w tym wielowarstwowy perceptron, pamięć długoterminową i krótkoterminową, rekurencyjną sieć neuronową i Gated Recurrent Unit. Modele te są trenowane na zebranych danych w celu dokładnego przewidywania wagi wypadków drogowych. Projekt ma wnieść istotny wkład w sugerowanie proaktywnych środków i polityk mających na celu zmniejszenie dotkliwości i częstotliwości wypadków drogowych w Andhra Pradesh

    Black spots identification on rural roads based on extreme learning machine

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    Accident black spots are usually defined as road locations with a high risk of fatal accidents. A thorough analysis of these areas is essential to determine the real causes of mortality due to these accidents and can thus help anticipate the necessary decisions to be made to mitigate their effects. In this context, this study aims to develop a model for the identification, classification and analysis of black spots on roads in Morocco. These areas are first identified using extreme learning machine (ELM) algorithm, and then the infrastructure factors are analyzed by ordinal regression. The XGBoost model is adopted for weighted severity index (WSI) generation, which in turn generates the severity scores to be assigned to individual road segments. The latter are then classified into four classes by using a categorization approach (high, medium, low and safe). Finally, the bagging extreme learning machine is used to classify the severity of road segments according to infrastructures and environmental factors. Simulation results show that the proposed framework accurately and efficiently identified the black spots and outperformed the reputable competing models, especially in terms of accuracy 98.6%. In conclusion, the ordinal analysis revealed that pavement width, road curve type, shoulder width and position were the significant factors contributing to accidents on rural roads

    Evaluation of machine learning algorithms as predictive tools in road safety analysis

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    The Highway Safety Manual (HSM)’s road safety management process (RSMP) represents the state-of-the-practice procedure that transportation professionals employ to monitor and improve safety on existing roadway sites. RSMP requires the development of safety performance functions (SPFs), which are the key regression tools in the Highway Safety Manual’s RSMP used to predict crash frequency given a set of roadway and traffic factors. Although developing SPFs using traditional regression modeling have been proven to be reliable tools for road safety predictive analytics, some limitations and constraints have been highlighted in the literature, such as the assumption of a probability distribution, selection of a pre-defined functional form, a possible correlation between independent variables, and possible transferability issues. An alternative to traditional regression models as predictive tools is the use of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. Although ML provides a new modeling technique, it still has made-in assumptions and their performance in collision frequency modeling needs to be studied. This research 1) compares the prediction performance of three well-known ML algorithms, i.e., Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree (DT), and Random Forest (RF), to traditional SPFs, 2) conducts sensitivity analysis and compare ML with the functional form of the negative binomial (NB) model as default traditional regression modeling technique, and 3) applies and validates ML algorithms in network screening (hotspot identification), which is the first step in the RSMP. To achieve these objectives, a dataset of urban signalized and unsignalized intersections from two major municipalities in Saskatchewan (Canada) were considered as a case study. The results showed that the ML prediction accuracies are comparable with that of the NB model. Moreover, the sensitivity analysis proved that ML algorithms predictions are mostly affected by changes in traffic volume, rather than other roadway factors. Lastly, the ML-based measure consistency in identifying hotspots appeared to be comparable to SPF-based measures, e.g., the excess (predicted and expected) average crash frequency. Overall, the results of this research support the use of ML as a predictive tool in network screening, which provides transportation practitioners with an alternative modeling approach to identify collision-prone locations where countermeasures aimed at reducing collision frequency at urban intersections can be installed

    ChatGPT is on the Horizon: Could a Large Language Model be Suitable for Intelligent Traffic Safety Research and Applications?

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    ChatGPT embarks on a new era of artificial intelligence and will revolutionize the way we approach intelligent traffic safety systems. This paper begins with a brief introduction about the development of large language models (LLMs). Next, we exemplify using ChatGPT to address key traffic safety issues. Furthermore, we discuss the controversies surrounding LLMs, raise critical questions for their deployment, and provide our solutions. Moreover, we propose an idea of multi-modality representation learning for smarter traffic safety decision-making and open more questions for application improvement. We believe that LLM will both shape and potentially facilitate components of traffic safety research.Comment: Submitted to Nature - Machine Intelligence (Revised and Extended