764 research outputs found

    An empirical study of ensemble-based semi-supervised learning approaches for imbalanced splice site datasets

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    Development of New Bioinformatic Approaches for Human Genetic Studies

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    The development of bioinformatics methods for human genetic studies utilizes the vast amount of data to generate new valuable information. Machine learning and statistical coupling analysis can be used in the study of human diseases. These diseases include intellectual disabilities (ID), prevalent in 1-3% of the population and caused primarily by genetics. Although many cases of ID are caused by mutations in protein-coding genes, the possible involvement of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in ID due to their role in gene expression regulation, has been explored. In this study, we used machine learning to develop a new expression-based model trained using ID genes encoded with the developing brain transcriptome. The model was fine-tuned using the class-balancing approach of synthetic over-sampling of the minority class, resulting in improved performance. We used the model to predict candidate ID-associated lncRNAs. Our model identified several candidates that overlapped with previously reported ID-associated lncRNAs, enriched with neurodevelopmental functions, and highly expressed in brain tissues. Machine learning was also used to predict protein stability changes caused by missense mutations, which can lead to disease conditions including ID. We tested Random Forests, Support Vector Machines (SVM) and NaĂŻve Bayes to find the best-performing algorithm to develop a multi-class classifier. We developed an SVM model using relevant physico-chemical features after feature selection. Our work identified new features for predicting the effect of amino acid substitutions on protein stability and a well-performing multi-class classifier solely based on sequence information. Statistical approaches were used to analyze the association between mutations and phenotypes. In this study, we used statistical coupling analysis (SCA) to cluster disease-causing mutations and ID phenotypes. Using SCA we identified groups of co-evolving residues, known as protein sectors, in ID protein families. Within each distinct sector, mutations associated with different phenotypic manifestations associated with a syndromic ID were identified. Our results suggest that protein sector analysis can be used to associate mutations with phenotypic manifestations in human diseases. The bioinformatic methods developed in this dissertation can be used in human genetic research to understand the role of new genes and proteins in human disease

    A Review on Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare: Why, How, and When?

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) models are increasingly finding applications in the field of medicine. Concerns have been raised about the explainability of the decisions that are made by these AI models. In this article, we give a systematic analysis of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI), with a primary focus on models that are currently being used in the field of healthcare. The literature search is conducted following the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) standards for relevant work published from 1 January 2012 to 02 February 2022. The review analyzes the prevailing trends in XAI and lays out the major directions in which research is headed. We investigate the why, how, and when of the uses of these XAI models and their implications. We present a comprehensive examination of XAI methodologies as well as an explanation of how a trustworthy AI can be derived from describing AI models for healthcare fields. The discussion of this work will contribute to the formalization of the XAI field.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligenc

    Computational Assessment of Genetic Variation beyond Single Nucleotide Changes

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    Advances in sequencing technology have greatly reduced the costs incurred in collecting raw sequencing data and researchers now have access to very large datasets of genomic alterations. Computational tools are necessary in order to interpret and discover biologically relevant genetic variation from sequencing data. Current computational tools, however, have overwhelmingly focused on single nucleotide changes. Much less work has been devoted to computational tools to prioritize insertion and deletion variants and chromosomal abnormalities. Insertion/deletion variants (indels) alter protein sequence and length, yet are highly prevalent in healthy populations, presenting a pressing need for bioinformatics classifiers. Chromosomal abnormalities can produce a wide range of genetic disorders including in miscarriages, developmental disorders, and carcinogenesis. While numerous tools have been developed to detect chromosomal abnormalities, these tools have limited utility at lower cell admixtures. In this dissertation, I focus on the development of computational approaches beyond single nucleotide variants. I introduce a novel computational approach to assess indels variants (Chapters 2-3). I compare this method to existing computational approaches and investigate potential ways to improve indel prediction. Next, I develop a bioinformatics approach entitled WALDO (Within-sample AneupLoidy DiscOvery) specifically designed to detect chromosomal abnormalities as well as microsatellite instability (Chapters 4-6)

    A Multiobjective Approach Applied to the Protein Structure Prediction Problem

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    Interest in discovering a methodology for solving the Protein Structure Prediction problem extends into many fields of study including biochemistry, medicine, biology, and numerous engineering and science disciplines. Experimental approaches, such as, x-ray crystallographic studies or solution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, to mathematical modeling, such as minimum energy models are used to solve this problem. Recently, Evolutionary Algorithm studies at the Air Force Institute of Technology include the following: Simple Genetic Algorithm (GA), messy GA, fast messy GA, and Linkage Learning GA, as approaches for potential protein energy minimization. Prepackaged software like GENOCOP, GENESIS, and mGA are in use to facilitate experimentation of these techniques. In addition to this software, a parallelized version of the fmGA, the so-called parallel fast messy GA, is found to be good at finding semi-optimal answers in reasonable wall clock time. The aim of this work is to apply a Multiobjective approach to solving this problem using a modified fast messy GA. By dividing the CHARMm energy model into separate objectives, it should be possible to find structural configurations of a protein that yield lower energy values and ultimately more correct conformations

    Interpretable Machine Learning Methods for Prediction and Analysis of Genome Regulation in 3D

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    With the development of chromosome conformation capture-based techniques, we now know that chromatin is packed in three-dimensional (3D) space inside the cell nucleus. Changes in the 3D chromatin architecture have already been implicated in diseases such as cancer. Thus, a better understanding of this 3D conformation is of interest to help enhance our comprehension of the complex, multipronged regulatory mechanisms of the genome. The work described in this dissertation largely focuses on development and application of interpretable machine learning methods for prediction and analysis of long-range genomic interactions output from chromatin interaction experiments. In the first part, we demonstrate that the genetic sequence information at the ge- nomic loci is predictive of the long-range interactions of a particular locus of interest (LoI). For example, the genetic sequence information at and around enhancers can help predict whether it interacts with a promoter region of interest. This is achieved by building string kernel-based support vector classifiers together with two novel, in- tuitive visualization methods. These models suggest a potential general role of short tandem repeat motifs in the 3D genome organization. But, the insights gained out of these models are still coarse-grained. To this end, we devised a machine learning method, called CoMIK for Conformal Multi-Instance Kernels, capable of providing more fine-grained insights. When comparing sequences of variable length in the su- pervised learning setting, CoMIK can not only identify the features important for classification but also locate them within the sequence. Such precise identification of important segments of the whole sequence can help in gaining de novo insights into any role played by the intervening chromatin towards long-range interactions. Although CoMIK primarily uses only genetic sequence information, it can also si- multaneously utilize other information modalities such as the numerous functional genomics data if available. The second part describes our pipeline, pHDee, for easy manipulation of large amounts of 3D genomics data. We used the pipeline for analyzing HiChIP experimen- tal data for studying the 3D architectural changes in Ewing sarcoma (EWS) which is a rare cancer affecting adolescents. In particular, HiChIP data for two experimen- tal conditions, doxycycline-treated and untreated, and for primary tumor samples is analyzed. We demonstrate that pHDee facilitates processing and easy integration of large amounts of 3D genomics data analysis together with other data-intensive bioinformatics analyses.Mit der Entwicklung von Techniken zur Bestimmung der Chromosomen-Konforma- tion wissen wir jetzt, dass Chromatin in einer dreidimensionalen (3D) Struktur in- nerhalb des Zellkerns gepackt ist. Änderungen in der 3D-Chromatin-Architektur sind bereits mit Krankheiten wie Krebs in Verbindung gebracht worden. Daher ist ein besseres Verständnis dieser 3D-Konformation von Interesse, um einen tieferen Einblick in die komplexen, vielschichtigen Regulationsmechanismen des Genoms zu ermöglichen. Die in dieser Dissertation beschriebene Arbeit konzentriert sich im Wesentlichen auf die Entwicklung und Anwendung interpretierbarer maschineller Lernmethoden zur Vorhersage und Analyse von weitreichenden genomischen Inter- aktionen aus Chromatin-Interaktionsexperimenten. Im ersten Teil zeigen wir, dass die genetische Sequenzinformation an den genomis- chen Loci prädiktiv für die weitreichenden Interaktionen eines bestimmten Locus von Interesse (LoI) ist. Zum Beispiel kann die genetische Sequenzinformation an und um Enhancer-Elemente helfen, vorherzusagen, ob diese mit einer Promotorregion von Interesse interagieren. Dies wird durch die Erstellung von String-Kernel-basierten Support Vector Klassifikationsmodellen zusammen mit zwei neuen, intuitiven Visual- isierungsmethoden erreicht. Diese Modelle deuten auf eine mögliche allgemeine Rolle von kurzen, repetitiven Sequenzmotiven (”tandem repeats”) in der dreidimensionalen Genomorganisation hin. Die Erkenntnisse aus diesen Modellen sind jedoch immer noch grobkörnig. Zu diesem Zweck haben wir die maschinelle Lernmethode CoMIK (für Conformal Multi-Instance-Kernel) entwickelt, welche feiner aufgelöste Erkennt- nisse liefern kann. Beim Vergleich von Sequenzen mit variabler Länge in überwachten Lernszenarien kann CoMIK nicht nur die für die Klassifizierung wichtigen Merkmale identifizieren, sondern sie auch innerhalb der Sequenz lokalisieren. Diese genaue Identifizierung wichtiger Abschnitte der gesamten Sequenz kann dazu beitragen, de novo Einblick in jede Rolle zu gewinnen, die das dazwischen liegende Chromatin für weitreichende Interaktionen spielt. Obwohl CoMIK hauptsächlich nur genetische Se- quenzinformationen verwendet, kann es gleichzeitig auch andere Informationsquellen nutzen, beispielsweise zahlreiche funktionellen Genomdaten sofern verfügbar. Der zweite Teil beschreibt unsere Pipeline pHDee für die einfache Bearbeitung großer Mengen von 3D-Genomdaten. Wir haben die Pipeline zur Analyse von HiChIP- Experimenten zur Untersuchung von dreidimensionalen Architekturänderungen bei der seltenen Krebsart Ewing-Sarkom (EWS) verwendet, welche Jugendliche betrifft. Insbesondere werden HiChIP-Daten für zwei experimentelle Bedingungen, Doxycyclin- behandelt und unbehandelt, und für primäre Tumorproben analysiert. Wir zeigen, dass pHDee die Verarbeitung und einfache Integration großer Mengen der 3D-Genomik- Datenanalyse zusammen mit anderen datenintensiven Bioinformatik-Analysen erle- ichtert
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