25 research outputs found

    Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Face Recognition: Enhancing, Encoding and Matching for Practical Applications

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    Face Recognition is the automatic processing of face images with the purpose to recognize individuals. Recognition task becomes especially challenging in surveillance applications, where images are acquired from a long range in the presence of difficult environments. Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) is an emerging imaging modality that is able to produce clear long range images in difficult environments or during night time. Despite the benefits of the SWIR technology, matching SWIR images against a gallery of visible images presents a challenge, since the photometric properties of the images in the two spectral bands are highly distinct.;In this dissertation, we describe a cross spectral matching method that encodes magnitude and phase of multi-spectral face images filtered with a bank of Gabor filters. The magnitude of filtered images is encoded with Simplified Weber Local Descriptor (SWLD) and Local Binary Pattern (LBP) operators. The phase is encoded with Generalized Local Binary Pattern (GLBP) operator. Encoded multi-spectral images are mapped into a histogram representation and cross matched by applying symmetric Kullback-Leibler distance. Performance of the developed algorithm is demonstrated on TINDERS database that contains long range SWIR and color images acquired at a distance of 2, 50, and 106 meters.;Apart from long acquisition range, other variations and distortions such as pose variation, motion and out of focus blur, and uneven illumination may be observed in multispectral face images. Recognition performance of the face recognition matcher can be greatly affected by these distortions. It is important, therefore, to ensure that matching is performed on high quality images. Poor quality images have to be either enhanced or discarded. This dissertation addresses the problem of selecting good quality samples.;The last chapters of the dissertation suggest a number of modifications applied to the cross spectral matching algorithm for matching low resolution color images in near-real time. We show that the method that encodes the magnitude of Gabor filtered images with the SWLD operator guarantees high recognition rates. The modified method (Gabor-SWLD) is adopted in a camera network set up where cameras acquire several views of the same individual. The designed algorithm and software are fully automated and optimized to perform recognition in near-real time. We evaluate the recognition performance and the processing time of the method on a small dataset collected at WVU

    Biometric Systems

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    Because of the accelerating progress in biometrics research and the latest nation-state threats to security, this book's publication is not only timely but also much needed. This volume contains seventeen peer-reviewed chapters reporting the state of the art in biometrics research: security issues, signature verification, fingerprint identification, wrist vascular biometrics, ear detection, face detection and identification (including a new survey of face recognition), person re-identification, electrocardiogram (ECT) recognition, and several multi-modal systems. This book will be a valuable resource for graduate students, engineers, and researchers interested in understanding and investigating this important field of study

    Advancing the technology of sclera recognition

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    PhD ThesisEmerging biometric traits have been suggested recently to overcome some challenges and issues related to utilising traditional human biometric traits such as the face, iris, and fingerprint. In particu- lar, iris recognition has achieved high accuracy rates under Near- InfraRed (NIR) spectrum and it is employed in many applications for security and identification purposes. However, as modern imaging devices operate in the visible spectrum capturing colour images, iris recognition has faced challenges when applied to coloured images especially with eye images which have a dark pigmentation. Other issues with iris recognition under NIR spectrum are the constraints on the capturing process resulting in failure-to-enrol, and degradation in system accuracy and performance. As a result, the research commu- nity investigated using other traits to support the iris biometric in the visible spectrum such as the sclera. The sclera which is commonly known as the white part of the eye includes a complex network of blood vessels and veins surrounding the eye. The vascular pattern within the sclera has different formations and layers providing powerful features for human identification. In addition, these blood vessels can be acquired in the visible spectrum and thus can be applied using ubiquitous camera-based devices. As a consequence, recent research has focused on developing sclera recog- nition. However, sclera recognition as any biometric system has issues and challenges which need to be addressed. These issues are mainly related to sclera segmentation, blood vessel enhancement, feature ex- traction, template registration, matching and decision methods. In addition, employing the sclera biometric in the wild where relaxed imaging constraints are utilised has introduced more challenges such as illumination variation, specular reflections, non-cooperative user capturing, sclera blocked region due to glasses and eyelashes, variation in capturing distance, multiple gaze directions, and eye rotation. The aim of this thesis is to address such sclera biometric challenges and highlight the potential of this trait. This also might inspire further research on tackling sclera recognition system issues. To overcome the vii above-mentioned issues and challenges, three major contributions are made which can be summarised as 1) designing an efficient sclera recognition system under constrained imaging conditions which in- clude new sclera segmentation, blood vessel enhancement, vascular binary network mapping and feature extraction, and template registra- tion techniques; 2) introducing a novel sclera recognition system under relaxed imaging constraints which exploits novel sclera segmentation, sclera template rotation alignment and distance scaling methods, and complex sclera features; 3) presenting solutions to tackle issues related to applying sclera recognition in a real-time application such as eye localisation, eye corner and gaze detection, together with a novel image quality metric. The evaluation of the proposed contributions is achieved using five databases having different properties representing various challenges and issues. These databases are the UBIRIS.v1, UBIRIS.v2, UTIRIS, MICHE, and an in-house database. The results in terms of segmen- tation accuracy, Equal Error Rate (EER), and processing time show significant improvement in the proposed systems compared to state- of-the-art methods.Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Iraq and the Iraqi Cultural Attach´e in Londo

    Análise de propriedades intrínsecas e extrínsecas de amostras biométricas para detecção de ataques de apresentação

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    Orientadores: Anderson de Rezende Rocha, Hélio PedriniTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Os recentes avanços nas áreas de pesquisa em biometria, forense e segurança da informação trouxeram importantes melhorias na eficácia dos sistemas de reconhecimento biométricos. No entanto, um desafio ainda em aberto é a vulnerabilidade de tais sistemas contra ataques de apresentação, nos quais os usuários impostores criam amostras sintéticas, a partir das informações biométricas originais de um usuário legítimo, e as apresentam ao sensor de aquisição procurando se autenticar como um usuário válido. Dependendo da modalidade biométrica, os tipos de ataque variam de acordo com o tipo de material usado para construir as amostras sintéticas. Por exemplo, em biometria facial, uma tentativa de ataque é caracterizada quando um usuário impostor apresenta ao sensor de aquisição uma fotografia, um vídeo digital ou uma máscara 3D com as informações faciais de um usuário-alvo. Em sistemas de biometria baseados em íris, os ataques de apresentação podem ser realizados com fotografias impressas ou com lentes de contato contendo os padrões de íris de um usuário-alvo ou mesmo padrões de textura sintéticas. Nos sistemas biométricos de impressão digital, os usuários impostores podem enganar o sensor biométrico usando réplicas dos padrões de impressão digital construídas com materiais sintéticos, como látex, massa de modelar, silicone, entre outros. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de soluções para detecção de ataques de apresentação considerando os sistemas biométricos faciais, de íris e de impressão digital. As linhas de investigação apresentadas nesta tese incluem o desenvolvimento de representações baseadas nas informações espaciais, temporais e espectrais da assinatura de ruído; em propriedades intrínsecas das amostras biométricas (e.g., mapas de albedo, de reflectância e de profundidade) e em técnicas de aprendizagem supervisionada de características. Os principais resultados e contribuições apresentadas nesta tese incluem: a criação de um grande conjunto de dados publicamente disponível contendo aproximadamente 17K videos de simulações de ataques de apresentações e de acessos genuínos em um sistema biométrico facial, os quais foram coletados com a autorização do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Unicamp; o desenvolvimento de novas abordagens para modelagem e análise de propriedades extrínsecas das amostras biométricas relacionadas aos artefatos que são adicionados durante a fabricação das amostras sintéticas e sua captura pelo sensor de aquisição, cujos resultados de desempenho foram superiores a diversos métodos propostos na literature que se utilizam de métodos tradicionais de análise de images (e.g., análise de textura); a investigação de uma abordagem baseada na análise de propriedades intrínsecas das faces, estimadas a partir da informação de sombras presentes em sua superfície; e, por fim, a investigação de diferentes abordagens baseadas em redes neurais convolucionais para o aprendizado automático de características relacionadas ao nosso problema, cujos resultados foram superiores ou competitivos aos métodos considerados estado da arte para as diferentes modalidades biométricas consideradas nesta tese. A pesquisa também considerou o projeto de eficientes redes neurais com arquiteturas rasas capazes de aprender características relacionadas ao nosso problema a partir de pequenos conjuntos de dados disponíveis para o desenvolvimento e a avaliação de soluções para a detecção de ataques de apresentaçãoAbstract: Recent advances in biometrics, information forensics, and security have improved the recognition effectiveness of biometric systems. However, an ever-growing challenge is the vulnerability of such systems against presentation attacks, in which impostor users create synthetic samples from the original biometric information of a legitimate user and show them to the acquisition sensor seeking to authenticate themselves as legitimate users. Depending on the trait used by the biometric authentication, the attack types vary with the type of material used to build the synthetic samples. For instance, in facial biometric systems, an attempted attack is characterized by the type of material the impostor uses such as a photograph, a digital video, or a 3D mask with the facial information of a target user. In iris-based biometrics, presentation attacks can be accomplished with printout photographs or with contact lenses containing the iris patterns of a target user or even synthetic texture patterns. In fingerprint biometric systems, impostor users can deceive the authentication process using replicas of the fingerprint patterns built with synthetic materials such as latex, play-doh, silicone, among others. This research aimed at developing presentation attack detection (PAD) solutions whose objective is to detect attempted attacks considering different attack types, in each modality. The lines of investigation presented in this thesis aimed at devising and developing representations based on spatial, temporal and spectral information from noise signature, intrinsic properties of the biometric data (e.g., albedo, reflectance, and depth maps), and supervised feature learning techniques, taking into account different testing scenarios including cross-sensor, intra-, and inter-dataset scenarios. The main findings and contributions presented in this thesis include: the creation of a large and publicly available benchmark containing 17K videos of presentation attacks and bona-fide presentations simulations in a facial biometric system, whose collect were formally authorized by the Research Ethics Committee at Unicamp; the development of novel approaches to modeling and analysis of extrinsic properties of biometric samples related to artifacts added during the manufacturing of the synthetic samples and their capture by the acquisition sensor, whose results were superior to several approaches published in the literature that use traditional methods for image analysis (e.g., texture-based analysis); the investigation of an approach based on the analysis of intrinsic properties of faces, estimated from the information of shadows present on their surface; and the investigation of different approaches to automatically learning representations related to our problem, whose results were superior or competitive to state-of-the-art methods for the biometric modalities considered in this thesis. We also considered in this research the design of efficient neural networks with shallow architectures capable of learning characteristics related to our problem from small sets of data available to develop and evaluate PAD solutionsDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computação140069/2016-0 CNPq, 142110/2017-5CAPESCNP

    Local Binary Pattern based algorithms for the discrimination and detection of crops and weeds with similar morphologies

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    In cultivated agricultural fields, weeds are unwanted species that compete with the crop plants for nutrients, water, sunlight and soil, thus constraining their growth. Applying new real-time weed detection and spraying technologies to agriculture would enhance current farming practices, leading to higher crop yields and lower production costs. Various weed detection methods have been developed for Site-Specific Weed Management (SSWM) aimed at maximising the crop yield through efficient control of weeds. Blanket application of herbicide chemicals is currently the most popular weed eradication practice in weed management and weed invasion. However, the excessive use of herbicides has a detrimental impact on the human health, economy and environment. Before weeds are resistant to herbicides and respond better to weed control strategies, it is necessary to control them in the fallow, pre-sowing, early post-emergent and in pasture phases. Moreover, the development of herbicide resistance in weeds is the driving force for inventing precision and automation weed treatments. Various weed detection techniques have been developed to identify weed species in crop fields, aimed at improving the crop quality, reducing herbicide and water usage and minimising environmental impacts. In this thesis, Local Binary Pattern (LBP)-based algorithms are developed and tested experimentally, which are based on extracting dominant plant features from camera images to precisely detecting weeds from crops in real time. Based on the efficient computation and robustness of the first LBP method, an improved LBP-based method is developed based on using three different LBP operators for plant feature extraction in conjunction with a Support Vector Machine (SVM) method for multiclass plant classification. A 24,000-image dataset, collected using a testing facility under simulated field conditions (Testbed system), is used for algorithm training, validation and testing. The dataset, which is published online under the name “bccr-segset”, consists of four subclasses: background, Canola (Brassica napus), Corn (Zea mays), and Wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum). In addition, the dataset comprises plant images collected at four crop growth stages, for each subclass. The computer-controlled Testbed is designed to rapidly label plant images and generate the “bccr-segset” dataset. Experimental results show that the classification accuracy of the improved LBP-based algorithm is 91.85%, for the four classes. Due to the similarity of the morphologies of the canola (crop) and wild radish (weed) leaves, the conventional LBP-based method has limited ability to discriminate broadleaf crops from weeds. To overcome this limitation and complex field conditions (illumination variation, poses, viewpoints, and occlusions), a novel LBP-based method (denoted k-FLBPCM) is developed to enhance the classification accuracy of crops and weeds with similar morphologies. Our contributions include (i) the use of opening and closing morphological operators in pre-processing of plant images, (ii) the development of the k-FLBPCM method by combining two methods, namely, the filtered local binary pattern (LBP) method and the contour-based masking method with a coefficient k, and (iii) the optimal use of SVM with the radial basis function (RBF) kernel to precisely identify broadleaf plants based on their distinctive features. The high performance of this k-FLBPCM method is demonstrated by experimentally attaining up to 98.63% classification accuracy at four different growth stages for all classes of the “bccr-segset” dataset. To evaluate performance of the k-FLBPCM algorithm in real-time, a comparison analysis between our novel method (k-FLBPCM) and deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) is conducted on morphologically similar crops and weeds. Various DCNN models, namely VGG-16, VGG-19, ResNet50 and InceptionV3, are optimised, by fine-tuning their hyper-parameters, and tested. Based on the experimental results on the “bccr-segset” dataset collected from the laboratory and the “fieldtrip_can_weeds” dataset collected from the field under practical environments, the classification accuracies of the DCNN models and the k-FLBPCM method are almost similar. Another experiment is conducted by training the algorithms with plant images obtained at mature stages and testing them at early stages. In this case, the new k-FLBPCM method outperformed the state-of-the-art CNN models in identifying small leaf shapes of canola-radish (crop-weed) at early growth stages, with an order of magnitude lower error rates in comparison with DCNN models. Furthermore, the execution time of the k-FLBPCM method during the training and test phases was faster than the DCNN counterparts, with an identification time difference of approximately 0.224ms per image for the laboratory dataset and 0.346ms per image for the field dataset. These results demonstrate the ability of the k-FLBPCM method to rapidly detect weeds from crops of similar appearance in real time with less data, and generalize to different size plants better than the CNN-based methods

    Handbook of Vascular Biometrics

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