57 research outputs found

    A Variational Loop Shrinking Analogy for Handle and Tunnel Detection and {Reeb} Graph Construction on Surfaces

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    The humble loop shrinking property played a central role in the inception of modern topology but it has been eclipsed by more abstract algebraic formalism. This is particularly true in the context of detecting relevant non-contractible loops on surfaces where elaborate homological and/or graph theoretical constructs are favored in algorithmic solutions. In this work, we devise a variational analogy to the loop shrinking property and show that it yields a simple, intuitive, yet powerful solution allowing a streamlined treatment of the problem of handle and tunnel loop detection. Our formalization tracks the evolution of a diffusion front randomly initiated on a single location on the surface. Capitalizing on a diffuse interface representation combined with a set of rules for concurrent front interactions, we develop a dynamic data structure for tracking the evolution on the surface encoded as a sparse matrix which serves for performing both diffusion numerics and loop detection and acts as the workhorse of our fully parallel implementation. The substantiated results suggest our approach outperforms state of the art and robustly copes with highly detailed geometric models. As a byproduct, our approach can be used to construct Reeb graphs by diffusion thus avoiding commonly encountered issues when using Morse functions

    Constructing Desirable Scalar Fields for Morse Analysis on Meshes

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    Morse theory is a powerful mathematical tool that uses the local differential properties of a manifold to make conclusions about global topological aspects of the manifold. Morse theory has been proven to be a very useful tool in computer graphics, geometric data processing and understanding. This work is divided into two parts. The first part is concerned with constructing geometry and symmetry aware scalar functions on a triangulated 22-manifold. To effectively apply Morse theory to discrete manifolds, one needs to design scalar functions on them with certain properties such as respecting the symmetry and the geometry of the surface and having the critical points of the scalar function coincide with feature or symmetry points on the surface. In this work, we study multiple methods that were suggested in the literature to construct such functions such as isometry invariant scalar functions, Poisson fields and discrete conformal factors. We suggest multiple refinements to each family of these functions and we propose new methods to construct geometry and symmetry-aware scalar functions using mainly the theory of the Laplace-Beltrami operator. Our proposed methods are general and can be applied in many areas such as parametrization, shape analysis, symmetry detection and segmentation. In the second part of the thesis we utilize Morse theory to give topologically consistent segmentation algorithms

    Multivariate Topology Simplification

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    Topological simplification of scalar and vector fields is well-established as an effective method for analysing and visualising complex data sets. For multivariate (alternatively, multi-field) data, topological analysis requires simultaneous advances both mathematically and computationally. We propose a robust multivariate topology simplification method based on “lip”-pruning from the Reeb space. Mathematically, we show that the projection of the Jacobi set of multivariate data into the Reeb space produces a Jacobi structure that separates the Reeb space into simple components. We also show that the dual graph of these components gives rise to a Reeb skeleton that has properties similar to the scalar contour tree and Reeb graph, for topologically simple domains. We then introduce a range measure to give a scaling-invariant total ordering of the components or features that can be used for simplification. Computationally, we show how to compute Jacobi structure, Reeb skeleton, range and geometric measures in the Joint Contour Net (an approximation of the Reeb space) and that these can be used for visualisation similar to the contour tree or Reeb graph
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