576 research outputs found

    An Elitist Non-Dominated Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Based Temperature Aware Circuit Synthesis

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    At sub-nanometre technology, temperature is one of the important design parameters to be taken care of during the target implementation for the circuit for its long term and reliable operation. High device package density leads to high power density that generates high temperatures. The temperature of a chip is directly proportional to the power density of the chip. So, the power density of a chip can be minimized to reduce the possibility of the high temperature generation. Temperature minimization approaches are generally addressed at the physical design level but it incurs high cooling cost. To reduce the cooling cost, the temperature minimization approaches can be addressed at the logic level. In this work, the Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II) based multi-objective heuristic approach is proposed to select the efficient input variable polarity of Mixed Polarity Reed-Muller (MPRM) expansion for simultaneous optimization of area, power, and temperature. A Pareto optimal solution set is obtained from the vast solution set of 3n (‘n’ is the number of input variables) different polarities of MPRM. Tabular technique is used for input polarity conversion from Sum-of-Product (SOP) form to MPRM form. Finally, using CADENCE and HotSpot tool absolute temperature, silicon area and power consumption of the synthesized circuits are calculated and are reported. The proposed algorithm saves around 76.20% silicon area, 29.09% power dissipation and reduces 17.06% peak temperature in comparison with the reported values in the literature

    Efficient three variables reversible logic synthesis using mixed-polarity Toffoli gate

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    In this paper, we present an efficient reversible logic synthesis algorithm that uses Toffoli and mixed-polarity based Toffoli gate. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to synthesizereversible function in their positive-polarity Reed Muller (PPRM) expansion and usethe Hamming Distance (HD) approach to select suitable transformation path. Once a transformation path is defined, suitable gates for substitution are selected through the gate matching factor and reduction is performed. The algorithm does not generate any extra lines and thus keeping the synthesized function in its simplest form. The algorithm target on efficient way to synthesize three variables based reversible function into a cascade of Toffoli and mixed-polarity based Toffoli gate in term of quantum cost and gate count. Experimental results showthat the proposed algorithm is efficient in terms of the realization of all three variable based reversible function

    Verification Method for Area Optimization of Mixed - Polarity Reed - Muller Logic Circuits

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    Area minimization of mixed-polarity Reed-Muller (MPRM) logic circuits is an important step in logic synthesis. While previous studies are mainly based on various artificial intelligence algorithms and not comparable with the results from the mainstream electronics design automation (EDA) tool. Furthermore, it is hard to verify the superiority of intelligence algorithms to the EDA tool on area optimization. To address these problems, a multi-step novel verification method was proposed. First, a hybrid simulated annealing (SA) and discrete particle swarm optimization (DPSO) approach (SADPSO) was applied to optimize the area of the MPRM logic circuit. Second, a Design Compiler (DC) algorithm was used to optimize the area of the same MPRM logic circuit under certain settings and constraints. Finally, the area optimization results of the two algorithms were compared based on MCNC benchmark circuits. Results demonstrate that the SADPSO algorithm outperforms the DC algorithm in the area optimization for MPRM logic circuits. The SADPSO algorithm saves approximately 9.1% equivalent logic gates compared with the DC algorithm. Our proposed verification method illustrates the efficacy of the intelligence algorithm in area optimization compared with DC algorithm. Conclusions in this study provide guidance for the improvement of EDA tools in relation to the area optimization of combinational logic circuits

    Automated synthesis and optimization of multilevel logic circuits.

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    With the increased complexity of Very Large Scaled Integrated (VLSI) circuits, multilevellogic synthesis plays an even more important role due to its flexibility and compactness.The history of symbolic logic and some typical techniques for multilevel logic synthesisare reviewed. These methods include algorithmic approach; Rule-Based approach; BinaryDecision Diagram (BDD) approach; Field Programmable Gate Array(FPGA) approachand several perturbation applications.One new kind of don't cares (DCs), called functional DCs has been proposed for multilevellogic synthesis. The conventional two-level cubes are generalized to multilevel cubes.Then functional DCs are generated based on the properties of containment. The conceptof containment is more general than unateness which leads to the generation of newDCs. A separate C program has been developed to utilize the functional DCs generatedas a Boolean function is decomposed for both single output and multiple output functions.The program can produce better results than script.rugged of SIS, developed by UC Berkeley,both in area and speed in less CPU time for a number of testcases from MCNC andIWLS'93 benchmarks.In certain applications ANDjXOR (Reed-Muller) logic has shown some attractive advantagesover the standard Boolean logic based on AND JOR operations. A bidirectionalconversion algorithm between these two paradigms is presented based on the concept of polarityfor sum-of-products (SOP) Boolean functions, multiple segment and multiple pointerfacilities. Experimental results show that the algorithm is much faster than the previouslypublished programs for any fixed polarity. Based on this algorithm, a new technique calledredundancy-removal is applied to generalize the idea to very large multiple output Booleanfunctions. Results for benchmarks with up to 199 inputs and 99 outputs are presented.Applying the preceding conversion program, any Boolean functions can be expressedby fixed polarity Reed-Muller forms. There are 2n polarities for an n-variable function andthe number of product terms depends on these polarities. The problem of exact polarityminimization is computationally extensive and current programs are only suitable whenn :::; 15. Based on the comparison of the concepts of polarity in the standard Boolean logicand Reed-Muller logic, a fast algorithm is developed and implemented in C language whichcan find the best polarity for multiple output functions. Benchmark examples of up to 25inputs and 29 outputs run on a personal computer are given.After the best polarity for a Boolean function is calculated, this function can be furthersimplified using mixed polarity methods by combining the adjacent product terms. Hence,an efficient program is developed based on decomposition strategy to implement mixedpolarity minimization for both single output and very large multiple output Boolean functions.Experimental results show that the numbers of product terms are much less thanthe results produced by ESPRESSO for some categories of functions

    Computer aided synthesis and optimisation of electronic logic circuits

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    In this thesis, a variety of algorithms for synthesis and optimisation of combinational and sequential logic circuits are developed. These algorithms could be part of new commercial EGAD package for future VLSI digital designs. The results show that considerable saving in components can be achieved resulting in simpler designs that are smaller, cheaper, consume less power and easier to test. The purpose of generating different sets of coefficients related to Reed Muller (RM) is that they contain different number of terms; therefore the minimum one can be selected to design the circuits with reduced gate count. To widen the search space and achieve better synthesis tools, representations of Mixed Polarity Reed Muller (MPRM), Mixed Polarity Dual Reed Muller (MPDRM), and Pseduo Kronecker Reed Muller (PKRO RM) expansions are investigated. Efficient and fast combinatorial techniques and algorithms are developed for the following: â Bidirectional conversion between MPRM/ MPDRM form and Fixed Polarity Reed Muller forms (FPRM)/Fixed Polarity Dual Reed Muller forms (FPDRM) form respectively. The main advantages for these techniques are their simplicity and suitability for single and multi output Boolean functions. â Computing the coefficients of any polarity related to PKRO_RM class starting from FPRM coefficients or Canonical Sum of Products (CSOP). â Computing the coefficients of any polarity related to MPRM/or MPDRM directly from standard form of CSOP/Canonical Product of sums (CPOS) Boolean functions, respectively. The proposed algorithms are efficient in terms of CPU time and can be used for large functions. For optimisation of combinational circuits, new techniques and algorithms based on algebraic techniques are developed which can be used to generate reduced RM expressions to design circuits in RM/DRM domain starting from FPRM/FPDRM, respectively. The outcome for these techniques is expansion in Reed Muller domain with minimal terms. The search space is 3`" Exclusive OR Sum of Product (ESOP)/or Exclusive NOR Product of Sums (ENPOS) expansions. Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are also developed to optimise combinational circuits to find optimal MPRM/MPDRM among 3° different polarities without the need to do exhaustive search. These algorithms are developed for completely and incompletely specified Boolean functions. The experimental results show that GA can find optimum solutions in a short time compared with long time required running exhaustive search in all the benchmarks tested. Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) is developed and implemented to determine the optimal state assignment which results in less area and power dissipation for completely and incompletely specified sequential circuits. The goal is to find the best assignments which reduce the component count and switching activity simultaneously. The experimental results show that saving in components and switching activity are achieved in most of the benchmarks tested compared with recently published research. All algorithms are implemented in C++.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Combinational logic synthesis based on the dual form of Reed-Muller representation

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    In certain applications, AND/XOR (Reed-Muller), and ORlXNOR (Dual form of Reed-Muller) logic have shown some attractive advantages over the standard Sum of Products (SOP) and Product of Sums (POS). Bidirectional conversion algorithms between SOP and AND/XOR also between POS and ORlXNOR based on Sparse and partitioning techniques are presented for multiple output Boolean functions. The developed programs are tested for some benchmarks with up to 20 inputs and 40 outputs. A new direct method is presented to calculate the coefficients of the Fixed Polarity Dual Reed-Muller (FPDRM) from the truth vector of the POS. Any Boolean function can be expressed by FPDRM forms. There are 211 polarities for an n-variable function and the number of sum terms depends on these polarities. Finding the best polarity is costly interims of CPU time, in order to search for the best polarity which will lead to the minimum number of sums for a particular function. Therefore, an algorithm is developed to compute all the coefficients of the Fixed Polarity Dual Reed-Muller (FPDRM) with polarity p from any polarity q. This technique is used to find the best polarity of FPDRM among the 211 fixed polarities. The algorithm is based on the Dual- polarity property and the Gray code strategy. Therefore, there is no need to start from POS form to find FPDRM coefficients for all the polarities. The proposed methods are efficient in terms of memory size and CPU time. A fast algorithm is developed and implemented in C language which can convert between POSs and FPDRMs. The program was tested for up to 23 variables. A modified version of the same program was used to find the best polarity. For up to 13 variables the CPU time was less than 42 seconds. To search for the optimal polarity for large number of variables and to reduce the se arch time 0 ffinding the 0 ptimal polarity 0 fthe function, two new algorithms are developed and presented in this thesis. The first one is used to convert between P OS and Positive Polarity Dual Reed-Muller (PPDRM) forms. The second algorithm will find the optimal fixed polarity for the FPDRM among the 211 different polarities for large n-variable functions. The most popular minimization criterion of the FPDRM form is obtained by the exhaustive search of the entire polarity vector. A non-exhaustive method for FPDRM expansions is presented. The new algorithms are based on separation of the truth vector (T) of POSs around each variable Xi into two groups. Instead of generating all of the polarity sets and searching for the best polarity, this algorithm will find the optimal polarity using the separation and sparse techniques, which will lead to optimal polarity. Time efficiency and computing speed are thus achieved in this technique. The algorithms don't require a large size of memory and don't require a long CPU time. The two algorithms are implemented in C language and tested for some benchmark. The proposed methods are fast and efficient as shown in the experimental results and can be used for large number of variables.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Computer aided synthesis and optimisation of electronic logic circuits

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    In this thesis, a variety of algorithms for synthesis and optimisation of combinational and sequential logic circuits are developed. These algorithms could be part of new commercial EGAD package for future VLSI digital designs. The results show that considerable saving in components can be achieved resulting in simpler designs that are smaller, cheaper, consume less power and easier to test.The purpose of generating different sets of coefficients related to Reed Muller (RM) is that they contain different number of terms; therefore the minimum one can be selected to design the circuits with reduced gate count. To widen the search space and achieve better synthesis tools, representations of Mixed Polarity Reed Muller (MPRM), Mixed Polarity Dual Reed Muller (MPDRM), and Pseduo Kronecker Reed Muller (PKRO RM) expansions are investigated. Efficient and fast combinatorial techniques and algorithms are developed for the following:- Bidirectional conversion between MPRM/ MPDRM form and Fixed Polarity Reed Muller forms (FPRM)/Fixed Polarity Dual Reed Muller forms (FPDRM) form respectively. The main advantages for these techniques are their simplicity and suitability for single and multi output Boolean functions.- Computing the coefficients of any polarity related to PKRO_RM class starting from FPRM coefficients or Canonical Sum of Products (CSOP).- Computing the coefficients of any polarity related to MPRM/or MPDRM directly from standard form of CSOP/Canonical Product of sums (CPOS) Boolean functions, respectively. The proposed algorithms are efficient in terms of CPU time and can be used for large functions.For optimisation of combinational circuits, new techniques and algorithms based on algebraic techniques are developed which can be used to generate reduced RM expressions to design circuits in RM/DRM domain starting from FPRM/FPDRM, respectively. The outcome for these techniques is expansion in Reed Muller domain with minimal terms. The search space is 3`" Exclusive OR Sum of Product (ESOP)/or Exclusive NOR Product of Sums (ENPOS) expansions.Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are also developed to optimise combinational circuits to find optimal MPRM/MPDRM among 3° different polarities without the need to do exhaustive search. These algorithms are developed for completely and incompletely specified Boolean functions. The experimental results show that GA can find optimum solutions in a short time compared with long time required running exhaustive search in all the benchmarks tested.Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) is developed and implemented to determine the optimal state assignment which results in less area and power dissipation for completely and incompletely specified sequential circuits. The goal is to find the best assignments which reduce the component count and switching activity simultaneously. The experimental results show that saving in components and switchingactivity are achieved in most of the benchmarks tested compared with recentlypublished research. All algorithms are implemented in C++

    Design and synthesis of reversible logic

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    Energy lost during computation is an important issue for digital design. Today, all electronics devices suffer from energy lost due to the conventional logic system used. The amount of energy loss in the form of heat leads to immense challenges in nowadays circuit design. To overcome that, reversible logic has been invented. Since properties of reversible logic differ greatly than conventional logic, synthesis methods used for conventional logic cannot be used in reversible logic. In this dissertation, we proposed new synthesis algorithms and several circuit designs using reversible logic
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