2,092 research outputs found

    Virtual Prototyping for Dynamically Reconfigurable Architectures using Dynamic Generic Mapping

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    This paper presents a virtual prototyping methodology for Dynamically Reconfigurable (DR) FPGAs. The methodology is based around a library of VHDL image processing components and allows the rapid prototyping and algorithmic development of low-level image processing systems. For the effective modelling of dynamically reconfigurable designs a new technique named, Dynamic Generic Mapping is introduced. This method allows efficient representation of dynamic reconfiguration without needing any additional components to model the reconfiguration process. This gives the designer more flexibility in modelling dynamic configurations than other methodologies. Models created using this technique can then be simulated and targeted to a specific technology using the same code. This technique is demonstrated through the realisation of modules for a motion tracking system targeted to a DR environment, RIFLE-62

    Modeling and Design of Digital Electronic Systems

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    The paper is concerned with the modern methodologies for holistic modeling of electronic systems enabling system-on-chip design. The method deals with the functional modeling of complete electronic systems using the behavioral features of Hardware Description Languages or high level languages then targeting programmable devices - mainly Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) - for the rapid prototyping of digital electronic controllers. This approach offers major advantages such as: a unique modeling and evaluation environment for complete power systems, the same environment is used for the rapid prototyping of the digital controller, fast design development, short time to market, a CAD platform independent model, reusability of the model/design, generation of valuable IP, high level hardware/software partitioning of the design is enabled, Concurrent Engineering basic rules (unique EDA environment and common design database) are fulfilled. The recent evolution of such design methodologies is marked through references to case studies of electronic system modeling,simulation, controller design and implementation. Pointers for future trends / evolution of electronic design strategies and tools are given

    FPGA design methodology for industrial control systems—a review

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    This paper reviews the state of the art of fieldprogrammable gate array (FPGA) design methodologies with a focus on industrial control system applications. This paper starts with an overview of FPGA technology development, followed by a presentation of design methodologies, development tools and relevant CAD environments, including the use of portable hardware description languages and system level programming/design tools. They enable a holistic functional approach with the major advantage of setting up a unique modeling and evaluation environment for complete industrial electronics systems. Three main design rules are then presented. These are algorithm refinement, modularity, and systematic search for the best compromise between the control performance and the architectural constraints. An overview of contributions and limits of FPGAs is also given, followed by a short survey of FPGA-based intelligent controllers for modern industrial systems. Finally, two complete and timely case studies are presented to illustrate the benefits of an FPGA implementation when using the proposed system modeling and design methodology. These consist of the direct torque control for induction motor drives and the control of a diesel-driven synchronous stand-alone generator with the help of fuzzy logic

    Rapid prototyping from algorithm to FPGA prototype

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    Abstract. Wireless data usage continuously increases in today’s world setting higher requirements for wireless networks. Ever increasing requirements result in more complex hardware (HW) implementation, especially telecommunication System-on-Chips (SoC) performance is playing a key-role in this development. Complexity increases design workload, therefore, it makes design flow times longer. High-Level Synthesis (HLS) tools have been designed to automate and accelerate design by moving manual work on a higher level. This Master’s Thesis studies MathWorks HLS workflow usage for rapid prototyping of Wireless Communication SoC Intellectual Property (IP). This thesis introduces design and FPGA prototyping flow of Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC). It presents good design practices targeted for HLS. It also studies MathWorks Hardware Description Language (HDL) generation flow with HDL Coder, possible problems during the flow and solutions to overcome the problems. The HLS flow is examined with an example design that scales and limits the power of IQ-data. This work verifies the design in a Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) environment. It concentrates on evaluating the usage and benefits of MathWorks HLS workflow targeted for rapid prototyping of SoCs. The Example IP is a Simulink model containing MATLAB algorithms and System Objects. The design is optimized on algorithm level and synthesized into VHDL. The generated Register-Transfer Level (RTL) is verified in co-simulation against the algorithm model. Optimization and verification methods are evaluated. The HDL model is further processed through logic-synthesis using the 3rd party synthesis tool run automatically with a script created by MathWorks workflow. The generated design is tested on FPGA with FPGA-in-the-loop simulation configuration. FPGA prototyping flow benefits for rapid prototyping are evaluated. Coding styles to generate synthesizable HDL code and simulation methods to improve simulation speed of hardware-like algorithm were discussed. MathWorks HLS workflow was evaluated for rapid prototype purposes from algorithm to FPGA. Optimization methods and capability for production quality RTL for ASIC target were also discussed. MathWorks’ tool flow provided promising results for rapid prototyping. It generated human-readable HDL that was successfully synthesized on FPGA. The FPGA model was simulated in FPGA-in-the-loop configuration successfully. It also provided good area and speed results for the ASIC target when the algorithm was written strictly from the hardware perspective. The process was found to be distinct and efficient.Nopea prototypointi algoritmista FPGA-prototyypiksi. TiivistelmĂ€. Langattoman datan kĂ€yttö kasvaa jatkuvasti nykymaailmassa ja asettaa korkeammat vaatimukset langattomille verkoille. Kasvavat vaatimukset tekevĂ€t laitteistototeutuksesta kompleksisempaa, erityisesti tietoliikenteessĂ€ kĂ€ytettĂ€vien jĂ€rjestelmĂ€piirien (SoC) tehokkuus on avainasemassa. TĂ€mĂ€ kasvattaa suunnittelun työmÀÀrÀÀ ja nĂ€in ollen suunnitteluvuohon kuluva aika pidentyy. Korkean tason synteesi (HLS) on kehitetty automatisoimaan ja nopeuttamaan digitaalisuunnittelua siirtĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ manuaalista työtĂ€ korkeammalle tasolle. TĂ€mĂ€ diplomityö tutkii MathWorks:n HLS-vuon kĂ€yttöÀ langattomaan viestintÀÀn suunniteltavien SoC:ien tekijĂ€noikeudenalaisten standardoitujen lohkojen (IP) nopeaan prototypointiin. Työ esittelee perinteisen asiakaspiirin (ASIC) suunnitteluvuon, FPGA-prototypointivuon ja suunnitteluperiaatteet HLS:ÀÀ varten. TyössĂ€ kĂ€ydÀÀn lĂ€pi MathWorks:n laitteistokuvauskielen (HDL) generointivuo HDL Coder:lla, mahdollisia ongelmakohtia vuossa ja ratkaisuja ongelmiin. HLS-vuota tutkitaan esimerkkimallin avulla, joka skaalaa ja rajoittaa IQ-datan tehoa. Esimerkkimallin toiminta tarkistetaan ohjelmoitavan logiikkapiirin (FPGA) kanssa. Työ keskittyy arvioimaan MathWorks:n HLS-vuon kĂ€yttöÀ ja hyötyĂ€ nopeaan prototypointiin SoC:ien kehityksessĂ€. EsimerkkinĂ€ kĂ€ytetÀÀn Simulink-mallia, joka sisĂ€ltÀÀ MATLAB-funktioita ja System Object-olioita. Algoritmitasolla optimoitu malli syntesoidaan VHDL:ksi ja rekisterinsiirtotason (RTL) mallin toiminta tarkistetaan yhteissimulaatiolla alkuperĂ€istĂ€ algoritmimallia vasten. Optimointi- ja verifiointimenetelmien toimivuutta ja tehokkuutta arvioidaan. Generoitu HDL-malli syntesoidaan kolmannen osapuolen logiikkasynteesi-työkalulla, joka kĂ€ynnistetÀÀn MathWorks:n työkaluvuon generoimalla komentosarjalla. Luotu malli ohjelmoidaan FPGA:lle ja sen toiminta tarkistetaan FPGA-simulaatiolla. Syntesoituvan HDL-koodin generointiin vaadittavia koodaustyylejĂ€ ja algoritmimallin simulointinopeutta parantavia menetelmiĂ€ tutkittiin. MathWorks:n HLS-vuon soveltuvuutta nopeaan prototypointiin algoritmista FPGA-prototyypiksi pohdittiin. LisĂ€ksi optimointimenetelmiĂ€ ja vuon soveltuvuutta tuotantolaatuisen RTL:n generoimiseen arvioitiin. MathWorks:n työkaluvuo osoitti lupaavia tuloksia nopean prototypoinnin nĂ€kökulmasta. Se loi luettavaa HDL-koodia, joka syntesoitui FPGA:lle. Malli ajettiin onnistuneesti FPGA:lla. Vuon avulla saavutettiin hyviĂ€ tuloksia pinta-alan ja nopeuden suhteen, kun malli optimoitiin asiakaspiirille. TĂ€mĂ€ vaati mallin kuvaamista tarkasti laitteiston nĂ€kökulmasta. Prosessi oli kokonaisuudessaan selkeĂ€ ja tehokas

    A framework for FPGA functional units in high performance computing

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    FPGAs make it practical to speed up a program by defining hardware functional units that perform calculations faster than can be achieved in software. Specialised digital circuits avoid the overhead of executing sequences of instructions, and they make available the massive parallelism of the components. The FPGA operates as a coprocessor controlled by a conventional computer. An application that combines software with hardware in this way needs an interface between a communications port to the processor and the signals connected to the functional units. We present a framework that supports the design of such systems. The framework consists of a generic controller circuit defined in VHDL that can be configured by the user according to the needs of the functional units and the I/O channel. The controller contains a register file and a pipelined programmable register transfer machine, and it supports the design of both stateless and stateful functional units. Two examples are described: the implementation of a set of basic stateless arithmetic functional units, and the implementation of a stateful algorithm that exploits circuit parallelism

    Platform-based design, test and fast verification flow for mixed-signal systems on chip

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    This research is providing methodologies to enhance the design phase from architectural space exploration and system study to verification of the whole mixed-signal system. At the beginning of the work, some innovative digital IPs have been designed to develop efficient signal conditioning for sensor systems on-chip that has been included in commercial products. After this phase, the main focus has been addressed to the creation of a re-usable and versatile test of the device after the tape-out which is close to become one of the major cost factor for ICs companies, strongly linking it to model’s test-benches to avoid re-design phases and multi-environment scenarios, producing a very effective approach to a single, fast and reliable multi-level verification environment. All these works generated different publications in scientific literature. The compound scenario concerning the development of sensor systems is presented in Chapter 1, together with an overview of the related market with a particular focus on the latest MEMS and MOEMS technology devices, and their applications in various segments. Chapter 2 introduces the state of the art for sensor interfaces: the generic sensor interface concept (based on sharing the same electronics among similar applications achieving cost saving at the expense of area and performance loss) versus the Platform Based Design methodology, which overcomes the drawbacks of the classic solution by keeping the generality at the highest design layers and customizing the platform for a target sensor achieving optimized performances. An evolution of Platform Based Design achieved by implementation into silicon of the ISIF (Intelligent Sensor InterFace) platform is therefore presented. ISIF is a highly configurable mixed-signal chip which allows designers to perform an effective design space exploration and to evaluate directly on silicon the system performances avoiding the critical and time consuming analysis required by standard platform based approach. In chapter 3 we describe the design of a smart sensor interface for conditioning next generation MOEMS. The adoption of a new, high performance and high integrated technology allow us to integrate not only a versatile platform but also a powerful ARM processor and various IPs providing the possibility to use the platform not only as a conditioning platform but also as a processing unit for the application. In this chapter a description of the various blocks is given, with a particular emphasis on the IP developed in order to grant the highest grade of flexibility with the minimum area occupation. The architectural space evaluation and the application prototyping with ISIF has enabled an effective, rapid and low risk development of a new high performance platform achieving a flexible sensor system for MEMS and MOEMS monitoring and conditioning. The platform has been design to cover very challenging test-benches, like a laser-based projector device. In this way the platform will not only be able to effectively handle the sensor but also all the system that can be built around it, reducing the needed for further electronics and resulting in an efficient test bench for the algorithm developed to drive the system. The high costs in ASIC development are mainly related to re-design phases because of missing complete top-level tests. Analog and digital parts design flows are separately verified. Starting from these considerations, in the last chapter a complete test environment for complex mixed-signal chips is presented. A semi-automatic VHDL-AMS flow to provide totally matching top-level is described and then, an evolution for fast self-checking test development for both model and real chip verification is proposed. By the introduction of a Python interface, the designer can easily perform interactive tests to cover all the features verification (e.g. calibration and trimming) into the design phase and check them all with the same environment on the real chip after the tape-out. This strategy has been tested on a consumer 3D-gyro for consumer application, in collaboration with SensorDynamics AG

    Mppsocgen: A framework for automatic generation of mppsoc architecture

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    Automatic code generation is a standard method in software engineering since it improves the code consistency and reduces the overall development time. In this context, this paper presents a design flow for automatic VHDL code generation of mppSoC (massively parallel processing System-on-Chip) configuration. Indeed, depending on the application requirements, a framework of Netbeans Platform Software Tool named MppSoCGEN was developed in order to accelerate the design process of complex mppSoC. Starting from an architecture parameters design, VHDL code will be automatically generated using parsing method. Configuration rules are proposed to have a correct and valid VHDL syntax configuration. Finally, an automatic generation of Processor Elements and network topologies models of mppSoC architecture will be done for Stratix II device family. Our framework improves its flexibility on Netbeans 5.5 version and centrino duo Core 2GHz with 22 Kbytes and 3 seconds average runtime. Experimental results for reduction algorithm validate our MppSoCGEN design flow and demonstrate the efficiency of generated architectures.Comment: 16 pages; International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 4, No 2, April 201

    6502 emulator on FPGA

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    6502 microprocessor was once used in almost all of the microcomputer in the 80s, including the Apple II lines of computer, the Commodore PET, the Commodore 64, the Atari 8-bit series and even on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) video game console. The objective of this project is to emulate the once famous 6502 microprocessor onto a FPGA chip. The FPGA-based 6502 microprocessor had to emulate the functionality of a real 6502 microprocessor. Accurate pinouts emulation is desired but not a must. The 6502 assembly language is easy to learn and building a computer based on this microprocessor requires very few parts, thus making this project a great experiential learning process. The scope of this project requires the student to have an in-depth understanding on computer system architecture, especially on 6502 architecture; V erilog to understand existing 6502 source code from Bird Computer and also FPGA development process (synthesis tools) to transfer the Verilog code to the FPGA chip. Thus far, the resources and information on 6502 microprocessor looks promising. The student earlier scope was to come up with the 6502 code in Verilog HDL, but as there is available code from Bird Computer (State Machine coded) so the student had chanced his objectives to understand the existing code and implement it on FPGA only. But as along the way, problems occur on hardware implementation, focus had been switched again to simulate the existing code or ALU or simple processor to build up student understanding and for documentation for future project expansion. To test the functionality of the 6502 system, the student will either find existing application or come up with simple program to run using the FPGA-based 6502 system
