2,194 research outputs found

    Distributed Random Process for a Large-Scale Peer-to-Peer Lottery

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    Most online lotteries today fail to ensure the verifiability of the random process and rely on a trusted third party. This issue has received little attention since the emergence of distributed protocols like Bitcoin that demonstrated the potential of protocols with no trusted third party. We argue that the security requirements of online lotteries are similar to those of online voting, and propose a novel distributed online lottery protocol that applies techniques developed for voting applications to an existing lottery protocol. As a result, the protocol is scalable, provides efficient verification of the random process and does not rely on a trusted third party nor on assumptions of bounded computational resources. An early prototype confirms the feasibility of our approach

    The efficient provision of public goods through non-distortionary tax contests

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    We use a simple balanced budget contest to collect taxes on a private good in order to ?nance a pure public good. We show that-with an appropriately chosen structure of winning probabilities-this contest can provide the public good efficiently and without distorting private consumption. We provide extensions to multiple public goods and private taxation sources, asymmetric preferences, and show the mechanism’s robustness across these settings

    Post-Election Audits: Restoring Trust in Elections

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    With the intention of assisting legislators, election officials and the public to make sense of recent literature on post-election audits and convert it into realistic audit practices, the Brennan Center and the Samuelson Law, Technology and Public Policy Clinic at Boalt Hall School of Law (University of California Berkeley) convened a blue ribbon panel (the "Audit Panel") of statisticians, voting experts, computer scientists and several of the nation's leading election officials. Following a review of the literature and extensive consultation with the Audit Panel, the Brennan Center and the Samuelson Clinic make several practical recommendations for improving post-election audits, regardless of the audit method that a jurisdiction ultimately decides to adopt

    ARPA Whitepaper

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    We propose a secure computation solution for blockchain networks. The correctness of computation is verifiable even under malicious majority condition using information-theoretic Message Authentication Code (MAC), and the privacy is preserved using Secret-Sharing. With state-of-the-art multiparty computation protocol and a layer2 solution, our privacy-preserving computation guarantees data security on blockchain, cryptographically, while reducing the heavy-lifting computation job to a few nodes. This breakthrough has several implications on the future of decentralized networks. First, secure computation can be used to support Private Smart Contracts, where consensus is reached without exposing the information in the public contract. Second, it enables data to be shared and used in trustless network, without disclosing the raw data during data-at-use, where data ownership and data usage is safely separated. Last but not least, computation and verification processes are separated, which can be perceived as computational sharding, this effectively makes the transaction processing speed linear to the number of participating nodes. Our objective is to deploy our secure computation network as an layer2 solution to any blockchain system. Smart Contracts\cite{smartcontract} will be used as bridge to link the blockchain and computation networks. Additionally, they will be used as verifier to ensure that outsourced computation is completed correctly. In order to achieve this, we first develop a general MPC network with advanced features, such as: 1) Secure Computation, 2) Off-chain Computation, 3) Verifiable Computation, and 4)Support dApps' needs like privacy-preserving data exchange

    Statically Aggregate Verifiable Random Functions and Application to E-Lottery

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    Cohen, Goldwasser, and Vaikuntanathan (TCC\u2715) introduced the concept of aggregate pseudo-random functions (PRFs), which allow efficiently computing the aggregate of PRF values over exponential-sized sets. In this paper, we explore the aggregation augmentation on verifiable random function (VRFs), introduced by Micali, Rabin and Vadhan (FOCS\u2799), as well as its application to e-lottery schemes. We introduce the notion of static aggregate verifiable random functions (Agg-VRFs), which perform aggregation for VRFs in a static setting. Our contributions can be summarized as follows: (1) we define static aggregate VRFs, which allow the efficient aggregation of VRF values and the corresponding proofs over super-polynomially large sets; (2) we present a static Agg-VRF construction over bit-fixing sets with respect to product aggregation based on the q-decisional Diffie-Hellman exponent assumption; (3) we test the performance of our static Agg-VRFs instantiation in comparison to a standard (non-aggregate) VRF in terms of costing time for the aggregation and verification processes, which shows that Agg-VRFs lower considerably the timing of verification of big sets; and (4) by employing Agg-VRFs, we propose an improved e-lottery scheme based on the framework of Chow et al.\u27s VRF-based e-lottery proposal (ICCSA\u2705). We evaluate the performance of Chow et al.\u27s e-lottery scheme and our improved scheme, and the latter shows a significant improvement in the efficiency of generating the winning number and the player verification

    A Game-theoretic Approach for Provably-Uniform Random Number Generation in Decentralized Networks

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    Many protocols in distributed computing rely on a source of randomness, usually called a random beacon, both for their applicability and security. This is especially true for proof-of-stake blockchain protocols in which the next miner or set of miners have to be chosen randomly and each party's likelihood to be selected is in proportion to their stake in the cryptocurrency. Current random beacons used in proof-of-stake protocols, such as Ouroboros and Algorand, have two fundamental limitations: Either (i)~they rely on pseudorandomness, e.g.~assuming that the output of a hash function is uniform, which is a widely-used but unproven assumption, or (ii)~they generate their randomness using a distributed protocol in which several participants are required to submit random numbers which are then used in the generation of a final random result. However, in this case, there is no guarantee that the numbers provided by the parties are uniformly random and there is no incentive for the parties to honestly generate uniform randomness. Most random beacons have both limitations. In this thesis, we provide a protocol for distributed generation of randomness. Our protocol does not rely on pseudorandomness at all. Similar to some of the previous approaches, it uses random inputs by different participants to generate a final random result. However, the crucial difference is that we provide a game-theoretic guarantee showing that it is in everyone's best interest to submit uniform random numbers. Hence, our approach is the first to incentivize honest behavior instead of just assuming it. Moreover, the approach is trustless and generates unbiased random numbers. It is also tamper-proof and no party can change the output or affect its distribution. Finally, it is designed with modularity in mind and can be easily plugged into existing distributed protocols such as proof-of-stake blockchains.Comment: 36 pages excluding reference. Game-theoretic Randomness for Proof-of-Stake in MARBLE (2023

    Hang With Your Buddies to Resist Intersection Attacks

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    Some anonymity schemes might in principle protect users from pervasive network surveillance - but only if all messages are independent and unlinkable. Users in practice often need pseudonymity - sending messages intentionally linkable to each other but not to the sender - but pseudonymity in dynamic networks exposes users to intersection attacks. We present Buddies, the first systematic design for intersection attack resistance in practical anonymity systems. Buddies groups users dynamically into buddy sets, controlling message transmission to make buddies within a set behaviorally indistinguishable under traffic analysis. To manage the inevitable tradeoffs between anonymity guarantees and communication responsiveness, Buddies enables users to select independent attack mitigation policies for each pseudonym. Using trace-based simulations and a working prototype, we find that Buddies can guarantee non-trivial anonymity set sizes in realistic chat/microblogging scenarios, for both short-lived and long-lived pseudonyms.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure