91 research outputs found

    Esquema de controlo para redes multicast baseadas com classes

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotécnicaThe expectations of citizens from the Information Technologies (ITs) are increasing as the ITs have become integral part of our society, serving all kinds of activities whether professional, leisure, safety-critical applications or business. Hence, the limitations of the traditional network designs to provide innovative and enhanced services and applications motivated a consensus to integrate all services over packet switching infrastructures, using the Internet Protocol, so as to leverage flexible control and economical benefits in the Next Generation Networks (NGNs). However, the Internet is not capable of treating services differently while each service has its own requirements (e.g., Quality of Service - QoS). Therefore, the need for more evolved forms of communications has driven to radical changes of architectural and layering designs which demand appropriate solutions for service admission and network resources control. This Thesis addresses QoS and network control issues, aiming to improve overall control performance in current and future networks which classify services into classes. The Thesis is divided into three parts. In the first part, we propose two resource over-reservation algorithms, a Class-based bandwidth Over-Reservation (COR) and an Enhanced COR (ECOR). The over-reservation means reserving more bandwidth than a Class of Service (CoS) needs, so the QoS reservation signalling rate is reduced. COR and ECOR allow for dynamically defining over-reservation parameters for CoSs based on network interfaces resource conditions; they aim to reduce QoS signalling and related overhead without incurring CoS starvation or waste of bandwidth. ECOR differs from COR by allowing for optimizing control overhead minimization. Further, we propose a centralized control mechanism called Advanced Centralization Architecture (ACA), that uses a single state-full Control Decision Point (CDP) which maintains a good view of its underlying network topology and the related links resource statistics on real-time basis to control the overall network. It is very important to mention that, in this Thesis, we use multicast trees as the basis for session transport, not only for group communication purposes, but mainly to pin packets of a session mapped to a tree to follow the desired tree. Our simulation results prove a drastic reduction of QoS control signalling and the related overhead without QoS violation or waste of resources. Besides, we provide a generic-purpose analytical model to assess the impact of various parameters (e.g., link capacity, session dynamics, etc.) that generally challenge resource overprovisioning control. In the second part of this Thesis, we propose a decentralization control mechanism called Advanced Class-based resource OverpRovisioning (ACOR), that aims to achieve better scalability than the ACA approach. ACOR enables multiple CDPs, distributed at network edge, to cooperate and exchange appropriate control data (e.g., trees and bandwidth usage information) such that each CDP is able to maintain a good knowledge of the network topology and the related links resource statistics on real-time basis. From scalability perspective, ACOR cooperation is selective, meaning that control information is exchanged dynamically among only the CDPs which are concerned (correlated). Moreover, the synchronization is carried out through our proposed concept of Virtual Over-Provisioned Resource (VOPR), which is a share of over-reservations of each interface to each tree that uses the interface. Thus, each CDP can process several session requests over a tree without requiring synchronization between the correlated CDPs as long as the VOPR of the tree is not exhausted. Analytical and simulation results demonstrate that aggregate over-reservation control in decentralized scenarios keep low signalling without QoS violations or waste of resources. We also introduced a control signalling protocol called ACOR Protocol (ACOR-P) to support the centralization and decentralization designs in this Thesis. Further, we propose an Extended ACOR (E-ACOR) which aggregates the VOPR of all trees that originate at the same CDP, and more session requests can be processed without synchronization when compared with ACOR. In addition, E-ACOR introduces a mechanism to efficiently track network congestion information to prevent unnecessary synchronization during congestion time when VOPRs would exhaust upon every session request. The performance evaluation through analytical and simulation results proves the superiority of E-ACOR in minimizing overall control signalling overhead while keeping all advantages of ACOR, that is, without incurring QoS violations or waste of resources. The last part of this Thesis includes the Survivable ACOR (SACOR) proposal to support stable operations of the QoS and network control mechanisms in case of failures and recoveries (e.g., of links and nodes). The performance results show flexible survivability characterized by fast convergence time and differentiation of traffic re-routing under efficient resource utilization i.e. without wasting bandwidth. In summary, the QoS and architectural control mechanisms proposed in this Thesis provide efficient and scalable support for network control key sub-systems (e.g., QoS and resource control, traffic engineering, multicasting, etc.), and thus allow for optimizing network overall control performance.À medida que as Tecnologias de Informação (TIs) se tornaram parte integrante da nossa sociedade, a expectativa dos cidadãos relativamente ao uso desses serviços também demonstrou um aumento, seja no âmbito das atividades profissionais, de lazer, aplicações de segurança crítica ou negócios. Portanto, as limitações dos projetos de rede tradicionais quanto ao fornecimento de serviços inovadores e aplicações avançadas motivaram um consenso quanto à integração de todos os serviços e infra-estruturas de comutação de pacotes, utilizando o IP, de modo a extrair benefícios económicos e um controlo mais flexível nas Redes de Nova Geração (RNG). Entretanto, tendo em vista que a Internet não apresenta capacidade de diferenciação de serviços, e sabendo que cada serviço apresenta as suas necessidades próprias, como por exemplo, a Qualidade de Serviço - QoS, a necessidade de formas mais evoluídas de comunicação tem-se tornado cada vez mais visível, levando a mudanças radicais na arquitectura das redes, que exigem soluções adequadas para a admissão de serviços e controlo de recursos de rede. Sendo assim, este trabalho aborda questões de controlo de QoS e rede com o objetivo de melhorar o desempenho do controlo de recursos total em redes atuais e futuras, através da análise dos serviços de acordo com as suas classes de serviço. Esta Tese encontra-se dividida em três partes. Na primeira parte são propostos dois algoritmos de sobre-reserva, o Class-based bandwidth Over-Reservation (COR) e uma extensão melhorada do COR denominado de Enhanced COR (ECOR). A sobre-reserva significa a reserva de uma largura de banda maior para o serviço em questão do que uma classe de serviço (CoS) necessita e, portanto, a quantidade de sinalização para reserva de recursos é reduzida. COR e ECOR consideram uma definição dinâmica de sobre-reserva de parâmetros para CoSs com base nas condições da rede, com vista à redução da sobrecarga de sinalização em QoS sem que ocorra desperdício de largura de banda. O ECOR, por sua vez, difere do COR por permitir a otimização com minimização de controlo de overhead. Além disso, nesta Tese é proposto também um mecanismo de controlo centralizado chamado Advanced Centralization Architecture (ACA) , usando um único Ponto de Controlo de Decisão (CDP) que mantém uma visão ampla da topologia de rede e de análise dos recursos ocupados em tempo real como base de controlo para a rede global. Nesta Tese são utilizadas árvores multicast como base para o transporte de sessão, não só para fins de comunicação em grupo, mas principalmente para que os pacotes que pertençam a uma sessão que é mapeada numa determinada árvore sigam o seu caminho. Os resultados obtidos nas simulações dos mecanismos mostram uma redução significativa da sobrecarga da sinalização de controlo, sem a violação dos requisitos de QoS ou desperdício de recursos. Além disso, foi proposto um modelo analítico no sentido de avaliar o impacto provocado por diversos parâmetros (como por exemplo, a capacidade da ligação, a dinâmica das sessões, etc), no sobre-provisionamento dos recursos. Na segunda parte desta tese propôe-se um mecanismo para controlo descentralizado de recursos denominado de Advanced Class-based resource OverprRovisioning (ACOR), que permite obter uma melhor escalabilidade do que o obtido pelo ACA. O ACOR permite que os pontos de decisão e controlo da rede, os CDPs, sejam distribuídos na periferia da rede, cooperem entre si, através da troca de dados e controlo adequados (por exemplo, localização das árvores e informações sobre o uso da largura de banda), de tal forma que cada CDP seja capaz de manter um bom conhecimento da topologia da rede, bem como das suas ligações. Do ponto de vista de escalabilidade, a cooperação do ACOR é seletiva, o que significa que as informações de controlo são trocadas de forma dinâmica apenas entre os CDPs analisados. Além disso, a sincronização é feita através do conceito proposto de Recursos Virtuais Sobre-Provisionado (VOPR), que partilha as reservas de cada interface para cada árvore que usa a interface. Assim, cada CDP pode processar pedidos de sessão numa ou mais árvores, sem a necessidade de sincronização entre os CDPs correlacionados, enquanto o VOPR da árvore não estiver esgotado. Os resultados analíticos e de simulação demonstram que o controlo de sobre-reserva é agregado em cenários descentralizados, mantendo a sinalização de QoS baixa sem perda de largura de banda. Também é desenvolvido um protocolo de controlo de sinalização chamado ACOR Protocol (ACOR-P) para suportar as arquitecturas de centralização e descentralização deste trabalho. O ACOR Estendido (E-ACOR) agrega a VOPR de todas as árvores que se originam no mesmo CDP, e mais pedidos de sessão podem ser processados sem a necessidade de sincronização quando comparado com ACOR. Além disso, E-ACOR introduz um mecanismo para controlar as informações àcerca do congestionamento da rede, e impede a sincronização desnecessária durante o tempo de congestionamento quando os VOPRs esgotam consoante cada pedido de sessão. A avaliação de desempenho, através de resultados analíticos e de simulação, mostra a superioridade do E-ACOR em minimizar o controlo geral da carga da sinalização, mantendo todas as vantagens do ACOR, sem apresentar violações de QoS ou desperdício de recursos. A última parte desta Tese inclui a proposta para recuperação a falhas, o Survivability ACOR (SACOR), o qual permite ter QoS estável em caso de falhas de ligações e nós. Os resultados de desempenho analisados mostram uma capacidade flexível de sobrevivência caracterizada por um tempo de convergência rápido e diferenciação de tráfego com uma utilização eficiente dos recursos. Em resumo, os mecanismos de controlo de recursos propostos nesta Tese fornecem um suporte eficiente e escalável para controlo da rede, como também para os seus principais sub-sistemas (por exemplo, QoS, controlo de recursos, engenharia de tráfego, multicast, etc) e, assim, permitir a otimização do desempenho da rede a nível do controlo global

    Self-managed resources in network virtualisation environments

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    Network virtualisation is a promising technique for dealing with the resistance of the Internet to architectural changes, enabling a novel business model in which infrastructure management is decoupled from service provision. It allows infrastructure providers (InPs) who own substrate networks (SNs) to lease chunks of them out to service providers who then create virtual networks (VNs), which can then be re-leased out or used to provide services to end-users. However, the different VNs should be initialised, in which case virtual links and nodes must be mapped to substrate nodes and paths respectively. One of the challenges in the initialisation of VNs is the requirement of an efficient sharing of SN resources. Since the profitability of InPs depends on how many VNs are able to be allocated simultaneously onto the SN, the success of network virtualisation will depend, in part, on how efficiently VNs utilise physical network resources. This thesis contributes to efficient resource sharing in network virtualisation by dividing the problem into three sub-problems: (1) mapping virtual nodes and links to substrate nodes and paths i.e. virtual network embedding (VNE), (2) dynamic managing of the resources allocated to VNs throughout their lifetime (DRA), and (3) provisioning of backup resources to ensure survivability of the VNs. The constrained VNE problem is NP-Hard. As a result, to simplify the solution, many existing approaches propose heuristics that make assumptions (e.g. a SN with infinite resources), some of which would not apply in practical environments. This thesis proposes an improvement in VNE by proposing a one-shot VNE algorithm which is based on column generation (CG). The CG approach starts by solving a restricted version of the problem, and thereafter refines it to obtain a final solution. The objective of a one-shot mapping is to achieve better resource utilisation, while using CG significantly enhances the solution time complexity. In addition current approaches are static in the sense that after the VNE stage, the resources allocated are not altered for the entire lifetime of the VN. The few proposals that do allow for adjustments in original mappings allocate a fixed amount of node and link resources to VNs throughout their life time. Since network load varies with time due to changing user demands, allocating a fixed amount of resources based on peak load could lead to an inefficient utilisation of overall SN resources, whereby, during periods when some virtual nodes and/or links are lightly loaded, SN resources are still reserved for them, while possibly rejecting new VN requests. The second contribution of this thesis are a set of proposals that ensure that SN resources are efficiently utilised, while at the same making sure that the QoS requirements of VNs are met. For this purpose, we propose self-management algorithms in which the SN uses time-difference machine learning techniques to make autonomous decisions with respect to resource allocation. Finally, while some scientific research has already studied multi-domain VNE, the available approaches to survivable VNs have focused on the single InP environment. Since in the more practical situation a network virtualisation environment will involve multiple InPs, and because an extension of network survivability approaches from the single to multi domain environments is not trivial, this thesis proposes a distributed and dynamic approach to survivability in VNs. This is achieved by using a multi-agent-system that uses a multi-attribute negotiation protocol and a dynamic pricing model forming InPs coalitions supporting SNs resource backups. The ultimate objective is to ensure that virtual network operators maximise profitability by minimising penalties resulting from QoS violations.La virtualització de xarxes es una tècnica prometedora per afrontar la resistència d'Internet als canvis arquitectònics, que permet un nou model de negoci en el que la gestió de la infraestructura de xarxa es desacobla de la provisió del servei. Això permet als proveïdors de infraestructura (InPs), propietaris de la xarxa física substrat (SN), llogar segments d'aquesta als proveïdors dels serveis, que crearan xarxes virtuals (VNs) que a l'hora poden re-llogar-se o utilitzar-se per donar servei a usuaris finals. No obstant això, les diferents VNs s'han d'inicialitzar assignant els seus nodes i enllaços als del substrat. Un dels reptes d'aquest procés es el requisit de fer un ús eficient dels recursos de la SN. Donat que el benefici d'un InP depèn del nombre de xarxes virtuals que puguin allotjar-se simultàniament en la SN, l'èxit de la virtualització de xarxes depèn en part de quan eficient es l’ús dels recursos de la xarxa física per part de les VNs. Aquesta Tesi contribueix a la millora de l’eficiència en la compartició de recursos en la virtualització de xarxes dividint el problema en tres sots problemes: (1) assignació de nodes i enllaços virtuals a nodes i enllaços del substrat (VNE), (2) gestió dinàmica dels recursos assignats a les VNs al llarg de la seva vida útil (DRA) i (3) aprovisionament de recursos de backup per assegurar la supervivència de les VNs. La naturalesa del problema VNE el fa “NP-Hard". En conseqüència, per simplificar la solució, moltes de les propostes son heurístiques que es basen en hipòtesis (per exemple, SN amb recursos il•limitats) de difícil compliment en escenaris reals. Aquesta Tesi proposa una millora al problema VNE mitjan_cant un algorisme “one-shot VNE" basat en generació de columnes (CG). La solució CG comena resolent una versió restringida del problema, per tot seguit refinar-la i obtenir la solució final. L'objectiu del “one-shot VNE" es aconseguir millorar l’ús dels recursos, mentre que CG redueix significativament la complexitat temporal del procés. D'altre banda, les solucions actuals son estàtiques, ja que els recursos assignats en la fase VNE no es modifiquen durant tot el temps de vida útil de la VN. Les poques propostes que permeten reajustar l’assignació inicial, es basen en una assignació fixe de recursos a les VNs. No obstant això, degut a que la càrrega de la xarxa varia a conseqüència de la demanda canviant dels usuaris, assignar una quantitat fixe de recursos basada en situacions de càrrega màxima esdevé en ineficiència per infrautilització en períodes de baixa demanda, mentre que en tals períodes de demanda baixa, el tenir recursos reservats, pot originar rebutjos de noves VNs. La segona contribució d'aquesta Tesi es un conjunt de propostes que asseguren l’ús eficient dels recursos de la SN, garantint a la vegada els requeriments de qualitat de servei de totes les VNs. Amb aquesta finalitat es proposen algorismes d’autogestió en els que la SN utilitza tècniques d'aprenentatge de màquines per a materialitzar decisions autònomes en l’assignació dels recursos. Finalment, malgrat que diversos estudis han tractat ja el problema VNE en entorn multi-domini, les propostes actuals de supervivència de xarxes virtuals s'han limitat a contexts d'aprovisionament per part d'un sol InP. En canvi, a la pràctica, la virtualització de xarxes comportarà un entorn d'aprovisionament multi-domini, i com que l’extensió de solucions de supervivència d'un sol domini al multi-domini no es trivial, aquesta Tesi proposa una solució distribuïda i dinàmica per a la supervivència de VNs. Això s'aconsegueix amb un sistema multi-agent que utilitza un protocol de negociació multi-atribut i un model dinàmic de preus per formar coalicions d'InPs que proporcionaran backups als recursos de les SNs. L'objectiu últim es assegurar que els operadors de xarxes virtuals maximitzin beneficis minimitzant les penalitzacions per violació de la QoS.La virtualización de redes es una técnica prometedora para afrontar la resistencia de Internet a cambios arquitectónicos, que permite un nuevo modelo de negocio en el que la gestión de la infraestructura está desacoplada del aprovisionamiento del servicio. Esto permite a los proveedores de infraestructuras (InPs), propietarios de la red física subyacente (SN), alquilar segmentos de la misma a los proveedores de servicio, los cuales crearán redes virtuales (VNs), que a su vez pueden ser realquiladas o usadaspara proveer el servicio a usuarios finales. Sin embargo, las diferentes VNs deben inicializarse, mapeando sus nodos y enlaces en los del substrato. Uno de los retos de este proceso de inicialización es el requisito de hacer un uso eficiente de los recursos de la SN. Dado que el benecio de los InPs depende de cuantas VNs puedan alojarse simultáneamente en la SN, el éxito de la virtualización de redes depende, en parte, de cuan eficiente es el uso de los recursos de red físicos por parte de las VNs. Esta Tesis contribuye a la compartición eficiente de recursos para la virtualización de redes dividiendo el problema en tres sub-problemas: (1) mapeo de nodos y enlaces virtuales sobre nodos y enlaces del substrato (VNE), (2) gestión dinámica de los recursos asignados a las VNs a lo largo de su vida útil (DRA), y (3) aprovisionamiento de recursos de backup para asegurar la supervivencia de las VNs. La naturaleza del problema VNE lo hace “NP-Hard". En consecuencia, para simplificar la solución, muchas de las actuales propuestas son heurísticas que parten de unas suposiciones (por ejemplo, SN con recursos ilimitados) de difícil asumir en la práctica. Esta Tesis propone una mejora al problema VNE mediante un algoritmo “one-shot VNE" basado en generación de columnas (CG). La solución CG comienza resolviendo una versión restringida del problema, para después refinarla y obtener la solución final. El objetivo del “one-shot VNE" es mejorar el uso de los recursos, a la vez que con CG se reduce significativamente la complejidad temporal del proceso. Por otro lado,las propuestas actuales son estáticas, ya que los recursos asignados en la fase VNE no se alteran a lo largo de la vida útil de la VN. Las pocas propuestas que permiten reajustes del mapeado original ubican una cantidad fija de recursos a las VNs. Sin embargo, dado que la carga de red varía con el tiempo, debido a la demanda cambiante de los usuarios, ubicar una cantidad fija de recursos basada en situaciones de pico conduce a un uso ineficiente de los recursos por infrautilización de los mismos en periodos de baja demanda, mientras que en esta situación, al tener los recursos reservados, pueden rechazarse nuevas solicitudes de VNs. La segunda contribución de esta Tesis es un conjunto de propuestas para el uso eficiente de los recursos de la SN, asegurando al mismo tiempo la calidad de servicio de las VNs. Para ello se proponen algoritmos de auto-gestión en los que la SN usa técnicas de aprendizaje de máquinas para materializar decisiones autónomas en la asignación de recursos. Finalmente, aunque determinadas investigaciones ya han estudiado el problema multi-dominio VNE, las propuestas actuales de supervivencia de redes virtuales se han limitado a un entorno de provisión de infraestructura de un solo InP. Sin embargo, en la práctica, la virtualización de redes comportará un entorno de aprovisionamiento con múltiples InPs, y dado a que la extensión de las soluciones de supervivencia de un entorno único a uno multi-dominio no es trivial, esta Tesis propone una solución distribuida y dinámica a la supervivencia de VNs. Esto se consigue mediante un sistema multi-agente que usa un protocolo de negociación multi-atributo y un modelo dinámico de precios para conformar coaliciones de InPs para proporcionar backups a los recursos de las SNs. El objetivo último es asegurar que los operadores de VNs maximicen su beneficio minimizando la penalización por violación de la QoS

    Contribution to multi-domain network slicing : resource orchestration framework and algorithms

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    5G/6G services and applications, in the context of the eMBB, mMTC and uRLLC network slicing framework, whose network infrastructure requirements may span beyond the coverage area of a single Infrastructure Provider (InP), are envisaged to be supported by leasing resources from multiple InPs. A challenging aspect for a Service Provider (SP) is how to obtain an optimal set of InPs on which to provision the requests and the particular substrate nodes and links within each InP on which to map the different VNFs and virtual links of the service requests, respectively, for a seamless, reliable and cost-effective orchestration of service requests. Existing works in this area either perform service mapping in uncoordinated manner, do not incorporate service reliability or do so from the perspective of stateless VNFs. Also they assume full information disclosure, or are based on exact approaches, which considerations are not well suited for future network scenarios characterized by delay sensitive mission critical applications and resource constrained networks. This thesis contributes to the above challenge by breaking the multi-domain service orchestration problem into two interlinked sub-problems that are solved in a coordinated manner: (1) Request splitting/partitioning (sub-problem 1), involving obtaining a subset of InPs and the corresponding inter-domain links on which to provision the different VNFs and virtual links of the service request; (2) Intra-domain VNF orchestration (sub-problem 2), involving obtaining the intra-domain nodes and links to provision the VNFs and virtual links of the sub-SFC associated with each InP. In this way, the thesis sets out four key targets that are necessary to align with the mission critical and delay sensitive use-cases envisaged in 5G and future networks in terms of service deployment cost and QoS: (1) coordinated mapping of service requests, with a view of realizing better utilization of the substrate resources; (2) survivability and fault-tolerant orchestration of service requests, to tame both QoS violations and the penalties from such violations; (3) limited disclosure of InP internal information, in order adhere to the privacy requirements InPs, and (4) achieving all the above targets in polynomial time. In order to realize the above targets, the thesis sought for solution techniques that are: (1) able to incorporate information learned in the previous solutions search space and historical mapping decisions, hence, resulting in acceptable performance even in scenarios of limited information exposure and fuzzy environments; (2) robust and less problem specific, hence, can be tailored to different optimization objectives, network topologies and service request constraints, thus enabling to deal with requests with either chained topologies or with bifurcated paths; (3) capable of dealing with an optimization problem that is jointly affected by multiple attributes, since in practice, the service deployment cost is jointly affected by multiple conflicting costs; (4) able to realize near-optimal solutions in practical run-times, thus rendering well suited approaches for delay sensitive and resource constrained scenarios. Three different algorithms namely, an RL, Genetic Algorithm (GA) and a fully distributed multi-stage graph-based algorithms are proposed for sub-problem 1. In addition, five different algorithms based on GA, Harmony search, RL, and multi-stage graph approach are proposed for sub-problem 2. Finally, in order to guide the implementation and adherence of the thesis proposals to the four main targets of the thesis, an architectural framework is proposed, aligned with the ETSI NFV-MANO architectural framework. Overall, the simulations results proved that the thesis proposals are optimized in terms of request acceptance ratios, mapping cost and execution time, hence, rendering such proposals well suited for 5G and future scenarios.Els serveis que es poden presentar en el marc de la tecnologia de “slicing” de xarxa de 5G/6G, com ara eMBB, mMTC o uRLLC, es possible que no els pugui oferir un sol proveïdor d’infraestructura (InP) degut a les limitacions que pot tenir la seva xarxa, i per tant que faci necessària la cooperació de múltiples InPs. En aquest cas, el primer repte que afronta el Proveïdor de Servei (SP) que rep la sol·licitud de desplegament es determinar el conjunt òptim de InPs que hi han d’intervenir i en concret els nodes i enllaços de cada un d’ells que s’han d’utilitzar per al mapatge de les diferents VNFs i enllaços virtuals de la sol·licitud. Els treballs que existeixen en aquesta àrea duen a terme el mapatge del servei be sigui de manera no coordinada, o no incorporen la fiabilitat, o ho fan des de la perspectiva de VNFs sense estat. També, pressuposen la divulgació total de la informació, o estan basats en metodologies exactes que fa que no siguin idonis per a escenaris de xarxes del futur, caracteritzats per aplicacions de missió critica, sensibles al retard i sobre xarxes amb recursos limitats. Aquesta tesi contribueix a afrontar aquests reptes dividint el problema d’orquestració de serveis multi domini en dos subproblemes relacionats, que es resolen de manera coordinada. (1) Divisió / partició de la sol·licitud de servei (sub-problema 1), que implica l'obtenció d'un subconjunt d'InPs i els enllaços interdomini corresponents sobre els quals proporcionar les diferents VNF i enllaços virtuals de la sol·licitud de servei; (2) Orquestració VNF intradomini (sub-problema 2), que implica l'obtenció dels nodes i enllaços intradomini per aprovisionar les VNF i enllaços virtuals dels sub-SFC associats a cada InP. D'aquesta manera, la tesi estableix quatre objectius clau que són necessaris per alinear-se amb els casos d'ús de missió crítica i sensibles al retard previstos en 5G i xarxes futures en termes de cost de desplegament del servei i QoS: (1) mapatge coordinat de les sol·licituds de servei, amb l'objectiu de realitzar una millor utilització dels recursos del substrat; (2) orquestració de les sol·licituds de servei contemplant la supervivència del servei en situacions de fallides, minimitzant les violacions de la QoS i les sancions derivades d'aquestes violacions; (3) divulgació limitada de la informació interna de l’InP, per tal d'adherir-se als requisits de privadesa dels InPs, i (4) aconseguir tots els objectius anteriors en temps polinòmic. Per tal de realitzar els objectius anteriors, la tesi busca solucions que siguin: (1) capaces d'incorporar informació apresa en les solucions anteriors de l'espai de cerca i decisions de mapatge històric, donant lloc a un rendiment acceptable fins i tot en escenaris d'exposició limitada a la informació i entorns difusos; (2) robustes i menys dependents dels problemes específics, i per tant, que es poden adaptar a diferents objectius d'optimització, topologies de xarxa i restriccions de sol·licitud de servei, permetent així fer front a sol·licituds amb cadenes de funcions de topologies molt diverses; (3) capaces de fer front a un problema d'optimització de múltiples atributs, ja que a la pràctica, el cost de desplegament del servei depèn de múltiples costos; (4) capaces de trobar solucions gairebé òptimes en temps suficientment breus, resultant així adequades a escenaris sensibles al retard i amb limitació de recursos. La tesi proposa tres algorismes diferents per al sub-problema 1: un algorisme de RL, un algorisme genètic (GA) i un algorisme multi etapa basat en grafs i completament distribuït. A més, es proposen cinc algorismes diferents basats en l'enfocament de grafs, un algorisme GA, un algorisme de cerca d’harmonia, un algorisme de RL i un algorisme multi-etapa per al sub-problema 2. Finalment, per tal de guiar la implementació i l'adhesió de les propostes als quatre objectius principals de la tesi, es proposa...Postprint (published version

    Internet of Things From Hype to Reality

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has gained significant mindshare, let alone attention, in academia and the industry especially over the past few years. The reasons behind this interest are the potential capabilities that IoT promises to offer. On the personal level, it paints a picture of a future world where all the things in our ambient environment are connected to the Internet and seamlessly communicate with each other to operate intelligently. The ultimate goal is to enable objects around us to efficiently sense our surroundings, inexpensively communicate, and ultimately create a better environment for us: one where everyday objects act based on what we need and like without explicit instructions

    Energy and QoS aware routing for WSNs

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    Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Guiding readers through the basics of these rapidly emerging networks to more advanced concepts and future expectations, Mobile Ad hoc Networks: Current Status and Future Trends identifies and examines the most pressing research issues in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). Containing the contributions of leading researchers, industry professionals, and academics, this forward-looking reference provides an authoritative perspective of the state of the art in MANETs. The book includes surveys of recent publications that investigate key areas of interest such as limited resources and the mobility of mobile nodes. It considers routing, multicast, energy, security, channel assignment, and ensuring quality of service. Also suitable as a text for graduate students, the book is organized into three sections: Fundamentals of MANET Modeling and Simulation—Describes how MANETs operate and perform through simulations and models Communication Protocols of MANETs—Presents cutting-edge research on key issues, including MAC layer issues and routing in high mobility Future Networks Inspired By MANETs—Tackles open research issues and emerging trends Illustrating the role MANETs are likely to play in future networks, this book supplies the foundation and insight you will need to make your own contributions to the field. It includes coverage of routing protocols, modeling and simulations tools, intelligent optimization techniques to multicriteria routing, security issues in FHAMIPv6, connecting moving smart objects to the Internet, underwater sensor networks, wireless mesh network architecture and protocols, adaptive routing provision using Bayesian inference, and adaptive flow control in transport layer using genetic algorithms

    Hierarchical Classification of Scientific Taxonomies with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

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    Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) have catalysed a significant shift in the way marine habitats are studied. It is now possible to deploy an AUV from a ship, and capture tens of thousands of georeferenced images in a matter of hours. There is a growing body of research investigating ways to automatically apply semantic labels to this data, with two goals. The task of manually labelling a large number of images is time consuming and error prone. Further, there is the potential to change AUV surveys from being geographically defined (based on a pre-planned route), to permitting the AUV to adapt the mission plan in response to semantic observations. This thesis focusses on frameworks that permit a unified machine learning approach with applicability to a wide range of geographic areas, and diverse areas of interest for marine scientists. This can be addressed through the use of hierarchical classification; in which machine learning algorithms are trained to predict not just a binary or multi-class outcome, but a hierarchy of related output labels which are not mutually exclusive, such as a scientific taxonomy. In order to investigate classification on larger hierarchies with greater geographic diversity, the BENTHOZ-2015 data set was assembled as part of a collaboration between five Australian research groups. Existing labelled data was re-mapped to the CATAMI hierarchy, in total more than 400,000 point labels, conforming to a hierarchy of around 150 classes. The common hierarchical classification approach of building a network of binary classifiers was applied to the BENTHOZ-2015 data set, and a novel application of Bayesian Network theory and probability calibration was used as a theoretical foundation for the approach, resulting in improved classifier performance. This was extended to a more complex hidden node Bayesian Network structure, which permits inclusion of additional sensor modalities, and tuning for better performance in particular geographic regions

    Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Guiding readers through the basics of these rapidly emerging networks to more advanced concepts and future expectations, Mobile Ad hoc Networks: Current Status and Future Trends identifies and examines the most pressing research issues in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). Containing the contributions of leading researchers, industry professionals, and academics, this forward-looking reference provides an authoritative perspective of the state of the art in MANETs. The book includes surveys of recent publications that investigate key areas of interest such as limited resources and the mobility of mobile nodes. It considers routing, multicast, energy, security, channel assignment, and ensuring quality of service. Also suitable as a text for graduate students, the book is organized into three sections: Fundamentals of MANET Modeling and Simulation—Describes how MANETs operate and perform through simulations and models Communication Protocols of MANETs—Presents cutting-edge research on key issues, including MAC layer issues and routing in high mobility Future Networks Inspired By MANETs—Tackles open research issues and emerging trends Illustrating the role MANETs are likely to play in future networks, this book supplies the foundation and insight you will need to make your own contributions to the field. It includes coverage of routing protocols, modeling and simulations tools, intelligent optimization techniques to multicriteria routing, security issues in FHAMIPv6, connecting moving smart objects to the Internet, underwater sensor networks, wireless mesh network architecture and protocols, adaptive routing provision using Bayesian inference, and adaptive flow control in transport layer using genetic algorithms

    Advance Reservations of Bandwidth in Computer Networks

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    In dieser Arbeit wurden die unterschiedlichen Aspekte untersucht, die die Leistungsfähigkeit eines Systems zur Vorausreservierung in Computer-Netzwerken bestimmen. Basierend auf einer Architektur, welche den Basisdienst für Vorausreservierungen mittels Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) zur Verfügung stellt, wurden innerhalb eines Netzwerkmanagementsystems unterschiedliche Dienste implementiert und simulativ auf ihre Auswirkungen auf die Leistungsfähigkeit des Netzwerks in Bezug auf Anzahl zugelassener Datenströme sowie transportierte Datenmenge untersucht. Diese Dienste erweitern in entscheidendem Maße auch die Breite des Dienstangebots in Netzwerken im Vergleich zu bisherigen Implementierungen. So ist es möglich bei Angabe einer festen Datenmenge vom Netzwerkmanagement geeignete Übertragungszeiten und raten bestimmen zu lassen. Diese Parameter werden dann, zum Beispiel in Form von Service Level Agreements (SLA), vom Netzwerkmanagement garantiert und sind insbesondere in Umgebungen wichtig, in denen die Übertragung sehr großer Datenmengen notwendig ist, beispielsweise in Grid-Computing- Systemen. Die erweiterten Dienste dienen jedoch nicht nur den Nutzern, sondern sind auch für Betreiber interessant, da sie es ermöglichen die Leistungsfähigkeit des Netzwerkes zu erhöhen. Dies ist insbesondere zusammen mit weiteren Verfahren möglich, die die zusätzlich zur Verfügung stehenden Informationen über zeitliche Aspekte, wie die Dauer von Übertragungen, nutzen. Im Vergleich zu den heute hauptsächlich betrachteten Systemen zur sog. unmittelbaren Reservierung, kann bei geschicktem Einsatz der hier implementierten Dienste und Verfahren eine deutliche Verbesserung der Leistung erzielt werden. Hinzu kommen bei Vorausreservierungen die erheblichen Vorteile für die Nutzer eines Netzwerkes, wie z.B. der oben beschriebene Datentransfer. Die Leistung eines Netzwerkes bemisst sich jedoch nicht nur an der transportierten Datenmenge, sondern auch am Verhalten im Fehlerfall und der Geschwindigkeit des Managementsystems. Dazu wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit mögliche Strategien zur Reaktion von Vorausreservierungssystemen im Fall von Link-Ausfällen entwickelt und untersucht. Auch hier kommt dem zeitlichen Aspekt eine wichtige Bedeutung zu. Es erwies sich als erfolgreich, nicht nur unmittelbar betroffene Datenströme sondern auch solche, die zwar bereits bekannt, jedoch noch nicht aktiv waren, in die Fehlerbehandlungsstrategie mit einzubeziehen. Datenstrukturen, die von der Zugangskontrolle des Managementsystems benötigt werden und dort die Geschwindigkeit maßgeblich bestimmen, wurden unter den Aspekten der Zugriffsgeschwindigkeit und des Speicherverbrauchs untersucht. Hierbei wurde gezeigt, dass Arrays erhebliche Vorteile im Hinblick auf beide Aspekte haben und in den meisten Fällen einer Baumstruktur, die speziell für die Aufgabe innerhalb der Zugangskontrolle entwickelt wurde, überlegen sind. Die Nutzung von Vorausreservierungen in Computer-Netzwerken ist damit eine nützliche und wichtige Erweiterung der Funktionalität eines Netzwerkes sowohl in Bezug auf das zur Verfügung stehende Angebot an Diensten, als auch im Hinblick auf die Leistungsfähigkeit des Netzwerkes.In this thesis, the impact of using advance reservations of bandwidth in a computer network on the performance for both clients and operators of the network is examined. Based on an architecture that uses multi-protocol label switching (MPLS) controlled by bandwidth brokers, a number of services that - compared to todays best-effort or immediate reservation networks - provide an enhanced functionality for clients were developed. These services allow clients to specify requests in a less stringent way than currently necessary, for example, it is possible to define only the amount of data to be transmitted between two network endpoints and the management system then determines suitable transmission parameters such as start and stop time and transmission rate. This functionality provides reliable feedback to clients and can serve as a foundation for providing service-level agreements, e.g., guaranteeing deadlines for the transmission of a certain amount of data. The additional services can also be used by network operators to improve the overall utilization of the network. In addition, the various opportunities of using the additional temporal dimension of the advance reservation service are suitable to improve the network performance. It can be shown that the amount of blocked requests and bandwidth can be considerably decreased making use of both services and the additional information available in the given environment. Besides the achievable throughout and amount of admitted requests, the term performance in the context of advance reservation systems also covers other aspects such as failure recovery strategies and the processing time required by the network management system. In the thesis, several strategies to be applied in case of link failures are outlined and examined with respect to their applicability and achievable performance. For example, it can be shown that it is worthwhile to consider not only flows which are active at the time a failure occurs but also to take inactive but already admitted flows into account in order to achieve the best possible performance. In addition to failure recovery, also the processing speed of the management system is of importance. For that purpose, in particular the data structures used to store the current and future network status need to be examined since they dominate the processing time of the management system. Two data structures, arrays and a tree which was especially designed for this purpose were examined, showing that arrays are superior with respect to processing speed and memory consumption in almost any environment