2,199 research outputs found

    Decentralized Scheduling of Discrete Production Systems with Limited Buffers

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    Die Steuerung der Produktion ist eine der Kernaufgaben eines jeden produzierenden Unternehmens. Sie ist insbesondere wichtig, um auf die Anforderungen des Marktes und damit auf die WĂŒnsche der Kunden reagieren zu können. Aktuelle Trends im Markt fĂŒhren dabei zu einer hochindividualisierten Produktion bei gleichzeitiger Erhöhung der produzierten StĂŒckzahlen. Eine Konsequenz daraus ist, dass Unternehmen ĂŒber flexiblere und agilere Produktionssysteme verfĂŒgen mĂŒssen, um auf die sich stĂ€ndig Ă€ndernden KundenwĂŒnsche reagieren zu können. Da starre Fertigungslinien nicht mehr geeignet sind, werden zunehmend komplexere Strukturen wie die der Werkstattfertigung oder Matrixproduktion eingesetzt. HierfĂŒr werden geeignete Steuerungsmethoden fĂŒr die Produktion benötigt. Diese Arbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit eben jenen Steuerungsmethoden, genauer gesagt Methoden zur Planung von ProduktionsauftrĂ€gen in diesen neuen Produktionssystemen. Zur Steuerung eignen sich echtzeitfĂ€hige und autonome Entscheidungssysteme, mit denen die Steuerung der neuen Organisationsstruktur der Produktion angepasst ist. Agentenbasierte Systeme bieten genau diese Eigenschaften und erlauben es, komplexe Planungsaufgaben in kleinere Teilprobleme zu zerlegen, die schneller und genauer gelöst werden können. Sie erfordern die VerfĂŒgbarkeit von Daten in Echtzeit und eine schnelle Kommunikation zwischen den Agenten, was heute dank der vierten industriellen Revolution zur VerfĂŒgung steht. DemgegenĂŒber steht der erhöhte Koordinierungsbedarf, der in diesen Systemen beherrscht werden muss. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, einen dezentralen Produktionsplanungs-Algorithmus zu entwickeln, der in einem Multi-Agenten-System implementiert ist. Er berĂŒcksichtigt begrenzte VerfĂŒgbarkeit von PufferplĂ€tzen an jedem Arbeitsplatz, ein Thema, das in der Literatur wenig erforscht ist. Der Algorithmus ist in einer flexiblen Werkstattfertigung anwendbar und zeigt eine große Zeiteffizienz bei der Einplanung grĂ¶ĂŸerer Mengen von AuftrĂ€gen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, wird zunĂ€chst der Produktionsplanungs-Algorithmus ohne das Agentensystem entworfen. Er basiert auf der von \textcite{adams1988} veröffentlichten Shifting Bottleneck Heuristik. Da viele Änderungen notwendig sind, um die geforderten Eigenschaften berĂŒcksichtigen zu können, bleibt nur die grundlegende Vorgehensweise gleich, wĂ€hrend alle Schritte der Heuristik von Grund auf neu modelliert werden. Anschließend wird ein Multi-Agenten-System entworfen, das die genannten Anforderungen abbildet und den Algorithmus zur Planung verwendet. In diesem System hat jeder Arbeitsplatz einen Arbeitsplatzagenten, der fĂŒr die Planung und Steuerung seines zugeordneten Arbeitsplatzes zustĂ€ndig ist, sowie einige zusĂ€tzliche Agenten fĂŒr die Kommunikation, die Datenspeicherung und allgemeine Aufgaben. Der entworfene Algorithmus wird angepasst und in das Multi-Agenten-System implementiert. Da das System im praktischen Einsatz immer eine Lösung finden muss, stellen wir mögliche FehlerfĂ€lle vor und wie mit ihnen umgegangen wird. Abschließend findet eine numerische Evaluierung mit zwei realen Produktionssystemen statt. Da sich diese Systeme in einem wichtigen Merkmal Ă€hneln, werden weitere zufĂ€llig erzeugte Beispiele getestet und ausgewertet

    An Autonomous Decentralized Supply Chain Planning and Scheduling System

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    A Case for Cooperative and Incentive-Based Coupling of Distributed Clusters

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    Research interest in Grid computing has grown significantly over the past five years. Management of distributed resources is one of the key issues in Grid computing. Central to management of resources is the effectiveness of resource allocation as it determines the overall utility of the system. The current approaches to superscheduling in a grid environment are non-coordinated since application level schedulers or brokers make scheduling decisions independently of the others in the system. Clearly, this can exacerbate the load sharing and utilization problems of distributed resources due to suboptimal schedules that are likely to occur. To overcome these limitations, we propose a mechanism for coordinated sharing of distributed clusters based on computational economy. The resulting environment, called \emph{Grid-Federation}, allows the transparent use of resources from the federation when local resources are insufficient to meet its users' requirements. The use of computational economy methodology in coordinating resource allocation not only facilitates the QoS based scheduling, but also enhances utility delivered by resources.Comment: 22 pages, extended version of the conference paper published at IEEE Cluster'05, Boston, M

    Coordination of Supply Webs Based on Dispositive Protocols

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    A lot of curricula in information systems, also at master level, exists today. However, the strong need in new approaches and new curricula still exists, especially, in European area. The paper discusses the modern curriculum in information systems at master level that is currently under development in the Socrates/Erasmus project MOCURIS. The curriculum is oriented to the students of engineering schools of technical universities. The proposed approach takes into account integration trends in European area as well as the transformation of industrial economics into knowledge-based digital economics The paper presents main characteristics of the proposed curriculum, discuses curriculum development techniques used in the project MOCURIS, describes the architecture of the proposed curriculum and the body of knowledge provided by it

    Agent-based material transportation scheduling of AGV systems and its manufacturing applications

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    戶ćșŠ:新 ; 栱摊ç•Șć·:ç”Č3743ć· ; ć­ŠäœăźçšźéĄž:ćšćŁ«(ć·„ć­Š) ; 授䞎ćčŽæœˆæ—„:2012/9/10 ; æ—©ć€§ć­Šäœèš˜ç•Șć·:新6114Waseda Universit

    Scheduling Algorithms: Challenges Towards Smart Manufacturing

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    Collecting, processing, analyzing, and driving knowledge from large-scale real-time data is now realized with the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Learning (DL). The breakthrough of Industry 4.0 lays a foundation for intelligent manufacturing. However, implementation challenges of scheduling algorithms in the context of smart manufacturing are not yet comprehensively studied. The purpose of this study is to show the scheduling No.s that need to be considered in the smart manufacturing paradigm. To attain this objective, the literature review is conducted in five stages using publish or perish tools from different sources such as Scopus, Pubmed, Crossref, and Google Scholar. As a result, the first contribution of this study is a critical analysis of existing production scheduling algorithms\u27 characteristics and limitations from the viewpoint of smart manufacturing. The other contribution is to suggest the best strategies for selecting scheduling algorithms in a real-world scenario

    Application of Reinforcement Learning to Multi-Agent Production Scheduling

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    Reinforcement learning (RL) has received attention in recent years from agent-based researchers because it can be applied to problems where autonomous agents learn to select proper actions for achieving their goals based on interactions with their environment. Each time an agent performs an action, the environmentÂĄĆ s response, as indicated by its new state, is used by the agent to reward or penalize its action. The agentÂĄĆ s goal is to maximize the total amount of reward it receives over the long run. Although there have been several successful examples demonstrating the usefulness of RL, its application to manufacturing systems has not been fully explored. The objective of this research is to develop a set of guidelines for applying the Q-learning algorithm to enable an individual agent to develop a decision making policy for use in agent-based production scheduling applications such as dispatching rule selection and job routing. For the dispatching rule selection problem, a single machine agent employs the Q-learning algorithm to develop a decision-making policy on selecting the appropriate dispatching rule from among three given dispatching rules. In the job routing problem, a simulated job shop system is used for examining the implementation of the Q-learning algorithm for use by job agents when making routing decisions in such an environment. Two factorial experiment designs for studying the settings used to apply Q-learning to the single machine dispatching rule selection problem and the job routing problem are carried out. This study not only investigates the main effects of this Q-learning application but also provides recommendations for factor settings and useful guidelines for future applications of Q-learning to agent-based production scheduling

    Machine Learning and Inverse Optimization for Estimation of Weighting Factors in Multi-Objective Production Scheduling Problems

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    In recent years, scheduling optimization has been utilized in production systems. To construct a suitable mathematical model of a production scheduling problem, modeling techniques that can automatically select an appropriate objective function from historical data are necessary. This paper presents two methods to estimate weighting factors of the objective function in the scheduling problem from historical data, given the information of operation time and setup costs. We propose a machine learning-based method, and an inverse optimization-based method using the input/output data of the scheduling problems when the weighting factors of the objective function are unknown. These two methods are applied to a multi-objective parallel machine scheduling problem and a real-world chemical batch plant scheduling problem. The results of the estimation accuracy evaluation show that the proposed methods for estimating the weighting factors of the objective function are effective
