290 research outputs found

    An Algorithm for Generating Gap-Fill Multiple Choice Questions of an Expert System

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    This research is aimed to propose an artificial intelligence algorithm comprising an ontology-based design, text mining, and natural language processing for automatically generating gap-fill multiple choice questions (MCQs). The simulation of this research demonstrated an application of the algorithm in generating gap-fill MCQs about software testing. The simulation results revealed that by using 103 online documents as inputs, the algorithm could automatically produce more than 16 thousand valid gap-fill MCQs covering a variety of topics in the software testing domain. Finally, in the discussion section of this paper we suggest how the proposed algorithm should be applied to produce gap-fill MCQs being collected in a question pool used by a knowledge expert system

    Generator für Single-Choice-Aufgaben

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    In einer Zeit von steigenden Studierendenzahlen und zunehmender Nachfrage nach individuellen Übungsmöglichkeiten, sehen sich Lehrende mit der Herausforderung konfrontiert, mit wenig Ressourcen möglichst viele Lernmöglichkeiten bereitzustellen. Computergestützte Übungen können hierfür eine ressourcenschonende Möglichkeit darstellen, und die direkte Interaktion zwischen Lehrenden und Lernenden um eine flexible und digitale Komponente ergänzen. Für eine Variation in den Single-Choice-Aufgaben kann ein Generator verwendet werden. Diese Arbeit untersucht den aktuellen Stand der Generierung von Multiple -Choice-Aufgaben und stellt einige Softwarelösungen vor. Im Anschluss wird die Implementierung eines angepassten Generators exemplarisch erläutert, anhand eines Prototyps in der Programmiersprache Python. Der Prototyp übernimmt eine Aufgabenschablone, die mehrere Antworten und Parameter enthalten kann. Daraus können viele unterschiedliche Aufgaben generiert werden

    Kohti automaattisia vihjeitä visuaalisessa algoritmisimulaatiossa

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    Visual Algorithm Simulation (VAS) exercise is an interactive application, which teaches an algorithm or a data structure. The exercise shows the student a visual representation of a data structure with initial data. The student imitates the execution of the algorithm by interacting with the visual representation. The student's solution is graded automatically. A misconception about the algorithm being learned can manifest itself as systematic errors, which can be modelled as a new algorithm. It is assumed that a VAS exercise, which could detect automatically a misconception and give corrective feedback would further support learning. This thesis includes a literature review on algorithm misconceptions and an empirical study. Four VAS exercises of OpenDSA e-textbook are reviewed by their program code: Evaluating a postfix expression, Build heap, Quicksort, and Dijkstra's algorithm. A dataset of 1430 Build heap VAS submissions is analysed manually with ad-hoc software. The submissions are then automatically classified based on the misconceptions found. The main result extends the set of known misconceptions of the Build-heap VAS exercise. 52 percent of the submissions were correct, 17 percent were misconceptions and the rest 31 percent had a lo0gical explanation. 95 per cent of submissions classified as misconception have multiple explanations with heap size of 10. The thesis presents a Python software, which can automatically classify the known misconceptions. Theory on how to generate VAS inputs, which support detection of misconceptions is discussed. The theory is applied by improving the input generation of Dijkstra's algorithm exercise. The thesis concludes that studying misconceptions in the VAS exercises of OpenDSA currently requires exercise-dependent work. Not all OpenDSA VAS exercises record enough data for later analysis. Moreover, the player and analysis software must be written separately for each exercise. There is need to develop the OpenDSA related software libraries to produce detailed exercise recordings. It should be studied how the heap size in the Build-heap exercise affects detection of misconceptions.Visuaalinen algoritmisimulaatiotehtävä (VAS-tehtävä) on vuorovaikutteinen sovellus, joka opettaa algoritmin tai tietorakenteen. Tehtävä näyttää opiskelijalle kuvan tietorakenteesta lähtödatalla. Opiskelija mukailee algoritmin suoritusta vuorovaikuttamalla kuvaesityksen kanssa. Opiskelijan ratkaisu arvostellaan automaattisesti. Väärinkäsitys VAS-tehtävässä on opiskelijan järjestelmällinen väärinymmärrys, joka voidaan kuvata algoritmilla. On oletus, että VAS-tehtävä, joka tunnistaisi automaattisesti väärinkäsityksen ja antaisi korjaavaa palautetta, tukisi oppimista entisestään. Tämä opinnäytetyö sisältää kirjallisuustutkimuksen algoritmien väärinkäsityksistä sekä empiirisen tutkimuksen. Sähköisen OpenDSA-kirjan neljä VAS-tehtävää on tutkittu niiden ohjelmakoodiltaan: Postfix-lausekkeen evaluointi, binäärikeon rakentaminen, pikajärjestäminen ja Dijkstran algoritmi. Tietoaineisto, jossa on 1430 tallennetta Binäärikeon rakentaminen -tehtävästä, on analysoitu käsin tätä varten kehitetyllä ohjelmalla. Tallenteet on sitten automaattisesti luokiteltu löydettyjen väärinkäsitysten perusteella. Työn päätulos laajentaa binäärikeon rakentaminen -tehtävän väärinkäsityksien joukkoa. 52 prosenttia tehtäväpalautuksista oli oikein, 17 prosenttia väärinkäsityksiä ja loput 31 prosenttia voidaan selittää loogisesti. 95 prosentilla niistä palautuksista, jotka luokiteltiin väärinkäsitykseksi, oli useampi yhtä hyvä selitys, kun keon koko oli 10. Työ esittää Python-ohjelman, joka voi automaattisesti luokitella tunnettuja väärinkäsityksiä. Työ esittää myös teoriaa, kuinka tuottaa VAS-tehtävien lähtödataa siten, että se tukisi väärinkäsitysten tunnistamista. Teoriaa on sovellettu parantam alla Dijkstran algoritmi -tehtävän syötteen tuottamista. Johtopäätöksenä OpenDSA:n VAS-tehtävien väärinkäsitysten tutkiminen vaatii nykyisellään tehtäväkohtaista työtä. Kaikki OpenDSA:n VAS-tehtävät eivät tallenna riittävästi dataa myöhempää analyysiä varten. Lisäksi tehtävätoistin ja analyysiohjelma pitää kirjoittaa erikseen joka tehtävälle. On tarve kehittää OpenDSA:n ohjelmakirjastoja tuottamaan yksityiskohtaisia tehtävätallenteita. Binäärikeon rakentaminen -tehtävässä pitäisi tutkia keon koon vaikutusta väärinkäsitysten tunnistamiseen

    English spelling and the computer

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    The first half of the book is about spelling, the second about computers. Chapter Two describes how English spelling came to be in the state that it’s in today. In Chapter Three I summarize the debate between those who propose radical change to the system and those who favour keeping it as it is, and I show how computerized correction can be seen as providing at least some of the benefits that have been claimed for spelling reform. Too much of the literature on computerized spellcheckers describes tests based on collections of artificially created errors; Chapter Four looks at the sorts of misspellings that people actually make, to see more clearly the problems that a spellchecker has to face. Chapter Five looks more closely at the errors that people make when they don’t know how to spell a word, and Chapter Six at the errors that people make when they know perfectly well how to spell a word but for some reason write or type something else. Chapter Seven begins the second part of the book with a description of the methods that have been devised over the last thirty years for getting computers to detect and correct spelling errors. Its conclusion is that spellcheckers have some way to go before they can do the job we would like them to do. Chapters Eight to Ten describe a spellchecker that I have designed which attempts to address some of the remaining problems, especially those presented by badly spelt text. In 1982, when I began this research, there were no spellcheckers that would do anything useful with a sentence such as, ‘You shud try to rember all ways to youz a lifejacket when yotting.’ That my spellchecker corrects this perfectly (which it does) is less impressive now, I have to admit, than it would have been then, simply because there are now a few spellcheckers on the market which do make a reasonable attempt at errors of that kind. My spellchecker does, however, handle some classes of errors that other spellcheckers do not perform well on, and Chapter Eleven concludes the book with the results of some comparative tests, a few reflections on my spellchecker’s shortcomings and some speculations on possible developments

    Spelling correction in the NLP system 'LOLITA: dictionary organisation and search algorithms

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    This thesis describes the design and implementation of a spelling correction system and associated dictionaries, for the Natural Language Processing System 'LOLITA'. The dictionary storage is based upon a trie (M-ary tree) data-structure. The design of the dictionary is described, and the way in which the data-structure is implemented is also discussed. The spelling correction system makes use of the trie structure in order to limit repetition and "garden path' searching. The spelling correction algorithms used are a variation on the 'reverse minimum edit-distance' technique. These algorithms have been modified in order to place more emphasis on generation in order of likelihood. The system will correct up to two simple errors {i.e. insertion, omission, substitution or transposition of characters) per word. The individual algorithms are presented in turn and their combination into a unified strategy to correct misspellings is demonstrated. The system was implemented in the programming language Haskell; a pure functional, class-based language, with non-strict semantics and polymorphic type-checking. The use of several features of this language, in particular lazy evaluation, and their corresponding advantages over more traditional languages are described. The dictionaries and spelling correcting facilities are in use in the LOLITA system. Issues pertaining to 'real word' error correction, arising from the system's use in an NLP context, axe also discussed

    NASA Tech Briefs, June 1989

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    Topics include: New Product Ideas; NASA TU Services; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery; Fabrication Technology; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Life Sciences

    Using simple controls to manipulate complex objects : application to the Drum-Boy interactive percussion system

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Program in Media Arts & Sciences, 1993.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 90-93).by Fumiaki Matsumoto.M.S

    A retrospective on the Dorado, a high-performance personal computer

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    Merged with duplicate record 10026.1/678 on 07.03.2017 by CS (TIS)The overtopping of low-crested breakwater is investigated by means of hydraulic and mathematical models. A conventional laboratory wavemaker with a wedge-type paddle is converted into an absorbing wavemaker so that it can be used to investigate accurately wave overtopping of reflective coastal structures. The absorption system is achieved by use of a feedback loop added to the control circuit. The design criteria and implementation of the circuit are presented in detail. Enhanced control software is used to generate different 'random' sea states with the same statistical properties. The absorption system is validated by ail extensive series of tests made possible by the development of automated data acquisition and analysis software. Particular attention is given to the derivation of incident and reflected wave spectra. The results show over 90% success in reducing reflected waves. It is also possible to establish stable standing wave patterns over a wide frequency range. The results show significant improvement over similar existing wavemakers and in effect create an open-ended channel in the sense that the test structure hardly influences incident wave conditions. A closely controlled series of overtopping tests was carried out using the absorption system to prevent any re-reflections. Equipment and software were designed to quantify the overtopping rates for the structures used. The design and implementation of all aspects of the tests is fully described. Overlapping tests were carried out on breakwaters with smooth l:l and 1:2 seaward slopes. The results are tabulated and plotted in a dimension less form which permits comparison with earlier work carried out at Hydraulics Research Ltd. The range of available data is extended and the new data for fully-developed sea states shown to be compatible with a linear extrapolation of the earlier results. It is believed that the earlier results were obtained using fully developed sea states but this is not known for certain. The importance of rigorously defining and publishing both test conditions and analysis techniques is highlighted. In the numerical study the 1-D mass and continuity equations were solved by a hybrid finite element/finite difference scheme. Whilst a good comparison is achieved between the physical and numerical tests for breakwater slopes of 1:2 and less, realistic results are not achieved for steeper slopes. The reasons for this are discussed and the results presented. Both sets of model tests add valuable data to an area presently lacking detailed information