281 research outputs found

    Security-Aware RWA for Dynamic Traffic Using Path Protection In WDM Networks

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    Security and attack management have become the prime concern for the network operators due to high data transfer rates and vulnerabilities associated with transparency in WDM networks. In the recent years, there is a substantial increase in perception to develop suitable mechanisms for subduing the adverse effects of malicious attacks such as high power jamming and tapping attacks.In transparent optical networks (TONs) traffic is carried over the optical fibers in the form of signals called lightpaths, creating a virtual topology over the physical interconnections of an optical fiber. This allows an exchange of an enormous amount of data at a very high speed. A fault or an attack on the network can lead to data tampering and data loss. Unlike faults, malicious attacks may not be localized and we cannot handle them with the standard fault-tolerance mechanisms in WDM networks. The Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) problem assigns appropriate routes and wavelengths to all associated lightpaths in the network. Most the researchers considered the static traffic model, where the network requests (i.e. lightpaths to be established) are known in advance and last over long durations. In this thesis, we are solving the security-aware problem for dynamic requests by using protection strategy known as dedicated path protection (DPP). In the dynamic model, lightpaths are generated on-demand, and RWA must be performed based on available resources that are not being used by ongoing lightpaths. We propose an Integer linear programming (ILP) formulation to maximize requests satisfaction and reducing the disruption in the network due to malicious attacks (In-band and out-band)

    Optical Technologies and Control Methods for Scalable Data Centre Networks

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    Attributing to the increasing adoption of cloud services, video services and associated machine learning applications, the traffic demand inside data centers is increasing exponentially, which necessitates an innovated networking infrastructure with high scalability and cost-efficiency. As a promising candidate to provide high capacity, low latency, cost-effective and scalable interconnections, optical technologies have been introduced to data center networks (DCNs) for approximately a decade. To further improve the DCN performance to meet the increasing traffic demand by using photonic technologies, two current trends are a)increasing the bandwidth density of the transmission links and b) maximizing IT and network resources utilization through disaggregated topologies and architectures. Therefore, this PhD thesis focuses on introducing and applying advanced and efficient technologies in these two fields to DCNs to improve their performance. On the one hand, at the link level, since the traditional single-mode fiber (SMF) solutions based on wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) over C+L band may fall short in satisfying the capacity, front panel density, power consumption, and cost requirements of high-performance DCNs, a space division multiplexing (SDM) based DCN using homogeneous multi-core fibers (MCFs) is proposed.With the exploited bi-directional model and proposed spectrum allocation algorithms, the proposed DCN shows great benefits over the SMF solution in terms of network capacity and spatial efficiency. In the meanwhile, it is found that the inter-core crosstalk (IC-XT) between the adjacent cores inside the MCF is dynamic rather than static, therefore, the behaviour of the IC-XT is experimentally investigated under different transmission conditions. On the other hand, an optically disaggregated DCN is developed and to ensure the performance of it, different architectures, topologies, resource routing and allocation algorithms are proposed and compared. Compared to the traditional server-based DCN, the resource utilization, scalability and the cost-efficiency are significantly improved

    Enabling Technology in Optical Fiber Communications: From Device, System to Networking

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    This book explores the enabling technology in optical fiber communications. It focuses on the state-of-the-art advances from fundamental theories, devices, and subsystems to networking applications as well as future perspectives of optical fiber communications. The topics cover include integrated photonics, fiber optics, fiber and free-space optical communications, and optical networking

    Telecommunication Systems

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    This book is based on both industrial and academic research efforts in which a number of recent advancements and rare insights into telecommunication systems are well presented. The volume is organized into four parts: "Telecommunication Protocol, Optimization, and Security Frameworks", "Next-Generation Optical Access Technologies", "Convergence of Wireless-Optical Networks" and "Advanced Relay and Antenna Systems for Smart Networks." Chapters within these parts are self-contained and cross-referenced to facilitate further study

    Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2009, nr 1

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    Survivability aspects of future optical backbone networks

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    In huidige glasvezelnetwerken kan een enkele vezel een gigantische hoeveelheid data dragen, ruwweg het equivalent van 25 miljoen gelijktijdige telefoongesprekken. Hierdoor zullen netwerkstoringen, zoals breuken van een glasvezelkabel, de communicatie van een groot aantal eindgebruikers verstoren. Netwerkoperatoren kiezen er dan ook voor om hun netwerk zo te bouwen dat zulke grote storingen automatisch opgevangen worden. Dit proefschrift spitst zich toe op twee aspecten rond de overleefbaarheid in toekomstige optische netwerken. De eerste doelstelling die beoogd wordt is het tot stand brengen vanrobuuste dataverbindingen over meerdere netwerken. Door voldoende betrouwbare verbindingen tot stand te brengen over een infrastructuur die niet door een enkele entiteit wordt beheerd kan men bv. weredwijd Internettelevisie van hoge kwaliteit aanbieden. De bestudeerde oplossing heeft niet enkel tot doel om deze zeer betrouwbare verbinding te berekenen, maar ook om dit te bewerkstelligen met een minimum aan gebruikte netwerkcapaciteit. De tweede doelstelling was om een antwoord te formuleren om de vraag hoe het toepassen van optische schakelsystemen gebaseerd op herconfigureerbare optische multiplexers een impact heeft op de overleefbaarheid van een optisch netwerk. Bij lagere volumes hebben optisch geschakelde netwerken weinig voordeel van dergelijke gesofistikeerde methoden. Elektronisch geschakelde netwerken vertonen geen afhankelijkheid van het datavolume en hebben altijd baat bij optimalisatie