241 research outputs found

    On the use of ensemble averaging techniques to accelerate the Uncertainty Quantification of CFD predictions in wind engineering

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    In this work we focus on reducing the wall clock time required to compute statistical estimators of highly chaotic incompressible flows on high performance computing systems. Our approach consists of replacing a single long-term simulation by an ensemble of multiple independent realizations, which are run in parallel. A failure probability convergence criteria must be satisfied by the statistical estimator of interest to assess convergence. The error analysis leads to the identification of two error contributions: the initialization bias and the statistical error. We propose an approach to systematically detect the burn-in time needed in order to minimize the initialization bias, as well as techniques to choose the effective time needed to keep the statistical error under control. This is accompanied by strategies to reduce simulation cost. The proposed method is assessed in application to the prediction of the drag force over high rise buildings and specifically in application to the CAARC building, a relevant benchmark for the wind engineering community.The authors thank Prof. Barbara Wohlmuth and Dr. Brendan Keith for their valuable discussions and contributions to the subject. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 800898 and from project RTI2018-096898-B-I00 from the FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación - Agencia Estatal de Investigación. The authors also acknowledge the Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence (2019–2023), which financially supported this work under the grant CEX2018-000797-S funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. The authors thankfully acknowledge the computer resources at MareNostrum and the technical support provided by Barcelona Supercomputing Center (IM-2020-2-0030). This work was supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic through the e-INFRA CZ (ID:90140). Dr. Jordi Pons-Prats acknowledges the support of the Serra Hunter programme by the Catalan Government.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Exploiting spatial symmetries for solving Poisson's equation

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    This paper presents a strategy to accelerate virtually any Poisson solver by taking advantage of s spatial reflection symmetries. More precisely, we have proved the existence of an inexpensive block diagonalisation that transforms the original Poisson equation into a set of 2s fully decoupled subsystems then solved concurrently. This block diagonalisation is identical regardless of the mesh connectivity (structured or unstructured) and the geometric complexity of the problem, therefore applying to a wide range of academic and industrial configurations. In fact, it simplifies the task of discretising complex geometries since it only requires meshing a portion of the domain that is then mirrored implicitly by the symmetries’ hyperplanes. Thus, the resulting meshes naturally inherit the exploited symmetries, and their memory footprint becomes 2s times smaller. Thanks to the subsystems’ better spectral properties, iterative solvers converge significantly faster. Additionally, imposing an adequate grid points’ ordering allows reducing the operators’ footprint and replacing the standard sparse matrix-vector products with the sparse matrixmatrix product, a higher arithmetic intensity kernel. As a result, matrix multiplications are accelerated, and massive simulations become more affordable. Finally, we include numerical experiments based on a turbulent flow simulation and making state-of-theart solvers exploit a varying number of symmetries. On the one hand, algebraic multigrid and preconditioned Krylov subspace methods require up to 23% and 72% fewer iterations, resulting in up to 1.7x and 5.6x overall speedups, respectively. On the other, sparse direct solvers’ memory footprint, setup and solution costs are reduced by up to 48%, 58% and 46%, respectively.This work has been financially supported by two competitive R+D projects: RETOtwin (PDC2021-120970-I00), given by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and European Union Next GenerationEU/PRTR, and FusionCAT (001-P-001722), given by Generalitat de Catalunya RIS3CAT-FEDER. Àdel Alsalti-Baldellou has also been supported by the predoctoral grants DIN2018-010061 and 2019-DI-90, given by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the Catalan Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR), respectively.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    D3.3 Report of ensemble based parallelism for turbulent flows and release of solvers

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    In this work we focus on reducing the wall clock time required to compute statistical estimators of highly chaotic incompressible flows on high performance computing systems. Our approach consists of replacing a single long-term simulation by an ensemble of multiple independent realizations, which are run in parallel with different initial conditions. A failure probability convergence criteria must be satisfied by the statistical estimator of interest to assess convergence. Its error analysis leads to the identification of two error contributions: the initialization bias and the statistical error. We propose an approach to systematically detect the burn-in time in order to minimize the initialization bias, accompanied by strategies to reduce simulation cost. The framework is validated on two very high Reynolds number obstacle problems of wind engineering interest in a high performance computing environment

    Automated tuning for the parameters of linear solvers

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    Robust iterative methods for solving systems of linear algebraic equations often suffer from the problem of optimizing the corresponding tuning parameters. To improve the performance for the problem of interest, the specific parameter tuning is required, which in practice can be a time-consuming and tedious task. The present paper deals with the problem of automating the optimization of the numerical method parameters to improve the performance of the mathematical physics simulations and simplify the modeling process. The paper proposes the hybrid evolution strategy applied to tune the parameters of the Krylov subspace and algebraic multigrid iterative methods when solving a sequence of linear systems with a constant matrix and varying right-hand side. The algorithm combines the evolution strategy with the pre-trained neural network, which filters the individuals in the new generation. The coupling of two optimization approaches allows to integrate the adaptivity properties of the evolution strategy with a priori knowledge realized by the neural network. The use of the neural network as a preliminary filter allows for significant weakening of the prediction accuracy requirements and reusing the pre-trained network with a wide range of linear systems. The algorithm efficiency evaluation is performed for a set of model linear systems, including the ones from the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection and the systems from the turbulent flow simulations. The obtained results show that the pre-trained neural network can be reused to optimize parameters for various linear systems, and a significant speedup in the calculations can be achieved at the cost of about 100 trial solves. The algorithm decreases the calculation time by more than 6 times for the black box matrices from the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection and by a factor of 1.5-1.8 for the turbulent flow simulations considered in the paper

    Towards stochastic methods in CFD for engineering applications

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    Recent developments of high performance computing capabilities allow solving modern science problems employing sophisticated computational techniques. However, it is necessary to ensure the efficiency of state of the art computational methods to fully take advantage of modern technology capabilities. In this thesis we propose uncertainty quantification and high performance computing strategies to solve fluid dynamics systems characterized by uncertain conditions and unknown parameters. We verify that such techniques allow us to take decisions faster and ensure the reliability of simulation results. Different sources of uncertainties can be relevant in computational fluid dynamics applications. For example, we consider the shape and time variability of boundary conditions, as well as the randomness of external forces acting on the system. From a practical point of view, one has to estimate statistics of the flow, and a failure probability convergence criterion must be satisfied by the statistical estimator of interest to assess reliability. We use hierarchical Monte Carlo methods as uncertainty quantification strategy to solve stochastic systems. Such algorithms present three levels of parallelism: over levels, over realizations per level, and on the solution of each realization. We propose an improvement by adding a new level of parallelism, between batches, where each batch has its independent hierarchy. These new methods are called asynchronous hierarchical Monte Carlo, and we demonstrate that such techniques take full advantage of concurrency capabilities of modern high performance computing environments, while preserving the same reliability of state of the art methods. Moreover, we focus on reducing the wall clock time required to compute statistical estimators of chaotic incompressible flows. Our approach consists in replacing a single long-term simulation with an ensemble of multiple independent realizations, which are run in parallel with different initial conditions. The error analysis of the statistical estimator leads to the identification of two error contributions: the initialization bias and the statistical error. We propose an approach to systematically detect the burn-in time to minimize the initialization bias, accompanied by strategies to reduce the simulation cost. Finally, we propose an integration of Monte Carlo and ensemble averaging methods for reducing the wall clock time required for computing statistical estimators of time-dependent stochastic turbulent flows. A single long-term Monte Carlo realization is replaced by an ensemble of multiple independent realizations, each characterized by the same random event and different initial conditions. We consider different systems, relevant in the computational fluid dynamics engineering field, as realistic wind flowing around high-rise buildings or compressible potential flow problems. By solving such numerical examples, we demonstrate the accuracy, efficiency, and effectiveness of our proposals.Los desarrollos relacionados con la computación de alto rendimiento de las últimas décadas permiten resolver problemas científicos actuales, utilizando métodos computacionales sofisticados. Sin embargo, es necesario asegurarse de la eficiencia de los métodos computacionales modernos, con el fin de explotar al máximo las capacidades tecnológicas. En esta tesis proponemos diferentes métodos, relacionados con la cuantificación de incertidumbres y el cálculo de alto rendimiento, con el fin de minimizar el tiempo de computación necesario para resolver las simulaciones y garantizar una alta fiabilidad. En concreto, resolvemos sistemas de dinámica de fluidos caracterizados por incertidumbres. En el campo de la dinámica de fluidos computacional existen diferentes tipos de incertidumbres. Nosotros consideramos, por ejemplo, la forma y la evolución en el tiempo de las condiciones de frontera, así como la aleatoriedad de las fuerzas externas que actúan sobre el sistema. Desde un punto de vista práctico, es necesario estimar valores estadísticos del flujo del fluido, cumpliendo los criterios de convergencia para garantizar la fiabilidad del método. Para cuantificar el efecto de las incertidumbres utilizamos métodos de Monte Carlo jerárquicos, también llamados hierarchical Monte Carlo methods. Estas estrategias tienen tres niveles de paralelización: entre los niveles de la jerarquía, entre los eventos de cada nivel y durante la resolución del evento. Proponemos agregar un nuevo nivel de paralelización, entre batches, en el cual cada batch es independiente de los demás y tiene su propia jerarquía, compuesta por niveles y eventos distribuidos en diferentes niveles. Definimos estos nuevos algoritmos como métodos de Monte Carlo asíncronos y jerárquicos, cuyos nombres equivalentes en inglés son asynchronous hierarchical Monte Carlo methods. También nos enfocamos en reducir el tiempo de computación necesario para calcular estimadores estadísticos de flujos de fluidos caóticos e incompresibles. Nuestro método consiste en reemplazar una única simulación de dinámica de fluidos, caracterizada por una ventana de tiempo prolongada, por el promedio de un conjunto de simulaciones independientes, caracterizadas por diferentes condiciones iniciales y una ventana de tiempo menor. Este conjunto de simulaciones se puede ejecutar en paralelo en superordenadores, reduciendo el tiempo de computación. El método de promedio de conjuntos se conoce como ensemble averaging. Analizando las diferentes contribuciones del error del estimador estadístico, identificamos dos términos: el error debido a las condiciones iniciales y el error estadístico. En esta tesis proponemos un método que minimiza el error debido a las condiciones iniciales, y en paralelo sugerimos varias estrategias para reducir el coste computacional de la simulación. Finalmente, proponemos una integración del método de Monte Carlo y del método de ensemble averaging, cuyo objetivo es reducir el tiempo de computación requerido para calcular estimadores estadísticos de problemas de dinámica de fluidos dependientes del tiempo, caóticos y estocásticos. Reemplazamos cada realización de Monte Carlo por un conjunto de realizaciones independientes, cada una caracterizada por el mismo evento aleatorio y diferentes condiciones iniciales. Consideramos y resolvemos diferentes sistemas físicos, todos relevantes en el campo de la dinámica de fluidos computacional, como problemas de flujo del viento alrededor de rascacielos o problemas de flujo potencial. Demostramos la precisión, eficiencia y efectividad de nuestras propuestas resolviendo estos ejemplos numéricos.Gli sviluppi del calcolo ad alte prestazioni degli ultimi decenni permettono di risolvere problemi scientifici di grande attualità, utilizzando sofisticati metodi computazionali. È però necessario assicurarsi dell’efficienza di questi metodi, in modo da ottimizzare l’uso delle odierne conoscenze tecnologiche. A tal fine, in questa tesi proponiamo diversi metodi, tutti inerenti ai temi di quantificazione di incertezze e calcolo ad alte prestazioni. L’obiettivo è minimizzare il tempo necessario per risolvere le simulazioni e garantire alta affidabilità. Nello specifico, utilizziamo queste strategie per risolvere sistemi fluidodinamici caratterizzati da incertezze in macchine ad alte prestazioni. Nel campo della fluidodinamica computazionale esistono diverse tipologie di incertezze. In questo lavoro consideriamo, ad esempio, il valore e l’evoluzione temporale delle condizioni di contorno, così come l’aleatorietà delle forze esterne che agiscono sul sistema fisico. Dal punto di vista pratico, è necessario calcolare una stima delle variabili statistiche del flusso del fluido, soddisfacendo criteri di convergenza, i quali garantiscono l’accuratezza del metodo. Per quantificare l’effetto delle incertezze sul sistema utilizziamo metodi gerarchici di Monte Carlo, detti anche hierarchical Monte Carlo methods. Queste strategie presentano tre livelli di parallelizzazione: tra i livelli della gerarchia, tra gli eventi di ciascun livello e durante la risoluzione del singolo evento. Proponiamo di aggiungere un nuovo livello di parallelizzazione, tra gruppi (batches), in cui ogni batch sia indipendente dagli altri ed abbia una propria gerarchia, composta da livelli e da eventi distribuiti su diversi livelli. Definiamo questi nuovi algoritmi come metodi asincroni e gerarchici di Monte Carlo, il cui corrispondente in inglese è asynchronous hierarchical Monte Carlo methods. Ci focalizziamo inoltre sulla riduzione del tempo di calcolo necessario per stimare variabili statistiche di flussi caotici ed incomprimibili. Il nostro metodo consiste nel sostituire un’unica simulazione fluidodinamica, caratterizzata da un lungo arco temporale, con il valore medio di un insieme di simulazioni indipendenti, caratterizzate da diverse condizioni iniziali ed un arco temporale minore. Questo insieme 10 di simulazioni può essere eseguito in parallelo in un supercomputer, riducendo il tempo di calcolo. Questo metodo è noto come media di un insieme o, in inglese, ensemble averaging. Calcolando la stima di variabili statistiche, commettiamo due errori: l’errore dovuto alle condizioni iniziali e l’errore statistico. In questa tesi proponiamo un metodo per minimizzare l’errore dovuto alle condizioni iniziali, ed in parallelo suggeriamo diverse strategie per ridurre il costo computazionale della simulazione. Infine, proponiamo un’integrazione del metodo di Monte Carlo e del metodo di ensemble averaging, il cui obiettivo è ridurre il tempo di calcolo necessario per stimare variabili statistiche di problemi di fluidodinamica dipendenti dal tempo, caotici e stocastici. Ogni realizzazione di Monte Carlo è sostituita da un insieme di simulazioni indipendenti, ciascuna caratterizzata dallo stesso evento casuale, da differenti condizioni iniziali e da un arco temporale minore. Consideriamo e risolviamo differenti sistemi fisici, tutti rilevanti nel campo della fluidodinamica computazionale, come per esempio problemi di flusso del vento attorno a grattacieli, o sistemi di flusso potenziale. Dimostriamo l’accuratezza, l’efficienza e l’efficacia delle nostre proposte, risolvendo questi esempi numerici.Postprint (published version

    Machine Learning and Its Application to Reacting Flows

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    This open access book introduces and explains machine learning (ML) algorithms and techniques developed for statistical inferences on a complex process or system and their applications to simulations of chemically reacting turbulent flows. These two fields, ML and turbulent combustion, have large body of work and knowledge on their own, and this book brings them together and explain the complexities and challenges involved in applying ML techniques to simulate and study reacting flows. This is important as to the world’s total primary energy supply (TPES), since more than 90% of this supply is through combustion technologies and the non-negligible effects of combustion on environment. Although alternative technologies based on renewable energies are coming up, their shares for the TPES is are less than 5% currently and one needs a complete paradigm shift to replace combustion sources. Whether this is practical or not is entirely a different question, and an answer to this question depends on the respondent. However, a pragmatic analysis suggests that the combustion share to TPES is likely to be more than 70% even by 2070. Hence, it will be prudent to take advantage of ML techniques to improve combustion sciences and technologies so that efficient and “greener” combustion systems that are friendlier to the environment can be designed. The book covers the current state of the art in these two topics and outlines the challenges involved, merits and drawbacks of using ML for turbulent combustion simulations including avenues which can be explored to overcome the challenges. The required mathematical equations and backgrounds are discussed with ample references for readers to find further detail if they wish. This book is unique since there is not any book with similar coverage of topics, ranging from big data analysis and machine learning algorithm to their applications for combustion science and system design for energy generation

    A hierarchical parallel implementation model for algebra-based CFD simulations on hybrid supercomputers

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    (English) Continuous enhancement in hardware technologies enables scientific computing to advance incessantly and reach further aims. Since the start of the global race for exascale high-performance computing (HPC), massively-parallel devices of various architectures have been incorporated into the newest supercomputers, leading to an increasing hybridization of HPC systems. In this context of accelerated innovation, software portability and efficiency become crucial. Traditionally, scientific computing software development is based on calculations in iterative stencil loops (ISL) over a discretized geometry—the mesh. Despite being intuitive and versatile, the interdependency between algorithms and their computational implementations in stencil applications usually results in a large number of subroutines and introduces an inevitable complexity when it comes to portability and sustainability. An alternative is to break the interdependency between algorithm and implementation to cast the calculations into a minimalist set of kernels. The portable implementation model that is the object of this thesis is not restricted to a particular numerical method or problem. However, owing to the CTTC's long tradition in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and without loss of generality, this work is targeted to solve transient CFD simulations. By casting discrete operators and mesh functions into (sparse) matrices and vectors, it is shown that all the calculations in a typical CFD algorithm boil down to the following basic linear algebra subroutines: the sparse matrix-vector product, the linear combination of vectors, and the dot product. The proposed formulation eases the deployment of scientific computing software in massively parallel hybrid computing systems and is demonstrated in the large-scale, direct numerical simulation of transient turbulent flows.(Català) La millora contínua en tecnologies de la informàtica possibilita a la comunitat de computació científica avançar incessantment i assolir ulteriors objectius. Des de l'inici de la cursa global per a la computació d'alt rendiment (HPC) d'exa-escala, s'han incorporat dispositius massivament paral·lels de diverses arquitectures als supercomputadors més nous, donant lloc a una creixent hibridació dels sistemes HPC. En aquest context d'innovació accelerada, la portabilitat i l'eficiència del programari esdevenen crucials. Tradicionalment, el desenvolupament de programari informàtic científic es basa en càlculs en bucles de patrons iteratius (ISL) sobre una geometria discretitzada: la malla. Tot i ser intuïtiva i versàtil, la interdependència entre algorismes i les seves implementacions computacionals en aplicacions de patrons sol donar lloc a un gran nombre de subrutines i introdueix una complexitat inevitable quan es tracta de portabilitat i sostenibilitat. Una alternativa és trencar la interdependència entre l'algorisme i la implementació per reduir els càlculs a un conjunt minimalista de subrutines. El model d'implementació portable objecte d'aquesta tesi no es limita a un mètode o problema numèric concret. No obstant això, i a causa de la llarga tradició del CTTC en dinàmica de fluids computacional (CFD) i sense pèrdua de generalitat, aquest treball està dirigit a resoldre simulacions CFD transitòries. Mitjançant la conversió d'operadors discrets i funcions de malla en matrius (disperses) i vectors, es demostra que tots els càlculs d'un algorisme CFD típic es redueixen a les següents subrutines bàsiques d'àlgebra lineal: el producte dispers matriu-vector, la combinació lineal de vectors, i el producte escalar. La formulació proposada facilita el desplegament de programari de computació científica en sistemes informàtics híbrids massivament paral·lels i es demostra el seu rendiment en la simulació numèrica directa de gran escala de fluxos turbulents transitoris.Postprint (published version

    A hierarchical parallel implementation model for algebra-based CFD simulations on hybrid supercomputers

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    (English) Continuous enhancement in hardware technologies enables scientific computing to advance incessantly and reach further aims. Since the start of the global race for exascale high-performance computing (HPC), massively-parallel devices of various architectures have been incorporated into the newest supercomputers, leading to an increasing hybridization of HPC systems. In this context of accelerated innovation, software portability and efficiency become crucial. Traditionally, scientific computing software development is based on calculations in iterative stencil loops (ISL) over a discretized geometry—the mesh. Despite being intuitive and versatile, the interdependency between algorithms and their computational implementations in stencil applications usually results in a large number of subroutines and introduces an inevitable complexity when it comes to portability and sustainability. An alternative is to break the interdependency between algorithm and implementation to cast the calculations into a minimalist set of kernels. The portable implementation model that is the object of this thesis is not restricted to a particular numerical method or problem. However, owing to the CTTC's long tradition in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and without loss of generality, this work is targeted to solve transient CFD simulations. By casting discrete operators and mesh functions into (sparse) matrices and vectors, it is shown that all the calculations in a typical CFD algorithm boil down to the following basic linear algebra subroutines: the sparse matrix-vector product, the linear combination of vectors, and the dot product. The proposed formulation eases the deployment of scientific computing software in massively parallel hybrid computing systems and is demonstrated in the large-scale, direct numerical simulation of transient turbulent flows.(Català) La millora contínua en tecnologies de la informàtica possibilita a la comunitat de computació científica avançar incessantment i assolir ulteriors objectius. Des de l'inici de la cursa global per a la computació d'alt rendiment (HPC) d'exa-escala, s'han incorporat dispositius massivament paral·lels de diverses arquitectures als supercomputadors més nous, donant lloc a una creixent hibridació dels sistemes HPC. En aquest context d'innovació accelerada, la portabilitat i l'eficiència del programari esdevenen crucials. Tradicionalment, el desenvolupament de programari informàtic científic es basa en càlculs en bucles de patrons iteratius (ISL) sobre una geometria discretitzada: la malla. Tot i ser intuïtiva i versàtil, la interdependència entre algorismes i les seves implementacions computacionals en aplicacions de patrons sol donar lloc a un gran nombre de subrutines i introdueix una complexitat inevitable quan es tracta de portabilitat i sostenibilitat. Una alternativa és trencar la interdependència entre l'algorisme i la implementació per reduir els càlculs a un conjunt minimalista de subrutines. El model d'implementació portable objecte d'aquesta tesi no es limita a un mètode o problema numèric concret. No obstant això, i a causa de la llarga tradició del CTTC en dinàmica de fluids computacional (CFD) i sense pèrdua de generalitat, aquest treball està dirigit a resoldre simulacions CFD transitòries. Mitjançant la conversió d'operadors discrets i funcions de malla en matrius (disperses) i vectors, es demostra que tots els càlculs d'un algorisme CFD típic es redueixen a les següents subrutines bàsiques d'àlgebra lineal: el producte dispers matriu-vector, la combinació lineal de vectors, i el producte escalar. La formulació proposada facilita el desplegament de programari de computació científica en sistemes informàtics híbrids massivament paral·lels i es demostra el seu rendiment en la simulació numèrica directa de gran escala de fluxos turbulents transitoris.Enginyeria tèrmic