14,134 research outputs found

    Integrated design optimization research and development in an industrial environment

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    An overview is given of a design optimization project that is in progress at the GE Research and Development Center for the past few years. The objective of this project is to develop a methodology and a software system for design automation and optimization of structural/mechanical components and systems. The effort focuses on research and development issues and also on optimization applications that can be related to real-life industrial design problems. The overall technical approach is based on integration of numerical optimization techniques, finite element methods, CAE and software engineering, and artificial intelligence/expert systems (AI/ES) concepts. The role of each of these engineering technologies in the development of a unified design methodology is illustrated. A software system DESIGN-OPT has been developed for both size and shape optimization of structural components subjected to static as well as dynamic loadings. By integrating this software with an automatic mesh generator, a geometric modeler and an attribute specification computer code, a software module SHAPE-OPT has been developed for shape optimization. Details of these software packages together with their applications to some 2- and 3-dimensional design problems are described

    Identifying combinations of tetrahedra into hexahedra: a vertex based strategy

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    Indirect hex-dominant meshing methods rely on the detection of adjacent tetrahedra an algorithm that performs this identification and builds the set of all possible combinations of tetrahedral elements of an input mesh T into hexahedra, prisms, or pyramids. All identified cells are valid for engineering analysis. First, all combinations of eight/six/five vertices whose connectivity in T matches the connectivity of a hexahedron/prism/pyramid are computed. The subset of tetrahedra of T triangulating each potential cell is then determined. Quality checks allow to early discard poor quality cells and to dramatically improve the efficiency of the method. Each potential hexahedron/prism/pyramid is computed only once. Around 3 millions potential hexahedra are computed in 10 seconds on a laptop. We finally demonstrate that the set of potential hexes built by our algorithm is significantly larger than those built using predefined patterns of subdivision of a hexahedron in tetrahedral elements.Comment: Preprint submitted to CAD (26th IMR special issue

    A fast and robust patient specific Finite Element mesh registration technique: application to 60 clinical cases

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    Finite Element mesh generation remains an important issue for patient specific biomechanical modeling. While some techniques make automatic mesh generation possible, in most cases, manual mesh generation is preferred for better control over the sub-domain representation, element type, layout and refinement that it provides. Yet, this option is time consuming and not suited for intraoperative situations where model generation and computation time is critical. To overcome this problem we propose a fast and automatic mesh generation technique based on the elastic registration of a generic mesh to the specific target organ in conjunction with element regularity and quality correction. This Mesh-Match-and-Repair (MMRep) approach combines control over the mesh structure along with fast and robust meshing capabilities, even in situations where only partial organ geometry is available. The technique was successfully tested on a database of 5 pre-operatively acquired complete femora CT scans, 5 femoral heads partially digitized at intraoperative stage, and 50 CT volumes of patients' heads. The MMRep algorithm succeeded in all 60 cases, yielding for each patient a hex-dominant, Atlas based, Finite Element mesh with submillimetric surface representation accuracy, directly exploitable within a commercial FE software

    Merging enriched Finite Element triangle meshes for fast prototyping of alternate solutions in the context of industrial maintenance

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    A new approach to the merging of Finite Element (FE) triangle meshes is proposed. Not only it takes into account the geometric aspects, but it also considers the way the semantic information possibly associated to the groups of entities (nodes, faces) can be maintained. Such high level modification capabilities are of major importance in all the engineering activities requiring fast modifications of meshes without going back to the CAD model. This is especially true in the context of industrial maintenance where the engineers often have to solve critical problems in very short time. Indeed, in this case, the product is already designed, the CAD models are not necessarily available and the FE models might be tuned. Thus, the product behaviour has to be studied and improved during its exploitation while prototyping directly several alternate solutions. Such a framework also finds interest in the preliminary design phases where alternative solutions have to be simulated. The algorithm first removes the intersecting faces in an n-ring neighbourhood so that the filling of the created holes produces triangles whose sizes smoothly evolve according to the possibly heterogeneous sizes of the surrounding triagles. The holefilling algorithm is driven by an aspect ratio factor which ensures that the produced triangulation fits well the FE requirements. It is also constrained by the boundaries of the groups of entities gathering together the simulation semantic. The filled areas are then deformed to blend smoothly with the surroundings meshes

    Geometry Modeling for Unstructured Mesh Adaptation

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    The quantification and control of discretization error is critical to obtaining reliable simulation results. Adaptive mesh techniques have the potential to automate discretization error control, but have made limited impact on production analysis workflow. Recent progress has matured a number of independent implementations of flow solvers, error estimation methods, and anisotropic mesh adaptation mechanics. However, the poor integration of initial mesh generation and adaptive mesh mechanics to typical sources of geometry has hindered adoption of adaptive mesh techniques, where these geometries are often created in Mechanical Computer- Aided Design (MCAD) systems. The difficulty of this coupling is compounded by two factors: the inherent complexity of the model (e.g., large range of scales, bodies in proximity, details not required for analysis) and unintended geometry construction artifacts (e.g., translation, uneven parameterization, degeneracy, self-intersection, sliver faces, gaps, large tolerances be- tween topological elements, local high curvature to enforce continuity). Manual preparation of geometry is commonly employed to enable fixed-grid and adaptive-grid workflows by reducing the severity and negative impacts of these construction artifacts, but manual process interaction inhibits workflow automation. Techniques to permit the use of complex geometry models and reduce the impact of geometry construction artifacts on unstructured grid workflows are models from the AIAA Sonic Boom and High Lift Prediction are shown to demonstrate the utility of the current approach