946 research outputs found

    Keyframe-based monocular SLAM: design, survey, and future directions

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    Extensive research in the field of monocular SLAM for the past fifteen years has yielded workable systems that found their way into various applications in robotics and augmented reality. Although filter-based monocular SLAM systems were common at some time, the more efficient keyframe-based solutions are becoming the de facto methodology for building a monocular SLAM system. The objective of this paper is threefold: first, the paper serves as a guideline for people seeking to design their own monocular SLAM according to specific environmental constraints. Second, it presents a survey that covers the various keyframe-based monocular SLAM systems in the literature, detailing the components of their implementation, and critically assessing the specific strategies made in each proposed solution. Third, the paper provides insight into the direction of future research in this field, to address the major limitations still facing monocular SLAM; namely, in the issues of illumination changes, initialization, highly dynamic motion, poorly textured scenes, repetitive textures, map maintenance, and failure recovery

    Hybrid Scene Compression for Visual Localization

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    Localizing an image wrt. a 3D scene model represents a core task for many computer vision applications. An increasing number of real-world applications of visual localization on mobile devices, e.g., Augmented Reality or autonomous robots such as drones or self-driving cars, demand localization approaches to minimize storage and bandwidth requirements. Compressing the 3D models used for localization thus becomes a practical necessity. In this work, we introduce a new hybrid compression algorithm that uses a given memory limit in a more effective way. Rather than treating all 3D points equally, it represents a small set of points with full appearance information and an additional, larger set of points with compressed information. This enables our approach to obtain a more complete scene representation without increasing the memory requirements, leading to a superior performance compared to previous compression schemes. As part of our contribution, we show how to handle ambiguous matches arising from point compression during RANSAC. Besides outperforming previous compression techniques in terms of pose accuracy under the same memory constraints, our compression scheme itself is also more efficient. Furthermore, the localization rates and accuracy obtained with our approach are comparable to state-of-the-art feature-based methods, while using a small fraction of the memory.Comment: Published at CVPR 201

    Automatic Food Intake Assessment Using Camera Phones

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    Obesity is becoming an epidemic phenomenon in most developed countries. The fundamental cause of obesity and overweight is an energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended. It is essential to monitor everyday food intake for obesity prevention and management. Existing dietary assessment methods usually require manually recording and recall of food types and portions. Accuracy of the results largely relies on many uncertain factors such as user\u27s memory, food knowledge, and portion estimations. As a result, the accuracy is often compromised. Accurate and convenient dietary assessment methods are still blank and needed in both population and research societies. In this thesis, an automatic food intake assessment method using cameras, inertial measurement units (IMUs) on smart phones was developed to help people foster a healthy life style. With this method, users use their smart phones before and after a meal to capture images or videos around the meal. The smart phone will recognize food items and calculate the volume of the food consumed and provide the results to users. The technical objective is to explore the feasibility of image based food recognition and image based volume estimation. This thesis comprises five publications that address four specific goals of this work: (1) to develop a prototype system with existing methods to review the literature methods, find their drawbacks and explore the feasibility to develop novel methods; (2) based on the prototype system, to investigate new food classification methods to improve the recognition accuracy to a field application level; (3) to design indexing methods for large-scale image database to facilitate the development of new food image recognition and retrieval algorithms; (4) to develop novel convenient and accurate food volume estimation methods using only smart phones with cameras and IMUs. A prototype system was implemented to review existing methods. Image feature detector and descriptor were developed and a nearest neighbor classifier were implemented to classify food items. A reedit card marker method was introduced for metric scale 3D reconstruction and volume calculation. To increase recognition accuracy, novel multi-view food recognition algorithms were developed to recognize regular shape food items. To further increase the accuracy and make the algorithm applicable to arbitrary food items, new food features, new classifiers were designed. The efficiency of the algorithm was increased by means of developing novel image indexing method in large-scale image database. Finally, the volume calculation was enhanced through reducing the marker and introducing IMUs. Sensor fusion technique to combine measurements from cameras and IMUs were explored to infer the metric scale of the 3D model as well as reduce noises from these sensors

    Place and Object Recognition for Real-time Visual Mapping

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    Este trabajo aborda dos de las principales dificultades presentes en los sistemas actuales de localización y creación de mapas de forma simultánea (del inglés Simultaneous Localization And Mapping, SLAM): el reconocimiento de lugares ya visitados para cerrar bucles en la trajectoria y crear mapas precisos, y el reconocimiento de objetos para enriquecer los mapas con estructuras de alto nivel y mejorar la interación entre robots y personas. En SLAM visual, las características que se extraen de las imágenes de una secuencia de vídeo se van acumulando con el tiempo, haciendo más laboriosos dos de los aspectos de la detección de bucles: la eliminación de los bucles incorrectos que se detectan entre lugares que tienen una apariencia muy similar, y conseguir un tiempo de ejecución bajo y factible en trayectorias largas. En este trabajo proponemos una técnica basada en vocabularios visuales y en bolsas de palabras para detectar bucles de manera robusta y eficiente, centrándonos en dos ideas principales: 1) aprovechar el origen secuencial de las imágenes de vídeo, y 2) hacer que todo el proceso pueda funcionar a frecuencia de vídeo. Para beneficiarnos del origen secuencial de las imágenes, presentamos una métrica de similaridad normalizada para medir el parecido entre imágenes e incrementar la distintividad de las detecciones correctas. A su vez, agrupamos los emparejamientos de imágenes candidatas a ser bucle para evitar que éstas compitan cuando realmente fueron tomadas desde el mismo lugar. Finalmente, incorporamos una restricción temporal para comprobar la coherencia entre detecciones consecutivas. La eficiencia se logra utilizando índices inversos y directos y características binarias. Un índice inverso acelera la comparación entre imágenes de lugares, y un índice directo, el cálculo de correspondencias de puntos entre éstas. Por primera vez, en este trabajo se han utilizado características binarias para detectar bucles, dando lugar a una solución viable incluso hasta para decenas de miles de imágenes. Los bucles se verifican comprobando la coherencia de la geometría de las escenas emparejadas. Para ello utilizamos varios métodos robustos que funcionan tanto con una como con múltiples cámaras. Presentamos resultados competitivos y sin falsos positivos en distintas secuencias, con imágenes adquiridas tanto a alta como a baja frecuencia, con cámaras frontales y laterales, y utilizando el mismo vocabulario y la misma configuración. Con descriptores binarios, el sistema completo requiere 22 milisegundos por imagen en una secuencia de 26.300 imágenes, resultando un orden de magnitud más rápido que otras técnicas actuales. Se puede utilizar un algoritmo similar al de reconocimiento de lugares para resolver el reconocimiento de objetos en SLAM visual. Detectar objetos en este contexto es particularmente complicado debido a que las distintas ubicaciones, posiciones y tamaños en los que se puede ver un objeto en una imagen son potencialmente infinitos, por lo que suelen ser difíciles de distinguir. Además, esta complejidad se multiplica cuando la comparación ha de hacerse contra varios objetos 3D. Nuestro esfuerzo en este trabajo está orientado a: 1) construir el primer sistema de SLAM visual que puede colocar objectos 3D reales en el mapa, y 2) abordar los problemas de escalabilidad resultantes al tratar con múltiples objetos y vistas de éstos. En este trabajo, presentamos el primer sistema de SLAM monocular que reconoce objetos 3D, los inserta en el mapa y refina su posición en el espacio 3D a medida que el mapa se va construyendo, incluso cuando los objetos dejan de estar en el campo de visión de la cámara. Esto se logra en tiempo real con modelos de objetos compuestos por información tridimensional y múltiples imágenes representando varios puntos de vista del objeto. Después nos centramos en la escalabilidad de la etapa del reconocimiento de los objetos 3D. Presentamos una técnica rápida para segmentar imágenes en regiones de interés para detectar objetos pequeños o lejanos. Tras ello, proponemos sustituir el modelo de objetos de vistas independientes por un modelado con una única bolsa de palabras de características binarias asociadas a puntos 3D. Creamos también una base de datos que incorpora índices inversos y directos para aprovechar sus ventajas a la hora de recuperar rápidamente tanto objetos candidatos a ser detectados como correspondencias de puntos, tal y como hacían en el caso de la detección de bucles. Los resultados experimentales muestran que nuestro sistema funciona en tiempo real en un entorno de escritorio con cámara en mano y en una habitación con una cámara montada sobre un robot autónomo. Las mejoras en el proceso de reconocimiento obtienen resultados satisfactorios, sin detecciones erróneas y con un tiempo de ejecución medio de 28 milisegundos por imagen con una base de datos de 20 objetos 3D

    Inferring Complex Activities for Context-aware Systems within Smart Environments

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    The rising ageing population worldwide and the prevalence of age-related conditions such as physical fragility, mental impairments and chronic diseases have significantly impacted the quality of life and caused a shortage of health and care services. Over-stretched healthcare providers are leading to a paradigm shift in public healthcare provisioning. Thus, Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) using Smart Homes (SH) technologies has been rigorously investigated to help address the aforementioned problems. Human Activity Recognition (HAR) is a critical component in AAL systems which enables applications such as just-in-time assistance, behaviour analysis, anomalies detection and emergency notifications. This thesis is aimed at investigating challenges faced in accurately recognising Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) performed by single or multiple inhabitants within smart environments. Specifically, this thesis explores five complementary research challenges in HAR. The first study contributes to knowledge by developing a semantic-enabled data segmentation approach with user-preferences. The second study takes the segmented set of sensor data to investigate and recognise human ADLs at multi-granular action level; coarse- and fine-grained action level. At the coarse-grained actions level, semantic relationships between the sensor, object and ADLs are deduced, whereas, at fine-grained action level, object usage at the satisfactory threshold with the evidence fused from multimodal sensor data is leveraged to verify the intended actions. Moreover, due to imprecise/vague interpretations of multimodal sensors and data fusion challenges, fuzzy set theory and fuzzy web ontology language (fuzzy-OWL) are leveraged. The third study focuses on incorporating uncertainties caused in HAR due to factors such as technological failure, object malfunction, and human errors. Hence, existing studies uncertainty theories and approaches are analysed and based on the findings, probabilistic ontology (PR-OWL) based HAR approach is proposed. The fourth study extends the first three studies to distinguish activities conducted by more than one inhabitant in a shared smart environment with the use of discriminative sensor-based techniques and time-series pattern analysis. The final study investigates in a suitable system architecture with a real-time smart environment tailored to AAL system and proposes microservices architecture with sensor-based off-the-shelf and bespoke sensing methods. The initial semantic-enabled data segmentation study was evaluated with 100% and 97.8% accuracy to segment sensor events under single and mixed activities scenarios. However, the average classification time taken to segment each sensor events have suffered from 3971ms and 62183ms for single and mixed activities scenarios, respectively. The second study to detect fine-grained-level user actions was evaluated with 30 and 153 fuzzy rules to detect two fine-grained movements with a pre-collected dataset from the real-time smart environment. The result of the second study indicate good average accuracy of 83.33% and 100% but with the high average duration of 24648ms and 105318ms, and posing further challenges for the scalability of fusion rule creations. The third study was evaluated by incorporating PR-OWL ontology with ADL ontologies and Semantic-Sensor-Network (SSN) ontology to define four types of uncertainties presented in the kitchen-based activity. The fourth study illustrated a case study to extended single-user AR to multi-user AR by combining RFID tags and fingerprint sensors discriminative sensors to identify and associate user actions with the aid of time-series analysis. The last study responds to the computations and performance requirements for the four studies by analysing and proposing microservices-based system architecture for AAL system. A future research investigation towards adopting fog/edge computing paradigms from cloud computing is discussed for higher availability, reduced network traffic/energy, cost, and creating a decentralised system. As a result of the five studies, this thesis develops a knowledge-driven framework to estimate and recognise multi-user activities at fine-grained level user actions. This framework integrates three complementary ontologies to conceptualise factual, fuzzy and uncertainties in the environment/ADLs, time-series analysis and discriminative sensing environment. Moreover, a distributed software architecture, multimodal sensor-based hardware prototypes, and other supportive utility tools such as simulator and synthetic ADL data generator for the experimentation were developed to support the evaluation of the proposed approaches. The distributed system is platform-independent and currently supported by an Android mobile application and web-browser based client interfaces for retrieving information such as live sensor events and HAR results