31 research outputs found

    Reliable Message Dissemination in Mobile Vehicular Networks

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    Les réseaux véhiculaires accueillent une multitude d’applications d’info-divertissement et de sécurité. Les applications de sécurité visent à améliorer la sécurité sur les routes (éviter les accidents), tandis que les applications d’info-divertissement visent à améliorer l'expérience des passagers. Les applications de sécurité ont des exigences rigides en termes de délais et de fiabilité ; en effet, la diffusion des messages d’urgence (envoyés par un véhicule/émetteur) devrait être fiable et rapide. Notons que, pour diffuser des informations sur une zone de taille plus grande que celle couverte par la portée de transmission d’un émetteur, il est nécessaire d’utiliser un mécanisme de transmission multi-sauts. De nombreuses approches ont été proposées pour assurer la fiabilité et le délai des dites applications. Toutefois, ces méthodes présentent plusieurs lacunes. Cette thèse, nous proposons trois contributions. La première contribution aborde la question de la diffusion fiable des messages d’urgence. A cet égard, un nouveau schéma, appelé REMD, a été proposé. Ce schéma utilise la répétition de message pour offrir une fiabilité garantie, à chaque saut, tout en assurant un court délai. REMD calcule un nombre optimal de répétitions en se basant sur l’estimation de la qualité de réception de lien dans plusieurs locations (appelées cellules) à l’intérieur de la zone couverte par la portée de transmission de l’émetteur. REMD suppose que les qualités de réception de lien des cellules adjacentes sont indépendantes. Il sélectionne, également, un nombre de véhicules, appelés relais, qui coopèrent dans le contexte de la répétition du message d’urgence pour assurer la fiabilité en multi-sauts. La deuxième contribution, appelée BCRB, vise à améliorer REMD ; elle suppose que les qualités de réception de lien des cellules adjacentes sont dépendantes ce qui est, généralement, plus réaliste. BCRB utilise les réseaux Bayésiens pour modéliser les dépendances en vue d’estimer la qualité du lien de réception avec une meilleure précision. La troisième contribution, appelée RICS, offre un accès fiable à Internet. RICS propose un modèle d’optimisation, avec une résolution exacte optimale à l'aide d’une technique de réduction de la dimension spatiale, pour le déploiement des passerelles. Chaque passerelle utilise BCRB pour établir une communication fiable avec les véhicules.Vehicular networks aim to enable a plethora of safety and infotainment applications. Safety applications aim to preserve people's lives (e.g., by helping in avoiding crashes) while infotainment applications focus on enhancing the passengers’ experience. These applications, especially safety applications, have stringent requirements in terms of reliability and delay; indeed, dissemination of an emergency message (e.g., by a vehicle/sender involved in a crash) should be reliable while satisfying short delay requirements. Note, that multi-hop dissemination is needed to reach all vehicles, in the target area, that may be outside the transmission range of the sender. Several schemes have been proposed to provide reliability and short delay for vehicular applications. However, these schemes have several limitations. Thus, the design of new solutions, to meet the requirement of vehicular applications in terms of reliability while keeping low end-to-end delay, is required. In this thesis, we propose three schemes. The first scheme is a multi-hop reliable emergency message dissemination scheme, called REMD, which guarantees a predefined reliability , using message repetitions/retransmissions, while satisfying short delay requirements. It computes an optimal number of repetitions based on the estimation of link reception quality at different locations (called cells) in the transmission range of the sender; REMD assumes that link reception qualities of adjacent cells are independent. It also adequately selects a number of vehicles, called forwarders, that cooperate in repeating the emergency message with the objective to satisfy multi-hop reliability requirements. The second scheme, called BCRB, overcomes the shortcoming of REMD by assuming that link reception qualities of adjacent cells are dependent which is more realistic in real-life scenarios. BCRB makes use of Bayesian networks to model these dependencies; this allows for more accurate estimation of link reception qualities leading to better performance of BCRB. The third scheme, called RICS, provides internet access to vehicles by establishing multi-hop reliable paths to gateways. In RICS, the gateway placement is modeled as a k-center optimisation problem. A space dimension reduction technique is used to solve the problem in exact time. Each gateway makes use of BCRB to establish reliable communication paths to vehicles

    Design and implementation of simulation tools, protocols and architectures to support service platforms on vehicular networks

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    Tesis por compendioProducts related with Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are becoming a reality on our roads. All car manufacturers are starting to include Internet access in their vehicles and to integrate smartphones directly from the dashboard, but more and more services will be introduced in the near future. Connectivity through "vehicular networks" will become a cornerstone of every new proposal, and offering an adequate quality of service is obviously desirable. However, a lot of work is needed for vehicular networks to offer performances similar to those of the wired networks. Vehicular networks can be characterized by two main features: high variability due to mobility levels that can reach up to 250 kilometers per hour, and heterogeneity, being that various competing versions from different vendors have and will be released. Therefore, to make the deployment of efficient services possible, an extensive study must be carried out and adequate tools must be proposed and developed. This PhD thesis addresses the service deployment problem in these networks at three different levels: (i) the physical and link layer, showing an exhaustive analysis of the physical channel and models; (ii) the network layer, proposing a forwarding protocol for IP packets; and (iii) the transport layer, where protocols are proposed to improve data delivery. First of all, the two main wireless technologies used in vehicular networks where studied and modeled, namely the 802.11 family of standards, particularly 802.11p, and the cellular networks focusing on LTE. Since 802.11p is a quite mature standard, we defined (i) a propagation and attenuation model capable of replicating the transmission range and the fading behavior of real 802.11p devices, both in line-of-sight conditions and when obstructed by small obstacles, and (ii) a visibility model able to deal with large obstacles, such as buildings and houses, in a realistic manner. Additionally, we proposed a model based on high-level performance indicators (bandwidth and delay) for LTE, which makes application validation and evaluation easier. At the network layer, a hybrid protocol called AVE is proposed for packet forwarding by switching among a set of standard routing strategies. Depending on the specific scenario, AVE selects one out of four different routing solutions: a) two-hop direct delivery, b) Dynamic MANET On-demand (DYMO), c) greedy georouting, and d) store-carry-and-forward technique, to dynamically adapt its behavior to the specific situation. At the transport layer, we proposed a content delivery protocol for reliable and bidirectional unicast communication in lossy links that improves content delivery in situations where the wireless network is the bottleneck. It has been designed, validated, optimized, and its performance has been analyzed in terms of throughput and resource efficiency. Finally, at system level, we propose an edge-assisted computing model that allows reducing the response latency of several queries by placing a computing unit at the network edge. This way, traffic traversal through the Internet is avoided when not needed. This scheme could be used in both 802.11p and cellular networks, and in this thesis we decided to focus on its evaluation using LTE networks. The platform presented in this thesis combines all the individual efforts to create a single efficient platform. This new environment could be used by any provider to improve the quality of the user experience obtainable through the proposed vehicular network-based services.Los productos relacionados con los Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte (ITS) se están transformando en una realidad en nuestras carreteras. Todos los fabricantes de coches comienzan a incluir acceso a internet en sus vehículos y a facilitar su integración con los teléfonos móviles, pero más y más servicios se introducirán en el futuro. La conectividad usando las "redes vehiculares" se convertirá en la piedra angular de cada nueva propuesta, y ofrecer una calidad de servicio adecuada será, obviamente, deseable. Sin embargo, se necesita una gran cantidad de trabajo para que las redes vehiculares ofrezcan un rendimiento similar al de las redes cableadas. Las redes vehiculares quedan definidas por sus dos características básicas: alto dinamismo, pues los nodos pueden alcanzar una velocidad relativa de más de 250 km/h; y heterogeneidad, por la gran cantidad de propuestas diferentes que los fabricantes están lanzando al mercado. Por ello, para hacer posible el despliegue de servicios sobre ellas, se impone la necesidad de hacer un estudio en profundidad de este entorno, y deben de proponerse y desarrollarse las herramientas adecuadas. Esta tesis ataca la problemática del despliegue de servicios en estas redes a tres niveles diferentes: (i) el nivel físico y de enlace, mostrando varios análisis en profundidad del medio físico y modelos derivados para su simulación; (ii) el nivel de red, proponiendo un protocolo de difusión de la información para los paquetes IP; y (iii) el nivel de transporte, donde otros protocolos son propuestos para mejorar el rendimiento del transporte de datos. En primer lugar, se han estudiado y modelado las dos principales tecnologías inalámbricas que se utilizan para la comunicación en redes vehiculares, la rama de estándares 802.11, en concreto 802.11p; y la comunicación celular, en particular LTE. Dado que el estándar 802.11p es un estándar bastante maduro, nos centramos en crear (i) un modelo de propagación y atenuación capaz de replicar el rango de transmisión de dispositivos 802.11p reales, en condiciones de visión directa y obstrucción por pequeños obstáculos, y (ii) un modelo de visibilidad capaz de simular el efecto de grandes obstáculos, como son los edifcios, de una manera realista. Además, proponemos un modelo basado en indicadores de rendimiento de alto nivel (ancho de banda y retardo) para LTE, que facilita la validación y evaluación de aplicaciones. En el plano de red, se propone un protocolo híbrido, llamado AVE, para el encaminamiento y reenvío de paquetes usando un conjunto de estrategias estándar de enrutamiento. Dependiendo del escenario, AVE elige entre cuatro estrategias diferentes: a) entrega directa a dos saltos, b) Dynamic MANET On-demand (DYMO) c) georouting voraz, y d) una técnica store-carry-and- forward, para adaptar su comportamiento dinámicamente a cada situación. En el plano de transporte, se propone un protocolo bidireccional de distribución de contenidos en canales con pérdidas que mejora la entrega de contenidos en situaciones en las que la red es un cuello de botella, como las redes inalámbricas. Ha sido diseñado, validado, optimizado, y su rendimiento ha sido analizado en términos de productividad y eficiencia en la utilización de recursos. Finalmente, a nivel de sistema, proponemos un modelo de computación asistida que permite reducir la latencia en la respuesta a muchas consultas colocando una unidad de computación en el borde de la red, i.e., la red de acceso. Este esquema podría ser usado en redes basadas en 802.11p y en redes celulares, si bien en esta tesis decidimos centrarnos en su evaluación usando redes LTE. La plataforma presentada en esta tesis combina todos los esfuerzos individuales para crear una plataforma única y eficiente. Este nuevo entorno puede ser usado por cualquier proveedor para mejorar la calidad de la experiencia de usuario en los servicios desplegados sobre redes vehiculares.Els productes relacionats amb els sistemes intel · ligents de transport (ITS) s'estan transformant en una realitat en les nostres carreteres. Tots els fabri- cants de cotxes comencen a incloure accés a internet en els vehicles i a facilitar- ne la integració amb els telèfons mòbils, però en el futur més i més serveis s'hi introduiran. La connectivitat usant les xarxes vehicular esdevindrà la pedra angular de cada nova proposta, i oferir una qualitat de servei adequada serà, òbviament, desitjable. No obstant això, es necessita una gran quantitat de treball perquè les xarxes vehiculars oferisquen un rendiment similar al de les xarxes cablejades. Les xarxes vehiculars queden definides per dues característiques bàsiques: alt dinamisme, ja que els nodes poden arribar a una velocitat relativa de més de 250 km/h; i heterogeneïtat, per la gran quantitat de propostes diferents que els fabricants estan llançant al mercat. Per això, per a fer possible el desplegament de serveis sobre aquestes xarxes, s'imposa la necessitat de fer un estudi en profunditat d'aquest entorn, i cal proposar i desenvolupar les eines adequades. Aquesta tesi ataca la problemàtica del desplegament de serveis en aquestes xarxes a tres nivells diferents: (i) el nivell físic i d'enllaç , mostrant diverses anàlisis en profunditat del medi físic i models derivats per simular-lo; (ii) el nivell de xarxa, proposant un protocol de difusió de la informació per als paquets IP; i (iii) el nivell de transport, on es proposen altres protocols per a millorar el rendiment del transport de dades. En primer lloc, s'han estudiat i modelat les dues principals tecnologies sense fils que s'utilitzen per a la comunicació en xarxes vehiculars, la branca d'estàndards 802.11, en concret 802.11p; i la comunicació cel · lular, en partic- ular LTE. Atès que l'estàndard 802.11p és un estàndard bastant madur, ens centrem a crear (i) un model de propagació i atenuació capaç de replicar el rang de transmissió de dispositius 802.11p reals, en condicions de visió directa i obstrucció per petits obstacles, i (ii) un model de visibilitat capaç de simular l'efecte de grans obstacles, com són els edificis, d'una manera realista. A més, proposem un model basat en indicadors de rendiment d'alt nivell (ample de banda i retard) per a LTE, que facilita la validació i l'avaluació d'aplicacions. En el pla de xarxa, es proposa un protocol híbrid, anomenat AVE, per a l'encaminament i el reenviament de paquets usant un conjunt d'estratègies estàndard d'encaminament. Depenent de l'escenari , AVE tria entre quatre estratègies diferents: a) lliurament directe a dos salts, b) Dynamic MANET On-demand (DYMO) c) georouting voraç, i d) una tècnica store-carry-and- forward, per a adaptar-ne el comportament dinàmicament a cada situació. En el pla de transport, es proposa un protocol bidireccional de distribució de continguts en canals amb pèrdues que millora el lliurament de continguts en situacions en què la xarxa és un coll de botella, com les xarxes sense fils. Ha sigut dissenyat, validat, optimitzat, i el seu rendiment ha sigut analitzat en termes de productivitat i eficiència en la utilització de recursos. Finalment, a nivell de sistema, proposem un model de computació assistida que permet reduir la latència en la resposta a moltes consultes col · locant una unitat de computació a la vora de la xarxa, és a dir, la xarxa d'accés. Aquest esquema podria ser usat en xarxes basades en 802.11p i en xarxes cel · lulars, si bé en aquesta tesi decidim centrar-nos en la seua avaluació usant xarxes LTE. La plataforma presentada en aquesta tesi combina tots els esforços indi- viduals per a crear una plataforma única i eficient. Aquest nou entorn pot ser usat per qualsevol proveïdor per a millorar la qualitat de l'experiència d'usuari en els serveis desplegats sobre xarxes vehiculars.Báguena Albaladejo, M. (2017). Design and implementation of simulation tools, protocols and architectures to support service platforms on vehicular networks [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/85333TESISCompendi

    Towards understanding the performance of IEEE 802.11 MAC in heterogeneous traffic conditions

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    Motivated by the need to study the performance of vehicular communication protocols as applicable to heterogeneous traffic conditions, we study the performance of IEEE 802.11p medium access protocol under such a traffic setup. We consider a setup comprising connected vehicles and human-driven Motorised Two Wheelers (MTWs), where the connected vehicles are required to move as platoon with a desired constant headway despite interruptions from the two wheelers. We invoke specific mobility models for the movement of the vehicles--car following models for connected vehicle platoons and gap-acceptance model to capture the movement of the MTWs--and use them to configure (i) the traffic setup and (ii) the rate at which data packets related to safety-critical messages need to be transmitted. A control-theoretic analysis of the car-following models yields a bound on the admissible communication delay to ensure non-oscillatory convergence of the platoon headway. We then use suitable Markov chain models to derive the distribution of the MAC access delay experienced by packets pertaining to safety-critical events as well as routine safety messages. The distribution along with the bound on the admissible delay enables us to derive the reliability of the 802.11p MAC protocol in terms of traffic and EDCA parameters. Our study highlights the need for redesign of MAC protocols for vehicular communications for safety-critical applications in heterogeneous conditions.Comment: 15 page

    Interference in vehicle-to-vehicle communication networks - analysis, modeling, simulation and assessment

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    In wireless vehicular communication networks the periodic transmission of status updates by all vehicles represents a basic service primitive, in particular for safety related applications. Due to the limited communication resources the question raises how much data each node may provide such that the quality of service required by applications can still be guaranteed under realistic interference conditions. Local broadcasts capacity is introduced and analyzed to tackle this open question

    A Framework for Quality of Service in Vehicle-to-Pedestrian Safety Communication

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    Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication has emerged as an important mechanism to improve the safety and efficiency of road traffic. V2X communication encompasses Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I), and Vehicle-to-Pedestrian (V2P) communication. Among these types, the V2P communication efforts continue to be in the preliminary stage and lack a rounded approach towards the development of V2P systems. V2P involves communication between vehicles and a wide variety of Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs), such as pedestrians, bicyclists, mopeds, etc. The V2X systems were originally developed only for V2V and V2I when solely the vehicle characteristics were in focus. However, effective V2P system design needs to consider the characteristics of VRUs. The differing characteristics of VRUs have given rise to many questions while adapting to the V2V communication model for the V2P system. This dissertation addresses three aspects pertaining to the development of the V2P safety system. The first aspect involves a systematic design of a V2P system using a holistic approach. This dissertation proposes a V2P design framework based on various categories of inputs that are required for the design of an effective V2P system. This framework improves the understanding of the V2P system requirements and helps make the design process more systematic. The second aspect is the network performance of the V2X network in the presence of a large number of VRUs. This dissertation proposes MC-COCO4V2P, which is an energy-efficient pedestrian clustering mechanism for network congestion mitigation. MC-COCO4V2P improves network performance by reducing the pedestrian-generated safety messages. It also improves the battery life of the pedestrian devices in the process. The third aspect involves the reliability of communication between a pair of a vehicle and a pedestrian that are on the verge of collision. This dissertation classifies such crucial communication as the one requiring the highest priority even among the exchange of critical safety messages. It proposes a mechanism enabling the surrounding nodes to reduce the communication priority temporarily. This results in preferred medium access for the pair resulting in higher Quality-of-Service (QoS) for the crucial communication.Die Kommunikation zwischen Verkehrsteilnehmern (V2X) hat sich zu einem wichtigen Mechanismus zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit und Effizienz des Straßenverkehrs entwickelt. Obwohl die V2X-Kommunikation prinzipiell die Kommunikation zwischen Fahrzeugen (V2V), zwischen Fahrzeug und Infrastruktur (V2I) sowie zwischen Fahrzeug und Fußgänger (V2P) umfasst, sind Ansätze zur V2P-Kommunikation weiterhin in einem sehr frühen Stadium und lassen einen umfassenden Ansatz für die Entwicklung von V2P-Systemen vermissen. V2P umfasst im Detail die Kommunikation zwischen Fahrzeugen und einer Vielzahl von gefährdeten Verkehrsteilnehmern (VRUs), wie beispielsweise Fußgänger, Radfahrer oder Mopeds. V2X-Systeme wurden ursprünglich nur für V2V- und V2I-Kommunikation entwickelt, wobei ausschließlich die Fahrzeugeigenschaften im Fokus standen. Ein effektives V2P-Systemdesign muss jedoch auch die Eigenschaften von VRUs berücksichtigen, die bei der Berücksichtigung der V2P-Kommunikation in einem V2X-System viele Fragen aufwerfen. Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit drei Aspekten im Zusammenhang mit der Entwicklung eines V2P-Systems. Der erste Aspekt betrifft die systematische Konzeption eines V2P-Systems nach einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz. Diese Dissertation schlägt einen V2P-Entwurfsrahmen vor, der auf verschiedenen Eingangsgrößen basiert, die für die Entwicklung eines effektiven V2P-Systems erforderlich sind. Dieser Entwurfsrahmen verbessert das Verständnis der V2P-Systemanforderungen und trägt dazu bei, den Entwurfsprozess systematischer zu gestalten. Der zweite Aspekt betrifft die Leistung des V2X-Netzes, wenn eine große Anzahl von VRUs präsent ist. Diese Dissertation schlägt hierfür MC-COCO4V2P vor, einen energieeffizienten Clustering-Mechanismus für Fußgänger zur Eindämmung der Netzüberlastung. MC-COCO4V2P verbessert die Netzleistung, indem die Anzahl der von Fußgängern generierten Sicherheitsmeldungen reduziert wird. Damit wird zudem die Batterielebensdauer der von den Fußgängern genutzten Geräte verbessert. Der dritte Aspekt betrifft die Zuverlässigkeit der Kommunikation zwischen einem Fahrzeug und einem Fußgänger, die kurz vor einem Zusammenstoß stehen. Diese Dissertation stuft eine so wichtige Kommunikation als diejenige ein, die selbst beim Austausch anderer kritischer Sicherheitsnachrichten die höchste Priorität bekommt. Es wird ein Mechanismus vorgeschlagen, der es den umgebenden Verkehrsteilnehmern ermöglicht, ihre Kommunikationspriorität vorübergehend zu verringern. Dies führt zu einem bevorzugten Medienzugriff für die durch eine Kollision gefährdeten Verkehrsteilnehmer, was zu einer höheren Dienstgüte (QoS) für deren Kommunikation führt.Pedestrians and bicyclists, also known as Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs), are one of the weakest components of Intelligent Transportation Systems from a safety perspective. However, with the advent of new communication technologies, VRU protection may no longer be dependent solely on the vehicle’s safety systems. VRUs may share their location information with the surrounding vehicles to increase awareness of their presence. Such communication among vehicles and VRUs is referred to as Vehicle-to-Pedestrian (V2P) communication. Although the V2P system may be built upon the existing Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication system, it has its own set of challenges, such as different VRU mobility characteristics, energy-constrained devices, and VRU density. Therefore, there needs to be a V2P system model which is adapted to the VRU characteristics. This dissertation tackles this challenge by proposing a framework that enables scalability, reliability, and energy efficiency for VRU communication

    Multiscale Modeling of Inter-Vehicle Communication

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    Within this thesis, different modeling approaches at different scales in the domains of urban radio propagation, decentralized channel coordination, and information dissemination in inter-vehicle communication networks are investigated. The contributions reveal the suitability of existing models for network-oriented research, propose a novel information-centric modeling approach, and identify characteristics of inter-vehicle communication systems which determine key dependability aspects