178 research outputs found

    Designing new network adaptation and ATM adaptation layers for interactive multimedia applications

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    Multimedia services, audiovisual applications composed of a combination of discrete and continuous data streams, will be a major part of the traffic flowing in the next generation of high speed networks. The cornerstones for multimedia are Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) foreseen as the technology for the future Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network (B-ISDN) and audio and video compression algorithms such as MPEG-2 that reduce applications bandwidth requirements. Powerful desktop computers available today can integrate seamlessly the network access and the applications and thus bring the new multimedia services to home and business users. Among these services, those based on multipoint capabilities are expected to play a major role.    Interactive multimedia applications unlike traditional data transfer applications have stringent simultaneous requirements in terms of loss and delay jitter due to the nature of audiovisual information. In addition, such stream-based applications deliver data at a variable rate, in particular if a constant quality is required.    ATM, is able to integrate traffic of different nature within a single network creating interactions of different types that translate into delay jitter and loss. Traditional protocol layers do not have the appropriate mechanisms to provide the required network quality of service (QoS) for such interactive variable bit rate (VBR) multimedia multipoint applications. This lack of functionalities calls for the design of protocol layers with the appropriate functions to handle the stringent requirements of multimedia.    This thesis contributes to the solution of this problem by proposing new Network Adaptation and ATM Adaptation Layers for interactive VBR multimedia multipoint services.    The foundations to build these new multimedia protocol layers are twofold; the requirements of real-time multimedia applications and the nature of compressed audiovisual data.    On this basis, we present a set of design principles we consider as mandatory for a generic Multimedia AAL capable of handling interactive VBR multimedia applications in point-to-point as well as multicast environments. These design principles are then used as a foundation to derive a first set of functions for the MAAL, namely; cell loss detection via sequence numbering, packet delineation, dummy cell insertion and cell loss correction via RSE FEC techniques.    The proposed functions, partly based on some theoretical studies, are implemented and evaluated in a simulated environment. Performances are evaluated from the network point of view using classic metrics such as cell and packet loss. We also study the behavior of the cell loss process in order to evaluate the efficiency to be expected from the proposed cell loss correction method. We also discuss the difficulties to map network QoS parameters to user QoS parameters for multimedia applications and especially for video information. In order to present a complete performance evaluation that is also meaningful to the end-user, we make use of the MPQM metric to map the obtained network performance results to a user level. We evaluate the impact that cell loss has onto video and also the improvements achieved with the MAAL.    All performance results are compared to an equivalent implementation based on AAL5, as specified by the current ITU-T and ATM Forum standards.    An AAL has to be by definition generic. But to fully exploit the functionalities of the AAL layer, it is necessary to have a protocol layer that will efficiently interface the network and the applications. This role is devoted to the Network Adaptation Layer.    The network adaptation layer (NAL) we propose, aims at efficiently interface the applications to the underlying network to achieve a reliable but low overhead transmission of video streams. Since this requires an a priori knowledge of the information structure to be transmitted, we propose the NAL to be codec specific.    The NAL targets interactive multimedia applications. These applications share a set of common requirements independent of the encoding scheme used. This calls for the definition of a set of design principles that should be shared by any NAL even if the implementation of the functions themselves is codec specific. On the basis of the design principles, we derive the common functions that NALs have to perform which are mainly two; the segmentation and reassembly of data packets and the selective data protection.    On this basis, we develop an MPEG-2 specific NAL. It provides a perceptual syntactic information protection, the PSIP, which results in an intelligent and minimum overhead protection of video information. The PSIP takes advantage of the hierarchical organization of the compressed video data, common to the majority of the compression algorithms, to perform a selective data protection based on the perceptual relevance of the syntactic information.    The transmission over the combined NAL-MAAL layers shows significant improvement in terms of CLR and perceptual quality compared to equivalent transmissions over AAL5 with the same overhead.    The usage of the MPQM as a performance metric, which is one of the main contributions of this thesis, leads to a very interesting observation. The experimental results show that for unexpectedly high CLRs, the average perceptual quality remains close to the original value. The economical potential of such an observation is very important. Given that the data flows are VBR, it is possible to improve network utilization by means of statistical multiplexing. It is therefore possible to reduce the cost per communication by increasing the number of connections with a minimal loss in quality.    This conclusion could not have been derived without the combined usage of perceptual and network QoS metrics, which have been able to unveil the economic potential of perceptually protected streams.    The proposed concepts are finally tested in a real environment where a proof-of-concept implementation of the MAAL has shown a behavior close to the simulated results therefore validating the proposed multimedia protocol layers

    Space-Based Information Infrastructure Architecture for Broadband Services

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    This study addressed four tasks: (1) identify satellite-addressable information infrastructure markets; (2) perform network analysis for space-based information infrastructure; (3) develop conceptual architectures; and (4) economic assessment of architectures. The report concludes that satellites will have a major role in the national and global information infrastructure, requiring seamless integration between terrestrial and satellite networks. The proposed LEO, MEO, and GEO satellite systems have satellite characteristics that vary widely. They include delay, delay variations, poorer link quality and beam/satellite handover. The barriers against seamless interoperability between satellite and terrestrial networks are discussed. These barriers are the lack of compatible parameters, standards and protocols, which are presently being evaluated and reduced

    Analysis, modeling and design of energy management and multisource power systems

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2011.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Cataloged from student submitted PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 581-596).Transformative impacts on our energy security rely on creative approaches for consumption and generation of electricity. Technological contributions can impact both areas if they focus on problems of scale. For example, occupancy-based electrical loads (HVAC and lighting) accounted for roughly 50% of the total consumed electricity in the U.S. in 2008. Meanwhile, roughly 50% of consumed oil in the U.S. is imported. The U.S. Department of Energy has appropriately identified "sensing and measurement" as one of the "five fundamental technologies" essential for achieving energy security. Complementing reductions in consumption with increases in deployment of fossil-fuel-independent generation (solar and wind) and energy storage (batteries, capacitors and fuel cells) will yield a two-fold impact. Lofty energy security goals can be made realizable by aggressive application of inexpensive technologies for minimizing waste and by maximizing energy availability from desirable sources. Long-standing problems in energy consumption and generation can be addressed by adding degrees of freedom to sensing and power conversion systems using multiple electrical sources. This principal drove the invention of the hybrid electric vehicle, which achieves efficiency increases by combining the energy capacity of gasoline with the flexible storage capability of batteries. Similarly, fresh strategies for electrical circuit design, control, and estimation in systems with multiple electrical sources can minimize consumption, extend the useful life of storage, and improve the efficiency of generation. A solar array constitutes a grid or network of panels or cells that may best be modeled and treated as independent sources needing careful control to maximize overall power generation. A fuel cell stack, an array of sources in its own right, is best used in a hybrid arrangement with batteries or capacitors to mitigate the impact of electrical transients. Meanwhile, room lighting constitutes a network of multiple electrostatic field sources that can be particularly useful for occupancy detection. Exploiting performance benefits of multi-source electrical networks requires an increased flexibility in the analysis required to make informed design choices. This thesis addresses the added complexity with linear analytical and modeling approaches that reveal the salient features of complicated multisource systems. Examples and prototypes are presented in capacitive sensing occupancy detectors, hybrid power systems and multi-panel solar arrays.by John Jacob Cooley.Ph.D

    Congestion Control for Streaming Media

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    The Internet has assumed the role of the underlying communication network for applications such as file transfer, electronic mail, Web browsing and multimedia streaming. Multimedia streaming, in particular, is growing with the growth in power and connectivity of today\u27s computers. These Internet applications have a variety of network service requirements and traffic characteristics, which presents new challenges to the single best-effort service of today\u27s Internet. TCP, the de facto Internet transport protocol, has been successful in satisfying the needs of traditional Internet applications, but fails to satisfy the increasingly popular delay sensitive multimedia applications. Streaming applications often use UDP without a proper congestion avoidance mechanisms, threatening the well-being of the Internet. This dissertation presents an IP router traffic management mechanism, referred to as Crimson, that can be seamlessly deployed in the current Internet to protect well-behaving traffic from misbehaving traffic and support Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of delay sensitive multimedia applications as well as traditional Internet applications. In addition, as a means to enhance Internet support for multimedia streaming, this dissertation report presents design and evaluation of a TCP-Friendly and streaming-friendly transport protocol called the Multimedia Transport Protocol (MTP). Through a simulation study this report shows the Crimson network efficiently handles network congestion and minimizes queuing delay while providing affordable fairness protection from misbehaving flows over a wide range of traffic conditions. In addition, our results show that MTP offers streaming performance comparable to that provided by UDP, while doing so under a TCP-Friendly rate

    Mathematical Methods, Modelling and Applications

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    This volume deals with novel high-quality research results of a wide class of mathematical models with applications in engineering, nature, and social sciences. Analytical and numeric, deterministic and uncertain dimensions are treated. Complex and multidisciplinary models are treated, including novel techniques of obtaining observation data and pattern recognition. Among the examples of treated problems, we encounter problems in engineering, social sciences, physics, biology, and health sciences. The novelty arises with respect to the mathematical treatment of the problem. Mathematical models are built, some of them under a deterministic approach, and other ones taking into account the uncertainty of the data, deriving random models. Several resulting mathematical representations of the models are shown as equations and systems of equations of different types: difference equations, ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, integral equations, and algebraic equations. Across the chapters of the book, a wide class of approaches can be found to solve the displayed mathematical models, from analytical to numeric techniques, such as finite difference schemes, finite volume methods, iteration schemes, and numerical integration methods

    Wavelet based image compression integrating error protection via arithmetic coding with forbidden symbol and map metric sequential decoding with ARQ retransmission

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    The phenomenal growth of digital multimedia applications has forced the communication

    Assimilation de données satellitaires pour le suivi et la prévision des sécheresses agricoles et des ressources en eau

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    Le suivi et la prévision des sècheresses concernent divers porteurs d’enjeux. Le suivi del’étendue, de la gravité et de l’impact des sécheresses est nécessaire pour atténuer leurs effets.Les deux approches les plus utilisées pour le suivi des sécheresses sont la modélisation numérique et l’utilisation de données satellitaires. Les modèles représentent les processus et sont capables de simuler les échanges d’énergie et d’eau à la surface. Ils peuvent néanmoins souffrird’une représentation trop simpliste de ces processus, de conditions initiales incorrectes et dedéfauts du forçage atmosphérique. Les données satellitaires permettent d’accéder à denombreuses variables à l’échelle mondiale, de manière répétée dans le temps et à des échellesspatiales de plus en plus précises. Elles peuvent cependant être discontinues dans le temps etl’espace et toutes les variables des surfaces terrestres ne sont pas observables depuis l’espace.De plus elles sont représentatives d’un instant précis, et contrairement aux modèles numériques,n’offrent pas la possibilité de faire de la prévision. Afin d’améliorer le suivi des sécheresses, il estpossible de combiner les modèles numériques et les observations satellitaires en utilisant destechniques d’assimilation de données. L’assimilation permet d’obtenir de meilleures conditionsinitiales et par conséquent de meilleures prévisions. Ce travail de thèse a pour objectif d’étudierl’impact de conditions de surface améliorées par l’assimilation d’observations satellitaires sur laprévisions des épisodes de sécheresses et leurs impacts sur l’agriculture et les ressources eneau. Le système d’assimilation de données pour les surfaces continentales (LDAS-Monde)développé au CNRM est utilisé. Des observations satellitaires sont assimilées dans le modèle desurface ISBA dans une série d’expériences sur les USA ainsi que sur plusieurs sous-domaines.La capacité du système à représenter et prévoir les variables de surface liées à la végétation etaux sécheresses est évaluée. L’impact de l’assimilation de trois variables différentes est analysé :l’indice de surface foliaire (« LAI »), l’humidité superficielle du sol (« SSM ») et l’épaisseur optiquede la végétation dans le domaine spectral des micro-ondes (« VOD »). L’impact de l’assimilationest analysé grâce à l’utilisation de données indépendantes d’évapotranspiration, de productionprimaire brute de la végétation et d’humidité du sol. Sur l’état du Nebraska, le système LDASMonde permet de représenter la variabilité interannuelle du LAI mais aussi des rendementsagricoles du maïs, y compris lors d’épisodes de sécheresse prolongés. LDAS-Monde a étéamélioré et pourvu d’une capacité de prévision à courte et moyenne échéance (15 jours) enutilisant les prévisions atmosphériques du CEPMMT (ou « ECMWF »). La capacité du système àprévoir les variables de surfaces jusqu’à 15 jours d’échéances a été montrée, sur une période dedeux ans. L’importance des conditions initiales sur la qualité des prévisions a été mise enévidence. Une série d’expériences d’assimilation a été réalisée dans laquelle le VOD a été utilisécomme proxy du LAI. Cela améliore beaucoup l’échantillonnage temporel car le VOD estdisponible plus fréquemment que le LAI. Après une comparaison approfondie des produits de LAI,différentes expériences assimilant le LAI, le VOD et le SSM, de manière conjointe ou séparée ontété réalisées. Ces expériences confirment l’apport de l’assimilation conjointe d’observations liéesà la végétation et de l’humidité superficielle du sol. L’amélioration des conditions initiales estensuite utilisée dans une étude de cas prospective sur la mise en place d’une fonction de transfertdu système actuel vers un système d’alerte précoce des sécheresses

    Numerical Prediction of the Haemodynamic Impact of Coronary Stent Implantation

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    Arterial restenosis limits the effectiveness of coronary stenting. Restenosis is caused by excessive tissue growth which is stimulated by arterial injury and alterations to the arterial WSS. The altered WSS results from stent-induced disturbances to the natural haelnodynamics of the artery. Recent numerical studies have predcted only minor digerences in altered WSS between different stent designs using a commonly employed threshold assessment technique. While it is possible that there are only minor differences, it is more likely that the assessment technique is incapable of fully elucidating the altered WSS created by stent implantation. This thesis proposes a methodology that involves a more complete level of investigation into the stentinduced alterations to the WSS by incorporating the full suite of WSS-based variables: WSS, WSS gradient (WSSG), WSS angle gradient (WSSAG) and oscillatory shear index (OSI). Each of these variables highlights a different type of alteration to the arterial WSS that could lead to excessive tissue growth. The four variables are analysed quantitatively and qualitatively using statistical methods to assess the effect of the stent implantation. The methodology is applied to three stents with contrasting designs: the Palinaz-Schatz (PS), the Gianturco-Roubin II (GR-11) and the Bx-Velocity (Bx) stents. From the results, the sients are ranked (best to worst) for WSS: GR-11, PS, Bx (Cohen\u27s d: -0.01, -0.6131, for WSSG: PS, Bx, GR-I1 (d: 0.159,0.764), for WSSAG: PS GR-I1 Bx (d: 0.213, 0.082), and for OSI: PS, GR- 11, Bx (d: 0.3 15, 0.380). The proposed method of analysis is shown to elucidate the alterations to the WSS created by the stents to a far greater level than with the previously used threshold technique. This method of stent assessment could be utilised to minimise WSS alterations at the design stage of future bare metal, as well as permanent and bioabsorbable drug-eluting coronary stents

    An Absence of Accountability

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    MediaSync: Handbook on Multimedia Synchronization

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    This book provides an approachable overview of the most recent advances in the fascinating field of media synchronization (mediasync), gathering contributions from the most representative and influential experts. Understanding the challenges of this field in the current multi-sensory, multi-device, and multi-protocol world is not an easy task. The book revisits the foundations of mediasync, including theoretical frameworks and models, highlights ongoing research efforts, like hybrid broadband broadcast (HBB) delivery and users' perception modeling (i.e., Quality of Experience or QoE), and paves the way for the future (e.g., towards the deployment of multi-sensory and ultra-realistic experiences). Although many advances around mediasync have been devised and deployed, this area of research is getting renewed attention to overcome remaining challenges in the next-generation (heterogeneous and ubiquitous) media ecosystem. Given the significant advances in this research area, its current relevance and the multiple disciplines it involves, the availability of a reference book on mediasync becomes necessary. This book fills the gap in this context. In particular, it addresses key aspects and reviews the most relevant contributions within the mediasync research space, from different perspectives. Mediasync: Handbook on Multimedia Synchronization is the perfect companion for scholars and practitioners that want to acquire strong knowledge about this research area, and also approach the challenges behind ensuring the best mediated experiences, by providing the adequate synchronization between the media elements that constitute these experiences
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