277 research outputs found

    Smart Devices and Systems for Wearable Applications

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    Wearable technologies need a smooth and unobtrusive integration of electronics and smart materials into textiles. The integration of sensors, actuators and computing technologies able to sense, react and adapt to external stimuli, is the expression of a new generation of wearable devices. The vision of wearable computing describes a system made by embedded, low power and wireless electronics coupled with smart and reliable sensors - as an integrated part of textile structure or directly in contact with the human body. Therefore, such system must maintain its sensing capabilities under the demand of normal clothing or textile substrate, which can impose severe mechanical deformation to the underlying garment/substrate. The objective of this thesis is to introduce a novel technological contribution for the next generation of wearable devices adopting a multidisciplinary approach in which knowledge of circuit design with Ultra-Wide Band and Bluetooth Low Energy technology, realization of smart piezoresistive / piezocapacitive and electro-active material, electro-mechanical characterization, design of read-out circuits and system integration find a fundamental and necessary synergy. The context and the results presented in this thesis follow an “applications driven” method in terms of wearable technology. A proof of concept has been designed and developed for each addressed issue. The solutions proposed are aimed to demonstrate the integration of a touch/pressure sensor into a fabric for space debris detection (CApture DEorbiting Target project), the effectiveness of the Ultra-Wide Band technology as an ultra-low power data transmission option compared with well known Bluetooth (IR-UWB data transmission project) and to solve issues concerning human proximity estimation (IR-UWB Face-to-Face Interaction and Proximity Sensor), wearable actuator for medical applications (EAPtics project) and aerospace physiology countermeasure (Gravity Loading Countermeasure Skinsuit project)

    Realization Limits of Impulse-Radio UWB Indoor Localization Systems

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    In this work, the realization limits of an impulse-based Ultra-Wideband (UWB) localization system for indoor applications have been thoroughly investigated and verified by measurements. The analysis spans from the position calculation algorithms, through hardware realization and modeling, up to the localization experiments conducted in realistic scenarios. The main focus was put on identification and characterization of limiting factors as well as developing methods to overcome them

    BLE Localization using RSSI Measurements and iRingLA

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    International audienceOver the last few years, indoor localization has been a very dynamic research area that has drawn great attention. Many methods have been proposed for indoor positioning as well as navigation services. A big number of them were based on Radio frequency (RF) technology and Radio Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) for their simplicity of use. The main issues of the studies conducted in this field are related to the improvement of localization factors like accuracy, computational complexity, easiness of deployment and cost. In our study, we used Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology for indoor localization in the context a smart home where an elderly person can be located using an hybrid system that combines the radio, light and sound information. In this paper, we propose a model that averages the received signal strength indication (RSSI) at any the distance domain which offered accuracy down to 1 meter, depending on the deployment configuration

    Improvement of detection and tracking techniques in multistatic passive radar systems. (Mejora de técnicas de detección y seguimiento en sistemas radar pasivos multiestáticos)

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    Esta tesis doctoral es el resultado de una intensa actividad investigadora centrada en los sensores radar pasivos para la mejora de las capacidades de detección y seguimiento en escenarios complejos con blancos terrestres y pequeños drones. El trabajo de investigación se ha llevado a cabo en el grupo de investigación coordinado por la Dra. María Pilar Jarabo Amores, dentro del marco diferentes proyectos: IDEPAR (“Improved DEtection techniques for PAssive Radars”), MASTERSAT (“MultichAnnel paSsive radar receiver exploiting TERrestrial and SATellite Illuminators”) y KRIPTON (“A Knowledge based appRoach to passIve radar detection using wideband sPace adapTive prOcessiNg”) financiados por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España; MAPIS (Multichannel passive ISAR imaging for military applications) y JAMPAR (“JAMmer-based PAssive Radar”), financiados por la Agencia Europea de Defensa (EDA) . El objetivo principal es la mejora de las técnicas de detección y seguimiento en radares pasivos con configuraciones biestáticas y multiestaticas. En el documento se desarrollan algoritmos para el aprovechamiento de señales procedentes de distintos iluminadores de oportunidad (transmisores DVB-T, satélites DVB-S y señales GPS). Las soluciones propuestas han sido integradas en el demostrador tecnológico IDEPAR, desarrollado y actualizado bajo los proyectos mencionados, y validadas en escenarios reales declarados de interés por potenciales usuarios finales (Direccion general de armamento y material, instituto nacional de tecnología aeroespacial y la armada española). Para el desarrollo y evaluación de cadenas de las cadenas de procesado, se plantean dos casos de estudio: blancos terrestres en escenarios semiurbanos edificios y pequeños blancos aéreos en escenarios rurales y costeros. Las principales contribuciones se pueden resumir en los siguientes puntos: • Diseño de técnicas de seguimiento 2D en el espacio de trabajo rango biestático-frecuencia Doppler: se desarrollan técnicas de seguimiento para los dos casos de estudio, localización de blancos terrestres y pequeños drones. Para es último se implementan técnicas capaces de seguir tanto el movimiento del dron como su firma Doppler, lo que permite implementar técnicas de clasificación de blancos. • Diseño de técnicas de seguimiento de blancos capaces de integrar información en el espacio 3D (rango, Doppler y acimut): se diseñan técnicas basadas en procesado en dos etapas, una primera con seguimiento en 2D para el filtrado de falsas alarmas y la segunda para el seguimiento en 3D y la conversión de coordenadas a un plano local cartesiano. Se comparan soluciones basadas en filtros de Kalman para sistemas tanto lineales como no lineales. • Diseño de cadenas de procesado para sistemas multiestáticos: la información estimada del blanco sobre múltiples geometrías biestáticas es utilizada para incremento de las capacidades de localización del blanco en el plano cartesiano local. Se presentan soluciones basadas en filtros de Kalman para sistemas no lineales explotando diferentes medidas biestáticas en el proceso de transformación de coordenadas, analizando las mejoras de precisión en la localización del blanco. • Diseño de etapas de procesado para radares pasivos basados en señales satelitales de las constelaciones GPS DVB-S. Se estudian las características de las señales satelitales identificando sus inconvenientes y proponiendo cadenas de procesado que permitan su utilización para la detección y seguimiento de blancos terrestres. • Estudio del uso de señales DVB-T multicanal con gaps de transmisión entre los diferentes canales en sistemas radares pasivos. Con ello se incrementa la resolución del sistema, y las capacidades de detección, seguimiento y localización. Se estudia el modelo de señal multicanal, sus efectos sobre el procesado coherente y se proponen cadenas de procesado para paliar los efectos adversos de este tipo de señales

    INSPEX: design and integration of a portable/wearable smart spatial exploration system

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    The INSPEX H2020 project main objective is to integrate automotive-equivalent spatial exploration and obstacle detection functionalities into a portable/wearable multi-sensor, miniaturised, low power device. The INSPEX system will detect and localise in real-time static and mobile obstacles under various environmental conditions in 3D. Potential applications range from safer human navigation in reduced visibility, small robot/drone obstacle avoidance systems to navigation for the visually/mobility impaired, this latter being the primary use-case considered in the project

    First responders occupancy, activity and vital signs monitoring - SAFESENS

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    This paper describes the development and implementation of the SAFESENS (Sensor Technologies for Enhanced Safety and Security of Buildings and its Occupants) location tracking and first responder monitoring demonstrator. An international research collaboration has developed a stateof-the-art wireless indoor location tracking system for first responders, focused initially on fire fighter monitoring. Integrating multiple gas sensors and presence detection technologies with building safety sensors and personal monitors has resulted in more accurate and reliable fire and occupancy detection information. This is invaluable to firefighters in carrying out their duties in hostile environments. This demonstration system is capable of tracking occupancy levels in an indoor environment as well as the specific location of fire fighters within those buildings, using a multi-sensor hybrid tracking system. This ultra-wideband indoor tracking system is one of the first of itsâ kind to provide indoor localization capability to sub meter accuracies with combined Bluetooth low energy capability for low power communications and additional inertial, temperature and pressure sensors. This facilitates increased precision in accuracy detection through data fusion, as well as the capability to communicate directly with smartphones and the cloud, without the need for additional gateway support. Glove based, wearable technology has been developed to monitor the vital signs of the first responder and provide this data in real time. The helmet mounted, wearable technology will also incorporate novel electrochemical sensors which have been developed to be able to monitor the presence of dangerous gases in the vicinity of the firefighter and again to provide this information in real time to the fire fighter controller. A SAFESENS demonstrator is currently deployed in Tyndall and is providing real time occupancy levels of the different areas in the building, as well as the capability to track the location of the first responders, their health and the presence of explosive gases in their vicinity. This paper describes the system building blocks and results obtained from the first responder tracking system demonstrator depicted

    FMCW Signals for Radar Imaging and Channel Sounding

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    A linear / stepped frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) signal has for a long time been used in radar and channel sounding. A novel FMCW waveform known as “Gated FMCW” signal is proposed in this thesis for the suppression of strong undesired signals in microwave radar applications, such as: through-the-wall, ground penetrating, and medical imaging radar. In these applications the crosstalk signal between antennas and the reflections form the early interface (wall, ground surface, or skin respectively) are much stronger in magnitude compared to the backscattered signal from the target. Consequently, if not suppressed they overshadow the target’s return making detection a difficult task. Moreover, these strong unwanted reflections limit the radar’s dynamic range and might saturate or block the receiver causing the reflection from actual targets (especially targets with low radar cross section) to appear as noise. The effectiveness of the proposed waveform as a suppression technique was investigated in various radar scenarios, through numerical simulations and experiments. Comparisons of the radar images obtained for the radar system operating with the standard linear FMCW signal and with the proposed Gated FMCW waveform are also made. In addition to the radar work the application of FMCW signals to radio propagation measurements and channel characterisation in the 60 GHz and 2-6 GHz frequency bands in indoor and outdoor environments is described. The data are used to predict the bit error rate performance of the in-house built measurement based channel simulator and the results are compared with the theoretical multipath channel simulator available in Matlab

    Clock synchronisation for UWB and DECT communication networks

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    Synchronisation deals with the distribution of time and/or frequency across a network of nodes dispersed in an area, in order to align their clocks with respect to time and/or frequency. It remains an important requirement in telecommunication networks, especially in Time Division Duplexing (TDD) systems such as Ultra Wideband (UWB) and Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) systems. This thesis explores three di erent research areas related to clock synchronisation in communication networks; namely algorithm development and implementation, managing Packet Delay Variation (PDV), and coping with the failure of a master node. The first area proposes a higher-layer synchronisation algorithm in order to meet the specific requirements of a UWB network that is based on the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) standard. At up to 480 Mbps data rate, UWB is an attractive technology for multimedia streaming. Higher-layer synchronisation is needed in order to facilitate synchronised playback at the receivers and prevent distortion, but no algorithm is de ned in the ECMA-368 standard. In this research area, a higher-layer synchronisation algorithm is developed for an ECMA-368 UWB network. Network simulations and FPGA implementation are used to show that the new algorithm satis es the requirements of the network. The next research area looks at how PDV can be managed when Precision Time Protocol (PTP) is implemented in an existing Ethernet network. Existing literature indicates that the performance of a PDV ltering algorithm usually depends on the delay pro le of the network in which it is applied. In this research area, a new sample-mode PDV filter is proposed which is independent of the shape of the delay profile. Numerical simulations show that the sample-mode filtering algorithm is able to match or out-perform the existing sample minimum, mean, and maximum filters, at differentlevels of network load. Finally, the thesis considers the problem of dealing with master failures in a PTP network for a DECT audio application. It describes the existing master redundancy techniques and shows why they are unsuitable for the specific application. Then a new alternate master cluster technique is proposed along with an alternative BMCA to suit the application under consideration. Network simulations are used to show how this technique leads to a reduction in the total time to recover from a master failure

    Architectures and Novel Functionalities for Optical Access OFDM Networks "Arquitecturas y Nuevas Funcionalidades para Redes OFDM de Acceso Óptico"

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    En los últimos años ha habido un gran aumento en el despliegue de redes de acceso ópticas de fibra hasta el hogar (FTTH, del inglés fibre-to-the home). FTTH es una solución flexible, una tecnología de acceso de futuro que permite proporcionar tasas de datos del orden de Gbit/s por ususario. Diversos estudios indican que FTTH se convertirá en la diferencia clave entre los operadores más importantes. Además, FTTH es la única tecnolotgía capaz de crear nuevas fuentes de ingresos de aplicaciones de alta velocidad, como por ejemple entretenimiento de alta definición (vído y juegos de alta definición...) Dede el punto de vista del operador, una de las vientajas importantes que proporciona FTTH es que permite una mayor eficiencia operativa en coparción con otras tecnologías de acceso, principalmente por la reducción de costes de mantenimiento y de operación. Además, FTTH reduce los requisitos de los equipos de las centrales. Esta tesis doctoral tiene como ojetivo extender estas ventajas más allá del concepto FTTH mediante la integración de la red óptica de distribución desplegada dentro del hogar así como el enlace radio final de corto o medio alcance inalámbrico. Esto proporciona una arquitctura de red FFTH integrada de extremo a extremo. De este modo, los beneficios de la reducción de costes operativos y mayor eficiencia se extienden hasta el usuario final de la red. En esta tesis doctoral, se propone una arqutectura de acceso integrada óptica-radio basada en la multiplexación por división ortogonal de fecuencia (OFDM, del inglés orthogonal frequency división multiplexing) para proporcionar diferentes servicios al usuario como Internet, teléfono/voz, televisión de lata definición, conexión inalámbrica y seguridad en el hogar. Las señales OFDM se utilizan en muchos estándares inalámbricos como las señales de banda ultraancha (UWB, del inglés ultra-wide band), WiMAX, LTE, WLAN, DVB-T o DAB. Estos formatos aprovechan las características intrínsecas de la modulación OFDM como su mayor inmunidad ante desvanecimiento multi-camino. Esta tesis incluye la propuesta y la demostración experimental de la transmisión simultánea y bi-direccional de señales OFDM multi-estándar en radio-sobre-fibra proporcionando servicios triple-play basados en OFDM como UWB para televisión de alta definición, WiMAX para datos de Internet, y LTE para el servicio telefónico.Morant Perez, M. (2012). Architectures and Novel Functionalities for Optical Access OFDM Networks "Arquitecturas y Nuevas Funcionalidades para Redes OFDM de Acceso Óptico" [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/15076Palanci

    Implementation of a DVB-T2 passive coherent locator demonstrator

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    Passive Coherent Locator (PCL) radar’s have seen extensive research in the past decade. PCL radars utilize illuminators of opportunity (IOO) as transmitters to perform target detection. Particular interests in FM (analogue) and DVB-T/T2, DAB (digital) radio frequency signals has seen significant focus as possible illuminators for radar processing. The University of Cape Town (UCT) , in particular, has extensive history on passive radar research including the implementation of a full narrowband FM PCL radar demonstrator. This dissertation details the design and implementation of a DVB-T2 Passive Coherent Locator radar demonstrator isolating a single DVB-T2 channel. This includes the design, construction, testing and evaluation of the full PCL radar system. System planning was implemented detailing the possible IOOs available in the Cape Town area. This was followed by signal propagation simulations to determine the effects the environment would have on the transmitted wave utilising Advanced Refractive Effects Prediction System (AREPS) model. A front-end design was simulated and implemented utilizing commercial-of-the-shelf (COTS) hardware including the National Instruments Ettus N210 software defined Radio (SDR) based on the system planning results. A processing chain for DVB-T2 based PCL radar was then investigated to determine the most optimal processing chain structure, with the mismatched filtering technique being proposed as an ideal choice for DVB-T2 PCL radar. The proposed processing chain was implemented and tested on both the Ettus N210 front-end as well as a commercial system. The full radar demonstrator was then tested by observing the air traffic surrounding the Cape Town International airport resulting in successful detections of aircraft in the surveyed environment