14 research outputs found

    Realization of a voltage controlled oscillator using 0.35 um sige-bicmos technology for multi-band applications

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    The stable growth in wireless communications market has engendered the interoperability of various standards in a single broadband frequency range from hundred MHz up to several GHz. This frequency range consists of various wireless applications such as GSM, Bluetooth and WLAN. Therefore, an agile wireless system needs smart RF front-ends for functioning properly in such a crowded spectrum. As a result, the demand for multi-standard RF transceivers which put various wireless and cordless phone standards together in one structure was increased. The demand for multi-standard RF transceivers gives a key role to reconfigurable wideband VCO operation with low-power and low-phase noise characteristics. Besides agility and intelligence, such a communication system (GSM, WLAN, Global Positioning Systems, etc. ) required meeting the requirements of several standards in a cost-effective way. This, when cost and integration are the major concerns, leads to the exploitation of Si-based technologies. In this thesis, an integrated 2.2-5.7GHz Multi-band differential LC VCO for Multi-standard Wireless Communication systems was designed utilizing 0.35μm SiGe BiCMOS technology. The topology, which combines the switching inductors and capacitors together in the same circuit, is a novel approach for wideband VCOs. Based on the post layout simulation results, the VCO can be tuned using a DC voltage of 0 to 3.3V for 5 different frequency bands (2.27-2.51 GHz, 2.48-2.78GHz, 3.22-3.53GHz, 3.48-3.91GHz and 4.528-5.7GHz) with a maximum bandwidth of 1.36GHz and a minimum bandwidth of 300MHz. The designed and simulated VCO can generate a differential output power between 0.992 dBm and -6.087 dBm with an average power consumption of 44.21mW including the buffers. The average second and third harmonics level were obtained as -37.21 dBm and -47.6 dBm, respectively. The phase noise between -110.45 and -122.5 dBc/Hz, that was simulated at 1 MHz offset, can be obtained through the frequency of interest. Additionally, the figure of merit (FOM), that includes all important parameters such as the phase noise, the power consumption and the ratio of the operating frequency to the offset frequency, is between -176.48 and -181.16 and comparable or better than the ones with the other current VCOs. The main advantage of this study in comparison with the other VCOs, is covering 5 frequency bands starting from 2.27 up to 5.76 GHz without FOM and area abandonment

    Design and realization of fully integrated multiband and multistandard bi-cmos sigma delta frequency synthesizer

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    Wireless communication has grown, exponentially, with wide range of applications offered for the customers. Among these, WLAN (2.4-2.5GHz, 3.6-3.7GHzand 4.915- 5.825GHz GHz), Bluetooth (2.4 GHz), and WiMAX (2.500-2.696 GHz, 3.4-3.8 GHz and 5.725-5.850 GHz) communication standard/technologies have found largest use local area, indoor – outdoor communication and entertainment system applications. One of the recent trends in this area of technology is to utilize compatible standards on a single chip solutions, while meeting the requirements of each, to provide customers systems with smaller size, lower power consumption and cheaper in cost. In this thesis, RF – Analog, and – Digital Integrated Circuit design methodologies and techniques are applied to realize a multiband / standart (WLAN and WiMAX) operation capable Voltage- Controlled-Oscillator (VCO) and Frequency Synthesizer. Two of the major building blocks of wireless communication systems are designed using 0.35 μm, AMS-Bipolar (HBT)-CMOS process technology. A new inductor switching concept is implemented for providing the multiband operation capability. Performance parameters such as operating frequencies, phase noise, power consumption, and tuning range are modeled and simulated using analytical approaches, ADS® and Cadence® design and simulation environments. Measurement and/or Figure-of-Merit (FOM) values of our circuits have revealed results that are comparable with already published data, using the similar technology, in the literature, indicating the strength of the design methodologies implemented in this study

    Innovative Design and Realization of Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Integrated circuits

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    Design of frequency synthesizers for short range wireless transceivers

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    The rapid growth of the market for short-range wireless devices, with standards such as Bluetooth and Wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11) being the most important, has created a need for highly integrated transceivers that target drastic power and area reduction while providing a high level of integration. The radio section of the devices designed to establish communications using these standards is the limiting factor for the power reduction efforts. A key building block in a transceiver is the frequency synthesizer, since it operates at the highest frequency of the system and consumes a very large portion of the total power in the radio. This dissertation presents the basic theory and a design methodology of frequency synthesizers targeted for short-range wireless applications. Three different examples of synthesizers are presented. First a frequency synthesizer integrated in a Bluetooth receiver fabricated in 0.35μm CMOS technology. The receiver uses a low-IF architecture to downconvert the incoming Bluetooth signal to 2MHz. The second synthesizer is integrated within a dual-mode receiver capable of processing signals of the Bluetooth and Wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11b) standards. It is implemented in BiCMOS technology and operates the voltage controlled oscillator at twice the required frequency to generate quadrature signals through a divide-by-two circuit. A phase switching prescaler is featured in the synthesizer. A large capacitance is integrated on-chip using a capacitance multiplier circuit that provides a drastic area reduction while adding a negligible phase noise contribution. The third synthesizer is an extension of the second example. The operation range of the VCO is extended to cover a frequency band from 4.8GHz to 5.85GHz. By doing this, the synthesizer is capable of generating LO signals for Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11a, b and g standards. The quadrature output of the 5 - 6 GHz signal is generated through a first order RC - CR network with an automatic calibration loop. The loop uses a high frequency phase detector to measure the deviation from the 90° separation between the I and Q branches and implements an algorithm to minimize the phase errors between the I and Q branches and their differential counterparts

    Analysis of the high frequency substrate noise effects on LC-VCOs

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    La integració de transceptors per comunicacions de radiofreqüència en CMOS pot quedar seriosament limitada per la interacció entre els seus blocs, arribant a desaconsellar la utilització de un únic dau de silici. El soroll d’alta freqüència generat per certs blocs, com l’amplificador de potencia, pot viatjar pel substrat i amenaçar el correcte funcionament de l’oscil·lador local. Trobem tres raons importants que mostren aquest risc d’interacció entre blocs i que justifiquen la necessitat d’un estudi profund per minimitzar-lo. Les característiques del substrat fan que el soroll d’alta freqüència es propagui m’és fàcilment que el de baixa freqüència. Per altra banda, les estructures de protecció perden eficiència a mesura que la freqüència augmenta. Finalment, el soroll d’alta freqüència que arriba a l’oscil·lador degrada al seu correcte comportament. El propòsit d’aquesta tesis és analitzar en profunditat la interacció entre el soroll d’alta freqüència que es propaga pel substrat i l’oscil·lador amb l’objectiu de poder predir, mitjançant un model, l’efecte que aquest soroll pot tenir sobre el correcte funcionament de l’oscil·lador. Es volen proporcionar diverses guies i normes a seguir que permeti als dissenyadors augmentar la robustesa dels oscil·ladors al soroll d’alta freqüència que viatja pel substrat. La investigació de l’efecte del soroll de substrat en oscil·ladors s’ha iniciat des d’un punt de vista empíric, per una banda, analitzant la propagació de senyals a través del substrat i avaluant l’eficiència d’estructures per bloquejar aquesta propagació, i per altra, determinant l’efecte d’un to present en el substrat en un oscil·lador. Aquesta investigació ha mostrat que la injecció d’un to d’alta freqüència en el substrat es pot propagar fins arribar a l’oscil·lador i que, a causa del ’pulling’ de freqüència, pot modular en freqüència la sortida de l’oscil·lador. A partir dels resultats de l’anàlisi empíric s’ha aportat un model matemàtic que permet predir l’efecte del soroll en l’oscil·lador. Aquest model té el principal avantatge en el fet de que està basat en paràmetres físics de l’oscil·lador o del soroll, permetent determinar les mesures que un dissenyador pot prendre per augmentar la robustesa de l’oscil·lador així com les conseqüències que aquestes mesures tenen sobre el seu funcionament global (trade-offs). El model ha estat comparat tant amb simulacions com amb mesures reals demostrant ser molt precís a l’hora de predir l’efecte del soroll de substrat. La utilitat del model com a eina de disseny s’ha demostrat en dos estudis. Primerament, les conclusions del model han estat aplicades en el procés de disseny d’un oscil·lador d’ultra baix consum a 2.5GHz, aconseguint un oscil·lador robust al soroll de substrat d’alta freqüència i amb característiques totalment compatibles amb els principals estàndards de comunicació en aquesta banda. Finalment, el model s’ha utilitzat com a eina d’anàlisi per avaluar la causa de les diferències, en termes de robustesa a soroll de substrat, mesurades en dos oscil·ladors a 60GHz amb dues diferents estratègies d’apantallament de l’inductor del tanc de ressonant, flotant en un cas i connectat a terra en l’altre. El model ha mostrat que les diferències en robustesa són causades per la millora en el factor de qualitat i en l’amplitud d’oscil·lació i no per un augment en l’aïllament entre tanc i substrat. Per altra banda, el model ha demostrat ser vàlid i molt precís inclús en aquest rang de freqüència tan extrem. el principal avantatge en el fet de que està basat en paràmetres físics de l’oscil·lador o del soroll, permetent determinar les mesures que un dissenyador pot prendre per augmentar la robustesa de l’oscil·lador així com les conseqüències que aquestes mesures tenen sobre el seu funcionament global (trade-offs). El model ha estat comparat tant amb simulacions com amb mesures reals demostrant ser molt precís a l’hora de predir l’efecte del soroll de substrat. La utilitat del model com a eina de disseny s’ha demostrat en dos estudis. Primerament, les conclusions del model han estat aplicades en el procés de disseny d’un oscil·lador d’ultra baix consum a 2.5GHz, aconseguint un oscil·lador robust al soroll de substrat d’alta freqüència i amb característiques totalment compatibles amb els principals estàndards de comunicació en aquesta banda. Finalment, el model s’ha utilitzat com a eina d’anàlisi per avaluar la causa de les diferències, en termes de robustesa a soroll de substrat, mesurades en dos oscil·ladors a 60GHz amb dues diferents estratègies d’apantallament de l’inductor del tanc de ressonant, flotant en un cas i connectat a terra en l’altre. El model ha mostrat que les diferències en robustesa són causades per la millora en el factor de qualitat i en l’amplitud d’oscil·lació i no per un augment en l’aïllament entre tanc i substrat. Per altra banda, el model ha demostrat ser vàlid i molt precís inclús en aquest rang de freqüència tan extrem.The integration of transceivers for RF communication in CMOS can be seriously limited by the interaction between their blocks, even advising against using a single silicon die. The high frequency noise generated by some of the blocks, like the power amplifier, can travel through the substrate, reaching the local oscillator and threatening its correct performance. Three important reasons can be stated that show the risk of the single die integration. Noise propagation is easier the higher the frequency. Moreover, the protection structures lose efficiency as the noise frequency increases. Finally, the high frequency noise that reaches the local oscillator degrades its performance. The purpose of this thesis is to deeply analyze the interaction between the high frequency substrate noise and the oscillator with the objective of being able to predict, thanks to a model, the effect that this noise may have over the correct behavior of the oscillator. We want to provide some guidelines to the designers to allow them to increase the robustness of the oscillator to high frequency substrate noise. The investigation of the effect of the high frequency substrate noise on oscillators has started from an empirical point of view, on one hand, analyzing the noise propagation through the substrate and evaluating the efficiency of some structures to block this propagation, and on the other hand, determining the effect on an oscillator of a high frequency noise tone present in the substrate. This investigation has shown that the injection of a high frequency tone in the substrate can reach the oscillator and, due to a frequency pulling effect, it can modulate in frequency the output of the oscillator. Based on the results obtained during the empirical analysis, a mathematical model to predict the effect of the substrate noise on the oscillator has been provided. The main advantage of this model is the fact that it is based on physical parameters of the oscillator and of the noise, allowing to determine the measures that a designer can take to increase the robustness of the oscillator as well as the consequences (trade-offs) that these measures have over its global performance. This model has been compared against both, simulations and real measurements, showing a very high accuracy to predict the effect of the high frequency substrate noise. The usefulness of the presented model as a design tool has been demonstrated in two case studies. Firstly, the conclusions obtained from the model have been applied in the design of an ultra low power consumption 2.5 GHz oscillator robust to the high frequency substrate noise with characteristics which make it compatible with the main communication standards in this frequency band. Finally, the model has been used as an analysis tool to evaluate the cause of the differences, in terms of performance degradation due to substrate noise, measured in two 60 GHz oscillators with two different tank inductor shielding strategies, floating and grounded. The model has determined that the robustness differences are caused by the improvement in the tank quality factor and in the oscillation amplitude and no by an increased isolation between the tank and the substrate. The model has shown to be valid and very accurate even in these extreme frequency range.Postprint (published version

    High performance RF and baseband building blocks for wireless receivers

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    Because of the unique architecture of wireless receivers, a designer must understand both the high frequency aspects as well as the low-frequency analog considerations for different building blocks of the receiver. The primary goal of this research work is to explore techniques for implementing high performance RF and baseband building blocks for wireless applications. Several novel techniques to improve the performance of analog building blocks are presented. An enhanced technique to couple two LC resonators is presented which does not degrade the loaded quality factor of the resonators which results in an increased dynamic range. A novel technique to automatically tune the quality factor of LC resonators is presented. The proposed scheme is stable and fast and allows programming both the quality factor and amplitude response of the LC filter. To keep the oscillation amplitude of LC VCOs constant and thus achieving a minimum phase noise and a reliable startup, a stable amplitude control loop is presented. The proposed scheme has been also used in a master-slave quality factor tuning of LC filters. An efficient and low-cost architecture for a 3.1GHz-10.6GHz ultra-wide band frequency synthesizer is presented. The proposed scheme is capable of generating 14A novel pseudo-differential transconductance amplifier is presented. The proposed scheme takes advantage of the second-order harmonic available at the output current of pseudo-differential structure to cancel the third-order harmonic distortion. A novel nonlinear function is proposed which inherently removes the third and the fifth order harmonics at its output signal. The proposed nonlinear block is used in a bandpass-based oscillator to generate a highly linear sinusoidal output. Finally, a linearized BiCMOS transconductance amplifier is presented. This transconductance is used to build a third-order linear phase low pass filter with a cut-off frequency of 264MHz for an ultra-wide band receiver. carrier frequencies

    Transposeurs intégrés ultra large bande continûment accordable de 1 à 20 GHz, utilisant les technologie de silicium micro-usiné dans un perspective de consommation ultra faible (quelques mW)

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    Le sujet de cette thèse porte sur la réalisation d'un bloc de transposition de fréquence de 1 à 20GHz à base de composants MEMS. Cette thèse s'est traduite par la conception et la réalisation d'un nouveau type de capacité MEMS RF variable, qui se base sur des structures rotatives de type gyroscope pour l'actionnement, et sur une variation de surface pour la variation de capacité. Comparée à différentes architectures publiées à ce jour, cette structure a l'avantage d'avoir la partie actionnement (la partie MEMS) et la partie RF (la capacité) isolées électriquement, ce qui permet d'éviter le phénomène d'auto actionnement avec la puissance du signal RF traversant. Un autre avantage de la structure développée est la possibilité d'avoir simultanément 8 capacités variables sur une puce unique, avec un seul système d'actionnement. La fabrication de ces puces nécessite l'utilisation d'un wafer SOI pour la partie MEMS et d'un wafer en verre pour la partie RF, ce qui offre la possibilité d'une mise en boitier du MEMS directement pendant le procédé de fabrication. Ces travaux ont également porté sur l'étude du phénomène de pullin dans le cadre des peignes interdigités incurvés (curved combdrive), laissant apparaître les paramètres physiques critiques lors du dimensionnement. Cette étude paramétrique a été utilisée pour améliorer la structure d'actionnement en utilisant des peignes interdigités à largeur de doigt et à gap variable, pour repousser ce phénomène de pullin en dehors de la plage utile d'actionnement. Cette nouvelle capacité variable a ensuite été intégrée dans un système simple d'oscillateur accordable sur alumine pour valider ses performances RF et pourra être associée à un mélangeur pour réaliser le bloc complet de transposition de fréquenceThis thesis deals with the realisation of a frequency transposition block from 1 to 20 GHz based on MEMS components. It results in the design and fabrication of a new kind of tuneable RF MEMS capacitor based on a rotational gyroscope structure for the actuation part and on a surface variation for the capacitance change. Compared to other architectures published, this structure presents the advantage to have an actuation part (the MEMS part) and a RF part (the capacitor) that are electrically separated in order to avoid the phenomenon of self-actuation with RF signal crossing power. Another advantage of this structure is the possibility to simultaneously tune 8 different capacitors on a single chip, with only one actuation system. The fabrication of the chips requires the use of a SOI wafer for the MEMS part and a glass wafer for the RF part, which offers on chip packaging opportunity. This work also focused on the study of the pull-in effect in the case of curved comb-drives, highlighting the most critical physical parameters for the design. This parametric study has been used to improve the actuation structure and more particularly the topology of the curved comb-drives by variation of the finger width and gap. These modifications were done in order to push the pull-in effect out of the actuation operating range. This new tuneable capacitor has been integrated into a simple VCO circuit on alumina to validate the RF performances and could be associated to a RF mixer in order to realize the full frequency transposition blockPARIS-EST-Université (770839901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    High-frequency oscillator design for integrated transceivers

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    Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits for Wideband SAR System

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    Design of Fully-Integrated High-Resolution Radars in CMOS and BiCMOS Technologies

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    The RADAR, acronym that stands for RAdio Detection And ranging, is a device that uses electromagnetic waves to detect the presence and the distance of an illuminated target. The idea of such a system was presented in the early 1900s to determine the presence of ships. Later on, with the approach of World War II, the radar gained the interest of the army who decided to use it for defense purposes, in order to detect the presence, the distance and the speed of ships, planes and even tanks. Nowadays, the use of similar systems is extended outside the military area. Common applications span from weather surveillance to Earth composition mapping and from flight control to vehicle speed monitoring. Moreover, the introduction of new ultrawideband (UWB) technologies makes it possible to perform radar imaging which can be successfully used in the automotive or medical field. The existence of a plenty of known applications is the reason behind the choice of the topic of this thesis, which is the design of fully-integrated high-resolution radars. The first part of this work gives a brief introduction on high resolution radars and describes its working principle in a mathematical way. Then it gives a comparison between the existing radar types and motivates the choice of an integrated solution instead of a discrete one. The second part concerns the analysis and design of two CMOS high-resolution radar prototypes tailored for the early detection of the breast cancer. This part begins with an explanation of the motivations behind this project. Then it gives a thorough system analysis which indicates the best radar architecture in presence of impairments and dictates all the electrical system specifications. Afterwards, it describes in depth each block of the transceivers with particular emphasis on the local oscillator (LO) generation system which is the most critical block of the designs. Finally, the last section of this part presents the measurement results. In particular, it shows that the designed radar operates over 3 octaves from 2 to 16GHz, has a conversion gain of 36dB, a flicker-noise-corner of 30Hz and a dynamic range of 107dB. These characteristics turn into a resolution of 3mm inside the body, more than enough to detect even the smallest tumor. The third and last part of this thesis focuses on the analysis and design of some important building blocks for phased-array radars, including phase shifter (PHS), true time delay (TTD) and power combiner. This part begins with an exhaustive introduction on phased array systems followed by a detailed description of each proposed lumped-element block. The main features of each block is the very low insertion loss, the wideband characteristic and the low area consumption. Finally, the major effects of circuit parasitics are described followed by simulation and measurement results