46 research outputs found

    Inference in receiver operating characteristic surface analysis via a trinormal model‐based testing approach

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    Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis is the methodological framework of choice for the assessment of diagnostic markers and classification procedures in general, in both two‐class and multiple‐class classification problems. We focus on the three‐class problem for which inference usually involves formal hypothesis testing using a proxy metric such as the volume under the ROC surface (VUS). In this article, we develop an existing approach from the two‐class ROC framework. We define a hypothesis‐testing procedure that directly compares two ROC surfaces under the assumption of the trinormal model. In the case of the assessment of a single marker, the corresponding ROC surface is compared with the chance plane, that is, to an uninformative marker. A simulation study investigating the proposed tests with existing ones on the basis of the VUS metric follows. Finally, the proposed methodology is applied to a dataset of a panel of pancreatic cancer diagnostic markers. The described testing procedures along with related graphical tools are supported in the corresponding R‐package trinROC, which we have developed for this purpose

    Stateless Flow-Zone Switching Using Software-Defined Addressing

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    The trend toward cloudification of communication networks and services, with user data and applications stored and processed in data centers, pushes the limits of current Data Center Networks (DCNs), requiring improved scalability, resiliency, and performance. Here we consider a DCN forwarding approach based on software-defined addressing (SDA), which embeds semantics in the Medium Access Control (MAC) address and thereby enables new forwarding processes. This work presents Flow-Zone Switching (FZS), a loop-free location-based source-routing solution that eliminates the need for forwarding tables by embedding routing instructions and flow identifiers directly in the flow-zone software-defined address. FZS speeds the forwarding process, increasing the throughput and reducing the latency of QoS-sensitive flows while reducing the capital and operational costs of switching. This paper presents details of FZS and a performance evaluation within a complete DCN.This work was supported in part by the H2020 Europe/Taiwan Joint Action 5G-DIVE under Grant 859881, in part by the Spanish State Research Agency through the TRUE5G Project under Grant PID2019-108713RB-C52/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and in part by the Comunidad de Madrid through the Project TAPIR-CM under Grant S2018/TCS-4496

    Contribution to multi-domain network slicing : resource orchestration framework and algorithms

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    5G/6G services and applications, in the context of the eMBB, mMTC and uRLLC network slicing framework, whose network infrastructure requirements may span beyond the coverage area of a single Infrastructure Provider (InP), are envisaged to be supported by leasing resources from multiple InPs. A challenging aspect for a Service Provider (SP) is how to obtain an optimal set of InPs on which to provision the requests and the particular substrate nodes and links within each InP on which to map the different VNFs and virtual links of the service requests, respectively, for a seamless, reliable and cost-effective orchestration of service requests. Existing works in this area either perform service mapping in uncoordinated manner, do not incorporate service reliability or do so from the perspective of stateless VNFs. Also they assume full information disclosure, or are based on exact approaches, which considerations are not well suited for future network scenarios characterized by delay sensitive mission critical applications and resource constrained networks. This thesis contributes to the above challenge by breaking the multi-domain service orchestration problem into two interlinked sub-problems that are solved in a coordinated manner: (1) Request splitting/partitioning (sub-problem 1), involving obtaining a subset of InPs and the corresponding inter-domain links on which to provision the different VNFs and virtual links of the service request; (2) Intra-domain VNF orchestration (sub-problem 2), involving obtaining the intra-domain nodes and links to provision the VNFs and virtual links of the sub-SFC associated with each InP. In this way, the thesis sets out four key targets that are necessary to align with the mission critical and delay sensitive use-cases envisaged in 5G and future networks in terms of service deployment cost and QoS: (1) coordinated mapping of service requests, with a view of realizing better utilization of the substrate resources; (2) survivability and fault-tolerant orchestration of service requests, to tame both QoS violations and the penalties from such violations; (3) limited disclosure of InP internal information, in order adhere to the privacy requirements InPs, and (4) achieving all the above targets in polynomial time. In order to realize the above targets, the thesis sought for solution techniques that are: (1) able to incorporate information learned in the previous solutions search space and historical mapping decisions, hence, resulting in acceptable performance even in scenarios of limited information exposure and fuzzy environments; (2) robust and less problem specific, hence, can be tailored to different optimization objectives, network topologies and service request constraints, thus enabling to deal with requests with either chained topologies or with bifurcated paths; (3) capable of dealing with an optimization problem that is jointly affected by multiple attributes, since in practice, the service deployment cost is jointly affected by multiple conflicting costs; (4) able to realize near-optimal solutions in practical run-times, thus rendering well suited approaches for delay sensitive and resource constrained scenarios. Three different algorithms namely, an RL, Genetic Algorithm (GA) and a fully distributed multi-stage graph-based algorithms are proposed for sub-problem 1. In addition, five different algorithms based on GA, Harmony search, RL, and multi-stage graph approach are proposed for sub-problem 2. Finally, in order to guide the implementation and adherence of the thesis proposals to the four main targets of the thesis, an architectural framework is proposed, aligned with the ETSI NFV-MANO architectural framework. Overall, the simulations results proved that the thesis proposals are optimized in terms of request acceptance ratios, mapping cost and execution time, hence, rendering such proposals well suited for 5G and future scenarios.Els serveis que es poden presentar en el marc de la tecnologia de “slicing” de xarxa de 5G/6G, com ara eMBB, mMTC o uRLLC, es possible que no els pugui oferir un sol proveïdor d’infraestructura (InP) degut a les limitacions que pot tenir la seva xarxa, i per tant que faci necessària la cooperació de múltiples InPs. En aquest cas, el primer repte que afronta el Proveïdor de Servei (SP) que rep la sol·licitud de desplegament es determinar el conjunt òptim de InPs que hi han d’intervenir i en concret els nodes i enllaços de cada un d’ells que s’han d’utilitzar per al mapatge de les diferents VNFs i enllaços virtuals de la sol·licitud. Els treballs que existeixen en aquesta àrea duen a terme el mapatge del servei be sigui de manera no coordinada, o no incorporen la fiabilitat, o ho fan des de la perspectiva de VNFs sense estat. També, pressuposen la divulgació total de la informació, o estan basats en metodologies exactes que fa que no siguin idonis per a escenaris de xarxes del futur, caracteritzats per aplicacions de missió critica, sensibles al retard i sobre xarxes amb recursos limitats. Aquesta tesi contribueix a afrontar aquests reptes dividint el problema d’orquestració de serveis multi domini en dos subproblemes relacionats, que es resolen de manera coordinada. (1) Divisió / partició de la sol·licitud de servei (sub-problema 1), que implica l'obtenció d'un subconjunt d'InPs i els enllaços interdomini corresponents sobre els quals proporcionar les diferents VNF i enllaços virtuals de la sol·licitud de servei; (2) Orquestració VNF intradomini (sub-problema 2), que implica l'obtenció dels nodes i enllaços intradomini per aprovisionar les VNF i enllaços virtuals dels sub-SFC associats a cada InP. D'aquesta manera, la tesi estableix quatre objectius clau que són necessaris per alinear-se amb els casos d'ús de missió crítica i sensibles al retard previstos en 5G i xarxes futures en termes de cost de desplegament del servei i QoS: (1) mapatge coordinat de les sol·licituds de servei, amb l'objectiu de realitzar una millor utilització dels recursos del substrat; (2) orquestració de les sol·licituds de servei contemplant la supervivència del servei en situacions de fallides, minimitzant les violacions de la QoS i les sancions derivades d'aquestes violacions; (3) divulgació limitada de la informació interna de l’InP, per tal d'adherir-se als requisits de privadesa dels InPs, i (4) aconseguir tots els objectius anteriors en temps polinòmic. Per tal de realitzar els objectius anteriors, la tesi busca solucions que siguin: (1) capaces d'incorporar informació apresa en les solucions anteriors de l'espai de cerca i decisions de mapatge històric, donant lloc a un rendiment acceptable fins i tot en escenaris d'exposició limitada a la informació i entorns difusos; (2) robustes i menys dependents dels problemes específics, i per tant, que es poden adaptar a diferents objectius d'optimització, topologies de xarxa i restriccions de sol·licitud de servei, permetent així fer front a sol·licituds amb cadenes de funcions de topologies molt diverses; (3) capaces de fer front a un problema d'optimització de múltiples atributs, ja que a la pràctica, el cost de desplegament del servei depèn de múltiples costos; (4) capaces de trobar solucions gairebé òptimes en temps suficientment breus, resultant així adequades a escenaris sensibles al retard i amb limitació de recursos. La tesi proposa tres algorismes diferents per al sub-problema 1: un algorisme de RL, un algorisme genètic (GA) i un algorisme multi etapa basat en grafs i completament distribuït. A més, es proposen cinc algorismes diferents basats en l'enfocament de grafs, un algorisme GA, un algorisme de cerca d’harmonia, un algorisme de RL i un algorisme multi-etapa per al sub-problema 2. Finalment, per tal de guiar la implementació i l'adhesió de les propostes als quatre objectius principals de la tesi, es proposa...Postprint (published version

    Study and analysis of innovative network protocols and architectures

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    In the last years, some new paradigms are emerging in the networking area as inspiring models for the definition of future communications networks. A key example is certainly the Content Centric Networking (CCN) protocol suite, namely a novel network architecture that aims to supersede the current TCP/IP stack in favor of a name based routing algorithm, also introducing in-network caching capabilities. On the other hand, much interest has been placed on Software Defined Networking (SDN), namely the set of protocols and architectures designed to make network devices more dynamic and programmable. Given this complex arena, the thesis focuses on the analysis of these innovative network protocols, with the aim of exploring possible design flaws and hence guaranteeing their proper operation when actually deployed in the network. Particular emphasis is given to the security of these protocols, for its essential role in every wide scale application. Some work has been done in this direction, but all these solutions are far to be considered fully investigated. In the CCN case, a closer investigation on problems related to possible DDoS attacks due to the stateful nature of the protocol, is presented along with a full-fledged proposal to support scalable PUSH application on top of CCN. Concerning SDN, instead, we present a tool for the verification of network policies in complex graphs containing dynamic network functions. In order to obtain significant results, we leverage different tools and methodologies: on the one hand, we assess simulation software as very useful tools for representing the most common use cases for the various technologies. On the other hand, we exploit more sophisticated formal methods to ensure a higher level of confidence for the obtained results

    WDM/TDM PON bidirectional networks single-fiber/wavelength RSOA-based ONUs layer 1/2 optimization

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    This Thesis proposes the design and the optimization of a hybrid WDM/TDM PON at the L1 (PHY) and L2 (MAC) layers, in terms of minimum deployment cost and enhanced performance for Greenfield NGPON. The particular case of RSOA-based ONUs and ODN using a single-fibre/single-wavelength is deeply analysed. In this WDM/TDM PON relevant parameters are optimized. Special attention has been given at the main noise impairment in this type of networks: the Rayleigh Backscattering effect, which cannot be prevented. To understand its behaviour and mitigate its effects, a novel mathematical model for the Rayleigh Backscattering in burst mode transmission is presented for the first time, and it has been used to optimize the WDM/TDM RSOA based PON. Also, a cost-effective, simple design SCM WDM/TDM PON with rSOA-based ONU, was optimized and implemented. This prototype was successfully tested showing high performance, robustness, versatility and reliability. So, the system is able to give coverage up to 1280 users at 2.5 Gb/s / 1.25 Gb/s downstream/upstream, over 20 Km, and being compatible with the GPON ITU-T recommendation. This precedent has enabled the SARDANA network to extend the design, architecture and capabilities of a WDM/TDM PON for a long reach metro-access network (100 km). A proposal for an agile Transmission Convergence sub-layer is presented as another relevant contribution of this work. It is based on the optimization of the standards GPON and XG-PON (for compatibility), but applied to a long reach metro-access TDM/WDM PON rSOA-based network with higher client count. Finally, a proposal of physical implementation for the SARDANA layer 2 and possible configurations for SARDANA internetworking, with the metro network and core transport network, are presented

    Legal Protection of Minority Shareholders in Chinese Listed Companies

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    This thesis comprises comparative research, focusing on the legal design of minority shareholder protection and the effectiveness of this protection. Through comparison with similar legal arrangements in developed countries, this thesis aims to find ways to improve minority protection in Chinese listed companies. At the heart of this thesis are six main contributions. Firstly, the thesis begins by investigating the possibility of and effectiveness of self-protection by shareholders. It is argued that activism by institutional investors, rather than individual minority shareholders, would eliminate misconduct by management and infringement by majority shareholders. In addition, in order to encourage and support minority shareholders to become more involved in corporate governance in China, this thesis suggests the reinforcement of specific legal institutions for minority protection, such as the cumulative voting system and the derivative claim. Moreover, the thesis notes that the newly introduced derivative claim could provide better protection of minorities if the locus standi requirement were lower, and the litigation procedure easier. Second, this thesis argues that the board of directors is the most important participant in corporate governance. A professional and independent board of directors can guarantee that corporate decisions are made in the interests of all shareholders, including the minorities. With an effective board, majority shareholders would have less opportunity to obtain private benefits by infringing the rights of minorities. Accordingly, the question of how to guarantee board independence is the most important concern in corporate legal design. This thesis reviews the law concerning independent directors in the US, and concludes that the institution of independent directors in Chinese listed companies is still immature. If current deficiencies were overcome, independent directors in Chinese listed companies could help to increase corporate transparency, providing minorities with timely and accurate information. Thirdly, unlike Anglo-American countries, China uses a two-tier corporate governance structure, with a board of directors and a supervisory board. Although the effectiveness of the supervisory board in Chinese listed companies has frequently been challenged, this thesis argues that the supervisory board is and will remain the one of the most important internal monitors in the Chinese corporate governance structure. It will not be replaced easily. Therefore, this thesis suggests that legislators should clarify the function and responsibilities of the supervisory board and independent directors, and authorize more substantial powers to the supervisory board, for the purpose of increasing minority protection. Fourth, with regard to that unique participant in Chinese corporate governance, the party committee of the Chinese Communist Party, this thesis argues that it cannot improve corporate efficiency or minority protection. Rather, owing mainly to the mismatch of rights and responsibilities in legislation, it has brought about problems related to corruption. Therefore, this thesis argues that legislators should restrict the involvement of the party committee in corporate affairs, so as to reduce the potential for infringement of minority shareholders’ rights. Fifth, this thesis also argues that, in order to protect minority shareholders, the existence of a powerful external monitor is equally as important as that of an internal one. This study investigates the Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) and compares it to the Securities & Futures Commission in Hong Kong and the Securities and Exchange Commission in the US. The thesis highlights the efforts by the CSRC to improve the quality of governance in the Chinese market, and suggests that it should go further in increasing corporate transparency and investor education, in order to establish a better market environment for minority investors. Finally, this thesis advances a new ideal model of corporate governance structure, based on the principle of board-centralization and with a higher level of minority protection. The thesis has proposed that listed companies be divided into two categories, the competitive area and the non-competitive area. In the competitive area, the state should begin by ensuring a fair competitive market, and eventually quit that market. In the non-competitive area, the state should operate companies in the interests of both shareholders and social welfare. Furthermore, a three-level structure should be established, in which one or more state-owned asset management companies are set up as an insulation layer, or alternatively a buffer, between the government and the listed companies, in order to eliminate undue government intervention. This would make it less likely that the rights of minorities would be infringed

    Control System Development and Technological Investigation for a Climbing Robot in Offshore platforms

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    Denne oppgaven går gjennom forskjellige type teknologier for å utvikle en mobil offshore klatre robot

    Examining the Relationships Between Distance Education Students’ Self-Efficacy and Their Achievement

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    This study aimed to examine the relationships between students’ self-efficacy (SSE) and students’ achievement (SA) in distance education. The instruments were administered to 100 undergraduate students in a distance university who work as migrant workers in Taiwan to gather data, while their SA scores were obtained from the university. The semi-structured interviews for 8 participants consisted of questions that showed the specific conditions of SSE and SA. The findings of this study were reported as follows: There was a significantly positive correlation between targeted SSE (overall scales and general self-efficacy) and SA. Targeted students' self-efficacy effectively predicted their achievement; besides, general self- efficacy had the most significant influence. In the qualitative findings, four themes were extracted for those students with lower self-efficacy but higher achievement—physical and emotional condition, teaching and learning strategy, positive social interaction, and intrinsic motivation. Moreover, three themes were extracted for those students with moderate or higher self-efficacy but lower achievement—more time for leisure (not hard-working), less social interaction, and external excuses. Providing effective learning environments, social interactions, and teaching and learning strategies are suggested in distance education