116 research outputs found

    Offline signature verification using writer-dependent ensembles and static classifier selection with handcraft features

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    Orientador: Eduardo TodtDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa : Curitiba, 17/02/2022Inclui referências: p. 85-94Área de concentração: Ciência da ComputaçãoResumo: Reconhecimento e identificação de assinaturas em documentos e manuscritos são tarefas desafiadoras que ao longo do tempo vêm sendo estudadas, em especial na questão de discernir assinaturas genuínas de falsificações. Com o recente avanço das tecnologias, principalmente no campo da computação, pesquisas nesta área têm se tornado cada vez mais frequentes, possibilitando o uso de novos métodos de análise das assinaturas, aumentando a precisão e a confiança na verificação delas. Ainda há muito o que se explorar em pesquisas desta área dentro da computação. Verificações de assinaturas consistem, de forma geral, em obter características acerca de um a assinatura e utilizá-las para discerni-la das demais. Estudos propondo variados tipos de métodos foram realizados nos últimos anos a fim de aprimorar os resultados obtidos por sistemas de verificação e identificação de assinaturas. Diferentes formas de extrair características têm sido exploradas, com o o uso de redes neurais artificiais voltadas especificam ente para verificação de assinaturas, como a ResNet e a SigNet, representando o estado-da-arte nesta área de pesquisa. Apesar disso, métodos mais simples de extração de características ainda são muito utilizados, como o histograma de gradientes orientados (HOG), o Local Binary Patterns (LBP) e Local Phase Quantization (LPQ) por exemplo, apresentando, em muitos casos, resultados similares ao estado-da-arte. Não apenas isso, mas diferentes formas de combinar informações de extratores de características e resultados de classificadores têm sido propostos, como é o caso dos seletores de características, métodos de comitê de máquinas e algoritmos de análise da qualidade das características. D esta form a, o trabalho realizado consiste em explorar diferentes métodos de extração de características com binados em um conjunto de classificadores, de maneira que cada conjunto seja construído de forma dependente do autor e seja especificam ente adaptado para reconhecer as melhores características para cada autor, aprendendo quais com binações de classificadores com determinado grupo de características melhor se adaptam para reconhecer suas assinaturas. O desempenho e a funcionalidade do sistema foram comparados com os principais trabalhos da área desenvolvidos nos últimos anos, tendo sido realizados testes com as databases CEDAR, M CYT e UTSig. A pesar de não superar o estado-da-arte, o sistema apresentou bom desempenho, podendo ser com parado com alguns outros trabalhos importantes na área. Além disso, o sistema mostrou a eficiência dos classificadores Support Vector M achine(SVM ) e votadores para a realização da meta-classificação, bem como o potencial de alguns extratores de características para a área de verificação de assinaturas, com o foi o caso do Compound Local Binary Pattern(CLBP).Abstract: Signature recognition and identification in documents and manuscripts are challenging tasks that have been studied over time, especially in the matter of discerning genuine signatures from forgeries. With the recent advancement of technologies, especially in the field of computing, research in this area has become increasingly frequent, enabling the use of new methods of analysis of signatures, increasing accuracy and confidence in their verification. There is still much to be explored in research in this area within computing. Signature verification generally consists in obtaining features about a signature and using them to distinguish it from others. Studies proposing different types o f methods have been carried out in recent years in order to improve the results obtained by signature verification and identification systems. Different ways of extracting features have been explored, such as the use of artificial neural networks specifically aimed at verifying signatures, like ResNet and SigNet, representing the state-of-the-art in this research area. Despite this, simpler methods of feature extraction are still widely used, such as the Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG), the Local Binary Patterns (LBP) and the Local Phase Quantization (LPQ) for example, presenting, in many cases, similar results to the state-of-the-art. Not only that, but different ways of combining information from feature extractors and results from classifiers have been proposed, such as feature selectors, machine committee methods and feature quality analysis algorithms. In this way, the developed work consists in exploring different methods of features extractors combined in an ensemble, so that each ensemble is built in a writer-dependent way and is specifically adapted to recognize the best features for each author, learning which combinations of classifiers with a certain group of characteristics is better adapted to recognize their signatures. The performance and functionality of the system were compared w ith the m ain works in the area developed in recent years, w ith tests having been carried out with the CEDAR, M CYT and UTSig databases. Despite not overcoming the state-of-the-art, the system presented good performance, being able to be compared with some other important works in the area. In addition, the system showed the efficiency of Support Vector Machine(SVM ) classifiers and voters to perform the meta-classification, as well as the potential of some feature extractors for the signature verification area, such as the Compound Local Binary Pattern(CLBP)

    Exploiting Spatio-Temporal Coherence for Video Object Detection in Robotics

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    This paper proposes a method to enhance video object detection for indoor environments in robotics. Concretely, it exploits knowledge about the camera motion between frames to propagate previously detected objects to successive frames. The proposal is rooted in the concepts of planar homography to propose regions of interest where to find objects, and recursive Bayesian filtering to integrate observations over time. The proposal is evaluated on six virtual, indoor environments, accounting for the detection of nine object classes over a total of ∼ 7k frames. Results show that our proposal improves the recall and the F1-score by a factor of 1.41 and 1.27, respectively, as well as it achieves a significant reduction of the object categorization entropy (58.8%) when compared to a two-stage video object detection method used as baseline, at the cost of small time overheads (120 ms) and precision loss (0.92).</p

    Emerging technologies for learning report (volume 3)

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    Symbolic and Visual Retrieval of Mathematical Notation using Formula Graph Symbol Pair Matching and Structural Alignment

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    Large data collections containing millions of math formulae in different formats are available on-line. Retrieving math expressions from these collections is challenging. We propose a framework for retrieval of mathematical notation using symbol pairs extracted from visual and semantic representations of mathematical expressions on the symbolic domain for retrieval of text documents. We further adapt our model for retrieval of mathematical notation on images and lecture videos. Graph-based representations are used on each modality to describe math formulas. For symbolic formula retrieval, where the structure is known, we use symbol layout trees and operator trees. For image-based formula retrieval, since the structure is unknown we use a more general Line of Sight graph representation. Paths of these graphs define symbol pairs tuples that are used as the entries for our inverted index of mathematical notation. Our retrieval framework uses a three-stage approach with a fast selection of candidates as the first layer, a more detailed matching algorithm with similarity metric computation in the second stage, and finally when relevance assessments are available, we use an optional third layer with linear regression for estimation of relevance using multiple similarity scores for final re-ranking. Our model has been evaluated using large collections of documents, and preliminary results are presented for videos and cross-modal search. The proposed framework can be adapted for other domains like chemistry or technical diagrams where two visually similar elements from a collection are usually related to each other

    Understanding and controlling leakage in machine learning

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    Machine learning models are being increasingly adopted in a variety of real-world scenarios. However, the privacy and confidentiality implications introduced in these scenarios are not well understood. Towards better understanding such implications, we focus on scenarios involving interactions between numerous parties prior to, during, and after training relevant models. Central to these interactions is sharing information for a purpose e.g., contributing data samples towards a dataset, returning predictions via an API. This thesis takes a step toward understanding and controlling leakage of private information during such interactions. In the first part of the thesis we investigate leakage of private information in visual data and specifically, photos representative of content shared on social networks. There is a long line of work to tackle leakage of personally identifiable information in social photos, especially using face- and body-level visual cues. However, we argue this presents only a narrow perspective as images reveal a wide spectrum of multimodal private information (e.g., disabilities, name-tags). Consequently, we work towards a Visual Privacy Advisor that aims to holistically identify and mitigate private risks when sharing social photos. In the second part, we address leakage during training of ML models. We observe learning algorithms are being increasingly used to train models on rich decentralized datasets e.g., personal data on numerous mobile devices. In such cases, information in the form of high-dimensional model parameter updates are anonymously aggregated from participating individuals. However, we find that the updates encode sufficient identifiable information and allows them to be linked back to participating individuals. We additionally propose methods to mitigate this leakage while maintaining high utility of the updates. In the third part, we discuss leakage of confidential information during inference time of black-box models. In particular, we find models lend themselves to model functionality stealing attacks: an adversary can interact with the black-box model towards creating a replica `knock-off' model that exhibits similar test-set performances. As such attacks pose a severe threat to the intellectual property of the model owner, we also work towards effective defenses. Our defense strategy by introducing bounded and controlled perturbations to predictions can significantly amplify model stealing attackers' error rates. In summary, this thesis advances understanding of privacy leakage when information is shared in raw visual forms, during training of models, and at inference time when deployed as black-boxes. In each of the cases, we further propose techniques to mitigate leakage of information to enable wide-spread adoption of techniques in real-world scenarios.Modelle für maschinelles Lernen werden zunehmend in einer Vielzahl realer Szenarien eingesetzt. Die in diesen Szenarien vorgestellten Auswirkungen auf Datenschutz und Vertraulichkeit wurden jedoch nicht vollständig untersucht. Um solche Implikationen besser zu verstehen, konzentrieren wir uns auf Szenarien, die Interaktionen zwischen mehreren Parteien vor, während und nach dem Training relevanter Modelle beinhalten. Das Teilen von Informationen für einen Zweck, z. B. das Einbringen von Datenproben in einen Datensatz oder die Rückgabe von Vorhersagen über eine API, ist zentral für diese Interaktionen. Diese Arbeit verhilft zu einem besseren Verständnis und zur Kontrolle des Verlusts privater Informationen während solcher Interaktionen. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir den Verlust privater Informationen bei visuellen Daten und insbesondere bei Fotos, die für Inhalte repräsentativ sind, die in sozialen Netzwerken geteilt werden. Es gibt eine lange Reihe von Arbeiten, die das Problem des Verlustes persönlich identifizierbarer Informationen in sozialen Fotos angehen, insbesondere mithilfe visueller Hinweise auf Gesichts- und Körperebene. Wir argumentieren jedoch, dass dies nur eine enge Perspektive darstellt, da Bilder ein breites Spektrum multimodaler privater Informationen (z. B. Behinderungen, Namensschilder) offenbaren. Aus diesem Grund arbeiten wir auf einen Visual Privacy Advisor hin, der darauf abzielt, private Risiken beim Teilen sozialer Fotos ganzheitlich zu identifizieren und zu minimieren. Im zweiten Teil befassen wir uns mit Datenverlusten während des Trainings von ML-Modellen. Wir beobachten, dass zunehmend Lernalgorithmen verwendet werden, um Modelle auf umfangreichen dezentralen Datensätzen zu trainieren, z. B. persönlichen Daten auf zahlreichen Mobilgeräten. In solchen Fällen werden Informationen von teilnehmenden Personen in Form von hochdimensionalen Modellparameteraktualisierungen anonym verbunden. Wir stellen jedoch fest, dass die Aktualisierungen ausreichend identifizierbare Informationen codieren und es ermöglichen, sie mit teilnehmenden Personen zu verknüpfen. Wir schlagen zudem Methoden vor, um diesen Datenverlust zu verringern und gleichzeitig die hohe Nützlichkeit der Aktualisierungen zu erhalten. Im dritten Teil diskutieren wir den Verlust vertraulicher Informationen während der Inferenzzeit von Black-Box-Modellen. Insbesondere finden wir, dass sich Modelle für die Entwicklung von Angriffen, die auf Funktionalitätsdiebstahl abzielen, eignen: Ein Gegner kann mit dem Black-Box-Modell interagieren, um ein Replikat-Knock-Off-Modell zu erstellen, das ähnliche Test-Set-Leistungen aufweist. Da solche Angriffe eine ernsthafte Bedrohung für das geistige Eigentum des Modellbesitzers darstellen, arbeiten wir auch an einer wirksamen Verteidigung. Unsere Verteidigungsstrategie durch die Einführung begrenzter und kontrollierter Störungen in Vorhersagen kann die Fehlerraten von Modelldiebstahlangriffen erheblich verbessern. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass diese Arbeit das Verständnis von Datenschutzverlusten beim Informationsaustausch verbessert, sei es bei rohen visuellen Formen, während des Trainings von Modellen oder während der Inferenzzeit von Black-Box-Modellen. In jedem Fall schlagen wir ferner Techniken zur Verringerung des Informationsverlusts vor, um eine weit verbreitete Anwendung von Techniken in realen Szenarien zu ermöglichen.Max Planck Institute for Informatic

    Jaina Tantra : SOAS Jaina Studies Workshop 2015

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    Chinese character learning with the aid of an ICT website among Mandarin Second Additional Language learners in South Africa: a case study

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    The teaching of Mandarin as a Second Additional Language (SAL) in South African schools was only introduced in 2016. The year 2018 saw the first Mandarin as SAL National Senior Certificate examination. Little research has been done on the teaching and learning of Mandarin as a SAL subject at the high school level in South Africa. Character learning and teaching are some of the most challenging aspects of this language teaching and learning. This research sought to investigate how beginner Mandarin SAL learners can be supported by a particular Information Communication Technology (ICT) website, www.archchinese.com (Arch Chinese), in their character learning. Learners’ ability to memorise Chinese characters is of utmost importance for their success in this language learning, especially for matriculants. To support the main research goal, this study set out to investigate the requirements for Chinese character learning, the role the website Arch Chinese plays in learners’ character learning and Mandarin SAL learners’ experience of using Arch Chinese as a learning tool. This research was conducted in the form of a case study within the interpretative paradigm. It adopted a questionnaire and document analysis for data collection to gain insight into the research topic. To get answers to the research questions posed above, the study analysed the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) Mandarin SAL documents from Grade 4–12, the Independent Examination Board (IEB) Mandarin Subject Assessment Guidelines (SAGs), and a textbook for beginners, Learn Chinese with me: Student’s book 1 in relation to character learning. The features and functions of the website, Arch Chinese, were also evaluated and Mandarin SAL learners’ answers to a questionnaire on their use of the website Arch Chinese were analysed. The study found that character teaching and learning has not been given enough attention in the curriculum. It was only covered in the Intermediate Phase but was seldom mentioned in the Senior and Further Education and Training Phases in the curriculum. The CAPS Mandarin SAL documents do not consider the special characteristics of the Mandarin language, as this curriculum was based on the CAPS English Generic SAL document. As a result, the assessment requirements on writing (character count requirement in particular) were not realistic. The teaching approaches promoted in the curriculum and the teaching time do not correspond well with the teaching and learning of this language. Moreover, this study found that there was no vocabulary list prescribed in the curriculum and therefore a gap exists between the curriculum on paper and the curriculum in practice. The analysis of the IEB SAGs found that the assessments were suitable for the level of Mandarin SAL learners. This is because the IEB considered the characteristics of the Mandarin language, which is non-cognate, to the alphabet-based languages that respondents in this research spoke or were familiar with. At the same time, the analysis of the website and the learners’ questionnaire found that learners held a positive attitude towards their use of the website and that it proved to help facilitate Mandarin SAL learners in their character learning. This study ends with recommendations for teachers, policy makers, the IEB, and character-learning websites.Thesis (MEd) -- Faculty of Education, Education, 202

    Prosiding SNSKI 2014

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