4,730 research outputs found

    Space Transportatioin System (STS) propellant scavenging system study. Volume 3: Cost and work breakdown structure-dictionary

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    Fundamentally, the volumes of the oxidizer and fuel propellant scavenged from the orbiter and external tank determine the size and weight of the scavenging system. The optimization of system dimensions and weights is stimulated by the requirement to minimize the use of partial length of the orbiter payload bay. Thus, the cost estimates begin with weights established for the optimum design. Both the design, development, test, and evaluation and theoretical first unit hardware production costs are estimated from parametric cost weight scaling relations for four subsystems. For cryogenic propellants, the widely differing characteristics of the oxidizer and the fuel lead to two separate tank subsystems, in addition to the electrical and instrumentation subsystems. Hardwares costs also involve quantity, as an independent variable, since the number of production scavenging systems is not firm. For storable propellants, since the tankage volume of the oxidizer and fuel are equal, the hardware production costs for developing these systems are lower than for cryogenic propellants

    Supply Chain Optimization for Sourced Production

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    Abstract. Title: Supply Chain Optimization – for Sourced Production. Authors: Patricia Möller and Andreas Paulsson. Tutors: Jan Eskil Hollen – Business Developer, Lilleborg as, Orkla, Everth Larsson – Department of Industrial Management and Logistics, Division of Engineering Logistics, Lund University, Carl-Henric Nilsson – Department of Economics and Business Administration, School of economics and management, Lund University. Problem: To source components from China is less expensive than setting up and running an own plant in any western country, but sourcing from low cost countries is related to challenges regarding business culture, logistics, quality and supply chain management. Cultural differences can make operations run less smoothly and the number of warehouses and transports need to be investigated. Communication processes must be reengineered and established, quality controls become a factor of outmost significance and the management of the entire supply chain needs to be intensified. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and propose how supply chain optimization for sourced production should be addressed. To achieve practical relevance a case study is performed of Lilleborg and their sourcing of components from China. Method: An inductive approach has been applied when conducting the study. The work process has been iterative and empirical qualitative data has been gathered through semi-structured interviews and literature studies. Conclusions: By applying a framework that consists of empirics and several relevant theories that form a cohesive and coherent tower towards set of objectives is the optimal strategic behavior for optimizing a supply chain according to this study

    International Logistics

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    In this study guide the essence, the basic conceptions and the role of international logistics in economic development, the international and organizational aspects of procurement logistics, international warehousing, conceptual foundations of distribution logistics and inernational transport logistics are examined. This study guide is intended for students of specialty “International Economic Relations”

    Service catalogue for non-medical support services in Hospitals (LekaS) : SN EN 15221-4 adapted, expanded and commented branchspecifically

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    In the present Service Catalogue for Non-medical Support Services in Hospitals (LekaS) the norm «SN EN 15221-4 (2011) Facility Management: Taxonomy, Classification and Structures in Facility Management» is, specific to the branch, adapted, expanded and commented upon.The catalogue is a first step towards more clarity and transparency in the non-medical support service area in hospitals

    Impact and process assessment of the seven CITYLAB implementations

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    CITYLAB focuses on four axes that call for improvement and intervention: •Highly fragmented last-mile deliveries in city centres •Inefficient deliveries to large freight attractors and public administrations •Urban waste, return trips and recycling •Logistics sprawl Within these axes, the project supports seven implementations that are being tested, evaluated and rolled out. An implementation is defined as the process of preparing, testing and putting into practice a new service or a new way of operating or organising logistics activities. The objective of this report is to present an assessment of the effects and consequences of the implementations as they are conducted. For each case, we summarise the process leading to the application of a specific technical and managerial solution, and present the outcomes. For each implementation, we present •Problem and aim •Description of the solution •Implementation process •Effects and consequences •Challenges ahead •Lessons and generalisation of results This deliverable provides a complete picture of the evolvement of the implementations during the CITYLAB project and final versions of the process and impact assessment

    What are the strategies to manage megaproject supply chains? A systematic literature review and research agenda

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    This systematic literature review explores strategies to manage complex supply chains in megaprojects, connecting project management and operations management literatures. A total of 2,106 titles and abstracts were analyzed and 94 papers were fully reviewed, identifying six categories of strategies: inter-firm collaboration and coordination, governance, procurement, projects as networks, production and logistics, and risk management. We present the multi-level Megaproject Supply Chain (MSC) framework, unpacking the complex inter-organizational structure of megaprojects in five levels and units of analysis to guide future research. The MSC framework identifies the micro, meso and macro levels of megaprojects and introduces two additional hybrid levels to identify inter-organizational relationships: the meso‑micro and meso‑macro. We suggest four avenues to advance supply chain management in megaprojects through multi-level explorations: (i) Supply Chain Structure: Permanent vs Temporary, (ii) Strategic Procurement and Commercial, (iii) Supply Chain Design: Standardization vs Customization, (iv) Supply Chain Governance: Collaboration and Coordination


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    This research was done around the study aim of optimizing the material flow of goods in a healthcare and laboratory equipment distributor case company warehouse. Since the collec-tion and shipping phases were performing well at the case company warehouse and there was seen to be room of improvement in the reception and inspection phase, the focus was set out to optimize the reception process lead time. This study is limited to focus on the re-ception and inspection of goods to the point that they are ready at the collection point. The collection of the goods at the warehouse is left out of this study as it is not considered to be an issue inside the case company. The challenges of this study are how to identify points of improvement and what kind of actual changes can be made to tackle them? The research starts with a theoretical part at first, by analysing literature review regarding the subject. Af-ter this a more in depth look at the current warehouse operations is done by analysing the operating procedures at the case company warehouse. The data and methodology used in the empirical research consists of open-ended interviews with key personnel inside the case company for gathering qualitative information regarding the optimization and possible changes around the warehouse lead time. The key personnel interviewed were Supply chain manager, Warehouse manager, Quality manager, Logistics coordinator, Supply analyst, Warehouse supervisor and Warehouse inspection worker. Quantitative data is also analysed from the case company regarding the incoming shipments and possible changes to them, by taking a closer look at the item lines received at the warehouse in the year 2020 and how they divided to different days of the week and different months. These combined methods of information highlighted the factors of inefficiency and possible development ideas, which were carried out inside the case company and on to some of the suppliers of larger ship-ments. This study contributed to results in ways to optimize the inspection of goods and the reception of incoming shipments in a way to further prevent possible bottlenecks at an over-flown inspection area. Conclusions however include future research, that can still be done at the case company by analysing how these changes have affected the turnaround time and how to then optimize the material flow further.Tämä tutkimus toteutettiin tavoitteena optimoida saapuvien tavaroiden materiaalivirtaa ter-veydenhuollon ja laboratoriolaitteiden jakelija case-yrityksessä. Painopiste oli vastaanotto prosessin läpimenoajan optimoinnissa, koska keräilyvaiheen katsottiin sujuvan hyvin case-yrityksen varastossa ja vastaanottovaiheessa nähtiin parantamisen varaa. Tästä syystä tutki-mus rajoittuu tavaroiden vastaanottoon ja tarkastukseen siihen pisteeseen asti, että ne ovat valmiita keräyspisteessä. Tavaran keräily ja lähettäminen on jätetty pois tutkimuksesta, koska sitä ei pidetä kehityskohteena. Tutkimuksen haasteina ovat, kuinka tunnistaa parannuskoh-teita ja millaisia muutoksia niissä voidaan saada aikaan. Tutkimus alkaa teoreettisella osuudel-la, jossa analysoidaan aiheeseen liittyvää kirjallista materiaalia. Tämän jälkeen tarkastellaan case-yrityksen varaston toimintaa tarkemmin analysoimalla nykyisiä toimintatapoja. Empiiri-sessä tutkimusosiossa käytetty data koostuu avoimista haastatteluista case-yrityksen avain-henkilöiden kanssa laadullisen tiedon keräämiseksi prosessien optimoinnista ja mahdollisista muutoksista varaston läpimenoajan ympärillä. Haastateltavat avainhenkilöt olivat Toimitus-ketjun johtaja, Varastopäällikkö, Laatupäällikkö, Logistiikkakoordinaattori, Tarjonnan analyy-tikko, Varastovalvoja ja varaston tarkastustyöntekijä. Case-yritykseltä analysoitiin myös kvan-titatiivista dataa saapuvista lähetyksistä ja mahdollisista muutoksista niissä tarkastelemalla tarkemmin varastoon vuonna 2020 saapuneita tuoterivejä ja niiden jakautumista eri viikon-päiviin ja kuukausiin. Nämä yhdistetyt tiedonlähteet nostivat esille tehottomuuden kohteita ja mahdollisia kehitysideoita, joita toteutettiin case-yrityksen sisällä ja myös joidenkin toimit-taja yritysten sisällä. Tämä tutkimus auttoi case-yritystä saamaan tuloksia tavoissa, joilla voi-daan optimoida tavaran tarkastusta ja vastaanottoa, sekä estämään mahdollisia pullonkauloja tarkastusalueella. Johtopäätöksissä mainitaan kuitenkin tapoja tulevaisuuden jatkotutkimuk-sille, joita yritys voi tehdä analysoimalla, miten nämä muutokset vaikuttavat läpimenoaikaan varastolla ja kuinka materiaalivirtaa voidaan siten optimoida edelleen