919 research outputs found

    Development Strategies For a Fractured, Heavy Oil Reservoir - Results From Numerical Simulations

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    This research is focused on studying reservoir “N” in the Yarega heavy oilfield (YHOF) for development strategies and production optimization. YHOF is a naturally fractured heavy oil field where only very recently SAGD technology has been introduced. The motivation for this research is derived from the fact that SAGD employed in this field has so far resulted in early steam breakthrough leading to producer abandonment and new drilling, thus increasing costs. This study explores numerically different static and dynamic reservoir characterization models (single porosity versus dual porosity systems), and subsequent pressure-production history matched reservoir simulation for understanding heat and mass transfer mechanisms. Thereafter, different drilling and production scenarios are tested for candidate selection for the highest recovery and production optimization. Results from the 3 dimensional sector model suggest that while all effective development technologies in this reservoir should be based on thermal methods of oil recovery, cyclic steam injection inhibited early breakthrough and thus can eliminate or reduce risk for well abandonment from the same cause. Based on results from this research, we however recommend the testing of a fishtail well development plan with cyclic steam injection that includes a 10-day steam injection, 10-day soaking period, and 10-day production period. In comparison to continuous steam injection recovery (4.5% over three years), we anticipate a 7% recovery from this technology implementation and testing

    Energy-saving intensification of gas-condensate field production in the east of Ukraine using foaming reagents

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    Purpose. Development of recommendations on the use of foaming surfactants (FSs) in the overall task of increasing energy and resource conservation of wells at the final stages of the development of gas condensate fields (GCFs). Methods. To achieve the goal and solve the set tasks, following methods were used: active experiment method, regression and correlation analyzes of the obtained statistical data, comparative analysis of technological regulations for the intensification of well production. Findings. Recommendations on the use of the studied FSs for intensifying the extraction of gas-condensate fluids with the specification of the geological and field characteristics of exploited fields in Eastern Ukraine in terms of Shebelynske and Zakhidno-Khrestyshchenske GСF were developed. Originality. The dependence of the cross-correlation coefficient of the “additional gas production with the use of FSs – the number of well stimulation operations” upon the period of the influence of the FSs on the reservoir – well system, being of extreme nature, has been determined. It has been established that the effectiveness of the use of the additional part of productions debit depends linearly on the initial production rate and exponentially on the frequency of the well FS-treatment. Practical implications. It has been determined that the maximum manifestation of the impact of considered FSs on downhole fluid production is achieved after 2 months. Various techniques for the application of the FSs were tested, and the regulations for the corresponding field operations were specified. Optimization of the parameter charts and processing procedures in terms of the concentration of FSs, system connection of the foam injection pipeline to the well, the rational period of introduction of the FSs in the reservoir-well system results in the decrease of the total downtime of wells during the period of operation under conditions of intensification as well as methane pollutions during purges.Мета. Розробка рекомендацій щодо використання піноутворючих поверхнево-активних речовин (ПАР) в загальному завданні збільшення енерго- та ресурсозбереження обводнених свердловин на завершальних стадіях розробки газоконденсатних родовищ. Методика. Для досягнення мети і вирішення поставлених завдань використовувалися наступні методи досліджень: метод активного експерименту, регресійний і кореляційний аналізи отриманих статистичних даних, компаративний аналіз технологічних регламентів інтенсифікації свердловинного видобутку. Результати. Розроблено рекомендації щодо використання досліджених ПАР для інтенсифікації видобутку газоконденсатних флюїдів з уточненням геолого-промислових характеристик експлуатованих родовищ Сходу України на прикладі Шебелинського та Західно-Хрестищенського газоконденсатних родовищ. Наукова новизна. Визначено залежність коефіцієнта взаємної кореляції кривих “додатковий видобуток газу при застосуванні ПАР – кількість свердловин-операцій інтенсифікації від періоду впливу ПАР на систему “пласт – свердловина”, яка носить екстремальний характер. Встановлено, що ефективність застосування ПАР лінійно залежить від початкового дебіту та експоненціально від частоти обробки свердловини. Практична значимість. Встановлено, що максимальні прояви впливу розглянутих ПАР на свердловинний видобуток флюїдів досягається через два місяці. Випробувані різні методики застосування ПАР, уточнені регламенти відповідних промислових робіт. Оптимізація режимних карт і регламентів обробок у частині концентрації ПАР, схемного підключення інгібіторопровода піноутворення до свердловини, раціонального періоду введення ПАР в систему “пласт – свердловина” призводить до зменшення сумарного часу простоїв свердловин за період експлуатації в умовах інтенсифікації, а також викидів метану в атмосферу при продувках.Цель. Разработка рекомендаций по использованию пенообразующих поверхностно-активных веществ (ПАВ) в общей задаче увеличения энерго- и ресурсосбережения обводненных скважин на завершающих стадиях разработки газоконденсатных месторождений. Методика. Для достижения цели и решения поставленных задач использовались следующие методы исследований: метод активного эксперимента, регрессионный и корреляционный анализы полученных статистических данных, компаративный анализ технологических регламентов интенсификации скважинной добычи. Результаты. Разработаны рекомендации по использованию исследованных ПАВ для интенсификации добычи газоконденсатных флюидов с уточнением геолого-промысловых характеристик эксплуатируемых месторождений Востока Украины на примере Шебелинского и Западно-Хрестищенского газоконденсатных месторождений. Научная новизна. Определена зависимость коэффициента взаимной корреляции кривых “дополнительная добыча газа при применении ПАВ – количество скважинно-операций интенсификации от периода воздействия ПАВ на систему “пласт – скважина”, которая носит экстремальный характер. Установлено, что эффективность применения ПАВ линейно зависит от начального дебита и экспоненциально от частоты обработки скважины. Практическая значимость. Установлено, что максимальное проявления воздействия рассмотренных ПАВ на скважинную добычу флюидов достигается через два месяца. Опробованы различные методики применения ПАВ, уточнены регламенты соответствующих промысловых работ. Оптимизация режимных карт и регламентов обработок в части концентрации ПАВ, схемного подключения ингибиторопровода пенообразования к скважине, рационального периода введения ПАВ в систему “пласт – скважина” приводит к уменьшению суммарного времени простоев скважин за период эксплуатации в условиях интенсификации, а также выбросов метана в атмосферу при продувках.The authors express appreciation to the management of Ukrhazvydobuvannia PJSC and national producers of FSs for the materials provided and assistance in the process of the research conducting under industrial and plant conditions

    New Advances in Oil, Gas and Geothermal Reservoirs

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    The demand for global fossil energy continues to be strong, meaning that the exploitation of oil and gas resources is still very important. In addition, due to the continuous reduction in conventional oil and gas recoverable resources, the development of unconventional oil and gas resources and geothermal energy has gradually become an important replacement. Therefore, it is urgent to improve the existing mechanism analysis, research methods and engineering technology to improve the production and development efficiency of oil, gas, and geothermal resources. This reprint presents 11 recent works on the application of new theories and technologies in oil, gas, and geothermal reservoirs. The content covers well-drilling, cementing, hydraulic fracturing, improved oil recovery, conformance control, and geothermal energy development. The new progress presented in this reprint will help scientists and researchers to better understand and master the latest theories and techniques for oil, gas, and geothermal reservoirs, which has important practical significance for the economical and effective development of oil, gas, and geothermal resources

    Gels for Oil and Gas Industry Applications

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    This Special Issue includes many advanced high-quality papers that focus on gel applications in the oil and gas industry. The papers in this Special Issue present the new development of gels that can be used as conformance control agents, drilling fluid additives, and hydraulic fracturing agents

    Advances in Unconventional Oil and Gas

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    This book focuses on the latest progress in unconventional oil and gas (such as coalbed methane, shale gas, tight gas, heavy oil, hydrate, etc.) exploration and development, including reservoir characterization, gas origin and storage, accumulation geology, hydrocarbon generation evolution, fracturing technology, enhanced oil recovery, etc. Some new methods are proposed to improve the gas extraction in coal seams, characterize the relative permeability of reservoirs, improve the heat control effect of hydrate-bearing sediment, improve the development efficiency of heavy oil, increase fracturing effectiveness in tight reservoirs, etc

    Reducing Produced Water Disposal Via Effective Treatments Methods And Re-Use: Proposed Sustainable Application For Bakken, North Dakota

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    It is true that the advancements in both the hydraulic frack and directional drilling technologies led to less time and a bit easier ways to develop unconventional oil and gas assets worldwide. In the Bakken North Dakota, the result of these breakthroughs and advancements in technologies are that they drastically reduce the time it takes to drill and complete a well leading to more wells (347 in 2004 to 16,300 in 2020). In 2019, the United States became the largest global crude oil producer, and the unconventional Bakken Play in North Dakota is one of the major contributors to this feat. As more wells are being drilled, more waste water are being produced. Analysis also showed early increases in water cuts even in younger (less than 3 years) wells drilled around McKenzie and Williams Counties. The concern here is that the wastewater produced by these increased oilfield activities is highly saline (~170,000 to 350,000 ppm TDS), and the most commonly used water disposal method in the Bakken Formation is deep injection into disposal wells. Notwithstanding, there are growing environmental and operational concerns about the sustainability and impacts of this approach. However, if the wastewater is efficiently treated, it could be reused in hydraulic fracturing operations or to support coal mining and irrigation activities. This research uses various method to investigate the root cause of the high volume of wastewater production in the Bakken, North Dakota and how these flow back and produced water could be treated using various novel technologies like, the advanced and improved desalination, advanced electro-oxidation and dilution methods. Lastly, the research was able to provide robust and detailed results on how the Bakken treated produced water could be transformed to good use especially as base fluids for hydraulic frack fluid formulation

    Advances in Enhanced Oil Recovery Processes

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