22 research outputs found

    Secrecy Analysis on Network Coding in Bidirectional Multibeam Satellite Communications

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    Network coding is an efficient means to improve the spectrum efficiency of satellite communications. However, its resilience to eavesdropping attacks is not well understood. This paper studies the confidentiality issue in a bidirectional satellite network consisting of two mobile users who want to exchange message via a multibeam satellite using the XOR network coding protocol. We aim to maximize the sum secrecy rate by designing the optimal beamforming vector along with optimizing the return and forward link time allocation. The problem is nonconvex, and we find its optimal solution using semidefinite programming together with a 1-D search. For comparison, we also solve the sum secrecy rate maximization problem for a conventional reference scheme without using network coding. Simulation results using realistic system parameters demonstrate that the bidirectional scheme using network coding provides considerably higher secrecy rate compared with that of the conventional schem

    Cooperative Communications: Network Design and Incremental Relaying

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    Secrecy Analysis on Network Coding in Bidirectional Multibeam Satellite Communications

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    Network coding is an efficient means to improve the spectrum efficiency of satellite communications. However, its resilience to eavesdropping attacks is not well understood. This paper studies the confidentiality issue in a bidirectional satellite network consisting of two mobile users who want to exchange message via a multibeam satellite using the XOR network coding protocol. We aim to maximize the sum secrecy rate by designing the optimal beamforming vector along with optimizing the return and forward link time allocation. The problem is non-convex, and we find its optimal solution using semidefinite programming together with a 1-D search. For comparison, we also solve the sum secrecy rate maximization problem for a conventional reference scheme without using network coding. Simulation results using realistic system parameters demonstrate that the bidirectional scheme using network coding provides considerably higher secrecy rate compared to that of the conventional scheme

    Distributed spectrum leasing via cooperation

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    “Cognitive radio” networks enable the coexistence of primary (licensed) and secondary (unlicensed) terminals. Conventional frameworks, namely commons and property-rights models, while being promising in certain aspects, appear to have significant drawbacks for implementation of large-scale distributed cognitive radio networks, due to the technological and theoretical limits on the ability of secondary activity to perform effective spectrum sensing and on the stringent constraints on protocols and architectures. To address the problems highlighted above, the framework of distributed spectrum leasing via cross-layer cooperation (DiSC) has been recently proposed as a basic mechanism to guide the design of decentralized cognitive radio networks. According to this framework, each primary terminal can ”lease” a transmission opportunity to a local secondary terminal in exchange for cooperation (relaying) as long as secondary quality-of-service (QoS) requirements are satisfied. The dissertation starts by investigating the performance bounds from an information-theoretical standpoint by focusing on the scenario of a single primary user and multiple secondary users with private messages. Achievable rate regions are derived for discrete memoryless and Gaussian models by considering Decode-and-Forward (DF), with both standard and parity-forwarding techniques, and Compress-and-Forward (CF), along with superposition coding at the secondary nodes. Then a framework is proposed that extends the analysis to multiple primary users and multiple secondary users by leveraging the concept of Generalized Nash Equilibrium. Accordingly, multiple primary users, each owning its own spectral resource, compete for the cooperation of the available secondary users under a shared constraint on all spectrum leasing decisions set by the secondary QoS requirements. A general formulation of the problem is given and solutions are proposed with different signaling requirements among the primary users. The novel idea of interference forwarding as a mechanism to enable DiSC is proposed, whereby primary users lease part of their spectrum to the secondary users if the latter assist by forwarding information about the interference to enable interference mitigation at the primary receivers. Finally, an application of DiSC in multi-tier wireless networks such as femtocells overlaid by macrocells whereby the femtocell base station acts as a relay for the macrocell users is presented. The performance advantages of the proposed application are evaluated by studying the transmission reliability of macro and femto users for a quasi-static fading channel in terms of outage probability and diversity-multiplexing trade-off for uplink and, more briefly, for downlink

    Physical-layer network coding for two-way relay channels

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    Le codage réseau est apparu comme une technique alternative au routage au niveau de la couche réseau permettant d'améliorer le débit et d'optimiser l'utilisation de la capacité du réseau. Récemment, le codage réseau a été appliqué au niveau de la couche physique des réseaux sans-fil pour profiter de la superposition naturelle des signaux effectuée par le lien radio. Le codage réseau peut être vue comme un traitement interne du réseau pour lequel différentes techniques de relayage peuvent être utilisées. Cette thèse étudie un ensemble de traitements ayant des compromis variés en terme de performance et complexité. Nous considérons le canal bidirectionnel à relais, un modèle de canal de communication typique dans les réseaux coopératifs, où deux terminaux s'échangent mutuellement des messages par l'intermédiaire d'un relais. La communication se déroule en deux phases, une phase à accès multiple et une phase de broadcast. Pour ce scénario, nous analysons, dans une première partie, une stratégie de "decode-and-forward". Nous considérons, pour cette étude, des alphabets de taille finie et nous calculons les probabilités moyennes d'erreur de bout-en-bout en se basant sur la métrique d'exposant d'erreur du codage aléatoire. Puis, nous dérivons les régions des débits atteignables par rapport à une probabilité d'erreur maximale tolérable au niveau de chaque nœud. Dans une deuxième partie de la thèse, nous proposons deux schémas de codage réseau pratiques, avec complexité réduite, qui se basent sur la stratégie de relayage "compress-and-forward" (CF). Le premier schéma utilise un codage en réseau de points imbriqués (nested lattices). Le deuxième schéma est une version améliorée qui permet d'atteindre des débits de données supérieurs pour l'utilisateur qui a les meilleures conditions canal. Nous construisons les régions des débits atteignables par les deux schémas proposés tout en optimisant la répartition du temps alloué à chacune des deux phases de transmission. Après l'étude du régime asymptotique, nous analysons le schéma de codage CF avec des réseaux de points de dimension finie. Nous nous concentrons sur le problème de la transmission analogique où la distorsion est optimisée. Enfin, nous étudions l'application d'un schéma de codage, basé sur la stratégie CF avec des réseaux de points imbriqués, pour le canal bidirectionnel à canaux parallèles. Ainsi, nous présentons deux régions de débits atteignables selon la technique de traitement, conjoint ou séparé, des sous-canaux par le relais.Network coding has emerged as an alternative technique to routing that enhances the throughput at the network layer. Recently, network coding has been applied at the physical layer to take advantage of the natural signal superposition that occurs in the radio link. In this context, the physical-layer network coding can be seen as an in-network processing strategy for which multiple forwarding schemes can be proposed. This thesis investigates a set of processing schemes tailored to the network coding at the physical layer with various compromises between performance and complexity. We consider a two-way relay channel, a typical communication system in cooperative networks, where two terminals communicate with each other via a relay node. This communication occurs during two transmission phases, namely a multiple-access phase and a broadcast phase. For TWRC scenario, we first analyze a decode-and-forward strategy with finite size alphabets. We calculate the end-to-end average error probabilities based on random coding error exponents. Then, we derive the achievable rate regions with respect to a maximal probability of error allowed at each terminal. Next, we propose two low-complexity and practical schemes based on compress-and-forward relaying strategy. The first scheme employs nested lattice coding. The second is an improved version which enables higher data rates for the user experiencing the best channel conditions. We present an information-theoretic framework to reconstruct the achievable rate regions of both schemes by considering optimal time division between both transmission phases. After the asymptotic regime analysis, we study single-layer lattice coding scheme with finite dimension lattices. We focus on the analog transmission problem where the distortion is optimized. Finally, we investigate single-layer lattice coding scheme for parallel Gaussian two-way relay channel. We present two achievable rate regions based on whether the relay processes all the sub-channels jointly or separately.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Opportunistic communications in large uncoordinated networks

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    (English) The increase of wireless devices offering high data rate services limits the coexistence of wireless systems sharing the same resources in a given geographical area because of inter-system interference. Therefore, interference management plays a key role in permitting the coexistence of several heterogeneous communication services. However, classical interference management strategies require lateral information giving rise to the need for inter-system coordination and cooperation, which is not always practical. Opportunistic communications offer a potential solution to the problem of inter-system interference management. The basic principle of opportunistic communications is to efficiently and robustly exploit the resources available in a wireless network and adapt the transmitted signals to the state of the network to avoid inter-system interference. Therefore, opportunistic communications depend on inferring the available network resources that can be safely exploited without inducing interference in coexisting communication nodes. Once the available network resources are identified, the most prominent opportunistic communication techniques consist in designing scenario-adapted precoding/decoding strategies to exploit the so-called null space. Despite this, classical solutions in the literature suffer from two main drawbacks: the lack of robustness to detection errors and the need for intra-system cooperation. This thesis focuses on the design of a null space-based opportunistic communication scheme that addresses the drawbacks exhibited by existing methodologies under the assumption that opportunistic nodes do not cooperate. For this purpose, a generalized detection error model independent of the null-space identification mechanism is introduced that allows the design of solutions that exhibit minimal inter-system interference in the worst case. These solutions respond to a maximum signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) criterion, which is optimal under non-cooperative conditions. The proposed methodology allows the design of a family of orthonormal waveforms that perform a spreading of the modulated symbols within the detected null space, which is key to minimizing the induced interference density. The proposed solutions are invariant within the inferred null space, allowing the removal of the feedback link without giving up coherent waveform detection. In the absence of coordination, the waveform design relies solely on locally sensed network state information, inducing a mismatch between the null spaces identified by the transmitter and receiver that may worsen system performance. Although the proposed solution is robust to this mismatch, the design of enhanced receivers using active subspace detection schemes is also studied. When the total number of network resources increases arbitrarily, the proposed solutions tend to be linear combinations of complex exponentials, providing an interpretation in the frequency domain. This asymptotic behavior allows us to adapt the proposed solution to frequency-selective channels by means of a cyclic prefix and to study an efficient modulation similar to the time division multiplexing scheme but using circulant waveforms. Finally, the impact of the use of multiple antennas in opportunistic null space-based communications is studied. The performed analysis reveals that, in any case, the structure of the antenna clusters affects the opportunistic communication, since the proposed waveform mimics the behavior of a single-antenna transmitter. On the other hand, the number of sensors employed translates into an improvement in terms of SIR.(Català) El creixement incremental dels dispositius sense fils que requereixen serveis d'alta velocitat de dades limita la coexistència de sistemes sense fils que comparteixen els mateixos recursos en una àrea geogràfica donada a causa de la interferència entre sistemes. Conseqüentment, la gestió d'interferència juga un paper fonamental per a facilitar la coexistència de diversos serveis de comunicació heterogenis. No obstant això, les estratègies clàssiques de gestió d'interferència requereixen informació lateral originant la necessitat de coordinació i cooperació entre sistemes, que no sempre és pràctica. Les comunicacions oportunistes ofereixen una solució potencial al problema de la gestió de les interferències entre sistemes. El principi bàsic de les comunicacions oportunistes és explotar de manera eficient i robusta els recursos disponibles en una xarxa sense fils i adaptar els senyals transmesos a l'estat de la xarxa per evitar interferències entre sistemes. Per tant, les comunicacions oportunistes depenen de la inferència dels recursos de xarxa disponibles que poden ser explotats de manera segura sense induir interferència en els nodes de comunicació coexistents. Una vegada que s'han identificat els recursos de xarxa disponibles, les tècniques de comunicació oportunistes més prominents consisteixen en el disseny d'estratègies de precodificació/descodificació adaptades a l'escenari per explotar l'anomenat espai nul. Malgrat això, les solucions clàssiques en la literatura sofreixen dos inconvenients principals: la falta de robustesa als errors de detecció i la necessitat de cooperació intra-sistema. Aquesta tesi tracta el disseny d'un esquema de comunicació oportunista basat en l'espai nul que afronta els inconvenients exposats per les metodologies existents assumint que els nodes oportunistes no cooperen. Per a aquest propòsit, s'introdueix un model generalitzat d'error de detecció independent del mecanisme d'identificació de l'espai nul que permet el disseny de solucions que exhibeixen interferències mínimes entre sistemes en el cas pitjor. Aquestes solucions responen a un criteri de màxima relació de senyal a interferència (SIR), que és òptim en condicions de no cooperació. La metodologia proposada permet dissenyar una família de formes d'ona ortonormals que realitzen un spreading dels símbols modulats dins de l'espai nul detectat, que és clau per minimitzar la densitat d’interferència induïda. Les solucions proposades són invariants dins de l'espai nul inferit, permetent suprimir l'enllaç de retroalimentació i, tot i així, realitzar una detecció coherent de forma d'ona. Sota l’absència de coordinació, el disseny de la forma d'ona es basa únicament en la informació de l'estat de la xarxa detectada localment, induint un desajust entre els espais nuls identificats pel transmissor i receptor que pot empitjorar el rendiment del sistema. Tot i que la solució proposada és robusta a aquest desajust, també s'estudia el disseny de receptors millorats fent ús de tècniques de detecció de subespai actiu. Quan el nombre total de recursos de xarxa augmenta arbitràriament, les solucions proposades tendeixen a ser combinacions lineals d'exponencials complexes, proporcionant una interpretació en el domini freqüencial. Aquest comportament asimptòtic permet adaptar la solució proposada a entorns selectius en freqüència fent ús d'un prefix cíclic i estudiar una modulació eficient derivada de l'esquema de multiplexat per divisió de temps emprant formes d'ona circulant. Finalment, s’estudia l'impacte de l'ús de múltiples antenes en comunicacions oportunistes basades en l'espai nul. L'anàlisi realitzada permet concloure que, en cap cas, l'estructura de les agrupacions d'antenes tenen un impacte sobre la comunicació oportunista, ja que la forma d'ona proposada imita el comportament d'un transmissor mono-antena. D'altra banda, el nombre de sensors emprat es tradueix en una millora en termes de SIR.(Español) El incremento de los dispositivos inalámbricos que ofrecen servicios de alta velocidad de datos limita la coexistencia de sistemas inalámbricos que comparten los mismos recursos en un área geográfica dada a causa de la interferencia inter-sistema. Por tanto, la gestión de interferencia juega un papel fundamental para facilitar la coexistencia de varios servicios de comunicación heterogéneos. Sin embargo, las estrategias clásicas de gestión de interferencia requieren información lateral originando la necesidad de coordinación y cooperación entre sistemas, que no siempre es práctica. Las comunicaciones oportunistas ofrecen una solución potencial al problema de la gestión de las interferencias entre sistemas. El principio básico de las comunicaciones oportunistas es explotar de manera eficiente y robusta los recursos disponibles en una red inalámbricas y adaptar las señales transmitidas al estado de la red para evitar interferencias entre sistemas. Por lo tanto, las comunicaciones oportunistas dependen de la inferencia de los recursos de red disponibles que pueden ser explotados de manera segura sin inducir interferencia en los nodos de comunicación coexistentes. Una vez identificados los recursos disponibles, las técnicas de comunicación oportunistas más prominentes consisten en el diseño de estrategias de precodificación/descodificación adaptadas al escenario para explotar el llamado espacio nulo. A pesar de esto, las soluciones clásicas en la literatura sufren dos inconvenientes principales: la falta de robustez a los errores de detección y la necesidad de cooperación intra-sistema. Esta tesis propone diseñar un esquema de comunicación oportunista basado en el espacio nulo que afronta los inconvenientes expuestos por las metodologías existentes asumiendo que los nodos oportunistas no cooperan. Para este propósito, se introduce un modelo generalizado de error de detección independiente del mecanismo de identificación del espacio nulo que permite el diseño de soluciones que exhiben interferencias mínimas entre sistemas en el caso peor. Estas soluciones responden a un criterio de máxima relación de señal a interferencia (SIR), que es óptimo en condiciones de no cooperación. La metodología propuesta permite diseñar una familia de formas de onda ortonormales que realizan un spreading de los símbolos modulados dentro del espacio nulo detectado, que es clave para minimizar la densidad de interferencia inducida. Las soluciones propuestas son invariantes dentro del espacio nulo inferido, permitiendo suprimir el enlace de retroalimentación sin renunciar a la detección coherente de forma de onda. En ausencia de coordinación, el diseño de la forma de onda se basa únicamente en la información del estado de la red detectada localmente, induciendo un desajuste entre los espacios nulos identificados por el transmisor y receptor que puede empeorar el rendimiento del sistema. A pesar de que la solución propuesta es robusta a este desajuste, también se estudia el diseño de receptores mejorados usando técnicas de detección de subespacio activo. Cuando el número total de recursos de red aumenta arbitrariamente, las soluciones propuestas tienden a ser combinaciones lineales de exponenciales complejas, proporcionando una interpretación en el dominio frecuencial. Este comportamiento asintótico permite adaptar la solución propuesta a canales selectivos en frecuencia mediante un prefijo cíclico y estudiar una modulación eficiente derivada del esquema de multiplexado por división de tiempo empleando formas de onda circulante. Finalmente, se estudia el impacto del uso de múltiples antenas en comunicaciones oportunistas basadas en el espacio nulo. El análisis realizado revela que la estructura de las agrupaciones de antenas no afecta la comunicación oportunista, ya que la forma de onda propuesta imita el comportamiento de un transmisor mono-antena. Por otro lado, el número de sensores empleado se traduce en una mejora en términos de SIR.Postprint (published version

    Design of large polyphase filters in the Quadratic Residue Number System

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    Temperature aware power optimization for multicore floating-point units

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    D 3. 3 Final performance results and consolidated view on the most promising multi -node/multi -antenna transmission technologies

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    This document provides the most recent updates on the technical contributions and research challenges focused in WP3. Each Technology Component (TeC) has been evaluated under possible uniform assessment framework of WP3 which is based on the simulation guidelines of WP6. The performance assessment is supported by the simulation results which are in their mature and stable state. An update on the Most Promising Technology Approaches (MPTAs) and their associated TeCs is the main focus of this document. Based on the input of all the TeCs in WP3, a consolidated view of WP3 on the role of multinode/multi-antenna transmission technologies in 5G systems has also been provided. This consolidated view is further supported in this document by the presentation of the impact of MPTAs on METIS scenarios and the addressed METIS goals.Aziz, D.; Baracca, P.; De Carvalho, E.; Fantini, R.; Rajatheva, N.; Popovski, P.; Sørensen, JH.... (2015). D 3. 3 Final performance results and consolidated view on the most promising multi -node/multi -antenna transmission technologies. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/7675

    Advanced Trends in Wireless Communications

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    Physical limitations on wireless communication channels impose huge challenges to reliable communication. Bandwidth limitations, propagation loss, noise and interference make the wireless channel a narrow pipe that does not readily accommodate rapid flow of data. Thus, researches aim to design systems that are suitable to operate in such channels, in order to have high performance quality of service. Also, the mobility of the communication systems requires further investigations to reduce the complexity and the power consumption of the receiver. This book aims to provide highlights of the current research in the field of wireless communications. The subjects discussed are very valuable to communication researchers rather than researchers in the wireless related areas. The book chapters cover a wide range of wireless communication topics