114 research outputs found

    Parallelism in declarative languages

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    Imperative programming languages were initially built for uniprocessor systems that evolved out of the Von Neumann machine model. This model of storage oriented computation blocks parallelism and increases the cost of parallel program development and porting. Declarative languages based on mathematical models of computation, seem more suitable for the development of parallel programs. In the first part of this thesis we examine different language families under the declarative paradigm: functional, logic, and constraint languages. Functional languages are based on the abstract model of functions and (lamda)-calculus. They were initially developed for symbolic computation, but today they are commonly used in numerical analysis and many other application areas. Pure lisp is a widely known member of this class. Logic languages are based on first order predicate calculus. Although they were initially developed for theorem proving, fifth generation operating systems are written in them. Most logic languages are descendants or distant relatives of Prolog. Constraint languages are related to logic languages. In a constraint language you define a program object by placing constraints on its structure and its behavior. They were initially used in graphics applications, but today researchers work on using them in parallel computation. Here we will compare and contrast the language classes above, locate advantages and deficiencies, and explain different choices made by language implementors. In the second part of thesis we describe a front end for the CONSUL, a prototype constraint language for programming multiprocessors. The most important features of the front end are compact representation of constraints, type definitions, functional use of relations, and the ability to split programs into multiple files

    Structural operational semantics for Kernel Andorra Prolog

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    Kernel Andorra Prolog is a framework for nondeterministic concurrent constraint logic programming languages. Many languages, such as Prolog, GHC, Parlog, and Atomic Herbrand, can be seen as instances of this framework, by adding specific constraint systems and constraint operations, and optionally by imposing further restrictions on the language and the control of the computation model. We systematically revisit the description in Haridi and Jarison [HJ90], adding the formal machinery which is necessary in order to completely formalize the control of the computation model. To this we add a formal description of the transformational semantics of Kernel Andorra Prolog. The semantics of Kernel Andorra Prolog is a set of or-trees which also captures infinite computations

    PrologPF: Parallel Logic and Functions on the Delphi Machine

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    PrologPF is a parallelising compiler targeting a distributed system of general purpose workstations connected by a relatively low performance network. The source language extends standard Prolog with the integration of higher-order functions. The execution of a compiled PrologPF program proceeds in a similar manner to standard Prolog, but uses oracles in one of two modes. An oracle represents the sequence of clauses used to reach a given point in the problem search tree, and the same PrologPF executable can be used to build oracles, or follow oracles previously generated. The parallelisation strategy used by PrologPF proceeds in two phases, which this research shows can be interleaved. An initial phase searches the problem tree to a limited depth, recording the discovered incomplete paths. In the second phase these paths are allocated to the available processors in the network. Each processor follows its assigned paths and fully searches the referenced subtree, sending solutions back to a control processor. This research investigates the use of the technique with a one-time partitioning of the problem and no further scheduling communication, and with the recursive application of the partitioning technique to effect dynamic work reassignment. For a problem requiring all solutions to be found, execution completes when all the distributed processors have completed the search of their assigned subtrees. If one solution is required, the execution of all the path processors is terminated when the control processor receives the first solution. The presence of the extra-logical Prolog predicate cut in the user program conflicts with the use of oracles to represent valid open subtrees. PrologPF promotes the use of higher-order functional programming as an alternative to the use of cut. The combined language shows that functional support can be added as a consistent extension to standard Prolog

    Algebraic Stream Processing

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    We identify and analyse the typically higher-order approaches to stream processing in the literature. From this analysis we motivate an alternative approach to the specification of SPSs as STs based on an essentially first-order equational representation. This technique is called Cartesian form specification. More specifically, while STs are properly second-order objects we show that using Cartesian forms, the second-order models needed to formalise STs are so weak that we may use and develop well-understood first-order methods from computability theory and mathematical logic to reason about their properties. Indeed, we show that by specifying STs equationally in Cartesian form as primitive recursive functions we have the basis of a new, general purpose and mathematically sound theory of stream processing that emphasises the formal specification and formal verification of STs. The main topics that we address in the development of this theory are as follows. We present a theoretically well-founded general purpose stream processing language ASTRAL (Algebraic Stream TRAnsformer Language) that supports the use of modular specification techniques for full second-order STs. We show how ASTRAL specifications can be given a Cartesian form semantics using the language PREQ that is an equational characterisation of the primitive recursive functions. In more detail, we show that by compiling ASTRAL specifications into an equivalent Cartesian form in PREQ we can use first-order equational logic with induction as a logical calculus to reason about STs. In particular, using this calculus we identify a syntactic class of correctness statements for which the verification of ASTRAL programmes is decidable relative to this calculus. We define an effective algorithm based on term re-writing techniques to implement this calculus and hence to automatically verify a very broad class of STs including conventional hardware devices. Finally, we analyse the properties of this abstract algorithm as a proof assistant and discuss various techniques that have been adopted to develop software tools based on this algorithm
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