14 research outputs found

    Energy-aware test connection assignment for the self-diagnosis of a wireless sensor network

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    Abstract Sensor nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are prone to failures due to the fragile hardware, malicious attacks, or hostile or harsh environment. In order to assure reliable, long-term monitoring of the phenomenon under investigation, a major challenge is to detect node malfunctions as soon as possible and with an energy efficient approach. We address this problem by using a system-level diagnosis strategy in which the sink issues to the WSN a self-diagnosis task that involves a number of mutual tests among sensors. Based on the test outcomes, the sink executes the diagnosis procedure. This work presents an algorithm for the assignment of tests among the sensors of a WSN that assures the desired system diagnosability and that is aware of energy consumption. We show by simulation experiments that the present approach, as compared to a previous one, enables consistent energy savings on the sensors

    Fault diagnosability of regular graphs

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    An interconnection network\u27s diagnosability is an important measure of its self-diagnostic capability. In 2012, Peng et al. proposed a measure for fault diagnosis of the network, namely, the hh-good-neighbor conditional diagnosability, which requires that every fault-free node has at least hh fault-free neighbors. There are two well-known diagnostic models, PMC model and MM* model. The {\it hh-good-neighbor diagnosability} under the PMC (resp. MM*) model of a graph GG, denoted by thPMC(G)t_h^{PMC}(G) (resp. thMM∗(G)t_h^{MM^*}(G)), is the maximum value of tt such that GG is hh-good-neighbor tt-diagnosable under the PMC (resp. MM*) model. In this paper, we study the 22-good-neighbor diagnosability of some general kk-regular kk-connected graphs GG under the PMC model and the MM* model. The main result t2PMC(G)=t2MM∗(G)=g(k−1)−1t_2^{PMC}(G)=t_2^{MM^*}(G)=g(k-1)-1 with some acceptable conditions is obtained, where gg is the girth of GG. Furthermore, the following new results under the two models are obtained: t2PMC(HSn)=t2MM∗(HSn)=4n−5t_2^{PMC}(HS_n)=t_2^{MM^*}(HS_n)=4n-5 for the hierarchical star network HSnHS_n, t2PMC(Sn2)=t2MM∗(Sn2)=6n−13t_2^{PMC}(S_n^2)=t_2^{MM^*}(S_n^2)=6n-13 for the split-star networks Sn2S_n^2 and t2PMC(Γn(Δ))=t2MM∗(Γn(Δ))=6n−16t_2^{PMC}(\Gamma_{n}(\Delta))=t_2^{MM^*}(\Gamma_{n}(\Delta))=6n-16 for the Cayley graph generated by the 22-tree Γn(Δ)\Gamma_{n}(\Delta)

    Estratégias eficientes para identificação de falhas utilizando o diagnóstico baseado em comparações

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Elias Procópio Duarte Jr.Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Curso de Pós-Graduaçao em Informática. Defesa: Curitiba, 12/04/2013Bibliografia: fls. 126-148Resumo: O diagnóstico baseado em comparações e uma forma realista para detectar falhas em hardware, software, redes e sistemas distribuídos. O diagnostico se baseia na comparaçao de resultados de tarefas produzidos por pares de unidades para determinar quais sao as unidades falhas e sem-falha do sistema. Qualquer diferenca no resultado da comparacao indica que uma ou ambas as unidades estao falhas. O diagnostico completo do sistema e baseado no resultado de todas as comparações. Este trabalho apresenta um novo algoritmo de diagnostico para identificar falhas em sistemas de topologia arbitraria com base no modelo MM*. A complexidade do algoritmo proposto e O(t2AN) no pior caso para sistemas de N unidades, onde t denota o numero maximo permitido de unidades falhas e A e o grau da unidade de maior grau no sistema. Esta complexidade e significativamente menor que a dos outros algoritmos previamente publicados. Alem da especificacao do algoritmo e das provas de correcão, resultados obtidos atraves da execucao exaustiva de experimentos sao apresentados, mostrando o desempenho me dio do algoritmo para diferentes sistemas. Al em do novo algoritmo para sistemas de topologia arbitraria, este trabalho tambem apresenta duas outras solucoes para deteccão e combate a poluicao de conteudo, ou alteracoes nao autorizadas, em transmissões de mídia contínua ao vivo em redes P2P - a primeira e uma solucão centralizada e que realiza o diagnostico da poluicao na rede, e a segunda e uma solucao completamente distribuída e descentralizada que tem o objetivo de combater a propagacao da poluicao na rede. Ambas as solucoes utilizam o diagnostico baseado em comparacoes para detectar alterações no conteudo dos dados transmitidos. As soluções foram implementadas no Fireflies, um protocolo escalavel para redes overlay, e diversos experimentos atraves de simulacao foram conduzidos. Os resultados mostram que ambas as estrategias sao solucães viaveis para identificar e combater a poluiçcãao de conteudo em transmissãoes ao vivo e que adicionam baixa sobrecarga ao trafego da rede. Em particular a estrategia de combate a poluicao foi capaz de reduzir consideravelmente a poluicão de conteudo em diversas configurações, em varios casos chegando a elimina-la no decorrer das transmissoães.Abstract: Comparison-based diagnosis is a practical approach to detect faults in hardware, software, and network-based systems. Diagnosis is based on the comparison of task outputs returned by pairs of system units in order to determine whether those units are faulty or fault-free. If the comparison results in a mismatch then one ore both units are faulty. System diagnosis is based on the complete set of all comparison results. This work introduces a novel diagnosis algorithm to identify faults in t-diagnosable systems of arbitrary topology under the MM* model. The complexity of the proposed algorithm is O(t2AN) in the worst case for systems with N units, where t denotes the maximum number of faulty units allowed and A corresponds to the maximum degree of a unit in the system. This complexity is significantly lower than those of previously published algorithms. Besides the algorithm specification and correctness proofs, exhaustive simulations results are presented, showing the typical performance of the algorithm for different systems. Moreover, this work also presents two different strategies to detect and fight content pollution in P2P live streaming transmissions - the first strategy is centralized and performs the diagnosis of content pollution in the network, and the second strategy is a completely distributed solution to combat the propagation of the pollution. Both strategies employ comparison-based diagnosis in order to detect any modification in the data transmitted. The solutions were also implemented in Fireflies, a scalable and fault-tolerant overlay network protocol, and a large number of simulation experiments were conduced. Results show that both strategies are feasible solutions to identify and fight content pollution in live streaming sessions and that they add low overhead in terms of network bandwidth usage. In particular, the solution proposed to combat content pollution was able to significantly reduce the pollution over the system in diverse network configurations - in many cases the solution nearly eliminated the pollution during the transmission