8,523 research outputs found

    Naturalistic monitoring of the affect-heart rate relationship: A Day Reconstruction Study

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    Objective: Prospective studies have linked both negative affective states and trait neuroticism with hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and mortality. However, identifying how fluctuations in cardiovascular activity in day-to-day settings are related to changes in affect and stable personality characteristics has remained a methodological and logistical challenge. Design - In the present study, we tested the association between affect, affect variability, personality and heart rate (HR) in daily life. Measures: We utilized an online day reconstruction survey to produce a continuous account of affect, interaction, and activity patterns during waking hours. Ambulatory HR was assessed during the same period. Consumption, activity, and baseline physiological characteristics were assessed in order to isolate the relationships between affect, personality and heart rate. Results: Negative affect and variability in positive affect predicted an elevated ambulatory HR and tiredness a lower HR. Emotional stability was inversely related to HR, whereas agreeableness predicted a higher HR. Baseline resting HR was unrelated to either affect or personality. Conclusion: The results suggest that both state and trait factors implicated in negative affectivity may be risk factors for increased cardiovascular reactivity in everyday life. Combining day reconstruction with psychophysiological and environmental monitoring is discussed as a minimally invasive method with promising interdisciplinary relevance.heart rate, negative affect, affect variability, Big Five, Day Reconstruction Method

    GPS analysis of a team competing at a national Under 18 field hockey tournament

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    The purpose of this study was to utilise global-positioning system (GPS) technology to quantify the running demands of national Under 18 field hockey players competing in a regional field hockey tournament. Ten male players (mean ± SD; age 17.2 ± 0.4 years; stature 178.1 ± 5.2 cm; body mass 78.8 ± 8.8 kg) wore GPS units while competing in six matches over seven days at the 2018 New Zealand national under 18 field hockey tournament. GPS enabled the measurement of total distance (TD), low-speed activity (LSA; 0 -14.9 km/hr), and high-speed running (HSR; ≥ 15 km/hr) distances. Differences in running demands (TD, LSA, HSR) between positions were assessed using effect size and percent difference ± 90% confidence intervals. Midfielders covered the most TD and LSA per game and strikers the most HSR during the 6 matches. There were “very large” differences between strikers and midfielders for TD and LSA, strikers and defenders for LSA and HSR, and defenders and midfielders for LSA. These results suggest that these playing positions are sufficiently different to warrant specialised position-specific conditioning training leading into a field hockey tournament

    The effects of morning preconditioning protocols on testosterone, cortisol and afternoon sprint cycling performance [conference presentation]

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    Opportunities exist for athletes to undertake morning exercise protocols in an attempt to potentate afternoon performance. Four sub elite track sprint cyclists completed a morning cycling (Cyc) or weights-based protocol (WP) prior to an afternoon cycling time trial (500m) in a repeated measures, counterbalance crossover design. Measured variables included heart rate, blood lactate, cycling peak power, salivary testosterone (T) and cortisol levels along with time trial performance. Standardised differences in means via magnitude-based inferences were calculated using paired samples T-tests in SPSS version 24 with statistical significance set at p < 0.05. The WP produced significantly faster times in the final 250m in comparison to CycP. The anticipated circadian decline of T was observed after the CycP but was however mitigated following the WP. While slight decreases in 500m times were experienced during the WP, they were not significant and were considered within the normal variations experienced between performances by elite athletes. The effect of the WP on the circadian rhythm of T could be linked to a greater recruitment of muscle fibres. Results suggest a morning resistance protocol can positively affect testosterone levels for afternoon performance. Possible gender and individual responses from conducting a W over Cyc protocol were observed and require further investigation

    An Investigation of the Relationship Between Subjective Mental Workload and Objective Indicators of User Activity

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    Whilst the concept of physical workload is intuitively understood and readily applicable in system design, the same cannot be said of mental workload (MWL), despite its importance in our increasingly technological society. Despite its origin in the mid 20th century, the very concept of ”mental workload” is still a topic of debate in the literature, although it can be loosely defined as “the amount of mental work necessary for a person to complete a task” (Miller, 1956; Longo, 2014). Several methods have been utilized to measure of MWL, including physiological methods such as neuro-imagery, performance-based metrics, and subjective measures via questionnaires, such as the NASA-TLX method (NASA, 2022). In this work, the relationship between subjective measures of MWL and objective indicators of activity is examined. Herein, a series of web-based tasks have been developed with mouse-activity monitoring implemented in JavaScript in order to study this relationship. The experimental results indicate that user mouse activity does not correlate with subjective indicators of MWL


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    In the education and workplace landscape of the 21st century, it is often said that a person is only as valuable as the ideas s/he has and can share. Public speaking skills are essential to help people effectively exchange ideas, persuade, inform their audiences as well as make a tangible impact. They also plays a vital role in one’s academic and professional success. However, research shows that public speaking anxiety (PSA) ranks as a top social phobia among many people and tends to be aggravated in minorities, first generation students, and non-native speakers. This research aims at mitigating this anxiety by utilizing physiological (cardiovascular activity, electrodermal activity etc.) and acoustic (pitch, intonation, etc.) indices captured from wearable devices and virtual reality (VR) interfaces to quantify and predict PSA. This work also examines the significance of individual-specific factors, such as general trait anxiety and personality metrics, as well as contextual factors, such as age, gender, highest education, and native language, receny of public speaking in moderating the association between bio-behavioural (physiological and acoustic) indices and PSA. The individual-specific information is used to develop population-specific machine learning models of PSA. Results of this research highlight the importance of including such factors for detecting PSA with the proposed population-based PSA models yielding Spearman’s correlation of 0.55 n(p < 0.05) between the actual and predicted state-based scores. This work further analyzes whether systematic exposure to public speaking tasks in a VR environment can help alleviate PSA. Results indicate that systematic exposure to public speaking in VR can alleviate PSA in terms of both self-reported (p < 0.05) and physiological (p < 0.05) indices. Findings of this study will enable researchers to better understand antedecedents and causes of PSA as well as lay the foundation toward developing adaptive behavioural interventions for social communication disorders using systematic exposure (e.g., through VR stimuli), relaxation feedback, and cognitive restructuring

    Measuring cognitive load and cognition: metrics for technology-enhanced learning

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    This critical and reflective literature review examines international research published over the last decade to summarise the different kinds of measures that have been used to explore cognitive load and critiques the strengths and limitations of those focussed on the development of direct empirical approaches. Over the last 40 years, cognitive load theory has become established as one of the most successful and influential theoretical explanations of cognitive processing during learning. Despite this success, attempts to obtain direct objective measures of the theory's central theoretical construct – cognitive load – have proved elusive. This obstacle represents the most significant outstanding challenge for successfully embedding the theoretical and experimental work on cognitive load in empirical data from authentic learning situations. Progress to date on the theoretical and practical approaches to cognitive load are discussed along with the influences of individual differences on cognitive load in order to assess the prospects for the development and application of direct empirical measures of cognitive load especially in technology-rich contexts

    Age prediction through the influence of fatigue levels in human-computer interaction

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Informatics EngineeringThe evolution of current times and the available technology is making it easier to access potentially inappropriate content. Therefore, the ability to detect the age of the human being, by non-invasive methods, is increasingly necessary to reduce possible false claims. All of these claims arise through interactions with the device, so, and taking into account the demands and the fast pace of everyday life, the intent is to develop a system capable of detecting age groups, taking into account the presence of human factors like fatigue or stress that can change the interaction patterns. This system will use biometric features created by keyboard and mouse events, describing typing velocity, mouse acceleration, and so on in the period of five minutes. However, keeping in mind the everyday pace and the growth in mobile phone use, a similar system is created for this case study.A evolução dos tempos modernos e das tecnologias existentes está a tornar mais fácil o acesso a conteúdos potencialmente impróprios. Assim, a capacidade para detetar a idade de um ser humano, por métodos não invasivos, é cada vez mais necessário de forma a reduzir potenciais falsas alegações. Todas estas alegações provêm através de interações com um dispositivo, dessa forma, e tendo em conta as exigências e o ritmo acelerado do quotidiano, o objetivo passa pelo desenvolvimento de um sistema capaz de detetar idades, considerando a presença de fatores humanos que poderão influenciar os padrões de interação, como fadiga ou stress. Este sistema irá utilizar biometrias criadas a partir de eventos de teclado e rato, descrevendo velocidade de escrita, aceleração do rato, entre outras no período de cinco minutos. Contudo, tendo em conta o ritmo acelerado do quotidiano e crescimento do uso de telemóveis, um sistema similar é criado para este caso estudo

    Virtual reality environments for the study of decision-making processes in risky contexts through the use of physiological measures and behavioural responses

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Comprender el comportamiento humano en situaciones de riesgo, cómo los factores individuales y externos influyen en nuestras decisiones y en qué medida es posible influir y modificar nuestros comportamientos, constituye un desafío tanto para los científicos como para la sociedad en general. Desde la perspectiva de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SST), así como en numerosos campos como la sociología y las finanzas, este tema tiene importantes implicaciones ya que las situaciones de riesgo son un aspecto común en diversos ámbitos de nuestra vida. La toma de riesgos (TR) es parte del proceso de toma de decisiones en situaciones de incertidumbre, en las que se conoce de antemano la probabilidad de cada consecuencia positiva o negativa. Si bien el concepto de la TR está bien definido en la literatura, se ha abordado desde diferentes perspectivas, por lo que los factores que se han propuesto para explicar o moderar la TR también son muy diversos. Centrándonos en los factores individuales (procesos cognitivos y emocionales) que influyen en la TR, estos pueden afectar la forma en que se abordan las situaciones peligrosas de dos maneras diferentes. En primer lugar, pueden sesgar la percepción de una situación, de modo que no se lleve a cabo una evaluación adecuada y por tanto esto lleve a conductas sesgadas. En segundo lugar, estos factores configuran una cierta propensión general al riesgo en los seres humanos, de modo que pueden o no sentirse atraídos por situaciones potencialmente peligrosas. De la misma manera que la definición de la TR se ha abordado desde diferentes perspectivas, su evaluación también se ha tratado desde diferentes puntos de vista y constituye hoy en día un desafío para investigadores y profesionales, por lo que no se ha encontrado un consenso claro en cuanto a la existencia de una medida validada para la TR. La evaluación de la TR se ha realizado tradicionalmente mediante cuestionarios; sin embargo, se ha demostrado que estas medidas presentan diversas limitaciones que pueden conducir a resultados alterados. Las tareas comportamentales surgen como una solución alternativa capaz de superar algunas de estas barreras. En cambio, su capacidad de transferencia a situaciones de la vida real parece ser limitada. La realidad virtual (RV) permite recrear situaciones reales simuladas para realizar evaluaciones basadas en el desempeño. La RV presenta numerosas ventajas que pueden aportar beneficios para la evaluación de los comportamientos humanos, ya que aporta una mayor inmersión, fidelidad y un mayor nivel de implicación que los métodos de evaluación tradicionales, y numerosos trabajos en el campo de la psicología aplicada y la neurociencia organizacional han avalado su uso para evaluación humana. En esta investigación, proponemos la RV como tecnología capaz de facilitar el estudio de los procesos de la TR, aprovechando sus numerosas posibilidades, que se pueden resumir como: simulación de situaciones de riesgo realistas, interacciones naturales con el entorno virtual, inclusión de medidas implícitas para evaluación oculta y medición fisiológica en tiempo real. Esta tesis proporciona aportaciones a la definición de la TR, particularmente en la identificación de qué factores constituyen este complejo proceso. Además, investiga el uso de la RV inmersiva en la investigación del comportamiento humano, específicamente para la evaluación de la TR, proporcionando premisas de diseño de entornos virtuales para la evaluación de los constructos psicológicos identificados como determinantes para definir la TR. Finalmente, analiza la validez de la RV en combinación con medidas fisiológicas para la evaluación de la TR de forma implícita.[CA] Comprendre el comportament humà en situacions de risc, com els factors individuals i externs influeixen en les nostres decisions i en quina mesura és possible influir i modificar els nostres comportaments, constitueix un desafiament tant per als científics com per a la societat en general. Des de la perspectiva de la Seguretat i Salut en el Treball (SST), així com en nombrosos camps com la sociologia i les finances, aquest tema té importants implicacions ja que les situacions de risc són un aspecte comú en diversos àmbits de la nostra vida. La presa de riscos (PR) és part del procés de presa de decisions en situacions d'incertesa, en les quals es coneix per endavant la probabilitat de cada conseqüència positiva o negativa. Si bé el concepte de la PR està ben definit en la literatura, s'ha abordat des de diferents perspectives, per la qual cosa els factors que s'han proposat per a explicar o moderar la PR també són molt diversos. Centrant-nos en els factors individuals (processos cognitius i emocionals) que influeixen en la PR, aquests poden afectar la forma en què s'aborden les situacions perilloses de dues maneres diferents. En primer lloc, poden esbiaixar la percepció d'una situació, de manera que no es duga a terme una avaluació adequada i per tant això porte a conductes esbiaixades. En segon lloc, aquests factors configuren una certa propensió general al risc en els éssers humans, de manera que poden o no sentir-se atrets per situacions potencialment perilloses. De la mateixa manera que la definició de la PR s'ha abordat des de diferents perspectives, la seua avaluació també s'ha tractat des de diferents punts de vista i constitueix hui dia un desafiament per a investigadors i professionals, per la qual cosa no s'ha trobat un consens clar quant a l'existència d'una mesura validada per a la PR. L'avaluació de la PR s'ha realitzat tradicionalment mitjançant qüestionaris; no obstant això, s'ha demostrat que aquestes mesures presenten diverses limitacions que poden conduir a resultats alterats. Les tasques comportamentals sorgeixen com una solució alternativa capaç de superar algunes d'aquestes barreres. En canvi, la seua capacitat de transferència a situacions de la vida real sembla ser limitada. La realitat virtual (RV) permet recrear situacions reals simulades per a realitzar avaluacions basades en l'acompliment. La RV presenta nombrosos avantatges que poden aportar beneficis per a l'avaluació dels comportaments humans, ja que aporta una major immersió, fidelitat i un major nivell d'implicació que els mètodes d'avaluació tradicionals, i nombrosos treballs en el camp de la psicologia aplicada i la neurociència organitzacional han avalat el seu ús per a avaluació humana. En aquesta investigació, proposem la RV com a tecnologia capaç de facilitar l'estudi dels processos de la PR, aprofitant les seues nombroses possibilitats, que es poden resumir com: simulació de situacions de risc realistes, interaccions naturals amb l'entorn virtual, inclusió de mesures implícites per a avaluació oculta i mesurament fisiològic en temps real. Aquesta tesi proporciona aportacions a la definició de la PR, particularment en la identificació de quins factors constitueixen aquest complex procés. A més, investiga l'ús de la RV immersiva en la investigació del comportament humà, específicament per a l'avaluació de la PR, proporcionant premisses de disseny d'entorns virtuals per a l'avaluació dels constructes psicològics identificats com a determinants per a definir la PR. Finalment, analitza la validesa de la RV en combinació amb mesures fisiològiques per a l'avaluació de la PR de manera implícita.[EN] Understanding human behaviour in risk situations, how individual and external factors influence our decisions and to what extent it is possible to influence and modify our behaviours, constitutes a challenge both for scientists and for society in general. From the perspective of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), as well as in numerous fields such as sociology of finance, this topic has important implications since risk situations are a common aspect in various domains of our lives. Risk taking (RT) is part of the decision-making process in uncertain situations, in which the probability of each positive or negative consequence is known in advance. Although the concept of RT is well defined in the literature, it has been approached from different perspectives, so that the factors that have been proposed to explain or moderate RT are also very diverse. Focusing on the individual factors - cognitive and emotional processes - that influence RT, these may affect how hazardous situations are addressed in two different ways. First, they can skew the perception of a situation, so that an adequate evaluation is not carried out and therefore this leads to biased behaviors. Second, these factors shape a certain general propensity towards risk in humans, so that they may or may not be attracted to potentially dangerous situations. In the same way that the definition of RT has been approached from different perspectives, the evaluation of RT has also been treated from different points of view and nowadays constitutes a challenge for researchers and practitioners, so that a clear consensus has not been found regarding the existence of a validated measure for RT. RT evaluation has traditionally been carried out using questionnaires; however, it has been demonstrated that these measures present various limitations that can lead to altered results. Behavioural tasks emerge as an alternative solution capable of overcoming some of these boundaries. Instead, their ability to transference to real life situations appears to be limited. Virtual reality (VR) enables recreating real-simulated situations to carry out performance-based assessments. VR presents numerous advantages that can provide benefits for the evaluation of human behaviours, since it provides greater immersion, fidelity and a higher level of involvement than traditional evaluation methods, and numerous works in the field of applied psychology and organizational neuroscience have endorsed its use for human assessment. In this investigation, we propose VR as technology capable of facilitating the study of RT processes, taking advantage of its numerous possibilities, which can be resumed as: simulation of realistic risk situations, natural interactions with the virtual environment, inclusion of implicit measures for stealth assessment and physiological real-time measurement. This thesis provides novel contributions to the definition of RT, particularly in the identification of which factors constitute this complex process. Moreover, it investigates the use of immersive VR in human behaviour research, specifically for RT assessment, providing design premises of virtual environments for the evaluation of the psychological constructs identified as determinants to define RT. Finally, it analyses the validity of VR in combination with physiological measures for the evaluation of RT in an implicit way.Contrato predoctoral FPI (BES-2017-079857). Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Madrid, Spain).Juan Ripoll, CD. (2021). Virtual reality environments for the study of decision-making processes in risky contexts through the use of physiological measures and behavioural responses [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/171236TESISCompendi

    Predictive biometrics: A review and analysis of predicting personal characteristics from biometric data

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    Interest in the exploitation of soft biometrics information has continued to develop over the last decade or so. In comparison with traditional biometrics, which focuses principally on person identification, the idea of soft biometrics processing is to study the utilisation of more general information regarding a system user, which is not necessarily unique. There are increasing indications that this type of data will have great value in providing complementary information for user authentication. However, the authors have also seen a growing interest in broadening the predictive capabilities of biometric data, encompassing both easily definable characteristics such as subject age and, most recently, `higher level' characteristics such as emotional or mental states. This study will present a selective review of the predictive capabilities, in the widest sense, of biometric data processing, providing an analysis of the key issues still adequately to be addressed if this concept of predictive biometrics is to be fully exploited in the future

    Neurometrics applied to banknote and security features design

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una metodología sobre la aplicación del neuroanálisis en el diseño de billetes y elementos de seguridad. Tradicionalmente, la evaluación de la percepción de los billetes se ha basado en respuestas explícitas de las personas, obtenidas a través de cuestionarios y entrevistas. Las medidas implícitas se refieren a métodos y técnicas capaces de capturar los procesos mentales implícitos de las personas. La neurociencia ha demostrado que la consciencia humana no interviene en la mayoría de los procesos cerebrales que regulan las emociones, actitudes, comportamientos y decisiones. Es decir, estos procesos implícitos son funciones cerebrales que se producen automáticamente y sin control consciente. La metodología sobre el neuroanálisis puede aplicarse al diseño de billetes y elementos de seguridad, y utilizarse como una herramienta de análisis eficaz para evaluar los procesos cognitivos de las personas, como el interés visual, la atención a ciertas áreas del billete, las emociones, la motivación, la carga mental para comprender el diseño y el nivel de estimulación. La metodología del neuroanálisis propuesta ofrece un criterio para tomar decisiones sobre qué diseños de billetes y elementos de seguridad tienen una configuración más adecuada para el público, basada en el seguimiento de procesos conscientes, usando medidas explícitas tradicionales, y procesos inconscientes, usando técnicas neurométricas. La metodología del neuroanálisis trata variables neurométricas cuantificables obtenidas del público al procesar eventos como el movimiento ocular, la fijación visual, la expresión facial, la variación del ritmo cardíaco, la conductancia de la piel, etc. La aplicación de un estudio de neuroanálisis se lleva a cabo con un grupo de personas representativo de la población para la que se realiza el diseño de un billete o los elementos de seguridad. En el estudio neurométrico se ofrece a los participantes muestras físicas adecuadamente preparadas para recoger las diferentes respuestas neurométricas de los participantes, que luego se procesan para sacar conclusiones.The aim of this paper is to present a methodology on the application of neuroanalysis to the design of banknotes and security features. Traditionally, evaluation of the perception of banknotes is based on explicit personal responses obtained through questionnaires and interviews. The implicit measures refer to methods and techniques capable of capturing people’s implicit mental processes. Neuroscience has shown that, in most brain processes regulating emotions, attitudes, behaviours and decisions, human consciousness does not intervene. That is to say, these implicit processes are brain functions that occur automatically and without conscious control. The methodology on neuroanalysis can be applied to the design of banknotes and security features, and used as an effective analysis tool to assess people’s cognitive processes, namely: visual interest, attention to certain areas of the banknote, emotions, motivation and the mental load to understand the design and level of stimulation. The proposed neuroanalysis methodology offers a criterion for making decisions about which banknote designs and security features have a more suitable configuration for the public. It is based on the monitoring of conscious processes, using traditional explicit measures, and unconscious processes, using neurometric techniques. The neuroanalysis methodology processes quantifiable neurometric variables obtained from the public when processing events, such as eye movement, sight fixation, facial expression, heart rate variation, skin conductance, etc. A neuroanalysis study is performed with a selected group of people representative of the population for which the design of a banknote or security features is made. In the neurometric study, suitably prepared physical samples are shown to the participants to collect their different neurometric responses, which are then processed to draw conclusions