3,007 research outputs found

    Intelligent Decision Support Systems- A Framework

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    Information technology applications that support decision-making processes and problem- solving activities have thrived and evolved over the past few decades. This evolution led to many different types of Decision Support System (DSS) including Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS). IDSS include domain knowledge, modeling, and analysis systems to provide users the capability of intelligent assistance which significantly improves the quality of decision making. IDSS includes knowledge management component which stores and manages a new class of emerging AI tools such as machine learning and case-based reasoning and learning. These tools can extract knowledge from previous data and decisions which give DSS capability to support repetitive, complex real-time decision making.  This paper attempts to assess the role of IDSS in decision making. First, it explores the definitions and understanding of DSS and IDSS. Second, this paper illustrates a framework of IDSS along with various tools and technologies that support it. Keywords: Decision Support Systems, Data Warehouse, ETL, Data Mining, OLAP, Groupware, KDD, IDS

    An integrated approach to value chain analysis of end of life aircraft treatment

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    Dans cette thèse, on propose une approche holistique pour l’analyse, la modélisation et l’optimisation des performances de la chaîne de valeur pour le traitement des avions en fin de vie (FdV). Les recherches réalisées ont débouché sur onze importantes contributions. Dans la première contribution, on traite du contexte, de la complexité, de la diversité et des défis du recyclage d’avions en FdV. La seconde contribution traite du problème de la prédiction du nombre de retraits d’avions et propose une approche intégrée pour l’estimation de ce nombre de retraits. Le troisième et le quatrième articles visent à identifier les parties prenantes, les valeurs perçues par chaque partenaire et indiquent comment cette valeur peut affecter les décisions au stade de la conception. Les considérations relatives à la conception et à la fabrication ont donné lieu à quatre contributions importantes. La cinquième contribution traite des défis et opportunités pouvant résulter de l’application des concepts de la chaîne logistique verte, pour les manufacturiers d’avions. Dans la sixième contribution, un outil d’aide à la décision a été développé pour choisir la stratégie verte qui optimise les performances globales de de toute la chaîne de valeur en tenant compte des priorités et contraintes de chaque partenaire. Dans la septième contribution, un modèle mathématique est proposé pour analyser le choix stratégique des manufacturiers en réponse aux directives en matière de FdV de produits comme le résultat des interactions des compétiteurs dans le marché. La huitième contribution porte sur les travaux réalisés dans le cadre d’un stage chez le constructeur d’avions, Bombardier. Cette dernière traite de l’apport de « l’analyse du cycle de vie » au stade de la conception d’avions. La neuvième contribution introduit une méthodologie d’analyse de la chaîne de valeur dans un contexte de développement durable. Finalement, les dixième et onzième contributions proposent une approche holistique pour le traitement des avions en FdV en intégrant les concepts du « lean », du développement durable et des contraintes et opportunités inhérentes à la mondialisation des affaires. Un modèle d’optimisation intégrant les modèles d’affaires, les stratégies de désassemblage et les structures du réseau qui influencent l’efficacité, la stabilité et l’agilité du réseau de récupération est proposé. Les données requises pour exploiter le modèle sont indiquées dans l’article. Mots-clés: Fin de vie des avions, analyse de la chaîne de valeurs, développement durable, intervenants.The number of aircrafts at the end of life (EOL) is continuously increasing. Dealing with retired aircrafts considering the environmental, social and economic impacts is becoming an emerging problem in the aviation industry in near future. This thesis seeks to develop a holistic approach in order to analyze the value chain of EOL aircraft treatment in the context of sustainable development. The performed researches have led to eleven main contributions. In the first contribution, the complexity and diversity of the EOL aircraft recycling including the challenges and problem context are discussed. The second contribution addresses the challenges for estimation of retired aircrafts and proposes an integrated approach for prediction of EOL aircrafts. The third and fourth contributions aim to identify the players involved in EOL recycling context, values perceived by different shareholders and formulate that how such value can affect design decisions. Design stage consideration and manufacture’s issues are discussed and have led to four main contributions. The fifth contribution addresses the opportunities and challenges of applying green supply chain for aircraft manufacturers. In the sixth contribution, a decision tool is developed to aid manufactures in early stage of design for their green strategy choices. In the seventh contribution, a mathematical model is developed in order to analyze the strategic choice of manufacturers in response to EOL directives as the result of the interaction of competitors in the market. An internship project has been also performed in Bombardier and led to the eighth contribution, which addresses life cycle approach and incorporating the sustainability in early stage of design of aircraft. The ninth contribution introduces a methodology for analyzing the value chain in the context of sustainable development. Finally, the tenth and eleventh contributions propose a holistic approach to EOL aircraft treatment considering lean principals, sustainable development, and global business environment. An optimization model is developed to support decision making in both strategic and managerial level. The analytical approaches, decision tools and step by step guidelines proposed in this thesis will aid decision makers to identify appropriate strategies for the EOL aircraft treatment in the sustainable development context. Keywords: End of life aircraft, value chain analysis, sustainable development, stakeholders

    Development and Integration of Geometric and Optimization Algorithms for Packing and Layout Design

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    The research work presented in this dissertation focuses on the development and application of optimization and geometric algorithms to packing and layout optimization problems. As part of this research work, a compact packing algorithm, a physically-based shape morphing algorithm, and a general purpose constrained multi-objective optimization algorithm are proposed. The compact packing algorithm is designed to pack three-dimensional free-form objects with full rotational freedom inside an arbitrary enclosure such that the packing efficiency is maximized. The proposed compact packing algorithm can handle objects with holes or cavities and its performance does not degrade significantly with the increase in the complexity of the enclosure or the objects. It outputs the location and orientation of all the objects, the packing sequence, and the packed configuration at the end of the packing operation. An improved layout algorithm that works with arbitrary enclosure geometry is also proposed. Different layout algorithms for the SAE and ISO luggage are proposed that exploit the unique characteristics of the problem under consideration. Several heuristics to improve the performance of the packing algorithm are also proposed. The proposed compact packing algorithm is benchmarked on a wide variety of synthetic and hypothetical problems and is shown to outperform other similar approaches. The physically-based shape morphing algorithm proposed in this dissertation is specifically designed for packing and layout applications, and thus it augments the compact packing algorithm. The proposed shape morphing algorithm is based on a modified mass-spring system which is used to model the morphable object. The shape morphing algorithm mimics a quasi-physical process similar to the inflation/deflation of a balloon filled with air. The morphing algorithm starts with an initial manifold geometry and morphs it to obtain a desired volume such that the obtained geometry does not interfere with the objects surrounding it. Several modifications to the original mass-spring system and to the underlying physics that governs it are proposed to significantly speed-up the shape morphing process. Since the geometry of a morphable object continuously changes during the morphing process, most collision detection algorithms that assume the colliding objects to be rigid cannot be used efficiently. And therefore, a general-purpose surface collision detection algorithm is also proposed that works with deformable objects and does not require any preprocessing. Many industrial design problems such as packing and layout optimization are computationally expensive, and a faster optimization algorithm can reduce the number of iterations (function evaluations) required to find the satisfycing solutions. A new multi-objective optimization algorithm namely Archive-based Micro Genetic Algorithm (AMGA2) is presented in this dissertation. Improved formulation for various operators used by the AMGA2 such as diversity preservation techniques, genetic variation operators, and the selection mechanism are also proposed. The AMGA2 also borrows several concepts from mathematical sciences to improve its performance and benefits from the existing literature in evolutionary optimization. A comprehensive benchmarking and comparison of AMGA2 with other state-of-the-art optimization algorithms on a wide variety of mathematical problems gleaned from literature demonstrates the superior performance of AMGA2. Thus, the research work presented in this dissertation makes contributions to the development and application of optimization and geometric algorithms

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 192

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    This bibliography lists 247 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in March 1979


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    A Critical Review of Optimization Methods for Road Vehicles Design

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/77078/1/AIAA-2006-6998-235.pd

    ARPA Whitepaper

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    We propose a secure computation solution for blockchain networks. The correctness of computation is verifiable even under malicious majority condition using information-theoretic Message Authentication Code (MAC), and the privacy is preserved using Secret-Sharing. With state-of-the-art multiparty computation protocol and a layer2 solution, our privacy-preserving computation guarantees data security on blockchain, cryptographically, while reducing the heavy-lifting computation job to a few nodes. This breakthrough has several implications on the future of decentralized networks. First, secure computation can be used to support Private Smart Contracts, where consensus is reached without exposing the information in the public contract. Second, it enables data to be shared and used in trustless network, without disclosing the raw data during data-at-use, where data ownership and data usage is safely separated. Last but not least, computation and verification processes are separated, which can be perceived as computational sharding, this effectively makes the transaction processing speed linear to the number of participating nodes. Our objective is to deploy our secure computation network as an layer2 solution to any blockchain system. Smart Contracts\cite{smartcontract} will be used as bridge to link the blockchain and computation networks. Additionally, they will be used as verifier to ensure that outsourced computation is completed correctly. In order to achieve this, we first develop a general MPC network with advanced features, such as: 1) Secure Computation, 2) Off-chain Computation, 3) Verifiable Computation, and 4)Support dApps' needs like privacy-preserving data exchange
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