97 research outputs found

    12th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Information Technology (SEIT 2022)

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    A way to reduce carbon emissions in cities is through movement by bicycle or on foot. However, it sometimes means to pass through high-pollution zones and consequently breath low quality air. We then propose a green Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) for zero-emission mobility users, providing users with low-pollution routes to avoid the high-pollution zones. This proposal uses ITS to promote the use of alternative transportation to classical motor vehicles to reduce carbon emissions. This is based on Complex Event Processing (CEP) technology to gather and process real-time data, a Decision Support System designed as a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) to make decisions about recommended transit zones, taking also into account the user experience level and specific weather data, and Colored Petri Nets (CPN) as a tool to compute the routes. This is therefore an all-in-one solution to provide green routes, with the benefits of each one of the technologies used

    An Intelligent Transportation System to control air pollution and road traffic in cities ntegrating CEP and Colored Petri Nets

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    Air pollution generated by road traffic in large cities is a great concern in today’s society since pollution has an important impact on human health, even causing premature deaths. To address the problem, this paper presents an Intelligent Transportation System model based on Complex Event Processing technology and Colored Petri Nets (CPNs). It takes into consideration the levels of environmental pollution and road traffic, according to the air quality levels accepted by the international recommendations as well as the handbook emission factors for road transport methodology. This proposal, therefore, tackles a common problem in today’s large cities, where traffic restrictions must be applied due to environmental pollution. CPNs are used in this work as a tool to make decisions about traffic regulations, so as to reduce pollution levels

    DataSet for the paper: "An Intelligent Transportation System to Control Air Pollution and Road Traffic in Cities Integrating CEP and Colored Petri nets"

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    These files should be considered as additional material for the paper "An Intelligent Transportation System to Control Air Pollution and Road Traffic in Cities Integrating CEP and Colored Petri nets". Its aim is to show how to reproduce the observed data by using the developed Color Petri Nets

    A SysML profile for smart city applications

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    A smart city is an urban center that integrates a variety of solutions to enhance infrastructure performance and achieve sustainable urban development. Urban roads are a critical infrastructure highly demanded by citizens and organizations interested in their deployment, performance, and safety. Urban traffic signal control is a major and challenging problem in the real world, which aims to monitor and enhance traffic congestion. Therefore, the deployment of traffic signals for vehicles or pedestrians at a junction is a complex activity, as it is necessary to establish rules to control the flow of vehicles and pedestrians. Also, traffic flow at intersections changes constantly, depending on weather conditions, day of the week, and period of the year, as well as road works and accidents that further influence complexity and performance. This thesis first describes SmartCitySysML, a proposed profile that adapts SysML with special elements that are specific to smart cities. In addition, an extension of the SmartCitySysML profile to the design of the dimensions of smart cities is proposed. Finally, integration of models is performed, that is, the integration of the SmartCitySysML profile with Petri Net to separately model the basic architectural elements (sensor, controller, and actuator) of an urban traffic control system as sub-models to describe the behavior of each element, and the integration of the SmartCitySysML profile with Timed Coloured Petri Nets (TCPN) for modeling, simulation, and verification of properties of an urban traffic signal control system. CPN tools allow the evaluation of the model behavior through simulation and property verification and perform a simulation-based performance. Model simulation allows observing the behavior of the system under conditions that would be difficult to organize in a truly controlled environment. Consequently, a preliminary evaluation can be performed in the early stages of system development, significantly reducing costs of improvements and increasing quality of the final product.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPESUma cidade inteligente é um centro urbano que integra uma variedade de soluções para melhorar o desempenho da infraestrutura e alcançar um desenvolvimento urbano sustentável. As estradas urbanas são uma infraestrutura crucial altamente exigida pelos cidadãos e organizações interessadas em sua implantação, desempenho e segurança. O controle de sinais de trânsito urbano é um problema importante e desafiador no mundo real, que visa monitorar e melhorar o congestionamento de trânsito. Portanto, a implantação de semáforos para veículos ou pedestres em um cruzamento é uma atividade complexa, pois é necessário estabelecer regras para controlar o fluxo de veículos e pedestres. O fluxo de tráfego no cruzamento muda constantemente, dependendo das condições climáticas, dia da semana e período do ano, assim como obras e acidentes rodoviários que influenciam ainda mais a complexidade e o desempenho. Esta dissertação descreve primeiro o SmartCitySysML, um perfil proposto que adapta a SysML com elementos especiais que são específicos para cidades inteligentes. Depois, é elaborada uma extensão do perfil SmartCitySysML para o design das dimensões das cidades inteligentes. Em seguida, é realizada a integração de modelos, ou seja, a integração do perfil SmartCitySysML com Redes de Petri para modelar separadamente os elementos arquiteturais básicos (sensor, controlador e atuador) de um sistema de controle de tráfego urbano como sub-modelos para demonstrar o comportamento de cada elemento, e a integração do perfil SmartCitySysML com Redes de Petri Colorida Temporizada (TCPN) para modelagem, simulação e verificação de propriedades do sistema de controle de sinais de trânsito urbano. As ferramentas CPN permitem avaliar o comportamento do modelo por meio de simulação e verificação de propriedades e realizar um desempenho baseado em simulação. A simulação de modelos permite observar o comportamento do sistema sob condições que seriam difíceis de organizar em um ambiente realmente controlado. Consequentemente, uma avaliação preliminar pode ser realizada nos estágios iniciais de desenvolvimento do sistema, reduzindo significativamente os custos de melhorias e aumentando a qualidade do produto final.São Cristóvão, S

    Analysis of the efficiency of bus priority methods when passing through intersections using adaptive traffic light control

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    In recent years in the cities of the Russian Federation, within the framework of the national project “Safe and high-quality roads” the concept of “priority development of public transport” has been actively implemented and Intelligent transport systems have been created. The article discusses ways to prioritize public transport when passing through intersections using adaptive traffic light control as a possible alternative to a lane for route vehicles. The aim of the study is to reduce the loss of time for road users by determining the best ways to prioritize buses when passing regulated intersections, taking into account the number of passengers in public transport and the loss of time for all traffic participants. During the study, field observation methods, mathematical and simulation modeling were used. The account of the moments of the approach of buses to the regulated intersection and the analysis of the loss of time for buses when passing through the section on the central street of Tyumen was carried out. The scientific novelty lies in establishing the dependencies of the average speed of the bus on the approach to the intersection from the moment until the end of the traffic signal, the delay time of the buses on the number and moment of stopping the buses when passing the intersection. With the help of simulation micromodeling, the dependence of the delay time of buses and cars on traffic intensity was established for five options for priority to public transport. Two variants of priority for buses when passing through intersections are based on the methods of adaptive control of traffic lights and the algorithms “stage recall” and “green extension”. The use of a dedicated lane and the “stage recall” method at high traffic intensity reduces the delay time for buses by 94%, for personal vehicles – increases by 85%. At low traffic intensity, the delay time changes by 11 and 6%, respectively, for buses and cars. The use of the “green extension” method allows to reduce the total delay time by 3.2% with a high traffic volume (1900 veh/h) and a small number of buses (40 veh/h) and has a greater effect than the lane for fixed-route vehicles (deterioration by 148%). To determine the most efficient priority method, it is proposed to take into account the number of passengers in public transport. The dependence of the total delay time of all traffic participants on the traffic intensity of cars and buses with different priority methods has been established. This approach allows us to further determine the area of rational application of priority methods for public transport with the target function of reducing the loss of time for all traffic participants

    SAT-CEP-monitor: An air quality monitoring software architecture combining complex event processing with satellite remote sensing

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    La contaminación del aire es un problema importante hoy en día que causa graves daños a la salud humana. Las áreas urbanas son las más afectadas por la degradación de la calidad del aire causada por las emisiones de gases antropogénicos. Aunque existen múltiples propuestas para el monitoreo de la calidad del aire, en la mayoría de los casos, se imponen dos limitaciones: la imposibilidad de procesar datos en tiempo casi real (NRT) para enfoques de teledetección y la imposibilidad de llegar a áreas de acceso limitado o baja cobertura de red para enfoques de datos terrestres. Proponemos una arquitectura de software que combina eficientemente el procesamiento de eventos complejos con datos de teledetección de varios sensores satelitales para monitorear la calidad del aire en NRT, brindando apoyo a los tomadores de decisiones. Ilustramos la solución propuesta calculando los niveles de calidad del aire para varias áreas de Marruecos y España, extrayendo y procesando información satelital en NRT. Este estudio también valida la calidad del aire medida por estaciones terrestres y datos de sensores satelitales.Air pollution is a major problem today that causes serious damage to human health. Urban areas are the most affected by the degradation of air quality caused by anthropogenic gas emissions. Although there are multiple proposals for air quality monitoring, in most cases, two limitations are imposed: the impossibility of processing data in Near Real-Time (NRT) for remote sensing approaches and the impossibility of reaching areas of limited accessibility or low network coverage for ground data approaches. We propose a software architecture that efficiently combines complex event processing with remote sensing data from various satellite sensors to monitor air quality in NRT, giving support to decision-makers. We illustrate the proposed solution by calculating the air quality levels for several areas of Morocco and Spain, extracting and processing satellite information in NRT. This study also validates the air quality measured by ground stations and satellite sensor data.This work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under project FAME [RTI2018-093608-B-C33]. The corresponding author thanks the ERASMUS+ KA107 program for the grant and acknowledges the University of Cadiz for the academic supervision and their research facilities, grant number: 2017-1-ES01- KA107-037422 and 2018-1-ES01-KA107-049705. The authors of this work are also thankful to the Andalusian and Madrid regional governments for providing us with the NRT MGS data

    The Applicability of Environmental and Economic Parameters of Microsimulation Traffic Modeling in the Evaluation of Intersection Reconstruction Solutions

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    Pred projektante prometne infrastrukture stavlja se zahtjevan zadatak da pomire suprotstavljene ciljeve razvoja prometne infrastrukture prema prometnoj potražnji, a da svojim rješenjima smanje negativne učinke operacionalizacije sustava. Ovaj rad analizira primjenjivost mikrosimulacijskog prometnog modeliranja za analizu ekoloških i ekonomskih parametara koji se, uz funkcionalne parametre, ubrajaju u standardne kriterije ocjene varijantnih rješenja izgradnje i rekonstrukcije prometne infrastrukture. Studija slučaja napravljena je na primjeru rekonstrukcije raskrižju u urbanoj prometnoj mreži grada Osijeka. Rezultati pokazuju primjenjivost mikrosimulacija za ocjenu ekoloških i ekonomskih parametara u ocjeni varijantnih rješenja rekonstrukcije raskrižja, a brojčani pokazatelji pokazuju da se poboljšanjem funkcionalnih pokazatelja raskrižja mogu smanjiti i emisije ispušnih plinova od prometa.Transport infrastructure designers are faced with the demanding task of balancing the conflicting goals of transport infrastructure development according to traffic demand andreducing the negative effects of the system operationalization with their solutions. This paper analyzes the applicability of microsimulation traffic modeling for the analysis of ecological and economic parameters, which, along with functional parameters, are included in the standard criteria for the evaluation of various solutions for the construction and reconstruction of traffic infrastructure. The case study was made on the example of the reconstruction of an intersection in the urban traffic network of the city of Osijek. The results show the applicability of microsimulations for the evaluation of ecological and economic parameters in the evaluation of variant solutions for the reconstruction of the intersection, and the numerical indicators show that air pollution from traffic can be reduced by improving the functional indicators of intersections

    Analysis of various transport modes to evaluate personal exposure to PM2.5 pollution in Delhi

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    Access to detailed comparisons of the air quality variations encountered when commuting through a city offers the urban traveller more informed choice on how to minimise personal exposure to inhalable pollutants. In this study we report on an experiment designed to compare atmospheric contaminants, in this case, PM2.5 inhaled during rickshaw, bus, metro, non-air-conditioned car, air-conditioned (AC) car and walking journeys through the city of Delhi, India. The data collection was carried out using a portable TSI SidePak Aerosol Monitor AM520, during February 2018. The results demonstrate that rickshaws (266 ± 159 μg/m3) and walking (259 ± 102 μg/m3) modes were exposed to significantly higher mean PM2.5 levels, whereas AC cars (89 ± 30 μg/m3) and the metro (72 ± 11 μg/m3) had the lowest overall exposure rates. Buses (113 ± 14 μg/m3) and non-AC cars (149 ± 13 μg/m3) had average levels of exposure, but open windows and local factors caused surges in PM2.5 for both transport modes. Closed air-conditioned transport modes were shown to be the best modes for avoiding high concentrations of PM2.5, however other factors (e.g. time of the day, window open or closed in the vehicles) affected exposure levels significantly. Overall, the highest total respiratory deposition doses (RDDs) values were estimated as 84.7 ± 33.4 μg/km, 15.8 ± 9.5 μg/km and 9.7 ± 0.9 μg/km for walking, rickshaw and non-AC car transported mode of journey, respectively. Unless strong pollution control measures are taken, the high exposure to PM2.5 levels will continue causing serious short-term and long-term health concerns for the Delhi residents. Implementing integrated and intelligent transport systems and educating commuters on ways to reduce exposure levels and impacts on commuter's health are required