1,116 research outputs found

    Durable Digital Objects Rather Than Digital Preservation

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    Long-term digital preservation is not the best available objective. Instead, what information producers and consumers almost surely want is a universe of durable digital objects—documents and programs that will be as accessible and useful a century from now as they are today. Given the will, we could implement and deploy a practical and pleasing durability infrastructure within two years. Tools for daily work can embed packaging for durability without much burdening their users. Moving responsibility for durability from archival employees to information producers would also avoid burdening repositories with keeping up with Internet scale. An engineering prescription is available. Research libraries’ and archives’ slow advance towards practical preservation of digital content is remarkable to outsiders. Why does their progress seem stalled? Ineffective collaboration across disciplinary boundaries has surely been a major impediment. We speculate about cultural reasons for this situation and warn about possible marginalization of research librarianship as a profession.

    Durable Digital Objects Rather Than Digital Preservation

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    Long-term digital preservation is not the best available objective. Instead, what information producers and consumers almost surely want is a universe of durable digital objects—documents and programs that are as accessible and useful a century from now as they are today. Given the will, we could implement and deploy a practical and pleasing durability infrastructure within two years. Tools for daily work can embed packaging for durability without much burdening their users. Moving responsibility for durability from archival employees to information producers also avoids burdening repositories with keeping up with Internet scale. An engineering prescription is available. Research libraries’ and archives’ slow advance towards practical preservation of digital content is remarkable to outsiders. Why is their progress stalled? Ineffective collaboration across disciplinary boundaries has surely been a major impediment. We speculate about cultural reasons for this situation and warn about possible marginalization of research librarianship as a profession.

    Invest to Save: Report and Recommendations of the NSF-DELOS Working Group on Digital Archiving and Preservation

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    Digital archiving and preservation are important areas for research and development, but there is no agreed upon set of priorities or coherent plan for research in this area. Research projects in this area tend to be small and driven by particular institutional problems or concerns. As a consequence, proposed solutions from experimental projects and prototypes tend not to scale to millions of digital objects, nor do the results from disparate projects readily build on each other. It is also unclear whether it is worthwhile to seek general solutions or whether different strategies are needed for different types of digital objects and collections. The lack of coordination in both research and development means that there are some areas where researchers are reinventing the wheel while other areas are neglected. Digital archiving and preservation is an area that will benefit from an exercise in analysis, priority setting, and planning for future research. The WG aims to survey current research activities, identify gaps, and develop a white paper proposing future research directions in the area of digital preservation. Some of the potential areas for research include repository architectures and inter-operability among digital archives; automated tools for capture, ingest, and normalization of digital objects; and harmonization of preservation formats and metadata. There can also be opportunities for development of commercial products in the areas of mass storage systems, repositories and repository management systems, and data management software and tools.

    Report to the Childhood Development Initiative on Archiving of C.D.I. Data

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    This report presents the ethical and legal issues involved in depositing data-sets of research for secondary use in Ireland

    Analysis of functional requirements to ensure authenticity and integrity of archiving Norwegian electronic public administration records

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    Authenticity and integrity are crucial elements of trust in physical or electronic document archiving. This thesis analyzed the functional requirements of authenticity and integrity and how to ensure them in the context of the Norwegian public administration records. NOARK is the Norwegian recordkeeping and archiving standard and Fedora Commons an open source archival repository software are used as a record management system and archival system respectively to establish the case of the study. For the purpose of meeting the objectives of the study, standards, literatures and previous studies on the area of trusted recordkeeping and archiving are analyzed; on the basis of which an archival framework addressing authenticity, integrity and trusted chain custody is proposed and prototype is developed as a proof of concept. The validation is carried out by purposely compromising the authenticity and integrity of the electronic records in the process of transferring from NOARK to Fedora Commons and detecting the failure in either of authenticity or integrity or both before and after archiving the records. The study found out that records archived using our framework have met the authenticity and integrity requirements of archival objects. Records archived using the proposed archival framework are found to improve the evidential value of records for court cases.Joint Master Degree in Digital Library Learning (DILL

    A digital vault solution for banking institutions

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    Trabalho de projecto de mestrado, Segurança Informática, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2019Este projeto surgiu no âmbito da necessidade que a empresa Securibox tem em fornecer um produto de armazenamento seguro compatível com o funcionamento na nuvem, para as instituições bancárias que operam no mercado francês. Com o aparecimento da banca on-line e o intuito de atrair mais clientes, as instituições bancárias começaram a oferecer serviços que vão para além dos serviços convencionais deste setor. Muitas vezes esses serviços tratam ou armazenam dados sensíveis dos seus clientes e podem até incluir informação e documentos pessoais dos utilizadores que estão hospedados noutras entidades, tais como faturas eletrónicas, transações bancárias de outras instituições financeiras e recibos de vencimento. No entanto, sempre que for necessário armazenar informação dos clientes, este processo tem de respeitar um conjunto de boas práticas e normas do país onde a instituição opera, utilizando para o efeito um cofre digital. No caso do mercado francês, existem poucas soluções que satisfazem, parcialmente ou totalmente, as normas e a legislação respeitante aos cofres digitais e que sejam tecnicamente eficientes e competitivas. O objetivo deste trabalho visou desenvolver uma versão inicial de uma solução que colmata a necessidade atual do mercado bancário francês relativo à área de armazenamento e manuseamento inteligente de dados. Para satisfazer as normas da União Europeia e da França em particular, é necessário armazenar os ficheiros de forma cifrada, registar o seu formato, como, quando e por quem estes formas acedidos e os seus meta-dados de modo a garantir a sua preservação mesmo após a eliminação dos mesmos. Este desafio foi resolvido, e para se destacar das soluções atualmente existentes, foi construída a base para no futuro integrar esta solução com o serviço Securibox ParseXtract, que tem a capacidade de analisar e extrair informação importante do conteúdo dos documentos, de uma forma estruturada e precisa, recorrendo a aprendizagem automática. Para o armazenamento dos documentos a solução adotada foi o OpenStack Swift – um software de código aberto, compatível com nuvens pública e privadas. Uma vez que os documentos podem ser eliminados do sistema pelo utilizador, é necessário a existência de uma plataforma, separada do OpenStack, para armazenar os dados relativos aos meta-dados dos documentos e acessos ao sistema. A solução encontrada para o armazenamento destes dados, consiste no seu registo, através de logs, numa base de dados não relacional – o MongoDB, que é compatível com tecnologias em nuvem e é eficiente com grandes volumes de dados. Para realizar a comunicação entre os vários componentes do cofre digital, foi criado um serviço que oferece uma REST API, o núcleo da solução. Nesta camada, os documentos são cifrados garantindo também a integridade, confidencialidade e o não-repúdio dos dados. Por último, um servidor Web que comunica com a REST API foi criado para demonstrar todas as funcionalidades do cofre digital. As principais vantagens desta solução consistem na utilização de tecnologias código aberto, na compatibilidade com o funcionamento na nuvem, na escalabilidade de todas as suas camadas, tais como o armazenamento de dados, logs e serviço web API, e numa melhor integração com outros produtos da Securibox, que deste modo reduzem o custo da solução para o cliente final. Do ponto de vista conceptual, esta solução pode ser utilizada não apenas pelo sector bancário, mas também por qualquer outra área empresarial onde é necessário armazenar grandes volumes de dados em nuvem privada e pública em simultâneo, tendo como base uma solução facilmente escalável e onde todas as ações dos seus utilizadores são rastreáveis em conformidade com a legislação.This project is a result of the Securibox need to provide a digital vault storage solution for some of their bank clients, operating in the French market. Since electronic banking has emerged, banking institutions began to provide online services that go beyond conventional bank services to attract more users. Sometimes those services involve operations with personal data of their customers which can include data and documents from other services, entities and companies. All this information must be stored on the banking institution side, using a secure digital vault storage, while respecting the legislation of the country where the institution is located. The goal of this work was to develop an initial solution, that would address the current needs of the French banking market, regarding intelligent data handling and storage. To be compliant with the European Union and the French legislation it is necessary to ensure the security and the privacy of the costumers documents and data. To address those requirements a REST API solution was developed using .Net technology. This solution is divided in 3 layers. The document storage layer, the metadata and log storage layer and the core layer. The documents are encrypted and stored at the OpenStack Swift environment, while metadata is stored at the MongoDB database as journal log entries. The information processing and the communication between OpenStack and MongoDB occurs at the core layer. This solution relies on open-source technologies, is easily scalable and compatible with other Securibox products. Conceptually it can be used, not only by banking institutions, but also by any organization or company that have to store and deal with large amounts of information

    Network and Database Security: Regulatory Compliance, Network, and Database Security - A Unified Process and Goal

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    Database security has evolved; data security professionals have developed numerous techniques and approaches to assure data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. This paper will show that the Traditional Database Security, which has focused primarily on creating user accounts and managing user privileges to database objects are not enough to protect data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. This paper is a compilation of different journals, articles and classroom discussions will focus on unifying the process of securing data or information whether it is in use, in storage or being transmitted. Promoting a change in Database Curriculum Development trends may also play a role in helping secure databases. This paper will take the approach that if one make a conscientious effort to unifying the Database Security process, which includes Database Management System (DBMS) selection process, following regulatory compliances, analyzing and learning from the mistakes of others, Implementing Networking Security Technologies, and Securing the Database, may prevent database breach

    The Healthgrid White Paper

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