154,007 research outputs found

    Associative Meaning of Pornography in Printed Media Advertising Products: A Pragmatic Study

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    Pornography is not private or taboo in current mass media. In advertising products, pornography is an important element of concern. This research studies deeply speech strategies and implicature of advertising products containing associative meanings of pornography. Speech acts and scheme theories are employed as a tool of analysis. Speech acts theory used to understand types and strategies of the advertising texts of associative meaning of pornography, and the schema theory to understand textual meanings of the advertising texts which represent meanings and their implications. Through a qualitative approach, the data select samples of the advertising products from magazines, tabloids, and newspapers as the data source. The data are taken by using technique of scrutinizing, reducing, and classifying the associative meanings of pornography. Data validation is done by triangulation of data through questionnaires and focus group discussion. Data analysis used textual and contextual analysis. The analysis is directed to the markers surrounding the speech act types and strategies and the implication of the text. The findings of associative meaning of pornography in advertisements tend to be realized with an indirect literal strategy, reflected in the tendency of using the pre-conditioned assertive and directive speech acts. In this case the associative meaning of pornography in respect to the matter of lechery expressed vaguely. Implicature of the associative utterances of pornographic advertisement cannot be separated from the schematic knowledge supporting role of textual information, contextual assumption and implicatures texts related to the problem of lechery. Keywords: Text, Scheme Knowledge, indirect, non-literal, and lechery

    Speech Acts of Classroom Interaction

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    Speech acts of classroom interaction have been an interesting topic both in ESL and EFL context. Little research, however, has been held in analyzing speech acts of classroom interaction and its relation to strategies used in EFL context. This paper aims at investigating the types and frequency of speech acts performed in terms of teacher-student interactions. It also focuses on analyzing strategies used by teachers and students in performing the illocutionary act of imperatives. Qualitative method is used by means of mixed pragmatic-discourse approach. The data were collected through observation and recording. Three English teachers and 30 male students grade IX of MTs NW Putra Nurul Haramain are participants for gathering the data. The study reveals that four types of speech acts performed are imperatives, assertive, expressions, and commissives. Of those speech acts performed, the very dominant type of speech acts performed, about 120 acts or 43% is imperatives.  Assertions about 117 acts or 42% are dominant acts.  Expressions about 34 acts or 12% area less dominant category and Commissives about 7 or 2,5% are not dominant. In relation to strategies used in realization of imperatives, the study recognizes that requests as strategies used in realization of request are (a) formal completeness (propositional completeness and modification), (b) level of directness (mood derivable, performative, hedged performative, locution derivable, and conventionally indirect), (c) point of views, (d) context, and (e) mood. The study reveals that imperatives as the most type of illocutionary act performed in classroom interaction. Furthermore, it also indicates the lack of students' pragmatic competence in performing such an act. For that reason, teachers need to expose the learners with communication strategies in order to speak accurately and appropriately in different context. It needs a further study about pragmatic competence needed in EFL context and material designs for teaching such competences


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    This research aims at analyzing thedirective speech acts which are advisives and mandativesbased on Tsui’s theories applied by the characters in a movie entitled The Internship. The objectives of this research are: 1) to investigate the kinds of directives used by the characters, 2) to describe how the characters employed the directives and 3) to find out the reasons why the characters employed the directives to inform his or her intention to the addressee. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. It uses pragmatic approach especially speech acts theories in investigating the data. The source of data in this research is The Internship movie. The datathemselves are taken from the dialogues containing an advice, a warning, an instruction or a threat that are collected by using purposive sampling technique.The Internship movie is chosen as the source of data because there are a number of dialogues containing directive speech acts in the movie. Therefore, a number of advices, warnings, instructions, and threats are found in the movie. The results of this research show that there are 67 data found in the movie. They are classified into 28 advisives containing 19 advices and nine warnings, and 39 mandatives containing 34 instructions and five threats. Thus, all types of the directive speech acts are found in the movie. In this research, the researcher explores the verbal and non-verbal expression. The verbal expression means that the speaker utters direct or indirect speech acts, explicit or implicit statement, in high or low intonation. The non-verbal realized through body movements or gesture. The research also shows the reasons why the characters employ directive speech acts in certain situation. They are to know the status of the participants, to know the relationship between the participants, to know the situation when the conversation happened, and to find out the purpose of the conversation. Based on the findings, students are expected to explore other types of directives, such as prohibition or requirement. Moreover, they are expected to use other classifications of speech acts such as representatives, commisives, expressives, or declaratives in other movies. The researcher also suggests that other researchers take other media besides movie such as novel, daily conversation or else. Keywords: pragmatics, advisives, mandative

    An analysis of expressive speech acts used by the main character of “To Kill a Mockingbird” novel

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    ENGLISH: Pragmatics has a study purposes of understanding the utterance meaning which has derivative studies of speech acts. This study aims to analyze the types and uses of expressive speech acts. The use of expressive speech acts is an utterance that represents the psychological or emotional feelings of the speaker. This study aims to analyze the expressive speech acts of the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Atticus Finch. This expressive speech act analysis research uses the theory proposed by Yule (1996) and Norrick (1978). The analysis carried out will explain in detail about the function, types of speech acts (direct or indirect) and the value of expressive speech acts. This research method uses a qualitative descriptive strategy to fulfill the objectives of this study. The design of a qualitative research approach using narrative inquiry takes place here. Therefore, the method that has been chosen is because it is considered suitable for the analysis of this research which examines the speech acts of a main character in the novel. This study resulted in an analysis of 10 types of expressive speech acts, those findings are: Thanking, Greeting, Apologizing, Praising, Condoling, Blaming, Sadness/Sorrow, Boasting, Criticize, and Threatening. Followed by 65 direct speech acts and 24 indirect speech acts. The type of expressive speech act that often appears is Criticize. In consequences, it is extraordinarily expected that the further research will analyze the same novel as this study with different types of speech acts (besides the expressive speech acts). INDONESIA: Pragmatics memiliki kajian pemahaman makna yang memiliki turunan kajian tindak tutur. Dalam kajian ini memiliki tujuan menganalisa tipe dan penggunaan dari tindak tutur ekspresif. Penggunaan tindak tutur ekspresif merupakan ujaran yang merepresentasikan perasaan psikologis ataupun emosional penutur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa tindak tutur ekspresif dari novel To Kill a Mockingbird yang diujarkan oleh Atticus Finch. Penelitian analisa tindak tutur ekspresif ini menggunakan teori yang telah dicetuskan oleh Yule (1996) dan Norrick (1978). Analisa yang dilakukan akan menjelaskan secara rinci tentang fungsi, jenis tindak tutur (langsung atau tidak langsung) dan nilai tindak tutur ekspresif. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan strategi deskriptif kualitatif untuk memenuhi tujuan penelitian ini. Desain pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan naratif inquiry terjadi disini. Karenanya, metode yang telah dipiih ini dengan alasan dianggap cocok untuk analisa penelitian ini yang meneliti dari tindak tutur suatu karakter utama di dalam novel. Penelitian ini menghasilkan analisa tindak tutur ekspresif sebanyak 10 tipe yakni: Thanking, Greeting, Apologizing, Praising, Condoling, Blaming, Sadness/Sorrow, Boasting, Criticize, and Threatening. Diikuti dengan 65 tindak tutur langsung dan 24 tindak tutur tidak langsung. Jenis tindak tutur ekspresif yang sering muncul adalah Criticize. Dengan ini diharapkan penelitian selanjutnya akan menganalisa novel yang sama dengan penelitian ini dengan jenis tindak tutur yang berbeda (selain tindak tutur ekspresif). ARABIC: اللغة لها دور مهم في المواصلة بين الناس كل أيامهم. وإحدي من المباحث اللغوية علم اللغة التي هي نوع من العلم الواقعي. وفيها المباحث العديدة وإحدي منها تحليل العوامل اللفظية. والعوامل اللفظية هي الكلام من المتكلم الذي تكلم المقصود الخاص من قوله. وهي أيضا إحدي من العوامل اللفظية التعبيرية التي تُعبَّر من شعور المتكلم. هذا البحث يهدف إلي تحليل العوامل اللفظية التعبيرية من قصة To Kill a Mockingbird التي تكلم بها Atticus Finch. وهذا البحث أي تحليل العوامل اللفظية التعبيرية باستخدام النظرية التي ألفها Yule (1996) و Norrick (1978). التحليل الذي فعله الباحث يشرح شرحا تفصيلا لوفاء مقصود هذا البحث. وخطة هذا البحث الكمي باستخدام البحث القصصي كما وقعت لأنه طريقة التي اختارها الباحث عدها لائقة لتحليل هذا البحث الذي بحثه من العوامل اللفظية بالرديف الأول في القصة. وانتاج هذا البحث أن تحليل اللفظية التعبيرية لها عشر نوعا كما يلي: التعبير الشكري (Thanking) والترحابي (Greeting) والدفعي (Apologizing) والمدحي (Praising) والعزائي (Condoling) والتندمي (Blaming) والحزني (Sadness/Sorrow) والإعتزازي (Boasting) والإنتقادي (Criticize) وكذلك التهددي (Threatening) ويليها بخمس وستين العوامل اللفظية المباشرة وأربع وعشرين العوامل اللفظية غير المباشرة.وبدت كثيرا التعبير الإنتقادي. وانطلاقا مما سبق ذكره رجا الباحث إلي البحث الآتي أن يحلل هذه القصة بهذا البحث بنوع العوامل اللفظية المخالفة (غير العوامل اللفظية التعبيرية)

    К вопросу о семантических пресуппозициях побудительных речевых актов (на итальянском языковом материале)

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    The research is pursued within linguistic semantics and pragmatics. It defines the conceptions of proposition and presupposition and analyses the process of their formation. It differentiates logical, semantic and pragmatic approach to analysis of presuppositions. The study examines the semantic presuppositions of different types (factive, existential and those that contain the implicit component) that take place in the propositions of directive speech acts on the actual material of the Italian language using negative, interrogative and modal criteria. The conclusion describes all the types of the semantic presuppositions that are contained in the directive speech acts and observes their unevenquantity. The research detects a regularity in the distribution of different types of semantic presuppositions in propositions of direct and indirect illocution, particularly it defines an important difference between the quantity of the direct (11 %) and indirect (21 %) directive speech acts that contain a presupposition with the implicit component. The research proposes the compensation of the semantic implication in a presupposition with the help of direct illocution. = Исследование выполнено в русле лингвистической семантики и прагматики. Определяются понятия пропозиции и пресуппозиции, анализируется история их становления. Разграничиваются логический, семантический и прагматический подходы к анализу пресуппозиций. На итальянском фактическом материале с применением отрицательного, вопросительного и модального критериев определяются семантические пресуппозиции различных типов (фактивных, экзистенциальных и имеющих имплицитный компонент). Анализируются семантические пресуппозиции, содержащиеся в пропозициях побудительных речевых актов (далее – ПРА). В результате анализа делается вывод о представленности в них всех типов семантических пресуппозиций и отмечается их неравномерное количество. Более того, обнаружена закономерность в распределении различных типов семантических пресуппозиций на пропозиции прямых и непрямых способов побуждения, в частности, определена значительная разница в количестве прямых (11 %) и непрямых (21 %) ПРА, содержащих пресуппозицию с имплицитным компонентом. Высказывается предположение о компенсации семантической импликации в пресуппозиции с помощью прямого способа выражения побудительной иллокуции

    Exploring speech in Russian fairy tales

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    Both because of their prevalence in contemporary culture and because of their ability to affect the acculturation of children, fairy tales are commonly examined from a feminist perspective. Many scholars have begun to ask if the distribution of agency in tales reflects patriarchal values, for example, are princesses nothing more than passive damsels in distress? One way to discuss these types of power relationships is to examine speech. The ability to speak can be viewed as a type of agency that shapes a character’s outcome within a narrative; it is through speech that characters bless, curse, and interact with one another. This paper seeks to explore the connections among agency, gender, moral alignment, and speech in Russian fairy tales from the Alexander Afanas′ev collection. As part of this research, the frequency of male and female vocalizations has been measured, as well as different types of silence. This research also examines the patterns of speech that appear in different tale typologies that revolve around a central female character

    On Multiple Metonymies Within Indirect Speech Acts

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    Indirect speech acts are frequently structured by more than a single metonymy. The metonymies are related not only to the illocutionary force of the utterances, but also function within the individual lexemes being their parts. An indirect speech act can thus involve not only multiple, but also multi-levelled operation of conceptual metonymy

    Speech Acts: The Contemporary Theoretical Landscape

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    What makes it the case that an utterance constitutes an illocutionary act of a given kind? This is the central question of speech-act theory. Answers to it—i.e., theories of speech acts—have proliferated. Our main goal in this chapter is to clarify the logical space into which these different theories fit. We begin, in Section 1, by dividing theories of speech acts into five families, each distinguished from the others by its account of the key ingredients in illocutionary acts. Are speech acts fundamentally a matter of convention or intention? Or should we instead think of them in terms of the psychological states they express, in terms of the effects that it is their function to produce, or in terms of the norms that govern them? In Section 2, we take up the highly influential idea that speech acts can be understood in terms of their effects on a conversation’s context or “score”. Part of why this idea has been so useful is that it allows speech-act theorists from the five families to engage at a level of abstraction that elides their foundational disagreements. In Section 3, we investigate some of the motivations for the traditional distinction between propositional content and illocutionary force, and some of the ways in which this distinction has been undermined by recent work. In Section 4, we survey some of the ways in which speech-act theory has been applied to issues outside semantics and pragmatics, narrowly construed