63 research outputs found

    Help to Overcome Problems Effectively for Cancer Survivors: Development and Evaluation of a Digital Self-Management Program

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    Background People living with cancer face numerous psychosocial challenges, including cancer-related fatigue, fear of recurrence, and depression. There is a lack of digital interventions tailored to the needs of people living with all types of cancer. We developed a 6-week, digital, peer-delivered, self-management program: iHOPE (Help to Overcome Problems Effectively; where ‘i’ indicates the digital version of the program). The program is underpinned by positive psychology and cognitive behavioral therapy to meet these psychosocial challenges. Objective This study aimed to assess the feasibility of the iHOPE program among people living with cancer. Program adherence and satisfaction along with changes in psychological distress and positive well-being were measured. Methods A pre-post, acceptability, and feasibility design was used. People living with cancer (N=114) were recruited via a national cancer charity in the United Kingdom and were given access to the iHOPE program. Demographic and other participant characteristics were recorded. Participants completed digital measures at baseline and the end of the 6-week program for depression, anxiety, cancer-related fatigue, cancer worry or fear of cancer recurrence, positive mental well-being, hope, gratitude, and health status. The website’s system recorded data on the usage of the program. Satisfaction with the program was also measured. Results A total of 114 participants completed the baseline questionnaires. Of these, 70 people (61.4%) participated in all 6 sessions. The mean number of sessions undertaken was 5.0 (SD 1.5). Moreover, 44.7% (51/114) of participants completed at least three sessions and end-of-program outcome measures. A total of 59 participants completed the satisfaction questionnaire, where ≄90% (54/58) of participants reported that the program was easy to navigate and was well managed by the peer facilitators, and that they found the social networking tools useful. Preliminary efficacy testing among the 51 participants who completed baseline and postprogram outcome measures showed that postprogram scores decreased for depression, anxiety, cancer-related fatigue, and fear of recurrence (all P&lt;.001) and increased for positive mental well-being (P&lt;.001), hope (both P&lt;.001), and gratitude (P=.02). Conclusions The feasibility evidence is promising, showing that the peer-delivered digital iHOPE program is acceptable and practical. Implementation of the iHOPE program on a wider scale will incorporate further research and development to maximize the completion rates of the measures. Initial effectiveness data suggest positive impacts on important cancer-related quality of life and mental well-being outcomes. A randomized controlled trial design with a longer follow-up is needed to confirm the potential of the iHOPE program for improving mental and physical health outcomes for cancer survivors. </jats:sec

    Dynamically generated multi-modal application interfaces

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    This work introduces a new UIMS (User Interface Management System), which aims to solve numerous problems in the field of user-interface development arising from hard-coded use of user interface toolkits. The presented solution is a concrete system architecture based on the abstract ARCH model consisting of an interface abstraction-layer, a dialog definition language called GIML (Generalized Interface Markup Language) and pluggable interface rendering modules. These components form an interface toolkit called GITK (Generalized Interface ToolKit). With the aid of GITK (Generalized Interface ToolKit) one can build an application, without explicitly creating a concrete end-user interface. At runtime GITK can create these interfaces as needed from the abstract specification and run them. Thereby GITK is equipping one application with many interfaces, even kinds of interfaces that did not exist when the application was written. It should be noted that this work will concentrate on providing the base infrastructure for adaptive/adaptable system, and does not aim to deliver a complete solution. This work shows that the proposed solution is a fundamental concept needed to create interfaces for everyone, which can be used everywhere and at any time. This text further discusses the impact of such technology for users and on the various aspects of software systems and their development. The targeted main audience of this work are software developers or people with strong interest in software development

    A component framework for personalized multimedia applications

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    Eine praktikable UnterstĂŒtzung fĂŒr eine dynamische Erstellung von personalisierten Multimedia-PrĂ€sentationen bieten bisher weder industrielle Lösungen noch ForschungsansĂ€tze. Mit dem Software-technischen Ansatz des MM4U-Frameworks („MultiMedia For You“) wird erstmals eine generische und zugleich praktikable UnterstĂŒtzung fĂŒr den dynamischen Erstellungsprozess bereitgestellt. Das Ziel des MM4U-Frameworks ist es den Anwendungsentwicklern eine umfangreiche und anwendungsunabhĂ€ngige UnterstĂŒtzung zur Erstellung von personalisierten Multimedia-Inhalten anzubieten und damit den Entwicklungsprozess solcher Anwendungen erheblich zu erleichtern. Um das Ziel eines Software-Frameworks zur generischen UnterstĂŒtzung der Entwicklung von personalisierten Multimedia-Anwendungen zu erreichen, stellt sich die Frage nach einer geeigneten Software-technischen UnterstĂŒtzung zur Entwicklung eines solchen Frameworks. Seit der EinfĂŒhrung von objektorientierten Frameworks, ist heute die Entwicklung immer noch aufwendig und schwierig. Um die Entwicklungsrisiken zu reduzieren, sind geeignete Vorgehensmodelle und Entwicklungsmethoden erstellt worden. Mit der Komponenten-Technologie sind auch so genannte Komponenten-Frameworks entstanden. Im Gegensatz zu objekt-orientierten Frameworks fehlt derzeit jedoch ein geeignetes Vorgehensmodell fĂŒr Komponenten-Frameworks. Um den Entwicklungsprozess von Komponenten-Frameworks zu verbessern ist mit ProMoCF („Process Model for Component Frameworks“) ein neuartiger Ansatz entwickelt worden. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein leichtgewichtiges Vorgehensmodell und eine Entwicklungsmethodik fĂŒr Komponenten-Frameworks. Das Vorgehensmodell wurde unter gegenseitigem Nutzen mit der Entwicklung des MM4U-Frameworks erstellt. Das MM4U-Framework stellt keine Neuerfindung der Adaption von Multimedia-Inhalten dar, sondern zielt auf die Vereinigung und Einbettung existierender ForschungsansĂ€tze und Lösungen im Umfeld der Multimedia-Personalisierung. Mit so einem Framework an der Hand können Anwendungsentwickler erstmals effizient und einfach eine dynamische Erstellung ihrer personalisierten Multimedia-Inhalte realisieren

    XATA 2005: XML: aplicaçÔes e tecnologias associadas

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    Esta Ă© a terceira conferĂȘncia sobre a temĂĄtica do XML, que tenta reunir anualmente a comunidade XML portuguesa. Olhando para o passado, e estudando o que aconteceu, podemos observar uma evolução interessante. Na primeira conferĂȘncia (2003), houve uma vintena de trabalhos submetidos, maioritariamente da autoria ou da supervisĂŁo dos membros que integravam a comissĂŁo organizadora. Na segunda conferĂȘncia (2004), houve uma participação mais forte da comunidade portuguesa mas ainda com nĂșmeros pouco expressivos. Nesta altura, apostou-se tambĂ©m numa forte participação da indĂșstria, o que se traduziu num conjunto apreciĂĄvel de apresentaçÔes de casos reais. Nesta terceira edição, a participação excedeu as nossas expectativas. Houve uma forte adesĂŁo nacional e internacional (Espanha e Brasil, o que para um evento onde se pretende privilegiar a lĂ­ngua portuguesa Ă© ainda mais significativo). A distribuição geogrĂĄfica em Portugal tambĂ©m aumentou, havendo mais instituiçÔes participantes. Se analisarmos as temĂĄticas, abordadas nas trĂȘs conferĂȘncias, percebemos que tambĂ©m aqui hĂĄ uma evolução no sentido de uma maior maturidade. Enquanto que no primeiro encontro, os trabalhos abordavam problemas emergentes na utilização da tecnologia, no segundo encontro a grande incidĂȘncia foi nos Web Services, uma nova tecnologia baseada em XML e, no terceiro, a maior incidĂȘncia Ă© na construção de repositĂłrios, motores de pesquisa e linguagens de interrogação. Isto poderĂĄ revelar que, de certa forma, os investigadores e os utilizadores jĂĄ dominam bem a tecnologia, jĂĄ tĂȘm as sua linhas de produção documental em XML e que agora Ă© chegado o momento de armazenar aquela informação em repositĂłrios e de a utilizar a partir deles. Se reflectirmos um pouco sobre o ciclo de vida documental, podemos concluir que o armazenamento aparece como uma das Ășltimas fases. Por isso, podemos dizer que a comunidade portuguesa de XML "estĂĄ a fechar" o ciclo de desenvolvimento documental XML. Nesta edição, houve um elevado nĂșmero de submissĂ”es o que levou a uma sobrecarga de trabalho por parte dos revisores. Estes conseguiram desempenhar bem o seu papel e cumprir as datas definidas pelo "chair". Mas o que aconteceu fez-nos pensar que hĂĄ necessidade de alargar ainda mais a ComissĂŁo CientĂ­fica. Como consequĂȘncia do nĂșmero elevado de submissĂ”es houve algumas rejeiçÔes. Aos respectivos autores, fica aqui expresso um voto para que melhorem os respectivos trabalhos e de que esperamos ter contribuĂ­do para isso com os relatĂłrios de revisĂŁo que foram enviados.Microsoft Portuga

    Pattern-based segmentation of digital documents: model and implementation

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    This thesis proposes a new document model, according to which any document can be segmented in some independent components and transformed in a pattern-based projection, that only uses a very small set of objects and composition rules. The point is that such a normalized document expresses the same fundamental information of the original one, in a simple, clear and unambiguous way. The central part of my work consists of discussing that model, investigating how a digital document can be segmented, and how a segmented version can be used to implement advanced tools of conversion. I present seven patterns which are versatile enough to capture the most relevant documents’ structures, and whose minimality and rigour make that implementation possible. The abstract model is then instantiated into an actual markup language, called IML. IML is a general and extensible language, which basically adopts an XHTML syntax, able to capture a posteriori the only content of a digital document. It is compared with other languages and proposals, in order to clarify its role and objectives. Finally, I present some systems built upon these ideas. These applications are evaluated in terms of users’ advantages, workflow improvements and impact over the overall quality of the output. In particular, they cover heterogeneous content management processes: from web editing to collaboration (IsaWiki and WikiFactory), from e-learning (IsaLearning) to professional printing (IsaPress)

    I-centric User Interaction

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    Die Vision I-centric Communications bedeutet, einen uneingeschrĂ€nkten Blick auf das menschliche Kommunikationsverhalten zu werfen, um Kommunikationssysteme entsprechend daran angepasst zu entwickeln. Diese Vision definiert einen benutzerorientierten Ansatz zur Erstellung von Diensten und Anwendungen. Dies setzt zunĂ€chst eine Analyse der Benutzeranforderungen voraus, um geeignete Systeme und Dienste zu entwerfen. Anstatt Technologie-fokussierte Lösungen ohne jegliche Anpassung an die jeweiligen Personen anzubieten, sollte ein I-centric System seine Dienste ohne sichtbare technische Details und unter BerĂŒcksichtigung von BenutzerprĂ€ferenzen sowie der Benutzerumgebung darbieten. Der Vision von I-centric Communications folgend, stellt die vorliegende Arbeit einen Ansatz zur Realisierung der Idee von I-centric User Interaction vor. Dieser Ansatz erweitert und vervollstĂ€ndigt die Vision durch verbesserte BenutzerinteraktionsfĂ€higkeiten. Diese Dissertation zeigt, dass es möglich ist, Kommunikationssysteme zu realisieren, die die Interaktion zwischen Benutzern und Diensten ohne EinschrĂ€nkung auf bestimmte Technologien fĂŒr Benutzerschnittstellen sowie in personalisierter und umgebungsberĂŒcksichtigende Art und Weise unterstĂŒtzen. Derartig verbesserte Benutzerinteraktion wird die Akzeptanz und die Benutzung von Diensten erhöhen. Einerseits soll die Benutzerinteraktion verschiedene Arten von Technologien fĂŒr Benutzerschnittstellen unterstĂŒtzen, durch die die GerĂ€te-UnabhĂ€ngigkeit und der stĂ€ndige Zugang zu den Diensten ermöglicht werden. Entsprechend dem aktuellem Kontext und der Absicht können die Benutzer die bevorzugte und geeignete Art der Interaktion wĂ€hlen. Andererseits soll die Interaktion selbst den BenutzerprĂ€ferenzen sowie der jeweiligen Umgebung angepasst werden. Dementsprechend diskutiert die vorliegende Arbeit diese unterschiedlichen Problembereiche, identifiziert die notwendigen Funktionen und bietet entsprechende LösungsansĂ€tze jeweils. Die Arbeit prĂ€sentiert und analysiert zunĂ€chst die Vision I-centric Communications mit Hinblick auf den Aspekt der Benutzerinteraktion. Basierend auf den identifizierten Anforderungen wurde ein Ansatz zur Realisierung von I-centric User Interaction entwickelt. Dieser Ansatz, der in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt wird, spezifiziert ein Service Adaptation Framework und einzelne Modelle fĂŒr Generische Benutzerinteraktion , fĂŒr Personalisierung sowie fĂŒr Ambient Awareness , die sich jeweils auf die identifizierten Problembereiche konzentrieren. Abschließend prĂ€sentiert die vorliegende Arbeit Ergebnisse einer prototypischen Realisierung des dargelegten Ansatzes. Die Ergebnisse demonstrieren die Einsetzbarkeit der entwickelten Konzepte und die ErfĂŒllung der Vision von I-centric User Interaction . Die Forschungsarbeit im Bereich I-centric Communications wurde in Kooperation zwischen dem Lehrstuhl fĂŒr Offene Kommunikationssysteme (OKS) der Technischen UniversitĂ€t Berlin (TUB) und dem Fraunhofer Institut FOKUS durchgefĂŒhrt. Die Vision sowie das Referenzmodell fĂŒr I-centric Communications , die in der vorliegenden Arbeit vorgestellt werden, sind Ergebnisse dieser Kooperation. Die Forschungsschwerpunkte der Kooperation zwischen TUB und FOKUS waren das Generelle Modell fĂŒr I-centric Dienste , die Dienstplattform fĂŒr I-centric Dienste sowie ein Ansatz zur Interaktion zwischen Nutzern und I-centric Dienste . Die vorliegende Arbeit konzentriert sich auf den Ansatz I-centric User Interaction , der die Interaktion zwischen Nutzern und den Diensten betrachtet. Die Aspekte der I-centric Dienste werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit nicht betrachtet. Diese Aspekte wurden in einer zweiten Dissertation von Stefan Arbanowski, Fraunhofer FOKUS, analysiert und ausgearbeitet. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit wurden in verschiedenen nationalen und internationalen Forschungsprojekten (BMBF LiveFutura, BMBF PI-AVIda, BMBF VHE-UD, IST WSI, IST WWRI), Standardisierungsgremien (OMG, WWRF), Konferenzpapieren sowie Zeitschriften eingebracht, um die Vision von I-centric Communications einem grĂ¶ĂŸeren Auditorium vorzustellen.The vision of I-centric Communications means to take an unlimited look at human communication behavior and to adapt the activities of communication systems to it. This vision defines a user-centered approach for the realization of services and applications. It requires to start analyzing user demands to design suitable systems and services. Instead of just providing technology-focused solutions without any adaptation to individuals, an I-centric system should provide services hiding technical details and considering the individual s preferences as well as the individual s environment. Following the vision of I-centric Communications, this thesis introduces an approach to realize I-centric User Interaction. This approach enhances and completes the vision by providing advanced user interaction capabilities. It answers the question whether it is possible to realize a communication system, which allows the interaction between user and services without any restriction to specific user interface technologies and in a personalized as well as ambient aware manner. Such enhanced user interaction will lead to a higher acceptance and increased usage of services. On the one hand, the user interaction shall support different kinds of user interface technologies enabling Device Independence and ubiquitous access to the services. According to their current context and intended action, users can select the preferred and suitable way of interaction. On the other hand, the user interaction shall be adapted to the user s preferences and to the user s environment. Accordingly, this work discusses these different areas of concern, identifies necessary functions, and provides suitable solutions for each. First, the thesis introduces and analyses the vision of I-centric Communications with special regard to the aspect of user interaction. Based on the identified requirements and areas of concern, an approach to realize I-centric User Interaction was developed. The approach, presented in this thesis, specifies a Service Adaptation Framework and individual models for Personalization, for Ambient Awareness, and for Generic User Interaction focusing on the respective areas of concern. Finally, the thesis illustrates the results from the prototypical implementation of the presented approach, which has been pursued in several projects in parallel. These results demonstrate the applicability of the developed concepts and the fulfillment of the vision of I-centric User Interaction. The work in the area of I-centric Communications was carried out in cooperation of the Department for Open Communication Systems (OKS) at the Technical University Berlin (TUB) and the Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS. The vision and the reference model for I-centric Communications, introduced in this thesis, are results of this cooperation. The main research directions for the cooperation between TUB and FOKUS have been a general model for I-centric services, the service platform for I-centric services, and an approach for the interaction of users with I-centric services. This thesis focuses on an approach for I-centric User Interaction. The general aspects of I-centric services as defined by the vision are out of scope of this thesis. Nevertheless, these aspects have been analyzed by Stefan Arbanowski, researcher at Fraunhofer FOKUS, in a second PhD thesis in parallel. The results of this work have been contributed to different national and international projects (BMBF LiveFutura, BMBF PI-AVIda, BMBF VHE-UD, IST WSI, IST WWRI), standardization bodies (OMG, WWRF), conferences papers, and journals by introducing the vision of I-centric Communications to a larger auditorium, and by exploiting parts of the developed I-centric systems

    Web page performance analysis

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    Computer systems play an increasingly crucial and ubiquitous role in human endeavour by carrying out or facilitating tasks and providing information and services. How much work these systems can accomplish, within a certain amount of time, using a certain amount of resources, characterises the systems’ performance, which is a major concern when the systems are planned, designed, implemented, deployed, and evolve. As one of the most popular computer systems, the Web is inevitably scrutinised in terms of performance analysis that deals with its speed, capacity, resource utilisation, and availability. Performance analyses for the Web are normally done from the perspective of the Web servers and the underlying network (the Internet). This research, on the other hand, approaches Web performance analysis from the perspective of Web pages. The performance metric of interest here is response time. Response time is studied as an attribute of Web pages, instead of being considered purely a result of network and server conditions. A framework that consists of measurement, modelling, and monitoring (3Ms) of Web pages that revolves around response time is adopted to support the performance analysis activity. The measurement module enables Web page response time to be measured and is used to support the modelling module, which in turn provides references for the monitoring module. The monitoring module estimates response time. The three modules are used in the software development lifecycle to ensure that developed Web pages deliver at worst satisfactory response time (within a maximum acceptable time), or preferably much better response time, thereby maximising the efficiency of the pages. The framework proposes a systematic way to understand response time as it is related to specific characteristics of Web pages and explains how individual Web page response time can be examined and improved

    Collaborative adaptive accessibility and human capabilities

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    This thesis discusses the challenges and opportunities facing the field of accessibility, particularly as computing becomes ubiquitous. It is argued that a new approach is needed that centres around adaptations (specific, atomic changes) to user interfaces and content in order to improve their accessibility for a wider range of people than targeted by present Assistive Technologies (ATs). Further, the approach must take into consideration the capabilities of people at the human level and facilitate collaboration, in planned and ad-hoc environments. There are two main areas of focus: (1) helping people experiencing minor-to-moderate, transient and potentially-overlapping impairments, as may be brought about by the ageing process and (2) supporting collaboration between people by reasoning about the consequences, from different users perspectives, of the adaptations they may require. A theoretical basis for describing these problems and a reasoning process for the semi-automatic application of adaptations is developed. Impairments caused by the environment in which a device is being used are considered. Adaptations are drawn from other research and industry artefacts. Mechanical testing is carried out on key areas of the reasoning process, demonstrating fitness for purpose. Several fundamental techniques to extend the reasoning process in order to take temporal factors (such as fluctuating user and device capabilities) into account are broadly described. These are proposed to be feasible, though inherently bring compromises (which are defined) in interaction stability and the needs of different actors (user, device, target level of accessibility). This technical work forms the basis of the contribution of one work-package of the Sustaining ICT use to promote autonomy (Sus-IT) project, under the New Dynamics of Ageing (NDA) programme of research in the UK. Test designs for larger-scale assessment of the system with real-world participants are given. The wider Sus-IT project provides social motivations and informed design decisions for this work and is carrying out longitudinal acceptance testing of the processes developed here

    Knowledge engineering for mental-health risk assessment and decision support

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    Mental-health risk assessment practice in the UK is mainly paper-based, with little standardisation in the tools that are used across the Services. The tools that are available tend to rely on minimal sets of items and unsophisticated scoring methods to identify at-risk individuals. This means the reasoning by which an outcome has been determined remains uncertain. Consequently, there is little provision for: including the patient as an active party in the assessment process, identifying underlying causes of risk, and eecting shared decision-making. This thesis develops a tool-chain for the formulation and deployment of a computerised clinical decision support system for mental-health risk assessment. The resultant tool, GRiST, will be based on consensual domain expert knowledge that will be validated as part of the research, and will incorporate a proven psychological model of classication for risk computation. GRiST will have an ambitious remit of being a platform that can be used over the Internet, by both the clinician and the layperson, in multiple settings, and in the assessment of patients with varying demographics. Flexibility will therefore be a guiding principle in the development of the platform, to the extent that GRiST will present an assessment environment that is tailored to the circumstances in which it nds itself. XML and XSLT will be the key technologies that help deliver this exibility

    Semantic discovery and reuse of business process patterns

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    Patterns currently play an important role in modern information systems (IS) development and their use has mainly been restricted to the design and implementation phases of the development lifecycle. Given the increasing significance of business modelling in IS development, patterns have the potential of providing a viable solution for promoting reusability of recurrent generalized models in the very early stages of development. As a statement of research-in-progress this paper focuses on business process patterns and proposes an initial methodological framework for the discovery and reuse of business process patterns within the IS development lifecycle. The framework borrows ideas from the domain engineering literature and proposes the use of semantics to drive both the discovery of patterns as well as their reuse
