145 research outputs found

    A Survey of Spiking Neural Network Accelerator on FPGA

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    Due to the ability to implement customized topology, FPGA is increasingly used to deploy SNNs in both embedded and high-performance applications. In this paper, we survey state-of-the-art SNN implementations and their applications on FPGA. We collect the recent widely-used spiking neuron models, network structures, and signal encoding formats, followed by the enumeration of related hardware design schemes for FPGA-based SNN implementations. Compared with the previous surveys, this manuscript enumerates the application instances that applied the above-mentioned technical schemes in recent research. Based on that, we discuss the actual acceleration potential of implementing SNN on FPGA. According to our above discussion, the upcoming trends are discussed in this paper and give a guideline for further advancement in related subjects

    Energy-Efficient Recurrent Neural Network Accelerators for Real-Time Inference

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    Over the past decade, Deep Learning (DL) and Deep Neural Network (DNN) have gone through a rapid development. They are now vastly applied to various applications and have profoundly changed the life of hu- man beings. As an essential element of DNN, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) are helpful in processing time-sequential data and are widely used in applications such as speech recognition and machine translation. RNNs are difficult to compute because of their massive arithmetic operations and large memory footprint. RNN inference workloads used to be executed on conventional general-purpose processors including Central Processing Units (CPU) and Graphics Processing Units (GPU); however, they have un- necessary hardware blocks for RNN computation such as branch predictor, caching system, making them not optimal for RNN processing. To accelerate RNN computations and outperform the performance of conventional processors, previous work focused on optimization methods on both software and hardware. On the software side, previous works mainly used model compression to reduce the memory footprint and the arithmetic operations of RNNs. On the hardware side, previous works also designed domain-specific hardware accelerators based on Field Pro- grammable Gate Arrays (FPGA) or Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC) with customized hardware pipelines optimized for efficient pro- cessing of RNNs. By following this software-hardware co-design strategy, previous works achieved at least 10X speedup over conventional processors. Many previous works focused on achieving high throughput with a large batch of input streams. However, in real-time applications, such as gaming Artificial Intellegence (AI), dynamical system control, low latency is more critical. Moreover, there is a trend of offloading neural network workloads to edge devices to provide a better user experience and privacy protection. Edge devices, such as mobile phones and wearable devices, are usually resource-constrained with a tight power budget. They require RNN hard- ware that is more energy-efficient to realize both low-latency inference and long battery life. Brain neurons have sparsity in both the spatial domain and time domain. Inspired by this human nature, previous work mainly explored model compression to induce spatial sparsity in RNNs. The delta network algorithm alternatively induces temporal sparsity in RNNs and can save over 10X arithmetic operations in RNNs proven by previous works. In this work, we have proposed customized hardware accelerators to exploit temporal sparsity in Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)-RNNs and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)-RNNs to achieve energy-efficient real-time RNN inference. First, we have proposed DeltaRNN, the first-ever RNN accelerator to exploit temporal sparsity in GRU-RNNs. DeltaRNN has achieved 1.2 TOp/s effective throughput with a batch size of 1, which is 15X higher than its related works. Second, we have designed EdgeDRNN to accelerate GRU-RNN edge inference. Compared to DeltaRNN, EdgeDRNN does not rely on on-chip memory to store RNN weights and focuses on reducing off-chip Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) data traffic using a more scalable architecture. EdgeDRNN have realized real-time inference of large GRU-RNNs with submillisecond latency and only 2.3 W wall plug power consumption, achieving 4X higher energy efficiency than commercial edge AI platforms like NVIDIA Jetson Nano. Third, we have used DeltaRNN to realize the first-ever continuous speech recognition sys- tem with the Dynamic Audio Sensor (DAS) as the front-end. The DAS is a neuromorphic event-driven sensor that produces a stream of asyn- chronous events instead of audio data sampled at a fixed sample rate. We have also showcased how an RNN accelerator can be integrated with an event-driven sensor on the same chip to realize ultra-low-power Keyword Spotting (KWS) on the extreme edge. Fourth, we have used EdgeDRNN to control a powered robotic prosthesis using an RNN controller to replace a conventional proportional–derivative (PD) controller. EdgeDRNN has achieved 21 μs latency of running the RNN controller and could maintain stable control of the prosthesis. We have used DeltaRNN and EdgeDRNN to solve these problems to prove their value in solving real-world problems. Finally, we have applied the delta network algorithm on LSTM-RNNs and have combined it with a customized structured pruning method, called Column-Balanced Targeted Dropout (CBTD), to induce spatio-temporal sparsity in LSTM-RNNs. Then, we have proposed another FPGA-based accelerator called Spartus, the first RNN accelerator that exploits spatio- temporal sparsity. Spartus achieved 9.4 TOp/s effective throughput with a batch size of 1, the highest among present FPGA-based RNN accelerators with a power budget around 10 W. Spartus can complete the inference of an LSTM layer having 5 million parameters within 1 μs

    PoET-BiN: Power Efficient Tiny Binary Neurons

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    RÉSUMÉ Le succès des réseaux de neurones dans la classification des images a inspiré diverses implémentations matérielles sur des systèmes embarqués telles que des FPGAs, des processeurs embarqués et des unités de traitement graphiques. Ces systèmes sont souvent limités en termes de puissance. Toutefois, les réseaux de neurones consomment énormément à travers les opérations de multiplication/accumulation et des accès mémoire pour la récupération des poids. La quantification et l’élagage ont été proposés pour résoudre ce problème. Bien que efficaces, ces techniques ne prennent pas en compte l’architecture sous-jacente du matériel utilisé. Dans ce travail, nous proposons une implémentation économe en énergie, basée sur une table de vérité, d’un neurone binaire sur des systèmes embarqués à ressources limitées. Une approche d’arbre de décision modifiée constitue le fondement de la mise en œuvre proposée dans le domaine binaire. Un accès de LUT consomme beaucoup moins d’énergie que l’opération équivalente de multiplication/accumulation qu’il remplace. De plus, l’algorithme modifié de l’arbre de décision élimine le besoin d’accéder à la mémoire. Nous avons utilisé les neurones binaires proposés pour mettre en œuvre la couche de classification de réseaux utilisés pour la résolution des jeux de données MNIST, SVHN et CIFAR-10, avec des résultats presque à la pointe de la technologie. La réduction de puissance pour la couche de classification atteint trois ordres de grandeur pour l’ensemble de données MNIST et cinq ordres de grandeur pour les ensembles de données SVHN et CIFAR-10.----------ABSTRACT The success of neural networks in image classification has inspired various hardware implementations on embedded platforms such as Field Programmable Gate Arrays, embedded processors and Graphical Processing Units. These embedded platforms are constrained in terms of power, which is mainly consumed by the Multiply Accumulate operations and the memory accesses for weight fetching. Quantization and pruning have been proposed to ad-dress this issue. Though effective, these techniques do not take into account the underlying architecture of the embedded hardware. In this work, we propose PoET-BiN, a Look-Up Table based power efficient implementation on resource constrained embedded devices. A modified Decision Tree approach forms the backbone of the proposed implementation in the binary domain. A LUT access consumes far less power than the equivalent Multiply Accumulate operation it replaces, and the modified Decision Tree algorithm eliminates the need for memory accesses. We applied the PoET-BiN architecture to implement the classification layers of networks trained on MNIST, SVHN and CIFAR-10 datasets, with near state-of-the art results. The energy reduction for the classifier portion reaches up to six orders of magnitude compared to a floating point implementations and up to three orders of magnitude when compared to recent binary quantized neural networks

    Machine Learning in Resource-constrained Devices: Algorithms, Strategies, and Applications

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    The ever-increasing growth of technologies is changing people's everyday life. As a major consequence: 1) the amount of available data is growing and 2) several applications rely on battery supplied devices that are required to process data in real time. In this scenario the need for ad-hoc strategies for the development of low-power and low-latency intelligent systems capable of learning inductive rules from data using a modest mount of computational resources is becoming vital. At the same time, one needs to develop specic methodologies to manage complex patterns such as text and images. This Thesis presents different approaches and techniques for the development of fast learning models explicitly designed to be hosted on embedded systems. The proposed methods proved able to achieve state-of-the-art performances in term of the trade-off between generalization capabilities and area requirements when implemented in low-cost digital devices. In addition, advanced strategies for ecient sentiment analysis in text and images are proposed
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