131 research outputs found

    Analysis of an strategic plan to increase the sales level of the company TIENS of Babahoyo using neutrosophic methods

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    In the world, natural medicine is increasingly appreciated as a complement to conventional medicine that treats diseases with industrially produced drugs. Natural medicine is cheaper, more accessible than the other one; it usually has fewer contraindications and also carries empirical and traditional knowledge. In Ecuador it is a very popular alternative for the population. “TIENS” Company produces natural medicines, which has been facing the difficulty that its sales are appreciably decreasing. That is why the company performs an analysis to increase the sale levels of produced medicines. To perform the evaluation of the alternatives, the neutrosophic AHP-SWOT method is used. This method allows studying the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of the company, which in its original form does not allow quantifications, that is why the AHP technique is incorporated to evaluate pair-wise comparisons of criteria. In the neutrosophic framework, AHP-SWOT takes into account the indeterminacy that exists in decision making processes

    Linking Neutrosophic AHP and Neutrosophic Social Choice Theory for Group Decision Making

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    Abstract. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a decision-making technique that has been widely studied and developed by the scientific community. The interest in this tool is because it combines scientific rigor with the simplicity of its application. Additionally, it has been extended to uncertainty frameworks, such as fuzzy and neutrosophic frameworks. This paper aims to define a new method called NAHP+NSC, where the Neutrosophic Analytic Hierarchy Process (NAHP) is combined with the recently introduced Neutrosophic Social Choice (NSC) theory. Neutrosophy incorporates indeterminacy to both the AHP technique and the SC theory, which is an intrinsic condition of any decision-making process. On the other hand, it is possible to count on a group of experts to carry out the NAHP evaluations, where the chosen alternative is the one with the highest votes. Experts are divided into kind of homogeneous sub-groups called Interest Groups (IG), where each IG conjointly evaluates the proposed alternatives, and then tools of NSC are used for choosing the best alternative. The contribution of this new method is that evaluations and results are more accurate when indeterminacy is incorporated

    SWOT analysis in the General Organization of Labor, Cooperation and Social Welfare of East Azerbaijan Province with a scientific and technological approach

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    Since environmental threats threaten the life and survival of organizations from all sides, organizations must recognize their current position. Carefully analyze their strengths and weaknesses, seize environmental opportunities, and prepare for threats. This is possible in the form of strategic planning. Strategic planning is used as a framework for implementing strategic thinking and directing operations to achieve goals. Thus, the organization analyses the capability and environmental conditions and, based on it, determines the possible purposes and methods to achieve it. The Department of Cooperatives, Labor, and Social Welfare of East Azerbaijan Province plays a special role in providing services to various stakeholders and its role in economic, social, cultural development and increasing the welfare of society. Identify and evaluate this organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to provide public value; it is one of the essential issues and requirements for achieving organizational goals. In this regard, using SWOT analysis and Bryson strategic planning model, internal and external factors in employment management and entrepreneurship have been identified, using interviews with managers and experts in the mentioned sector, relevant stakeholders, and questionnaire tools. In the next step, strategies related to each area were formulated as strategic issues and prioritized using internal factor matrix, external factor matrix, and QSPM evaluation methods

    Blockchain Single and Interval Valued Neutrosophic Graphs

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    Algebraic Structures of Neutrosophic Triplets, Neutrosophic Duplets, or Neutrosophic Multisets

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    Neutrosophy (1995) is a new branch of philosophy that studies triads of the form (, , ), where is an entity {i.e. element, concept, idea, theory, logical proposition, etc.}, is the opposite of , while is the neutral (or indeterminate) between them, i.e., neither nor .Based on neutrosophy, the neutrosophic triplets were founded, which have a similar form (x, neut(x), anti(x)), that satisfy several axioms, for each element x in a given set.This collective book presents original research papers by many neutrosophic researchers from around the world, that report on the state-of-the-art and recent advancements of neutrosophic triplets, neutrosophic duplets, neutrosophic multisets and their algebraic structures – that have been defined recently in 2016 but have gained interest from world researchers. Connections between classical algebraic structures and neutrosophic triplet / duplet / multiset structures are also studied. And numerous neutrosophic applications in various fields, such as: multi-criteria decision making, image segmentation, medical diagnosis, fault diagnosis, clustering data, neutrosophic probability, human resource management, strategic planning, forecasting model, multi-granulation, supplier selection problems, typhoon disaster evaluation, skin lesson detection, mining algorithm for big data analysis, etc


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    On the question: how to react in a particular situation, the management of the company must have a quick answer. In the time of fast and huge changes in production, the management must know what resources are available in the company and what kind of environment it faces. To respond promptly to the requirements of the environment, the company must define a clear strategy for its business. To define a strategy, management must know the state of the company. From these reasons, in this research it was conducted SWOT analysis of specific company, and after that the elements of the SWOT matrix were ranked using fuzzy PIPRECIA method. This ranking shows on which element company should pay the most attention

    A hybrid neutrosophic group ANP-TOPSIS framework for supplier selection problems

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    One of the most significant competitive strategies for organizations is sustainable supply chain management (SSCM). The vital part in the administration of a sustainable supply chain is the sustainable supplier selection, which is a multi-criteria decision-making issue, including many conflicting criteria.</div


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    Aircraft’s training is crucial for a flight training organization (FTO). Therefore, an important decision that these organizations should wisely consider the choice of aircraft to be bought among many alternatives. The criteria for evaluating the optimal training aircraft for FTOs are collected based on the survey approach. Single valued neutrosophic sets (SVNS) have the degree of truth, indeterminacy, and falsity membership functions and, as a special case, neutrosophic sets (NS) deal with inconsistent environments. In this regard, this study has extended a single-valued neutrosophic analytic hierarchy process (AHP) based on multi-objective optimization on the basis of ratio analysis plus a full multiplicative form (MULTIMOORA) to rank the training aircraft as the alternatives. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis is performed to demonstrate the stability of the developed method. Finally, a comparison between the results of the developed approach and the existing approaches for validating the developed approach is discussed. This analysis shows that the proposed approach is efficient and with the other methods

    Shortest path problem using Bellman algorithm under neutrosophic environment

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    An elongation of the single-valued neutrosophic set is an interval-valued neutrosophic set. It has been demonstrated to deal indeterminacy in a decision-making problem. Real-world problems have some kind of uncertainty in nature and among them; one of the influential problems is solving the shortest path problem (SPP) in interconnections


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    Decision Support System provides recommendations to stakeholders in making decisions,in order to carry out the management function of the organization (university). Marketing within the university carries out one of the main functions of management, namely Planning. Planning is taken to win the competition (to get new students). An increasing number of new students can be obtained with various marketing strategies as an alternative. However, not all marketing strategies are planned to be implemented in one student admission period,for this reason, a DSS approach is needed that is supported by several criteria so that it is expected to avoid stakeholders in determining subjective marketing strategies. Based on the predetermined criteria, it is necessary to determine the weight for each criterion, generally there are several ways to determine the weight of the criteria. SWOT analysis is one of the approaches used to obtain the weight of the importance of the criteria for alternatives. By using SWOT, it can provide an overview of the organization obtained, After determining the weight value of the organizational description (in this case the university) then the weight value obtained is calculated by ANP. The ANP method as an MCDM method is an extension of AHP with the concept of network construction, providing dependence between the components of the SPK, from criteria to sub-criteria, the dependence of criteria on alternatives and vice versa. Determined by determining the criteria, sub-criteria, alternatives, the weight of each component, the weight of the criteria written in a pairwise comparison to produce a supermatrix. The results of the study indicate that the SWOT can increase the objectivity of the process of determining the weight of the criteria in decisions which is indicated by an increase in the preference value of 19.3%Sistem penunjang keputusan&nbsp; (SPK) memberikan rekomendasi kepada para pemangku kepentingan dalam membuat keputusan, guna menjalankan fungsi manajemen organisasi(perguruan tinggi). Pemasaran dalam perguruan tinggi menjalankan salah satu fungsi utama manajemen yaitu Planning. Planning&nbsp; ditempuh untuk memenangkan persaingan (untuk mendapatkan mahasiswa baru). Peningkatan jumlah mahasiswa baru dapat diperoleh dengan berbagai strategi pemasaran&nbsp; sebagai alternatif. Namun strategi pemasaran yang direncanakan tidak semua dilaksanakan pada satu periode penerimaan mahasiswa, untuk itu diperlukan pendekatan SPK yang didukung oleh beberapa kriteria sehingga diharapkan dapat menghindarkan para pemangku kepentingan dalam menentukan strategi pemasaran yang subyektif. Berdasarkan kriteria yang telah ditentukan perlu menentukan&nbsp; bobot pada masing-masing kriteria, umumnya terdapat beberapa cara untuk menentukan bobot kriteria. Analisis SWOT sebagai salah satu pendekatan yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan bobot derajat kepentingan pada kriteria terhadap alternatif. Dengan menggunakan SWOT dapat memberi gambaran yang jelas akan organisasi, kemudian nilai bobot yang diperolehnya dihitung dengan ANP. Metode ANP sebagai metode MCDM dengan konstruksi jaringan, menyediakan ketergantungan antara komponen SPK, dari kriteria terhadap sub-kriteria, ketergantungan dari kriteria terhadap alternatif dan sebaliknya. Dimulai dengan penentuan tujuan, kriteria-sub kriteria, alternatif, bobot kepentingan masing-masing komponen,&nbsp;&nbsp;bobot kriteria dituliskan dalam pairwise comparison sehingga menghasilkan supermatrix. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan SWOT, proses penentuan bobot kriteria dapat lebih efektif