32 research outputs found

    Failure Trace Semantics for a Process Algebra with Time-outs

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    This paper extends a standard process algebra with a time-out operator, thereby increasing its absolute expressiveness, while remaining within the realm of untimed process algebra, in the sense that the progress of time is not quantified. Trace and failures equivalence fail to be congruences for this operator; their congruence closure is characterised as failure trace equivalence

    Life of occam-Pi

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    This paper considers some questions prompted by a brief review of the history of computing. Why is programming so hard? Why is concurrency considered an “advanced” subject? What’s the matter with Objects? Where did all the Maths go? In searching for answers, the paper looks at some concerns over fundamental ideas within object orientation (as represented by modern programming languages), before focussing on the concurrency model of communicating processes and its particular expression in the occam family of languages. In that focus, it looks at the history of occam, its underlying philosophy (Ockham’s Razor), its semantic foundation on Hoare’s CSP, its principles of process oriented design and its development over almost three decades into occam-? (which blends in the concurrency dynamics of Milner’s ?-calculus). Also presented will be an urgent need for rationalisation – occam-? is an experiment that has demonstrated significant results, but now needs time to be spent on careful review and implementing the conclusions of that review. Finally, the future is considered. In particular, is there a future

    Analysis of the reachability problem in fragments of the Pi-calculus

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    BSc Thesis from Universidad del Valle, ColombiaThe pi-calculus is one of the most important formalisms for analyzing and modelling concurrent systems. It is a simple but powerful tool for specifying and checking several properties in this kind of systems. An interesting property of any system is the ability to reach some special state where it has a particular behavior. In security systems this is extremely important, since we would like that a system does not reach a state where a secret becomes observable to potential attackers. This work studies the reachability problem in fragments of the pi-calculus and explores some expressiveness results beyond this problem. We prove the relation between local names and sequences of actions in CCS! processes. Using this result and the decidability of barbs from previous work we prove that the reachability problem for some fragments of pi-calculus is decidable. We also provide an algorithmic approach for solving this problem using the theory of well-structured transition systems in consequence we are able to verify this property in infinite state systems with a finite number of steps. Finally, we provide a small interpreter for CCS!, useful as an initial practical approach for checking properties in real life systems specified by this calculu

    Analysis of the reachability problem in fragments of the Pi-calculus

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    BSc Thesis from Universidad del Valle, ColombiaThe pi-calculus is one of the most important formalisms for analyzing and modelling concurrent systems. It is a simple but powerful tool for specifying and checking several properties in this kind of systems. An interesting property of any system is the ability to reach some special state where it has a particular behavior. In security systems this is extremely important, since we would like that a system does not reach a state where a secret becomes observable to potential attackers. This work studies the reachability problem in fragments of the pi-calculus and explores some expressiveness results beyond this problem. We prove the relation between local names and sequences of actions in CCS! processes. Using this result and the decidability of barbs from previous work we prove that the reachability problem for some fragments of pi-calculus is decidable. We also provide an algorithmic approach for solving this problem using the theory of well-structured transition systems in consequence we are able to verify this property in infinite state systems with a finite number of steps. Finally, we provide a small interpreter for CCS!, useful as an initial practical approach for checking properties in real life systems specified by this calculu

    On the Expressivity of Infinite and Local Behaviour in Fragments of the pi-calculus

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    The pi-calculus [61] is one the most influential formalisms for modelling and analyzing the behaviour of concurrent systems. This calculus provides a language in which the structure of terms represents the structure of processes together with an operational semantics to represent computational steps. For example, the parallel composition term P | Q, which is built from the terms P and Q, represents the process that results from the parallel execution of the processes P and Q. Similarly, the restriction (v x)P represents a process P with local resource x. The replication !P can be thought of as abbreviating the parallel composition P | P | . . . of an unbounded number of P processes. As for other language-based formalisms (e.g., logic, formal grammars and the pi-calculus) a fundamental part of the research in process calculi involves the study of the expressiveness of fragments or variants of a given process calculus. In this dissertation we shall study the expressiveness of some variants of the pi-calculus focusing on the role of the terms used to represent local and infinite behaviour, namely restriction and replication. The first part of this dissertation is devoted to the expressiveness of the zero-adic variant of the (polyadic) pi-calculus, i.e., CCS with replication (CCS!) [21]. Busi et al [22] show that CCS! is Turing powerful [22]. The result is obtained by encoding Random Access Machines (RAMs) in CCS!. The encoding is said to be non-faithful because it may move from a state which can lead to termination into a divergent one which do not correspond to any configuration of the encoded RAM. I.e., the encoding is not termination preserving. In this dissertation we shall study the existence of faithful encodings into CCS! of models of computability strictly less expressive than Turing Machines. Namely, grammars of Types 1 (Context Sensitive Languages), 2 (Context Free Languages) and 3 (Regular Languages) in the Chomsky Hierarchy. We provide faithful encodings of Type 3 grammars. We show that it is impossible to provide a faithful encoding of Type 2 grammars and that termination-preserving CCS! processes can generate languages which are not Type 2. We finally conjecture that the languages generated by termination-preserving CCS! processes are Type 1 . We also observe that the encoding of RAMs [22] and several encoding of Turing-powerful formalisms in pi-calculus variants may generate an unbounded number of restrictions during the simulation of a given machine. This unboundedness arises from having restrictions under the scope of replication (or recursion) as in e.g., !(v x)P or μX.(v x)(P | X). This suggests that such an interplay between these operators is fundamental for Turing completeness. We shall also study the expressive power of restriction and its interplay with replication. We do this by considering several syntactic variants of CCS! which differ from each other in the use of restriction with respect to replication. We consider three syntactic variations of CCS! which do not allow the generation of unbounded number of restrictions: C2 is the fragment of CCS! not allowing restrictions under the scope of a replication, C3 is the restriction-free fragment of CCS!. The third variant is C4 which extends C2 with Phillips' priority guards [76]. We shall show that the use of an unboundedly many restrictions in CCS! is necessary for obtaining Turing expressiveness in the sense of Busi et al [22]. We do this by showing that there is no encoding of RAMs into C2 which preserves and reflects convergence. We also prove that up to failures equivalence, there is no encoding from CCS! into C2 nor from C2 into C3. Thus up to failures equivalence, we cannot encode a process with an unbounded number of restrictions into one with a bounded number of restrictions, nor one with a bounded number of restrictions into a restriction-free process. As lemmata for the above results we prove that convergence is decidable for C2 and that language equivalence is decidable for C3 but undecidable for C2. As corollary it follows that convergence is decidable for restriction-free CCS. Finally, we show the expressive power of priorities by providing a faithful encoding of RAMs in C4 thus bearing witness to the expressive power of Phillips' priority guards [76]. The second part of this dissertation is devoted to expressiveness of the asynchronous monadic pi-calculus, A [15, 47]. In [70] the authors studied the expressivenessn of persistence in Api [15, 47] wrt weak barbed congruence. The study is incomplete because it ignores divergence. We shall present an expressiveness study of persistence in Api wrt De Nicola and Hennessy's testing scenario which is sensitive to divergence. Following [70],,we consider Api and three sub-languages of it, each capturing one source of persistence: the persistent-input Api-calculus (PIA), the persistent-output Api-calculus (POA) and the persistent Api-calculus (PA). In [70] the authors showed encodings from Api into the semi-persistent calculi (i.e., POA and PIA) correct wrt weak barbed congruence. We show that, under some general conditions related to compositionality of the encoding and preservation of the infinite behaviour, there cannot be an encoding from Api into a (semi)-persistent calculus preserving the must testing semantics. We also prove that convergence and divergence are decidable for POA (and PA). As a consequence there is no encoding preserving and reflecting divergence or convergence from Api into POA (and PA). This study fills a gap on the expressiveness study of persistence in A in [70]

    The symbiosis of concurrency and verification: teaching and case studies

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    Concurrency is beginning to be accepted as a core knowledge area in the undergraduate CS curriculum—no longer isolated, for example, as a support mechanism in a module on operating systems or reserved as an advanced discipline for later study. Formal verification of system properties is often considered a difficult subject area, requiring significant mathematical knowledge and generally restricted to smaller systems employing sequential logic only. This paper presents materials, methods and experiences of teaching concurrency and verification as a unified subject, as early as possible in the curriculum, so that they become fundamental elements of our software engineering tool kit—to be used together every day as a matter of course. Concurrency and verification should live in symbiosis. Verification is essential for concurrent systems as testing becomes especially inadequate in the face of complex non-deterministic (and, therefore, hard to repeat) behaviours. Concurrency should simplify the expression of most scales and forms of computer system by reflecting the concurrency of the worlds in which they operate (and, therefore, have to model); simplified expression leads to simplified reasoning and, hence, verification. Our approach lets these skills be developed without requiring students to be trained in the underlying formal mathematics. Instead, we build on the work of those who have engineered that necessary mathematics into the concurrency models we use (CSP, ?-calculus), the model checker (FDR) that lets us explore and verify those systems, and the programming languages/libraries (occam-?, Go, JCSP, ProcessJ) that let us design and build efficient executable systems within these models. This paper introduces a workflow methodology for the development and verification of concurrent systems; it also presents and reflects on two open-ended case studies, using this workflow, developed at the authors’ two universities. Concerns analysed include safety (don’t do bad things), liveness (do good things) and low probability deadlock (that testing fails to discover). The necessary technical background is given to make this paper self-contained and its work simple to reproduce and extend

    CSP as a Coordination Language. A CSP-based Approach to the Coordination of Concurrent Systems

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    Die Beherrschbarkeit komplexer nebenläufiger Systeme hängt in hohem Maße davon ab, mit welchen Methoden das System modelliert bzw. spezifiziert wird. Formale auf Nebenläufigkeit spezialisierte Methoden erlauben es, solche Systeme elegant auf einem hohen Abstraktionsniveau zu modellieren und zu analysieren. Ein Vertreter derartiger Methoden ist die in dieser Arbeit verwendete Prozess Algebra CSP. CSP ist ein weitverbreiteter, wohluntersuchter Formalismus, der es erlaubt, ein nebenläufiges System mathematisch präzise zu beschreiben und wichtige Eigenschaften, beispielsweise Verklemmungsfreiheit, zu verifizieren. Dennoch ist die Ableitung einer Systemimplementierung aus einem gegebenen CSP Modell immer noch ein aktueller Forschungsgegenstand. So ist zum Beispiel unklar, wie interne Aktionen eines Systems in einer Implementierung integriert werden können, da diese in CSP ununterscheidbar sind. Als Lösung wird in dieser Arbeit vorgeschlagen, CSP mit einer sequentiellen Zielsprache zu integrieren, so dass die Aktionen eines Systems in der sequentiellen Zielsprache implementiert werden und die Aktionen entsprechend eines CSP Prozesses koordiniert werden. Koordinationssprachen zielen ebenfalls darauf ab, Nebenläufigkeit von sequentiellen Aspekten eines Systems zu trennen, sie sind aber weniger auf automatisierte formale Verifikation ausgerichtet. In der Arbeit wird die Verwendung der Prozess Algebra CSP als formale Koordinationssprache für beliebige sequentielle Zielsprachen vorgeschlagen. Hierfür wird das formale Fundament einer Koordinationsumgebung entwickelt, die einen CSP Prozess zur Laufzeit simuliert und die Aktionen des Systems entsprechend ausführt. Besonderer Wert liegt auf der Koordination interner Aktionen und auf der Erkennung von Nebenläufigkeit zwischen extern synchronisierbaren und internen Aktionen. Durch Beweisverpflichtungen wird der Zusammenhang zwischen dem Koordinationsprozess und den Implementierungen der Aktionen hergestellt. Die Koordinationsumgebung wird konkret für die Zielsprache Java implementiert. Desweiteren wird eine Fallstudie vorgestellt, die sich mit der Entwicklung eines Workflow Servers beschäftigt, dessen interne Nebenläufigkeit einerseits selbst mittels CSP koordiniert wird und der andererseits CSP-basierte Workflows ausführen kann, die ebenfalls durch eine CSP Koordinationsumgebung gesteuert werden. Die Arbeit enthält wissenschaftliche Beiträge zur Theorie und der praktischen Verwendbarkeit von CSP, bezüglich der Konstruktion korrekter nebenläufiger Systeme, sowie zum Bereich der Modellierung und Verwaltung von Workflows.Complex concurrent systems are in general hard to understand, and equally hard to specify and to verify. The process algebra Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) offers a way of taming the complexity of concurrent systems by focusing on the interaction behavior of systems and abstracting from synchronization mechanisms and other implementation details. CSP provides a mature intermediate level formalism that allows us to specify and model such systems in a mathematically precise way and to verify important properties, e. g., deadlock-freedom. However, the derivation of a system’s implementation from its CSP-based model is still a problem and sub ject to ongoing research. It is, for example, not obvious how to integrate CSP with internal actions of a system, because CSP abstracts from internal actions to a great extent. To overcome this problem, we propose to integrate CSP with a sequential host language such that the concurrency aspects of systems are captured on the CSP level and its actions are implemented in the sequential host language. This idea of separating concurrent and sequential aspects of a system is also known from coordination languages, but those are in general less amenable to automated verification. In this thesis, we present the use of CSP as a formal coordination language for arbitrary sequential host languages, allowing us to use CSP for the design, implementation, and verification of concurrent systems. To this end, we develop the model of a coordination environment that simulates a CSP process at runtime and performs the system’s actions accordingly. The coordination environment controls the system’s interaction with its environment as well as its internal actions. We present proof obligations to ensure that the properties proved on the CSP level also hold on the implementation level of the system. We also present an implementation of the coordination environment for the target language Java and a case study of constructing a workflow server as a coordinated concurrent Java program. This thesis contributes to the theory and practice of CSP, to the engineering of correct concurrent systems, and to the modeling and management of workflows. The main contribution of this thesis is a target language independent CSP-based framework for the construction of provably correct concurrent systems

    Programming Languages for Distributed Computing Systems

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    When distributed systems first appeared, they were programmed in traditional sequential languages, usually with the addition of a few library procedures for sending and receiving messages. As distributed applications became more commonplace and more sophisticated, this ad hoc approach became less satisfactory. Researchers all over the world began designing new programming languages specifically for implementing distributed applications. These languages and their history, their underlying principles, their design, and their use are the subject of this paper. We begin by giving our view of what a distributed system is, illustrating with examples to avoid confusion on this important and controversial point. We then describe the three main characteristics that distinguish distributed programming languages from traditional sequential languages, namely, how they deal with parallelism, communication, and partial failures. Finally, we discuss 15 representative distributed languages to give the flavor of each. These examples include languages based on message passing, rendezvous, remote procedure call, objects, and atomic transactions, as well as functional languages, logic languages, and distributed data structure languages. The paper concludes with a comprehensive bibliography listing over 200 papers on nearly 100 distributed programming languages

    On Syntactic and Semantic Action Refinement

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    The semantic definition of action refinement on labelled event structures is compared with the notion of syntactic substitution,which can be used as another notion of action refiment in a process algebraic setting. This is done by studying a process algebra equipped with the ACP sequential composition, parallel composition with an explicit synchronization set, and an operator for action refinement. On the one hand, the language (including the renement\ud operator) is given a flow event structure semantics. On the other hand, a reduction procedure transforms a process term P into a flat term (i.e., with the refinement operator not occurring in it) red(P) by means of syntactic substitution, defined in a structural inductive way.\ud \ud The main aim of the paper is to find general conditions under which the terms P and red(P) have the same semantics. The results we present are essentially dependent on the question whether the refined action can be synchronized or not. In the latter case, P and red(P) give rise to isomorphic flow event structures under mild assumptions. The former case is considerably more difficult. We give necessary and sufficient semantic conditions under which refinement can be distributed over synchronization up to isomorphic domains of configurations. Subsequently we also give sufficient (but not necessary) syntactic conditions for reducible terms.\u