1,007 research outputs found

    An authoring tool for generalised scenario creation for SignSupport

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    Magister Scientiae - MSc (Computer Science)This thesis describes the development cycles of an authoring tool that generalises scenario creation for SignSupport. SignSupport is a mobile communication tool for Deaf people that currently runs on an Android smartphone. The authoring tool is computer-based software that helps a domain expert, with little or no programming skills, design and populate a limited domain conversation scenario between a Deaf person and a hearing person, e.g., when a Deaf patient collects medication at a hospital pharmacy or when a Deaf learner is taking a computer literacy course. SignSupport provides instructions to the Deaf person in signed language videos on a mobile device. The authoring tool enables the creation and population of such scenarios on a computer for subsequent 'playback' on a mobile device. The output of this authoring tool is an XML script, alongside a repository of media les that can be used to render the SignSupport mobile app on any platform. Our concern was to iteratively develop the user interface for the authoring tool, focusing on the domain experts who create the overall flow and content for a given scenario. We had four development iterations, where the rst three were evaluated for usability; for both pharmacy and ICDL course scenarios with purposive sampling. The fourth iteration focused on using the authoring tool to design an ICDL practise mobile app, recording the necessary SASL videos and using an XML parser to render the designs XML script into an Android app. The research conducted herein leveraged multiple approaches to content authoring and generalisation; and further that software generalisation can improve accessibility and a ordability for the ultimate end users. The thesis concludes with a summary of recommendations and lessons learnt

    TLAD 2010 Proceedings:8th international workshop on teaching, learning and assesment of databases (TLAD)

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    This is the eighth in the series of highly successful international workshops on the Teaching, Learning and Assessment of Databases (TLAD 2010), which once again is held as a workshop of BNCOD 2010 - the 27th International Information Systems Conference. TLAD 2010 is held on the 28th June at the beautiful Dudhope Castle at the Abertay University, just before BNCOD, and hopes to be just as successful as its predecessors.The teaching of databases is central to all Computing Science, Software Engineering, Information Systems and Information Technology courses, and this year, the workshop aims to continue the tradition of bringing together both database teachers and researchers, in order to share good learning, teaching and assessment practice and experience, and further the growing community amongst database academics. As well as attracting academics from the UK community, the workshop has also been successful in attracting academics from the wider international community, through serving on the programme committee, and attending and presenting papers.This year, the workshop includes an invited talk given by Richard Cooper (of the University of Glasgow) who will present a discussion and some results from the Database Disciplinary Commons which was held in the UK over the academic year. Due to the healthy number of high quality submissions this year, the workshop will also present seven peer reviewed papers, and six refereed poster papers. Of the seven presented papers, three will be presented as full papers and four as short papers. These papers and posters cover a number of themes, including: approaches to teaching databases, e.g. group centered and problem based learning; use of novel case studies, e.g. forensics and XML data; techniques and approaches for improving teaching and student learning processes; assessment techniques, e.g. peer review; methods for improving students abilities to develop database queries and develop E-R diagrams; and e-learning platforms for supporting teaching and learning

    TLAD 2010 Proceedings:8th international workshop on teaching, learning and assesment of databases (TLAD)

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    This is the eighth in the series of highly successful international workshops on the Teaching, Learning and Assessment of Databases (TLAD 2010), which once again is held as a workshop of BNCOD 2010 - the 27th International Information Systems Conference. TLAD 2010 is held on the 28th June at the beautiful Dudhope Castle at the Abertay University, just before BNCOD, and hopes to be just as successful as its predecessors.The teaching of databases is central to all Computing Science, Software Engineering, Information Systems and Information Technology courses, and this year, the workshop aims to continue the tradition of bringing together both database teachers and researchers, in order to share good learning, teaching and assessment practice and experience, and further the growing community amongst database academics. As well as attracting academics from the UK community, the workshop has also been successful in attracting academics from the wider international community, through serving on the programme committee, and attending and presenting papers.This year, the workshop includes an invited talk given by Richard Cooper (of the University of Glasgow) who will present a discussion and some results from the Database Disciplinary Commons which was held in the UK over the academic year. Due to the healthy number of high quality submissions this year, the workshop will also present seven peer reviewed papers, and six refereed poster papers. Of the seven presented papers, three will be presented as full papers and four as short papers. These papers and posters cover a number of themes, including: approaches to teaching databases, e.g. group centered and problem based learning; use of novel case studies, e.g. forensics and XML data; techniques and approaches for improving teaching and student learning processes; assessment techniques, e.g. peer review; methods for improving students abilities to develop database queries and develop E-R diagrams; and e-learning platforms for supporting teaching and learning

    Exchanging personal health data with electronic health records: A standardized information model for patient generated health data and observations of daily living

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    Objective: The development of a middleware information model to facilitate better interoperability between Personal and Electronic Health Record systems in order to allow exchange of Patient Generated Health Data and Observations of Daily Leaving between patients and providers in order to encourage patient self-management. Materials and methods: An information model based on HL7 standards for interoperability has been extended to support PGHD and ODL data types. The new information models uses HL7 CDA to represent data, is instantiated as a Protégé ontology and uses a set of mapping rules to transfer data between Personal and Electronic Health Record systems. Results: The information model was evaluated by executing a set of use case scenarios containing data exported from three consumer health apps, transformed to CDA according to developed mapping rules and validated against a CDA schema. This allowed various challenges to emerge as well as revealed gaps in current standards in use and the information model has been refined accordingly. Discussion and conclusion: Our proposed middleware solution offers a number of advantages. When modifications are made to either a Personal or Health Electronic Health Record system or any integrated consumer app, they can be incorporated by altering only the instantiation of the information model. Our proposition uses current standards in use such as CDA. The solution is applicable to any EHR system with HL7 CDA support

    Contributions to interoperability, scalability and formalization of personal health systems

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    The ageing of the world's population combined with unhealthy lifestyles are contributing to a major prevalence of chronic diseases. This scenario poses the challenge of providing good healthcare services to that people affected by chronic illnesses, but without increasing its costs. A prominent way to face this challenge is through pervasive healthcare. Research in pervasive healthcare tries to shift the current centralized healthcare delivery model focused on the doctors, to a more distributed model focused on the patients. In this context Personal Health Systems (PHSs) consists on approaching sampling technologies into the hands of the patients, without disturbing its activities of the daily life, to monitor patient's physiological parameters and providing feedback on their state. The use of PHSs involves the patients in the management of their illness and in their own well being too. The development of PHSs has to face technological issues in order to be accepted by our society. Within them it is important to ensure interoperability between different systems in order to make them work together. Scalability it is also a concern, as their performance must not decrease when increasing the number of users. Another issue is how to formalize the medical knowledge for each patient, as different patients may have different target goals. Security and privacy are a must feature because of the sensitive nature of medical data. Other issues involve the the integration with legacy systems, and the usability of graphical user interfaces in order to encourage old people with the use these technologies. The aim of this PhD thesis is to contribute into the state-of-the-art of PHSs by tackling together different of the above-mentioned challenges. First, to achieve interoperability we use the CDA standard as a format to encode and exchange health data and alerts related with the status of the patient. We show how these documents can be generated automatically through the use of XML templates. Second, we address the scalability by distributing the computations needed to monitor the patients over their devices, rather than performing them in a centralized server. In this context we develop the MAGPIE agent platform, which runs on Android devices, as a framework able to provide intelligence to PHSs, and generate alerts that can be of interest for the patients and the medical doctors. Third, we focus on the formalization of PHSs by providing a tool for the practitioners where they can define, in a graphical way, monitoring rules related with chronic diseases that are integrated with the MAGPIE agent platform. The thesis also explores different ways to share the data collected with PHSs in order to improve the outcomes obtained with the use of this technology. Data is shared between individuals following a Distributed Event-Based System (DEBS) approach, where different people can subscribe to the alerts produced by the patient. Data is also shared between institutions with a network protocol called MOSAIC, and we focus on the security aspects of this protocol. The research in this PhD focuses in the use case of Diabetes Mellitus; and it has been developed in the context of the projects MONDAINE, MAGPIE, COMMODITY12 and TAMESIS.L'envelliment de la població mundial combinat amb uns estils de vida no saludables contribueixen a una major prevalença d'enfermetats cròniques. Aquest escenari presenta el repte de proporcionar uns bons serveis sanitaris a les persones afectades per aquestes enfermetats, sense incrementar-ne els costos. Una solució prometedora a aquest repte és mitjançant l'aplicació del que en anglès s'anomena "pervasive healthcare". L'investigació en aquesta camp tracta de canviar l'actual model centralitzat de serveis sanitaris enfocat en el personal sanitari, per un model de serveis distribuït enfocat en els pacients. En aquest context, els Personal Health Systems (PHSs) consisteixen en posar a l'abast dels pacients les tecnologies de monitorització, i proporcionar-los informació sobre el seu estat. L'ús de PHSs involucra els pacients en la gestió de la seva enfermetat i del seu propi benestar. L'acceptació dels PHSs per part de la societat implica certs reptes tecnològics en el seu desenvolupament. És important garantir la seva interoperabilitat per tal de que puguin treballar conjuntament. La seva escalabilitat també s'ha de tenir en compte, ja que el seu rendiment no s'ha de veure afectat al incrementar-ne el número d'usuaris. Un altre aspecte a considerar és com formalitzar el coneixement mèdic per cada pacient, ja que cada un d'ells pot tenir objectius diferents. La seguretat i privacitat són característiques desitjades degut a la naturalesa sensible de les dades mèdiques. Altres problemàtiques impliquen la integració amb sistemes heretats, i la usabilitat de les interfícies gràfiques per fomentar-ne el seu ús entre les persones grans. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és contribuir a l'estat de l'art dels PHSs tractant de manera conjunta varis dels reptes mencionats. Per abordar l'interoperabilitat s'utilitza l'estàndard CDA com a format per codificar les dades mèdiques i alertes relacionades amb el pacient. A més es mostra com aquests documents poden generar-se de forma automàtica mitjançant l' ús de plantilles XML. Per tractar l'escalabilitat es distribueixen les computacions per monitoritzar els pacients entre els seus terminals mòbils, en comptes de realitzar-les en un servidor central. En aquest context es desenvolupa la plataforma d'agents MAGPIE com a framework per proporcionar intelligència als PHSs i generar alertes d'interès per al metge i el pacient. La formalització s'aborda mitjançant una eina que permet als metges definir de manera gràfica regles de monitorització relacionades amb enfermetats cròniques, que a més estan integrades amb la plataforma d'agents MAGPIE. La tesi també explora diferents maneres de compartir les dades recol·lectades amb un PHS, amb l'objectiu de millorar els resultats obtinguts amb aquesta tecnologia. Les dades es comparteixen entre individus seguint un enfoc de sistemes distribuïts basats en events (DEBS), on diferents usuaris poden subscriure's a les alertes produïdes per el pacient. Les dades també es comparteixen entre institucions mitjançant un protocol de xarxa anomenat MOSAIC. A la tesi es desenvolupen els aspectes de seguretat d'aquest protocol. La test es centra en la Diabetis Mellitus com a cas d'ús, i s'ha realitzat en el context dels projectes MONDAINE, MAGPIE, COMMODITY12 i TAMESIS.El envejecimiento de la población mundial combinado con unos estilos de vida no saludables contribuyen a una mayor prevalencia de enfermedades crónicas. Este escenario presenta el reto de proporcionar unos buenos servicios sanitarios a las personas afectadas por estas enfermedades, sin incrementar sus costes. Una solución prometedora a este reto es mediante la aplicación de lo que en inglés se denomina "pervasive healthcare". La investigación en este campo trata de cambiar el actual modelo centralizado de servicios sanitarios enfocado hacia el personal sanitario, por un modelo distribuido enfocado hacia los pacientes. En este contexto, los Personal Health Systems (PHSs) consisten en poner al alcance de los pacientes las tecnologías de monitorización, y proporcionarles información sobre su estado. El uso de PHSs involucra a los pacientes en la gestión de su enfermedad y en su propio bienestar. La aceptación de los PHSs por parte de la sociedad implica ciertos retos tecnológicos en su desarrollo. Es importante garantizar su interoperabilidad para que puedan trabajar conjuntamente. Su escalabilidad también se debe tener en cuenta, ya que su rendimiento no tiene que verse afectado al incrementar su número de usuarios. Otro aspecto a considerar es cómo formalizar el conocimiento médico para cada paciente, ya que cada uno puede tener objetivos distintos. La seguridad y privacidad son características deseadas debido a la naturaleza sensible de los datos médicos. Otras problemáticas implican la integración con sistemas heredados, y la usabilidad de las interfaces gráficas para fomentar su uso entre las personas mayores. El objetivo de esta tesis es contribuir al estado del arte de los PHSs tratando de manera conjunta varios de los retos mencionados. Para abordar la interoperabilidad se usa el estándar CDA como formato para codificar los datos médicos y alertas relacionados con el paciente. Además se muestra como estros documentos pueden generarse de forma automática mediante el uso de plantillas XML. Para tratar la escalabilidad se distribuye la computación para monitorizar a los pacientes en sus terminales móbiles, en lugar de realizarla en un servidor central. En este contexto se desarrolla la plataforma de agentes MAGPIE como framework para proporcionar inteligencia a los PHSs y generar alertas de interés para el médico y el paciente. La formalización se aborda mediante una herramienta que permite a los médicos definir de manera gráfica reglas de monitorización relacionadas con enfermedades crónicas, que ademas están integradas con la plataforma de agentes MAGPIE. La tesis también explora distintas formas de compartir los datos recolectados con un PHS, con el fin de mejorar los resultados obtenidos mediante esta tecnología. Los datos se comparten entre individuos siguiendo un enfoque de sistemas distribuidos basados en eventos (DEBS), donde distintos usuarios pueden suscribirse a las alertas producidas por el paciente. Los datos también se comparten entre instituciones mediante un protocolo dered llamado MOSAIC. En la tesis se desarrollan los aspectos de seguridad de este protocolo. La tesis se centra en la Diabetes Mellitus como caso de uso, y se ha realizado en el contexto de los proyectos MONDAINE, MAGPIE, COMMODITY12 y TAMESIS.Postprint (published version

    Clinical foundations and information architecture for the implementation of a federated health record service

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    Clinical care increasingly requires healthcare professionals to access patient record information that may be distributed across multiple sites, held in a variety of paper and electronic formats, and represented as mixtures of narrative, structured, coded and multi-media entries. A longitudinal person-centred electronic health record (EHR) is a much-anticipated solution to this problem, but its realisation is proving to be a long and complex journey. This Thesis explores the history and evolution of clinical information systems, and establishes a set of clinical and ethico-legal requirements for a generic EHR server. A federation approach (FHR) to harmonising distributed heterogeneous electronic clinical databases is advocated as the basis for meeting these requirements. A set of information models and middleware services, needed to implement a Federated Health Record server, are then described, thereby supporting access by clinical applications to a distributed set of feeder systems holding patient record information. The overall information architecture thus defined provides a generic means of combining such feeder system data to create a virtual electronic health record. Active collaboration in a wide range of clinical contexts, across the whole of Europe, has been central to the evolution of the approach taken. A federated health record server based on this architecture has been implemented by the author and colleagues and deployed in a live clinical environment in the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at the Whittington Hospital in North London. This implementation experience has fed back into the conceptual development of the approach and has provided "proof-of-concept" verification of its completeness and practical utility. This research has benefited from collaboration with a wide range of healthcare sites, informatics organisations and industry across Europe though several EU Health Telematics projects: GEHR, Synapses, EHCR-SupA, SynEx, Medicate and 6WINIT. The information models published here have been placed in the public domain and have substantially contributed to two generations of CEN health informatics standards, including CEN TC/251 ENV 13606

    Efficient Decision Support Systems

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    This series is directed to diverse managerial professionals who are leading the transformation of individual domains by using expert information and domain knowledge to drive decision support systems (DSSs). The series offers a broad range of subjects addressed in specific areas such as health care, business management, banking, agriculture, environmental improvement, natural resource and spatial management, aviation administration, and hybrid applications of information technology aimed to interdisciplinary issues. This book series is composed of three volumes: Volume 1 consists of general concepts and methodology of DSSs; Volume 2 consists of applications of DSSs in the biomedical domain; Volume 3 consists of hybrid applications of DSSs in multidisciplinary domains. The book is shaped decision support strategies in the new infrastructure that assists the readers in full use of the creative technology to manipulate input data and to transform information into useful decisions for decision makers

    Usability analysis of contending electronic health record systems

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    In this paper, we report measured usability of two leading EHR systems during procurement. A total of 18 users participated in paired-usability testing of three scenarios: ordering and managing medications by an outpatient physician, medicine administration by an inpatient nurse and scheduling of appointments by nursing staff. Data for audio, screen capture, satisfaction rating, task success and errors made was collected during testing. We found a clear difference between the systems for percentage of successfully completed tasks, two different satisfaction measures and perceived learnability when looking at the results over all scenarios. We conclude that usability should be evaluated during procurement and the difference in usability between systems could be revealed even with fewer measures than were used in our study. © 2019 American Psychological Association Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Electronic institutions with normative environments for agent-based E-contracting

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Informática. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201
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