100,239 research outputs found

    Weka: A machine learning workbench for data mining

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    The Weka workbench is an organized collection of state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms and data preprocessing tools. The basic way of interacting with these methods is by invoking them from the command line. However, convenient interactive graphical user interfaces are provided for data exploration, for setting up large-scale experiments on distributed computing platforms, and for designing configurations for streamed data processing. These interfaces constitute an advanced environment for experimental data mining. The system is written in Java and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License

    Evaluation of Experimental Populations and Glandular-Haired Varieties of Alfalfa for Alfalfa Blotch Leafminer (Diptera: Agromyzidae) Feeding Injury

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    Following the spread of the alfalfa blotch leafminer, Agromyza frontella (Rondani) (Diptera: Agromyzidae), into Minnesota and Wisconsin U.S.A. during 1994-1997, three field trials were conducted in Minnesota to assess the potential for leafminer resistance among several sources of alfalfa (Medicago sativa), germplasm. In 1998, 86 entries were evaluated, most of which were experimental populations. In addition, six commercial varieties of alfalfa were evaluated. Of the six varieties, four had been bred for various levels of glandular-hair expression, specifically for resistance to the potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae (Harris) (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). In two of three trials, we found no significant differences in leafmining injury to trifoliolates among the 86 entries, or among glandular-haired and traditional commercial varieties. At one location, ‘Arrest,’ ‘Ameriguard 301,’ and ‘DK 121 HG’ incurred significantly less pinhole injury than the glandular-haired variety ‘5347 LH’ or the commercial standard, ‘5454.’ However, after accounting for both pinhole and leafmining injury, only ‘Arrest’ and ‘Ameriguard 301’ had less injury than ‘5347 LH,’ ‘DK 121 HG,’ or the standard ‘5454.’ The low levels of resistance to A. frontella injury, among glandular-haired commercial alfalfa varieties and numerous experimental populations M. sativa, confirm the need for alternative A. frontella management strategies such as biological control and possible manipulation of harvest schedules

    Misc. Pub. 91-1

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    I submit herewith the annual report of the Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, School of Agriculture and Land Resources Management, University of Alaska Fairbanks, for the period ending December 31,1990. This is done in accordance with an act of the Congress, approved March 2,1887, entitled "An act to establish Agricultural Experiment Stations, in connection with the Agricultural Colleges established in the several states under the provisions of an act approved July 2,1862, and under the acts supplementary thereto," and also of the act of the Alaska Territorial Legislature, approved March 12,1935, accepting the provisions of the act of Congress. James V. Drew, DirectorStatement of Purpose -- Plant and Animal Sciences -- Forest Sciences -- Resources Management -- Financial Statement -- Publications - Staf

    Matanuska Valley Memoir

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    We acknowledge indebtedness to the historians and developers of Alaskana who preceded us and provided much of the information we have compiled into our account of the birth of a community. Many "old timers" from the Valley provided valuable insight into situations they had experienced. Mr. Roland Snodgrass, Mrs, June Murphy and Miss Dolores Pommier assisted in compilation and preparation of background data. Mr. James Hurley made available to us the ARRC unpublished files for compilation of certain data. Various public officials aided us in many ways as we worked· our way through recorded . history. Several old photos were contributed by Mr. Walter Teeland of Wasilla and Mr. Don L. Irwin of Palmer. Several persons in public and private life who know Alaskan conditions have reviewed the manuscript and suggested improvements, Special acknowledgement is due Don L. Irwin, Director of the Alaska Agricultural Experiment Station, His vision and foresight were largely responsible for the undertaking, His encouragement and advice bolstered our lagging spirits before the long task was completed. He has read each chapter critically and has assisted particularly with interpretation of materials since 1935,The Matanuska Valley was created through action of ice, water and wind. When the last glaciers retreated up the Susitna, the Knik and the Matanuska valleys, vegetation began cove ring the scars, Over several centuries a dense growth of trees and brush screened the land from Knik Arm to the mountain slopes of the Talkeetna range . Here and there a lake broke the uniform forest mantle. A salt marsh at the mouth of the Matanuska River kept the rank undergrowth from reaching tide water, A few low spots near the Little Susitna and other swampy areas supported a thick cover of moss or grass. The Valley, which really isn't a valley at all but a reworked foreland, rises from the Matanuska River in a series of benches ranging in width from a few hundred feet to more than a mile. Some areas are flat, others are rolling. Soil depth varies from eight feet in thickness for the region bordering the Matanuska River to a few inches in sections west of Wasilla. The soil mantle, of windblown loessial materials, is of relatively new geologic development, The Valley is bounded by the Chugach Mountains on the east, the Talkeetnas on the north, the Susitna Valley on the west and Knik Arm on the south. Winters are long but usually not unduly severe; summers cool and relatively moist, To this country came trappers, prospectors and traders in closing years of the nineteenth century. Hordes of insects, difficult trails, sparse population and great distance s from supply points discouraged many potential residents, Those who stayed were interested primarily in the Willow Creek gold field or the Matanuska coal deposits. Another generation, an uneasy international situation and social crises within the United States were required before the Matanuska Valley and the rest of Upper Cook Inlet were ripe for use. This history of the Valley is designed to trace the many human elements affecting the ebb and flow of agricultural development here. It brings into focus many problems that must be solved before new areas in Alaska can be settled satisfactorily

    Intangible Investment in Japan: New Estimates and Contribution to Economic Growth

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    The purpose of this paper is to measure intangible assets, to construct the capital stock of intangible assets, and to examine the contribution of intangible capital to economic growth in Japan. We follow the approach of Corrado, Hulten, and Sichel (2005, 2006) to measure intangible investment using the 2008 version of the Japan Industrial Productivity (JIP) Database. We find that the ratio of intangible investment to GDP in Japan has risen during the past 20 years and now stands at 11.6%, which is lower than the ratio estimated for the United States in the early 2000s. The ratio of intangible to tangible investment in Japan is also lower than equivalent values estimated for the United States. In addition, we find that, in stark contrast with the United States, where intangible capital grew rapidly in the late 1990s, the growth rate of intangible capital in Japan declined from the late 1980s to the early 2000s. In order to examine the robustness of our results, we also conducted a sensitivity analysis and found that the slowdown of the contribution of intangible capital deepening to economic growth and the recovery in Multi-Factor Productivity (MFP) growth from the second half of the 1990s observed in our base case remain unchanged even if we take on-the-job training and Japanese data with respect to investment in firm-specific resources into account.intangible investment, labor productivity, growth accounting

    Regularities of hydromechanical amber extraction from sandy deposits

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    Purpose is to analyze the efficiency of hydromechanical amber extraction from sandy deposits relying upon the determined regularities concerning the effect of parameters while carrying out a series of laboratory tests and full-scale experiments. Methods. Laboratory tests and full-scale experiments (Volodymyrets amber-bearing deposit, village of Berezhnytsia) were carried out to analyze effect of the parameters of a hydromechanical technique on the velocity of amber extraction. The experiments also involved studies of occurrence medium; in this context, boiling process was modeled; and factors and parameters effecting suspense medium formation were researched. Methods of mathematical statistics were applied to obtain dependences describing mining parameters effect on amber extraction velocity. Findings. Basic parameters of hydromechanical technique, effecting amber extraction velocity, have been determined. Efficient values of air supply to provide maximum velocity of amber floating have been identified. Mathematical dependences, determining amber floating velocity depending upon air supply and mechanical effect frequency, have been obtained. In this context, amber production capacity is 90 to 95%. Basic parameters effecting amber mining (i.e. environmental density; amplitude of oscillations and their frequency; and water and air supply to sandy deposit of amber-bearing sand) have been defined. Originality. It has been first proved that amber floating velocity is of polynomial nature dependence upon environmental density where extremum is with 0.004 – 0.006 m3/h air supply value; amber extraction experiences 2 – 3 times intensification, if environmental density (ρc) is 1670 – 1750 kg/m3, oscillation frequency is 26 – 36 Hz, amplitude is A = 1.0 – 2.4 mm, and air supply is qa = 0.004 – 0.006 m3/h. In this context, amber floating (v) is 0.09 – 0.12 m/s. If air supply is more than qa = 0.020 m3/h, amber extraction process stops. It has been first obtained polynomial dependence of amber flotation on oscillation frequency of operating device as well as on air supply to rock mass. Practical implications. The determined regularities of hydromechanical amber extraction from amber-bearing sand help make calculations, and select facilities for hydromechanical amber mining.Мета. Дослідження ефективності процесу гідромеханічного вилучення бурштину з піщаних покладів на основі встановлених закономірностей впливу параметрів шляхом проведення серії лабораторних та натурних експериментів. Методика. Експериментальним шляхом в лабораторних та польових умовах (Володимирецьке бурштино-вмісне родовище, с. Бережниця) проведено дослідження впливу параметрів гідромеханічного способу вилучення на швидкість підняття бурштину. При проведенні експериментальних досліджень вивчалось середовище залягання, при цьому проводилось моделювання процесу кипіння й дослідження факторів і параметрів, що впливають на створення суспензного середовища. Із використанням методів математичної статистики отримано залежності, що описують вплив параметрів вилучення на швидкість підняття бурштину. Результати. Визначено основні параметри гідромеханічного методу, що впливають на швидкість вилучення бурштину. Встановлено раціональні значення величини подачі повітря для забезпечення максимальної швидкості спливання бурштину. Отримано математичні залежності, що визначають швидкість спливання залежно від по-дачі повітря та частоти механічного впливу, при цьому рівень видобутку бурштину сягає 90 – 95%. Визначені основні параметри, які впливають на інтенсивність підняття бурштину на денну поверхню, – густина середовища, амплітуда та частота коливань, подача води й повітря у піщане родовище бурштиновмісного піску. Наукова новизна. Вперше доведено, що швидкість спливання бурштину має поліноміальний характер залежності від густини середовища з екстремумом при величині подачі повітря 0.004 – 0.006 м3/год, а вилучення бурштину інтенсифікується у 2 – 3 рази при густині робочого середовища (ρc) 1670 – 1750 кг/м3, частоті коливання 26 – 36 Гц, амплітуді А = 1.0 – 2.4 мм, подачі повітря qa = 0.004 – 0.006 м3/год, при цьому швидкість спливання бурштину (v) рівна 0.09 – 0.12 м/с, а при збільшенні подачі повітря понад 0.020 м3/год процес вилучення бурштину припиняється. Вперше отримано поліноміальну залежність швидкості спливання бурштину від частоти коливань робочого органу та подачі повітря в масив. Практична значимість. Визначені закономірності гідромеханічного вилучення бурштину із бурштиновмісних пісків дозволяють проводити розрахунок та обирати обладнання для проведення гідромеханічного видобутку бурштину.Цель. Исследование эффективности процесса гидромеханического извлечения янтаря из песчаных залежей на основе установленных закономерностей влияния параметров путем проведения серии лабораторных и натурных экспериментов. Методика. Экспериментальным путем в лабораторных и полевых условиях (Владимирецкое янтарное месторождение, с. Бережница) проведено исследование влияния параметров гидромеханического способа извлечения на скорость всплытия янтаря. При проведении экспериментальных исследований изучалась среда залегания, при этом проводилось моделирование процесса кипения и исследование факторов и параметров, влияющих на создание суспензионной среды. С использованием методов математической статистики получены зависимости, описывающие влияние параметров извлечения на скорость всплытия янтаря. Результаты. Определены основные параметры гидромеханического способа, влияющие на скорость извлечения янтаря. Установлены рациональные значения величины подачи воздуха для обеспечения максимальной скорости всплытия янтаря. Получены математические зависимости, определяющие скорость всплытия в зависимости от подачи воздуха и частоты механического воздействия, при этом уровень добычи янтаря достигает 90 – 95%. Определены основные параметры, влияющие на интенсивность всплытия янтаря на дневную поверхность, – плотность среды, амплитуда и частота колебаний, подача воды и воздуха в песчаное месторождение янтарного песка. Научная новизна. Впервые доказано, что скорость всплытия янтаря имеет полиномиальный характер зависимости от плотности среды с экстремумом при величине подачи воздуха 0.004 – 0.006 м3/ч, а извлечение янтаря интенсифицируется в 2 – 3 раза при плотности рабочей среды (ρc) 1670 – 1750 кг/м3, частоте колебания 26 – 36 Гц, амплитуде А = 1.0 – 2.4 мм, подачи воздуха qa = 0.004 – 0.006 м3/ч, при этом скорость всплытия янтаря (v) равна 0.09 – 0.12 м/с, а при увеличении подачи воздуха более 0.020 м3/час процесс извлечения янтаря завершается. Впервые получена полиномиальная зависимость скорости всплытия янтаря от частоты колебаний рабочего органа и от подачи воздуха в массив. Практическая значимость. Установленные закономерности гидромеханического извлечения янтаря с янтарных песков позволяют производить расчет и выбирать оборудование для проведения гидромеханической добычи янтаря.The studies have been carried out on the basis of the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering (town of Rivne), and with the participation of the experts from “Ukrainska Heolohichna Kompania” SE (Volyn Surveying Company, town of Kovel). The authors express thanks to a Vice-Rector for Research of the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Doctor of Ecological Sciences N.B. Savina for the opportunity to perform the research using laboratory equipment of the University, and to the authorities of “Ukrainska Heolohichna Kompania” SE for joint research within Volodymyrets amber-bearing deposit (a village of Bereznytsia)