17 research outputs found

    Comparison of two approaches for test case generations from EFSMs.

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    Testing is one of the vital steps in software development process. To convey testing, test cases need to be generated to check whether an implementation conforms to the design specification. Design specifications are usually expressed as Extended Finite State Machines (EFSMs) and test cases are actually a path from the initial state to a specific state on that EFSM. One of the most difficult issues of test case generation for EFSMs comes from the fact that infeasible paths exist on EFSMs. Two approaches have been developed in earlier 90s\u27 to generate feasible paths from EFSMs: one is to develop algorithm to search EFSMs directly to generate feasible paths, and the other is to expand EFSMs into Finite State Machines (FSMs), followed by applying FSM techniques to generate feasible paths. Model checking method was proposed recently as a new approach for test case generation. It has some advantages over previous methods such as efficiency on number of states explored. However, by nature, it also has some disadvantages such as time inefficiency. Here we present a comparison between the model checking method and the previous expansion method from pragmatic aspect by running experiments. To carry on this comparison, we implemented a classical expansion algorithm, defined the translation from EFSMs to Promela models, and used SPIN model checker in the model checking approach. We have run sufficient number of test case generation experiments, compared the two approaches on their time consumptions, numbers of states explored, performance changes when EFSMs\u27 sizes increase etc. By this comparison, we can see the tradeoff between time consumptions and the number of states explored in the two approaches and observe their performance changes while EFSMs change. Finally, we show the existence of the trade-off between state efficiency and time efficiency of the two approaches, the impact of domain size of variable value, the native drawbacks of the expansion algorithm and the performance improvement by tuning Premela models.Dept. of Computer Science. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2005 .T36. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 44-03, page: 1415. Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2005

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 15. Number 4.

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    Realizability of embedded controllers: from hybrid models to correct implementations

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    Un controller embedded \ue8 un dispositivo (ovvero, un'opportuna combinazione di componenti hardware e software) che, immerso in un ambiente dinamico, deve reagire alle variazioni ambientali in tempo reale. I controller embedded sono largamente adottati in molti contesti della vita moderna, dall'automotive all'avionica, dall'elettronica di consumo alle attrezzature mediche. La correttezza di tali controller \ue8 indubbiamente cruciale. Per la progettazione e per la verifica di un controller embedded, spesso sorge la necessit\ue0 di modellare un intero sistema che includa sia il controller, sia il suo ambiente circostante. La natura di tale sistema \ue8 ibrido. Esso, infatti, \ue8 ottenuto integrando processi ad eventi discreti (i.e., il controller) e processi a tempo continuo (i.e., l'ambiente). Sistemi di questo tipo sono chiamati cyber-physical (CPS) o sistemi ibridi. Le dinamiche di tali sistemi non possono essere rappresentati efficacemente utilizzando o solo un modello (i.e., rappresentazione) discreto o solo un modello continuo. Diversi tipi di modelli possono sono stati proposti per descrivere i sistemi ibridi. Questi si concentrano su obiettivi diversi: modelli dettagliati sono eccellenti per la simulazione del sistema, ma non sono adatti per la sua verifica; modelli meno dettagliati sono eccellenti per la verifica, ma non sono convenienti per i successivi passi di raffinamento richiesti per la progettazione del sistema, e cos\uec via. Tra tutti questi modelli, gli Automi Ibridi (HA) [8, 77] rappresentano il formalismo pi\uf9 efficace per la simulazione e la verifica di sistemi ibridi. In particolare, un automa ibrido rappresenta i processi ad eventi discreti per mezzo di macchine a stati finiti (FSM), mentre i processi a tempo continuo sono rappresentati mediante variabili "continue" la cui dinamica \ue8 specificata da equazioni differenziali ordinarie (ODE) o loro generalizzazioni (e.g., inclusioni differenziali). Sfortunatamente, a causa della loro particolare semantica, esistono diverse difficolt\ue0 nel raffinare un modello basato su automi ibridi in un modello realizzabile e, di conseguenza, esistono difficolt\ue0 nell'automatizzare il flusso di progettazione di sistemi ibridi a partire da automi ibridi. Gli automi ibridi, infatti, sono considerati dispositivi "perfetti e istantanei". Essi adottano una nozione di tempo e di variabili basata su insiemi "densi" (i.e., l'insieme dei numeri reali). Pertanto, gli automi ibridi possono valutare lo stato (i.e., i valori delle variabili) del sistema in ogni istante, ovvero in ogni infinitesimo di tempo, e con la massima precisione. Inoltre, sono in grado di eseguire computazioni o reagire ad eventi di sincronizzazione in modo istantaneo, andando a cambiare la modalit\ue0 di funzionamento del sistema senza alcun ritardo. Questi aspetti sono convenienti a livello di modellazione, ma nessun dispositivo hardware/software potrebbe implementare correttamente tali comportamenti, indipendentemente dalle sue prestazioni. In altre parole, il controller modellato potrebbe non essere implementabile, ovvero, esso potrebbe non essere realizzabile affatto. Questa tesi affronta questo problema proponendo una metodologia completa e gli strumenti necessari per derivare da modelli basati su automi ibridi, modelli realizzabili e le corrispondenti implementazioni corrette. In un modello realizzabile, il controller analizza lo stato del sistema ad istanti temporali discreti, tipicamente fissati dalla frequenza di clock del processore installato sul dispositivo che implementa il controller. Lo stato del sistema \ue8 dato dai valori delle variabili rilevati dai sensori. Questi valori vengono digitalizzati con precisione finita e propagati al controller che li elabora per decidere se cambiare la modalit\ue0 di funzionamento del sistema. In tal caso, il controller genera segnali che, una volta trasmessi agli attuatori, determineranno il cambiamento della modalit\ue0 di funzionamento del sistema. \uc8 necessario tener presente che i sensori e gli attuatori introducono ritardi che seppur limitati, non possono essere trascurati.An embedded controller is a reactive device (e.g., a suitable combination of hardware and software components) that is embedded in a dynamical environment and has to react to environment changes in real time. Embedded controllers are widely adopted in many contexts of modern life, from automotive to avionics, from consumer electronics to medical equipment. Noticeably, the correctness of such controllers is crucial. When designing and verifying an embedded controller, often the need arises to model the controller and also its surrounding environment. The nature of the obtained system is hybrid because of the inclusion of both discrete-event (i.e., controller) and continuous-time (i.e., environment) processes whose dynamics cannot be characterized faithfully using either a discrete or continuous model only. Systems of this kind are named cyber-physical (CPS) or hybrid systems. Different types of models may be used to describe hybrid systems and they focus on different objectives: detailed models are excellent for simulation but not suitable for verification, high-level models are excellent for verification but not convenient for refinement, and so forth. Among all these models, hybrid automata (HA) [8, 77] have been proposed as a powerful formalism for the design, simulation and verification of hybrid systems. In particular, a hybrid automaton represents discrete-event processes by means of finite state machines (FSM), whereas continuous-time processes are represented by using real-numbered variables whose dynamics is specified by (ordinary) differential equation (ODE) or their generalizations (e.g., differential inclusions). Unfortunately, when the high-level model of the hybrid system is a hybrid automaton, several difficulties should be solved in order to automate the refinement phase in the design flow, because of the classical semantics of hybrid automata. In fact, hybrid automata can be considered perfect and instantaneous devices. They adopt a notion of time and evaluation of continuous variables based on dense sets of values (usually R, i.e., Reals). Thus, they can sample the state (i.e., value assignments on variables) of the hybrid system at any instant in such a dense set R 650. Further, they are capable of instantaneously evaluating guard constraints or reacting to incoming events by performing changes in the operating mode of the hybrid system without any delay. While these aspects are convenient at the modeling level, any model of an embedded controller that relies for its correctness on such precision and instantaneity cannot be implemented by any hardware/software device, no matter how fast it is. In other words, the controller is un-realizable, i.e., un-implementable. This thesis proposes a complete methodology and a framework that allows to derive from hybrid automata proved correct in the hybrid domain, correct realizable models of embedded controllers and the related discrete implementations. In a realizable model, the controller samples the state of the environment at periodic discrete time instants which, typically, are fixed by the clock frequency of the processor implementing the controller. The state of the environment consists of the current values of the relevant variables as observed by the sensors. These values are digitized with finite precision and reported to the controller that may decide to switch the operating mode of the environment. In such a case, the controller generates suitable output signals that, once transmitted to the actuators, will effect the desired change in the operating mode. It is worth noting that the sensors will report the current values of the variables and the actuators will effect changes in the rates of evolution of the variables with bounded delays

    Fail-Safe Test Generation of Safety Critical Systems

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    This dissertation introduces a technique for testing proper failure mitigation in safety critical systems. Unlike other approaches which integrate behavioral and failure models, and then generate tests from the integrated model, we build safety mitigation tests from an existing behavioral test suite, using an explicit mitigation model for which we generate mitigation paths which are then woven at selected failure points into the original test suite to create failure-mitigation tests (safety mitigation test)

    Accelerating finite state machine-based testing using reinforcement learning

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    Testing is a crucial phase in the development of complex systems, and this has led to interest in automated test generation techniques based on state-based models. Many approaches use models that are types of finite state machine (FSM). Corresponding test generation algorithms typically require that certain test components, such as reset sequences (RSs) and preset distinguishing sequences (PDSs), have been produced for the FSM specification. Unfortunately, the generation of RSs and PDSs is computationally expensive, and this affects the scalability of such FSM-based test generation algorithms. This paper addresses this scalability problem by introducing a reinforcement learning framework: the Q -Graph framework for MBT. We show how this framework can be used in the generation of RSs and PDSs and consider both (potentially partial) timed and untimed models. The proposed approach was evaluated using three types of FSMs: randomly generated FSMs, FSMs from a benchmark, and an FSM of an Engine Status Manager for a printer. In experiments, the proposed approach was much faster and used much less memory than the state-of-the-art methods in computing PDSs and RSs

    Rv-Enabled Framework For Self-Adaptive Software

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    Software systems keep increasing in scale and complexity, requiring ever more effort to design, build, test, and deploy. Systems are integrated from separately developed modules. Over the life of a system, individual modules may be updated, which may allow incompatibilities between modules to slip in. Consequently, many faults in a software system are often discovered after the system is built and deployed. Runtime verification (RV) is a collection of dynamic techniques for detecting faults of software systems. An executable monitor is constructed from a formally specified property of the system being checked (denoted as the target system) and is run over a stream of observations (events) to check whether the property is satisfied or not. Although existing tools are able to specify and monitor properties efficiently, it is still challenging to apply RV to large-scale real-world applications. From the perspective of monitoring requirements, we need a formalism that can describe both high and low-level behaviors of the target system. Complexity of the target program also brings some issues. For instance, it may contain a set of loosely-coupled components which may be added or removed dynamically. Correspondingly, monitoring requirements are often defined upon asynchronous observations that carry data of which the domain scale up along with expansion of the target system. How to conveniently specify these properties and generate monitors that can check them efficiently is a challenge. Beyond detecting faults, self-adaptive software is desirable for tolerating faults or unexpected environment changes during execution. By equipping monitors with reflexive adaptation actions, runtime enforcement (RE) can be used to improve robustness of the system. However, there is little work on analyzing possible interference between the implementation of adaptation actions and the target program. In this thesis, we present SMEDL, a RV framework using a specification language designed for high usability with respect to expressiveness, efficiency and flexible deployment. The property specification is composed of a set of communicating monitors described in the form of EFSMs (extend finite state machines). High-level properties can be straightforwardly transformed into SMEDL specifications while actions can be specified in transitions to express low-level imperative behaviors. Deployment of monitors can be explicitly specified to support both centralized and distributed software. Based on dynamically scalable monitor structure, we propose a novel method to efficiently check parametric properties that rely on the data events carry. To tackle challenges of monitoring timing properties in an asynchronous environment, we propose a conceptual monitor architecture that clearly separates monitoring of time intervals from the rest of property checking. To support software adaptation, we extend the SMEDL framework to specify enforcement specifications, generate implementations and instrument them into the target system. Analysis of interference between the adaptation implementation and the target system can be performed statically based on Hoare-logic. Instead of building a whole new proof for the target system globally, we present a method to generate local proof obligations for better scalability

    The 1st Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science

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    Génération automatique de cas de test pour les systèmes modélisés par des machines à états finis communicantes

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    Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Advanced Computer Technologies for Integrated Agro-Hydrologic Systems Modeling: Coupled Crop and Hydrologic Models for Agricultural Intensification Impacts Assessment

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    Coupling hydrologic and crop models is increasingly becoming an important task when addressing agro-hydrologic systems studies. Either for resources conservation or cropping systems improvement, the complex interactions between hydrologic regime and crop management components requires an integrative approach in order to be fully understood. Nevertheless, the literature offers limited resources on models’ coupling that targets environmental scientists. Indeed, major of guides are are destined primarily for computer specialists and make them hard to encompass and apply. To address this gap, we present an extensive research to crop and hydrologic models coupling that targets earth agro-hydrologic modeling studies in its integrative complexity. The primary focus is to understand the relationship between agricultural intensification and its impacts on hydrologic balance. We provided documentations, classifications, applications and references of the available technologies and trends of development. We applied the results of the investigation by coupling the DREAM hydrologic model with DSSAT crop model. Both models were upgraded either on their code source (DREAM) or operational base (DSSAT) for interoperability and parallelization. The resulting model operates at a grid base and daily step. The model is applied southern Italy to analyze the effect of fertilizer application on runoff generation between 2000 and 2013. The results of the study show a significant impacts of nitrogen application on water yield. Indeed, nearly 71.5 thousand cubic-meter of rain water for every kilogram of nitrogen and per hectare is lost as a reduction of runoff coefficient. Furthermore, a significant correlation between the nitrogen applications amount and runoff is found at a yearly basis with Pearson’s coefficient of 0.93