291 research outputs found

    Cognitive Machine Individualism in a Symbiotic Cybersecurity Policy Framework for the Preservation of Internet of Things Integrity: A Quantitative Study

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    This quantitative study examined the complex nature of modern cyber threats to propose the establishment of cyber as an interdisciplinary field of public policy initiated through the creation of a symbiotic cybersecurity policy framework. For the public good (and maintaining ideological balance), there must be recognition that public policies are at a transition point where the digital public square is a tangible reality that is more than a collection of technological widgets. The academic contribution of this research project is the fusion of humanistic principles with Internet of Things (IoT) technologies that alters our perception of the machine from an instrument of human engineering into a thinking peer to elevate cyber from technical esoterism into an interdisciplinary field of public policy. The contribution to the US national cybersecurity policy body of knowledge is a unified policy framework (manifested in the symbiotic cybersecurity policy triad) that could transform cybersecurity policies from network-based to entity-based. A correlation archival data design was used with the frequency of malicious software attacks as the dependent variable and diversity of intrusion techniques as the independent variable for RQ1. For RQ2, the frequency of detection events was the dependent variable and diversity of intrusion techniques was the independent variable. Self-determination Theory is the theoretical framework as the cognitive machine can recognize, self-endorse, and maintain its own identity based on a sense of self-motivation that is progressively shaped by the machine’s ability to learn. The transformation of cyber policies from technical esoterism into an interdisciplinary field of public policy starts with the recognition that the cognitive machine is an independent consumer of, advisor into, and influenced by public policy theories, philosophical constructs, and societal initiatives

    Deep Learning -Powered Computational Intelligence for Cyber-Attacks Detection and Mitigation in 5G-Enabled Electric Vehicle Charging Station

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    An electric vehicle charging station (EVCS) infrastructure is the backbone of transportation electrification. However, the EVCS has various cyber-attack vulnerabilities in software, hardware, supply chain, and incumbent legacy technologies such as network, communication, and control. Therefore, proactively monitoring, detecting, and defending against these attacks is very important. The state-of-the-art approaches are not agile and intelligent enough to detect, mitigate, and defend against various cyber-physical attacks in the EVCS system. To overcome these limitations, this dissertation primarily designs, develops, implements, and tests the data-driven deep learning-powered computational intelligence to detect and mitigate cyber-physical attacks at the network and physical layers of 5G-enabled EVCS infrastructure. Also, the 5G slicing application to ensure the security and service level agreement (SLA) in the EVCS ecosystem has been studied. Various cyber-attacks such as distributed denial of services (DDoS), False data injection (FDI), advanced persistent threats (APT), and ransomware attacks on the network in a standalone 5G-enabled EVCS environment have been considered. Mathematical models for the mentioned cyber-attacks have been developed. The impact of cyber-attacks on the EVCS operation has been analyzed. Various deep learning-powered intrusion detection systems have been proposed to detect attacks using local electrical and network fingerprints. Furthermore, a novel detection framework has been designed and developed to deal with ransomware threats in high-speed, high-dimensional, multimodal data and assets from eccentric stakeholders of the connected automated vehicle (CAV) ecosystem. To mitigate the adverse effects of cyber-attacks on EVCS controllers, novel data-driven digital clones based on Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (TD3) Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has been developed. Also, various Bruteforce, Controller clones-based methods have been devised and tested to aid the defense and mitigation of the impact of the attacks of the EVCS operation. The performance of the proposed mitigation method has been compared with that of a benchmark Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG)-based digital clones approach. Simulation results obtained from the Python, Matlab/Simulink, and NetSim software demonstrate that the cyber-attacks are disruptive and detrimental to the operation of EVCS. The proposed detection and mitigation methods are effective and perform better than the conventional and benchmark techniques for the 5G-enabled EVCS

    Cyber-Physical Threat Intelligence for Critical Infrastructures Security

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    Modern critical infrastructures can be considered as large scale Cyber Physical Systems (CPS). Therefore, when designing, implementing, and operating systems for Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP), the boundaries between physical security and cybersecurity are blurred. Emerging systems for Critical Infrastructures Security and Protection must therefore consider integrated approaches that emphasize the interplay between cybersecurity and physical security techniques. Hence, there is a need for a new type of integrated security intelligence i.e., Cyber-Physical Threat Intelligence (CPTI). This book presents novel solutions for integrated Cyber-Physical Threat Intelligence for infrastructures in various sectors, such as Industrial Sites and Plants, Air Transport, Gas, Healthcare, and Finance. The solutions rely on novel methods and technologies, such as integrated modelling for cyber-physical systems, novel reliance indicators, and data driven approaches including BigData analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Some of the presented approaches are sector agnostic i.e., applicable to different sectors with a fair customization effort. Nevertheless, the book presents also peculiar challenges of specific sectors and how they can be addressed. The presented solutions consider the European policy context for Security, Cyber security, and Critical Infrastructure protection, as laid out by the European Commission (EC) to support its Member States to protect and ensure the resilience of their critical infrastructures. Most of the co-authors and contributors are from European Research and Technology Organizations, as well as from European Critical Infrastructure Operators. Hence, the presented solutions respect the European approach to CIP, as reflected in the pillars of the European policy framework. The latter includes for example the Directive on security of network and information systems (NIS Directive), the Directive on protecting European Critical Infrastructures, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and the Cybersecurity Act Regulation. The sector specific solutions that are described in the book have been developed and validated in the scope of several European Commission (EC) co-funded projects on Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP), which focus on the listed sectors. Overall, the book illustrates a rich set of systems, technologies, and applications that critical infrastructure operators could consult to shape their future strategies. It also provides a catalogue of CPTI case studies in different sectors, which could be useful for security consultants and practitioners as well

    Cyber-Physical Threat Intelligence for Critical Infrastructures Security

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    Modern critical infrastructures can be considered as large scale Cyber Physical Systems (CPS). Therefore, when designing, implementing, and operating systems for Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP), the boundaries between physical security and cybersecurity are blurred. Emerging systems for Critical Infrastructures Security and Protection must therefore consider integrated approaches that emphasize the interplay between cybersecurity and physical security techniques. Hence, there is a need for a new type of integrated security intelligence i.e., Cyber-Physical Threat Intelligence (CPTI). This book presents novel solutions for integrated Cyber-Physical Threat Intelligence for infrastructures in various sectors, such as Industrial Sites and Plants, Air Transport, Gas, Healthcare, and Finance. The solutions rely on novel methods and technologies, such as integrated modelling for cyber-physical systems, novel reliance indicators, and data driven approaches including BigData analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Some of the presented approaches are sector agnostic i.e., applicable to different sectors with a fair customization effort. Nevertheless, the book presents also peculiar challenges of specific sectors and how they can be addressed. The presented solutions consider the European policy context for Security, Cyber security, and Critical Infrastructure protection, as laid out by the European Commission (EC) to support its Member States to protect and ensure the resilience of their critical infrastructures. Most of the co-authors and contributors are from European Research and Technology Organizations, as well as from European Critical Infrastructure Operators. Hence, the presented solutions respect the European approach to CIP, as reflected in the pillars of the European policy framework. The latter includes for example the Directive on security of network and information systems (NIS Directive), the Directive on protecting European Critical Infrastructures, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and the Cybersecurity Act Regulation. The sector specific solutions that are described in the book have been developed and validated in the scope of several European Commission (EC) co-funded projects on Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP), which focus on the listed sectors. Overall, the book illustrates a rich set of systems, technologies, and applications that critical infrastructure operators could consult to shape their future strategies. It also provides a catalogue of CPTI case studies in different sectors, which could be useful for security consultants and practitioners as well

    Performance Evaluation of Network Anomaly Detection Systems

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    Nowadays, there is a huge and growing concern about security in information and communication technology (ICT) among the scientific community because any attack or anomaly in the network can greatly affect many domains such as national security, private data storage, social welfare, economic issues, and so on. Therefore, the anomaly detection domain is a broad research area, and many different techniques and approaches for this purpose have emerged through the years. Attacks, problems, and internal failures when not detected early may badly harm an entire Network system. Thus, this thesis presents an autonomous profile-based anomaly detection system based on the statistical method Principal Component Analysis (PCADS-AD). This approach creates a network profile called Digital Signature of Network Segment using Flow Analysis (DSNSF) that denotes the predicted normal behavior of a network traffic activity through historical data analysis. That digital signature is used as a threshold for volume anomaly detection to detect disparities in the normal traffic trend. The proposed system uses seven traffic flow attributes: Bits, Packets and Number of Flows to detect problems, and Source and Destination IP addresses and Ports, to provides the network administrator necessary information to solve them. Via evaluation techniques, addition of a different anomaly detection approach, and comparisons to other methods performed in this thesis using real network traffic data, results showed good traffic prediction by the DSNSF and encouraging false alarm generation and detection accuracy on the detection schema. The observed results seek to contribute to the advance of the state of the art in methods and strategies for anomaly detection that aim to surpass some challenges that emerge from the constant growth in complexity, speed and size of today’s large scale networks, also providing high-value results for a better detection in real time.Atualmente, existe uma enorme e crescente preocupação com segurança em tecnologia da informação e comunicação (TIC) entre a comunidade científica. Isto porque qualquer ataque ou anomalia na rede pode afetar a qualidade, interoperabilidade, disponibilidade, e integridade em muitos domínios, como segurança nacional, armazenamento de dados privados, bem-estar social, questões econômicas, e assim por diante. Portanto, a deteção de anomalias é uma ampla área de pesquisa, e muitas técnicas e abordagens diferentes para esse propósito surgiram ao longo dos anos. Ataques, problemas e falhas internas quando não detetados precocemente podem prejudicar gravemente todo um sistema de rede. Assim, esta Tese apresenta um sistema autônomo de deteção de anomalias baseado em perfil utilizando o método estatístico Análise de Componentes Principais (PCADS-AD). Essa abordagem cria um perfil de rede chamado Assinatura Digital do Segmento de Rede usando Análise de Fluxos (DSNSF) que denota o comportamento normal previsto de uma atividade de tráfego de rede por meio da análise de dados históricos. Essa assinatura digital é utilizada como um limiar para deteção de anomalia de volume e identificar disparidades na tendência de tráfego normal. O sistema proposto utiliza sete atributos de fluxo de tráfego: bits, pacotes e número de fluxos para detetar problemas, além de endereços IP e portas de origem e destino para fornecer ao administrador de rede as informações necessárias para resolvê-los. Por meio da utilização de métricas de avaliação, do acrescimento de uma abordagem de deteção distinta da proposta principal e comparações com outros métodos realizados nesta tese usando dados reais de tráfego de rede, os resultados mostraram boas previsões de tráfego pelo DSNSF e resultados encorajadores quanto a geração de alarmes falsos e precisão de deteção. Com os resultados observados nesta tese, este trabalho de doutoramento busca contribuir para o avanço do estado da arte em métodos e estratégias de deteção de anomalias, visando superar alguns desafios que emergem do constante crescimento em complexidade, velocidade e tamanho das redes de grande porte da atualidade, proporcionando também alta performance. Ainda, a baixa complexidade e agilidade do sistema proposto contribuem para que possa ser aplicado a deteção em tempo real

    Context-based Access Control and Attack Modelling and Analysis

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    In dieser Arbeit haben wir architekturelle Sicherheitsanalysen entwickelt, um Zugriffsverletzungen und Angriffspfade zu ermitteln. Durch die fortschreitende Digitalisierung und die zunehmende Vernetzung steigt die Bedeutung der IT-Sicherheit. Die Sicherheit eines Systems besteht aus mehreren verschiedenen Eigenschaften wie Vertraulichkeit oder Integrität. In unserer Arbeit konzentrieren wir uns auf die Vertraulichkeit. Ein vertrauliches System teilt nur die benötigten Daten mit autorisierten Entitäten. Unbefugte oder böswillige Personen erhalten keinen Zugang zu vertraulichen Daten. Die Entwicklung eines vertraulichen Systems ist jedoch schwierig, da viele verschiedene Eigenschaften Einfluss auf die Vertraulichkeit haben. Ein wichtiger Einflussfaktor ist die Zugangskontrolle. Zugriffskontrollrichtlinien definieren für jedes Element innerhalb eines Systems, unter welchen Bedingungen der Zugriff gewährt werden kann. Diese Zugriffskontrollrichtlinien berücksichtigen oft den Kontext für den Zugriff. Der Kontext kann z.B. die Zeit oder der Standort von Personen sein. Durch die Berücksichtigung steigt die Komplexität der Spezifikation der Zugriffskontrolle. Dies kann zu einer Fehlspezifikation führen. Daher ist es wichtig, die Auswirkungen einer Zugriffskontrollrichtlinie zu ermitteln. Aufgrund der Komplexität ist es jedoch schwierig, die Auswirkungen zu bestimmen, da die Analyse auch den Kontext berücksichtigen muss. Neben Zugriffskontrollrichtlinien können auch Schwachstellen die Vertraulichkeit des Systems beeinflussen. Schwachstellen können von Angreifer:innen ausgenutzt werden, um Zugang zu geschützten Entitäten im System zu erhalten. Sie ermöglichen es den Angreifer:innen also, die Zugangskontrollrichtlinien zu umgehen. Schwachstellen ermöglichen nicht nur den direkten Zugang zu Entitäten, sondern ermöglichen Angreifer:innen auch die Berechtigung anderer Personen zuerlangen. Diese Berechtigung kann dann von Angreifer:innen verwendet werden, um sich bei anderen Elementen Zugang zu verschaffen. Schwachstellen hängen jedoch auch von Zugangskontrollsystemen ab, da für einige Schwachstellen eine Berechtigung erforderlich ist. So können beispielsweise einige Schwachstellen nur von berechtigten Personen ausgenutzt werden. Um die Auswirkungen einer Schwachstelle abschätzen zu können, muss eine Analyse daher auch die Eigenschaften der Zugangskontrolle berücksichtigen. Darüber hinaus ist der Kontext der Angreifer:innen wichtig, da einige Schwachstellen nur dann ausgenutzt werden können, wenn der Angreifer:innen zuvor andere Entitäten im System kompromittiert haben. Daher wird bei Angriffen eine verkettete Liste kompromittierter Entitäten erstellt. Diese Liste wird auch als Angriffspfad bezeichnet. Sie besteht aus einer Kette von Schwachstellen, die die mehrfache Ausnutzung von Schwachstellen und Zugangskontrollrichtlinien durch Angreifer:innen darstellen. Die automatische Ableitung dieser möglichen Angriffspfade kann verwendet werden, um die Auswirkungen auf die Vertraulichkeit abzuschätzen, da sie den Expert:innen eine Rückmeldung darüber gibt, welche Elemente kompromittiert werden können. Bestehende Ansätze zur Abschätzung der Sicherheit oder der Auswirkungen von Zugangskontrollrichtlinien oder Schwachstellen konzentrieren sich oft nur auf eine der beiden Eigenschaften. Ansätze, die beide Eigenschaften berücksichtigen, sind in der Anwendungsdomäne oft sehr begrenzt, z.B. lösen sie es nur für eine Anwendungsdomäne wie Microsoft Active Directory oder sie berücksichtigen nur ein begrenztes Zugangskontrollmodell. Darüber hinaus arbeiten die meisten Ansätze mit einer Netzwerktopologie. Dies kann zwar bei der Modellierung hilfreich sein, doch berücksichtigt eine Netzwerktopologie in der Regel keine weiteren Eigenschaften wie Bereitstellung von Diensten auf Servern oder die Nutzung von Komponenten. Software-Architekturmodelle können diese Informationen jedoch liefern. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht die Verwendung von Modellen, ein System bereits während der Entwicklung oder während eines Ausfalls zu analysieren. Daher hilft es bei der Verwirklichung von Security by Design. Im Einzelnen sind unsere Beiträge: Wir haben ein Metamodell für die Zugriffskontrolle entwickelt, um kontextbasierte Zugriffskontrollrichtlinien in der Software-Architektur zu spezifizieren. Zusätzlich haben wir ein Schwachstellen-Metamodell entwickelt, um Schwachstellen in Software-Architekturen zu spezifizieren. Die Zugriffskontrollrichtlinien können in einer szenariobasierten Zugriffskontrollanalyse analysiert werden, um Zugriffsverletzungen zu identifizieren. Wir haben zwei Angriffsanalysen entwickelt. Beide können Angriffspfade auf einem Architekturmodell generieren und Schwachstellen und Zugangskontrollrichtlinien verwenden. Die eine Analyse betrachtet die Angriffsausbreitung von einem bestimmten Startpunkt in der Software-Architektur. Die andere findet Angriffspfade, die zu einem bestimmten Architekturelement führen. Wir haben unsere Sicherheitsanalysen anhand verschiedener Evaluierungsszenarien evaluiert. Diese Szenarien wurden auf der Grundlage von Evaluierungsfällen aus verwandten Arbeiten oder realen Sicherheitsvorfällen erstellt. Für die erste Analyse haben wir die Genauigkeit bei der Identifizierung von Zugriffsverletzungen untersucht. Unsere Ergebnisse deuten auf eine hohe Genauigkeit hin. Für die beiden Angriffsanalysen untersuchten wir die Genauigkeit hinsichtlich der gefundenen kompromittierten Elemente, die Aufwandsreduzierung bei der Verwendung unserer Analysen und die Skalierbarkeit. Unsere Ergebnisse deuten auf eine hohe Genauigkeit und eine Aufwandsreduzierung hin. Allerdings ist die Skalierbarkeit für beide Ansätze nicht ideal. Für kleinere Software-Architekturen ist sie jedoch akzeptabel. Der von uns entwickelte Ansatz kann Software-Architekt:innen dabei helfen, sicherere Systeme zu entwerfen. Der Ansatz kann die Auswirkungen von Zugriffskontrollrichtlinien anhand von Zugriffsverletzungen und für Schwachstellen zusammen mit Zugriffskontrollrichtlinien anhand von Angriffspfaden aufzeigen. Durch die Verwendung von Software-Architekturmodellen kann unser Ansatz dieses Feedback bereits während des Entwurfs der Software liefern. Dies kann helfen, nach "Security by Design" zu entwickeln


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    Several newly emerged wireless technologies (e.g., Internet-of-Things, Bluetooth, NFC)—extensively backed by the tech industry—are being widely adopted and have resulted in a proliferation of diverse smart appliances and gadgets (e.g., smart thermostat, wearables, smartphones), which has ensuingly shaped our modern digital life. These technologies include several communication protocols that usually have stringent requirements stated in their specifications. Failing to comply with such requirements can result in incorrect behaviors, interoperability issues, or even security vulnerabilities. Moreover, lack of robustness of the protocol implementation to malicious attacks—exploiting subtle vulnerabilities in the implementation—mounted by the compromised nodes in an adversarial environment can limit the practical utility of the implementation by impairing the performance of the protocol and can even have detrimental effects on the availability of the network. Even having a compliant and robust implementation alone may not suffice in many cases because these technologies often expose new attack surfaces as well as new propagation vectors, which can be exploited by unprecedented malware and can quickly lead to an epidemic

    Designing and Operating Safe and Secure Transit Systems: Assessing Current Practices in the United States and Abroad, MTI Report 04-05

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    Public transit systems around the world have for decades served as a principal venue for terrorist acts. Today, transit security is widely viewed as an important public policy issue and is a high priority at most large transit systems and at smaller systems operating in large metropolitan areas. Research on transit security in the United States has mushroomed since 9/11; this study is part of that new wave of research. This study contributes to our understanding of transit security by (1) reviewing and synthesizing nearly all previously published research on transit terrorism; (2) conducting detailed case studies of transit systems in London, Madrid, New York, Paris, Tokyo, and Washington, D.C.; (3) interviewing federal officials here in the United States responsible for overseeing transit security and transit industry representatives both here and abroad to learn about efforts to coordinate and finance transit security planning; and (4) surveying 113 of the largest transit operators in the United States. Our major findings include: (1) the threat of transit terrorism is probably not universal—most major attacks in the developed world have been on the largest systems in the largest cities; (2) this asymmetry of risk does not square with fiscal politics that seek to spread security funding among many jurisdictions; (3) transit managers are struggling to balance the costs and (uncertain) benefits of increased security against the costs and (certain) benefits of attracting passengers; (4) coordination and cooperation between security and transit agencies is improving, but far from complete; (5) enlisting passengers in surveillance has benefits, but fearful passengers may stop using public transit; (6) the role of crime prevention through environmental design in security planning is waxing; and (7) given the uncertain effectiveness of antitransit terrorism efforts, the most tangible benefits of increased attention to and spending on transit security may be a reduction in transit-related person and property crimes

    Cyber Law and Espionage Law as Communicating Vessels

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    Professor Lubin\u27s contribution is Cyber Law and Espionage Law as Communicating Vessels, pp. 203-225. Existing legal literature would have us assume that espionage operations and “below-the-threshold” cyber operations are doctrinally distinct. Whereas one is subject to the scant, amorphous, and under-developed legal framework of espionage law, the other is subject to an emerging, ever-evolving body of legal rules, known cumulatively as cyber law. This dichotomy, however, is erroneous and misleading. In practice, espionage and cyber law function as communicating vessels, and so are better conceived as two elements of a complex system, Information Warfare (IW). This paper therefore first draws attention to the similarities between the practices – the fact that the actors, technologies, and targets are interchangeable, as are the knee-jerk legal reactions of the international community. In light of the convergence between peacetime Low-Intensity Cyber Operations (LICOs) and peacetime Espionage Operations (EOs) the two should be subjected to a single regulatory framework, one which recognizes the role intelligence plays in our public world order and which adopts a contextual and consequential method of inquiry. The paper proceeds in the following order: Part 2 provides a descriptive account of the unique symbiotic relationship between espionage and cyber law, and further explains the reasons for this dynamic. Part 3 places the discussion surrounding this relationship within the broader discourse on IW, making the claim that the convergence between EOs and LICOs, as described in Part 2, could further be explained by an even larger convergence across all the various elements of the informational environment. Parts 2 and 3 then serve as the backdrop for Part 4, which details the attempt of the drafters of the Tallinn Manual 2.0 to compartmentalize espionage law and cyber law, and the deficits of their approach. The paper concludes by proposing an alternative holistic understanding of espionage law, grounded in general principles of law, which is more practically transferable to the cyber realmhttps://www.repository.law.indiana.edu/facbooks/1220/thumbnail.jp
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