1,279 research outputs found

    PathCase-SB architecture and database design

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Integration of metabolic pathways resources and regulatory metabolic network models, and deploying new tools on the integrated platform can help perform more effective and more efficient systems biology research on understanding the regulation in metabolic networks. Therefore, the tasks of (a) integrating under a single database environment regulatory metabolic networks and existing models, and (b) building tools to help with modeling and analysis are desirable and intellectually challenging computational tasks.</p> <p>Description</p> <p>PathCase Systems Biology (PathCase-SB) is built and released. The PathCase-SB database provides data and API for multiple user interfaces and software tools. The current PathCase-SB system provides a database-enabled framework and web-based computational tools towards facilitating the development of kinetic models for biological systems. PathCase-SB aims to integrate data of selected biological data sources on the web (currently, BioModels database and KEGG), and to provide more powerful and/or new capabilities via the new web-based integrative framework. This paper describes architecture and database design issues encountered in PathCase-SB's design and implementation, and presents the current design of PathCase-SB's architecture and database.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>PathCase-SB architecture and database provide a highly extensible and scalable environment with easy and fast (real-time) access to the data in the database. PathCase-SB itself is already being used by researchers across the world.</p

    Understanding emerging client-Side web vulnerabilities using dynamic program analysis

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    Today's Web heavily relies on JavaScript as it is the main driving force behind the plethora of Web applications that we enjoy daily. The complexity and amount of this client-side code have been steadily increasing over the years. At the same time, new vulnerabilities keep being uncovered, for which we mostly rely on manual analysis of security experts. Unfortunately, such manual efforts do not scale to the problem space at hand. Therefore in this thesis, we present techniques capable of finding vulnerabilities automatically and at scale that originate from malicious inputs to postMessage handlers, polluted prototypes, and client-side storage mechanisms. Our results highlight that the investigated vulnerabilities are prevalent even among the most popular sites, showing the need for automated systems that help developers uncover them in a timely manner. Using the insights gained during our empirical studies, we provide recommendations for developers and browser vendors to tackle the underlying problems in the future. Furthermore, we show that security mechanisms designed to mitigate such and similar issues cannot currently be deployed by first-party applications due to their reliance on third-party functionality. This leaves developers in a no-win situation, in which either functionality can be preserved or security enforced.JavaScript ist die treibende Kraft hinter all den Web Applikationen, die wir heutzutage täglich nutzen. Allerdings ist über die Zeit hinweg gesehen die Masse, aber auch die Komplexität, von Client-seitigem JavaScript Code stetig gestiegen. Außerdem finden Sicherheitsexperten immer wieder neue Arten von Verwundbarkeiten, meistens durch manuelle Analyse des Codes. In diesem Werk untersuchen wir deshalb Methodiken, mit denen wir automatisch Verwundbarkeiten finden können, die von postMessages, veränderten Prototypen, oder Werten aus Client-seitigen Persistenzmechnanismen stammen. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die untersuchten Schwachstellen selbst unter den populärsten Websites weit verbreitet sind, was den Bedarf an automatisierten Systemen zeigt, die Entwickler bei der rechtzeitigen Aufdeckung dieser Schwachstellen unterstützen. Anhand der in unseren empirischen Studien gewonnenen Erkenntnissen geben wir Empfehlungen für Entwickler und Browser-Anbieter, um die zugrunde liegenden Probleme in Zukunft anzugehen. Zudem zeigen wir auf, dass Sicherheitsmechanismen, die solche und ähnliche Probleme mitigieren sollen, derzeit nicht von Seitenbetreibern eingesetzt werden können, da sie auf die Funktionalität von Drittanbietern angewiesen sind. Dies zwingt den Seitenbetreiber dazu, zwischen Funktionalität und Sicherheit zu wählen

    Building an Emulation Environment for Cyber Security Analyses of Complex Networked Systems

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    Computer networks are undergoing a phenomenal growth, driven by the rapidly increasing number of nodes constituting the networks. At the same time, the number of security threats on Internet and intranet networks is constantly growing, and the testing and experimentation of cyber defense solutions requires the availability of separate, test environments that best emulate the complexity of a real system. Such environments support the deployment and monitoring of complex mission-driven network scenarios, thus enabling the study of cyber defense strategies under real and controllable traffic and attack scenarios. In this paper, we propose a methodology that makes use of a combination of techniques of network and security assessment, and the use of cloud technologies to build an emulation environment with adjustable degree of affinity with respect to actual reference networks or planned systems. As a byproduct, starting from a specific study case, we collected a dataset consisting of complete network traces comprising benign and malicious traffic, which is feature-rich and publicly available

    Cost Simulation and Performance Optimization of Web-based Applications on Mobile Channels

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    When considering the addition of a mobile presentation channel to an existing web-based application, a key question that has to be answered even before development begins is how the mobile channel's characteristics will impact the user experience and the cost of using the application. If either of these factors is outside acceptable limits, economical considerations may forbid adding the channels, even if it would be feasible from a purely technical perspective. Both of these factors depend considerably on two metrics: The time required to transmit data over the mobile network, and the volume transmitted. The PETTICOAT method presented in this paper uses the dialog flow model and web server log files of an existing application to identify typical interaction sequences and to compile volume statistics, which are then run through a tool that simulates the volume and time that would be incurred by executing the interaction sequences on a mobile channel. From the simulated volume and time data, we can then calculate the cost of accessing the application on a mobile channel, and derive suitable approaches for optimizing cost and response times